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直播稻丸化种衣剂应用效果初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2005年采用自行研制的水稻丸化种衣剂包衣直播稻种子,在汉寿和浏阳进行了试验研究。结果表明。相比对照,丸化剂能加快直播稻出苗、促进分蘖、增加干物质积累,最终明显提高了秧苗综合素质;同时农药成分能有效防治秧苗期稻蓟马危害,防效达70.89%。最终产量平均增幅5.83%~8.59%,单位面积有效穗数明显增多是增产的主要原因。  相似文献   

平铺镇是水稻种植大镇,水稻直播技术被越来越多的农民采用,但种植技术参差不齐,倒伏情况普遍存在,导致产量下滑,对此提出了在生产管理过程中的具体意见及应对措施.  相似文献   

不同直播方式下种子处理方式对直播稻出苗和产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了选择合理的种子处理方式,解决水稻机直播全苗问题,选择杂交稻川优6203、常规稻金农丝苗,在水直播、旱直播方式下,比较了干种子直播、浸泡48 h后直播、浸泡48h催芽至露白后直播、浸泡48 h催芽至半粒谷长后直播等方式对水稻出苗率、基本苗数、有效穗数、颖花数、结实率、千粒重以及产量的影响。结果表明,种子浸泡48 h催芽至露白时播种,有较高的出苗率,可以确保较高的基本苗数。不同种子处理方式对直播稻的有效穗数、千粒重的影响达极显著水平,对颖花数及结实率的影响不显著。在水直播方式下浸泡48 h,催芽露白或至半粒谷长时直播,不仅有利于增加群体数量,还有利于改善产量性状。无论采用水直播还是旱直播方式,宜将种子浸种48 h后催芽至露白时进行机直播,出苗率高,群体足,产量性状合理,可以获得较高产量。  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(3):166-172

To elucidate the physiological characteristics relating to better seedling establishment in submerged field under low-temperature conditions, we compared the time required to reach various growth stages after seed imbibition among rice {Oryza sativa L.) varieties differing in the performance of seedling establishment. Two experiments were conducted. In the field experiment, the percentage of seedlings with expanded second leaf at 30 days after sowing (PSSL) was measured and regarded as the index of establishment rate for each variety. In agar-bed experiment, the number of germinated seeds, the seedlings with the coleoptile elongated to the medium surface, and the seedlings with the 1st leaf apparent were counted daily under a 16°G condition. A sigmoid model was applied to the above values to evaluate the time requirements. There was a significant correlation between the duration from 50% germination to 50% emergence in the agar-bed experiment and PSSL in the field experiments. However, the duration from imbibition to 50% germination, and that from 50% emergence to 50% appearance of the first leaf were not significantly correlated with PSSL. We found that fast growth of the coleoptile is an important characteristic for the varieties that can provide stable and excellent seedling establishment at low temperature.  相似文献   

草铵膦在转基因抗除草剂杂交稻直播栽培中的应用效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以转基因抗除草剂杂交早稻“株1S/Bar68—1”为材料,常规除草剂2次除草方式为对照,探讨了草铵膦1次除草方式在水稻直播栽培中的应用效果。结果表明:与常规除草(效果表现为千金子草害)相比,灭生性除草剂草铵膦除草对供试材料株叶形态无显著影响,但使田间杂草数量减少85.3%,减少产量损失33.1%,节约成本37.5%。“株1S!Bar68—1”直播栽培中应用草铵膦除草剂1次除草的技术要点为:草铵膦有效成分0.6g/L,每公顷用量720—960L(有效成分剂量432~576g/hm2),于分蘖末期紧挨冠层均匀喷雾,冒头杂草重点喷施。  相似文献   

确定单位面积内的最适播量是采用母本撒播技术进行杂交稻春、夏季制种,获得高产群体的关键措施之一。经过对V20A、珍汕97A不同播量的试验表明:威优64、汕优64撒播制种中,单位面积母本植株成苗数与该面积的制种产量、有效穗数、总颖花数呈极显著的正相关。并提出了决定母本最宜播量的公式为g/m2=130÷发芽率÷成秧率×粒重。  相似文献   

对不同耕作方式2种基因型水稻的立苗期根系特性进行研究.结果表明:两优培九、金优253立苗期免耕抛秧单株根干重、单条根长、根毛区长略低于常耕抛秧,但差异不显著.免耕提高了水稻立苗后期总根数、白根数、根系活力和超氧化物歧化酶活性.立苗期超级稻两优培九的单株根生物量、总根数、一次分枝、二次分枝根数量、根系活力和超氧化物歧化酶活性均显著高于金优253.  相似文献   

沿海地区直播稻与移栽稻之间有着不同的生育进程,有害生物发生特点表现为发生种类多,危害主次中有更迭,杂草已经成为直播稻稳产的主要障碍,气候型和迁飞性病虫防治重点后移。应在准确预测预报的基础上,采取农业措施与化学防治相结合、专项治理与阶段性统防统治相结合的控制策略,选准选对高效药剂,确保直播稻稳产。  相似文献   

[目的]筛选出适宜在金华地区规模种植的生育期短、抗性好、稳产高产的早稻品种.[方法]采用直播栽培模式,进行不同早稻品种的对比试验,了解不同早稻品种的农艺性状及产量情况.[结果]金早09生育期适中,成穗率高,有效穗数足,但结实率偏低;中早39产量高,但生育期偏长,应适期早播或机插栽培以提高产量;中组143全生育期最短,有...  相似文献   

大田直播条件下,研究了壮芽灵浸种对三系杂交水稻德香4103群体结构和产量的影响。结果表明:(1)壮芽灵浸种可以显著提高稻种的发芽势,但发芽率提高不显著;(2)壮芽灵浸种可以缩短从始苗到全苗的时间2 d,在播种量相同的条件下,基本苗和出苗率得到显著提高,基本苗从56.67万株/hm^2提高到68.89万株/hm^2,出苗率从75%提高到91%;(3)壮芽灵浸种可以显著提高群体最高苗数和成穗率,最高苗从573.33万/hm^2提高到612.22万/hm^2,成穗率从44%提高到47%;(4)壮芽灵浸种后有效穗数、结实率、千粒重显著提高,增产达7.70%。  相似文献   

【目的]为明确浙北稻区直播单晚水稻的适宜播期和播量提供理论参考。【方法】以常规中熟晚粳秀水09为试材,在桐乡市龙翔街道和乌镇针对不同播期和播量开展研究,分析播期和播量对生育特性、穗粒结构和产量的影响。[结果]不同播期和播量对苗峰出现期、齐穗期、成熟期以及株高、总叶龄均有明显影响。随着播期的推迟和播量的增加,有效穗数增加,每穗总粒数和实粒数显著减少,千粒重也略有降低,产量下降明显。[结论】秀水09作当地直播单晚栽培的最佳播期为5月底至6月初,最佳播量为30.0~37.5kg/hm^2。  相似文献   


Sulfide ion generation in strictly reduced soil might be a factor impairing rice seedling establishment. The molybdate ion is known to suppress the microbial transformation of sulfide ions from sulfate ions. I investigated the effect of molybdate on rice establishment in sulfate-applied submerged soil. The establishment of rice seeds sown in sulfate-applied submerged soil was markedly improved by application of potassium molybdate at a rate of 1.5?15 mmol kg-1 dried soil. The application of potassium molybdate delayed the decline of the sulfur concentration in the soil solution near the seeds and the appearance of circular black stains, or insoluble iron sulfide indicating the generation of sulfide ion, around seeds in the soil. Irrespective of the application of molybdate, the redox potential near the seeds was low enough to allow generation of sulfide ions, implying that molybdate suppresses the generation of sulfide ions with no effect on redox potential. These results suggest that the application of molybdate could improve rice seedling establishment in sulfur-rich submerged soil by suppressing the generation of sulfide ions, that is a possible factor suppressing the establishment of rice seeds sown in sulfur-rich submerged soil.  相似文献   

水稻穿梭育种的选择效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 研究了中国水稻研究所和国际水稻研究所间穿梭育种各世代材料性状的表现和相关,明确了水稻穿梭育种的有效性。穿梭育种材料在中国杭州种植时, 生育期较长,植株较高,有效穗数较少。杂种上下代性状均达显著或极显著相关。在中国杭州和菲律宾洛斯巴尼奥斯两个不同生态环境条件下对水稻性状特别是直链淀粉含量、粒重. 株高、生育期和褐稻虱抗性等的选择是可靠的,对单株产量则应通过每穗实粒数和有效穗数进行间接选择, 应注重对大穗型或穗重与穗数兼顾型材料的选择。  相似文献   

根据实际操作经验,总结了湖北省旱直播水稻恶苗病的发生规律及防治措施,采用拌种、药剂防治等综合技术能大大减轻恶苗病的发生,为湖北省旱直播水稻的恶苗病防治提供了参考。  相似文献   

【Objective】 The purpose of the study is to ascertain the effect of precise hill-sowing and drill-sowing methods on seedling raising and the characteristics of mechanized transplanting of hybrid rice with a low seed sowing rate below 70 g, and to further break the current technical bottleneck in mechanized transplanting process of hybrid rice. 【Method】 In this study, Zhongzheyou 1 and Yongyou 1540 were mechanically hill-sowed and drill-sowed in standard seedling raising trays with mechanized broadcasting as the control. The hill-sowing specification was 16×34 hill, and 16 drills were set in longitudinal direction for drill sowing. The seed sowing rates were 5 seeds, 3 seeds, and 2 seeds per hill for hill sowing, and the same seed rates were set in drill sowing. The effects of different sowing methods on the growth of seedlings and their mechanical transplanting characteristics were investigated. 【Results】 1) Sowing methods presented no significant effect on seedling percentage with a reduction in seeding rate. 2) A reduction in seeding rate improved rice seedling consistency, especially in hill sowing and drill sowing as compared with broadcasting. 3) In comparison with seed broadcasting, under hill seeding and drill seeding, seedling roots were more entwined as seedling mats. Under hill-sowing and drill sowing, Zhongzheyou 1 and Yongyou 1540 had 75.4% and 81.0% higher intertwining force than that of broadcasting, respectively. Precise hill- and drill-sowing generated effective seedling blanket without significant difference between the two treatments, while broadcast sowing did not. 4) Hill sowing and drill sowing significantly reduced the missed hill percent of machine transplanting. The missed hill percent of Zhongzheyou 1 and Yongyou 1540 under hill sowing and drill sowing were 76.3% and 74.6% lower than that of broadcast sowing in average, respectively. The missed hill percent for hill-seeding and drill-seeding with 3 seeds per hill was below 1%, 10% lower than that of broadcast sowing. 5) The uniformity of machine-transplanted seedling under hill sowing and drill sowing were better than that of broadcast sowing. And the proportion of the treatments with expected seedling-catching number in mechanized transplanting (2 to 5 seedlings with 5 seeds per hill, 1 to 3 seedlings with 3 seeds per hill and 1 to 2 seedlings with 2 seeds per hill) for the two cultivars were all above 80% in hill-sowing and drill-sowing in combination with machine transplanting, and the seedling uniformity of machine-transplanted Zhongzheyou 1 and Yongyou 1540 was 121.2% and 67.0% higher than that under broadcast sowing. Meanwhile hill sowing had a better result than drill sowing. 【Conclusion】 Precision hill seeding and drill seeding provide an alternative measure to current problems such as large amount of seeds, high missed hill percent and uneven seedling taking in the process of machine transplanting of rice.  相似文献   

【目的】明确杂交稻70 g以下低播量精量穴播和条播对育秧效果及机插特性的影响,突破生产中杂交稻机插的技术瓶颈。【方法】以中浙优1号和甬优1540两个杂交稻品种为材料,利用机插标准9寸盘,设置机械穴播和条播两个精量播种方式,并以机械流水线撒播为对照,穴播规格为16(纵向)×34(横向)穴,条播为纵向16条,以穴播5粒、3粒及2粒的播种量进行播种试验。考查了低播量下不同播种方式对秧苗生长影响及配套取秧效果【结果】1)低播量下不同播种方式对秧苗成苗率的影响不大。2)降低播种量提高秧苗生长一致性,且穴播和条播秧苗生长一致性好于撒播。3)与撒播相比,精量穴播和条播能够在低播量下提高秧苗根系盘结力和成毯性,中浙优1号和甬优1540根系盘结力比撒播平均高75.4%和81.0%,播量每穴3粒时即能有效成毯,穴播和条播差异不大。4)精量穴播和条播能够显著降低低播量下机插漏秧率,中浙优1号和甬优1540机插漏秧率平均分别比撒播低76.3%和74.6%,穴播和条播下,两个品种每穴播量3粒的漏秧率均在1%以下,与撒播相比降幅在10个百分点以上。5)精量穴播和条播机插取秧苗数均匀度比撒播要好,两个品种预期取秧2~5苗(5粒)、1~3苗(3粒)和1~2苗(2粒)比例均达80%以上,中浙优1号和甬优1540机插苗数均匀度平均比撒播高121.2%和67.0%,其中,穴播机插取秧苗数均匀度及预期取秧苗数比例高于条播。【结论】精量穴播和条播可以解决目前杂交稻机插用种量大、漏秧率高和机插取秧苗数均匀度差的问题。  相似文献   

不同播种量对水稻秧苗素质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选取五优稻4号为试验材料,对其进行6个不同播种量对秧苗素质影响的试验研究。结果表明:播种量300~400g/m2可获得较好的秧苗素质,采用300~400 g/m2的播种量,第一叶鞘高应可控制在3 cm左右、苗期立枯病发病面积10%、秧苗高度叶龄茎基宽适中、白根数16个、百株地上干重较高。  相似文献   

不同pH条件下镉对水稻种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不同pH条件下,不同浓度Cd2+处理对水稻种子的发芽势有影响,在一定程度上促进了种子的萌发,但最终不影响发芽率。Cd2+胁迫对稻苗的生长有很大的抑制作用,尤其在其浓度达到10 mg/l以上时非常明显,但当pH达到9时,这种抑制作用得到了明显的缓解,这可能是因为在pH达到9的碱性条件下,可吸收的Cd2+变成了难吸收的Cd络合物,从而减轻了对稻苗的危害。  相似文献   

广西机直播稻发展难点及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过实地调研、科学试验和文献查询等方法,全面掌握了广西直播稻的发展现状,明确了广西机直播稻发展中存在的主要问题。广西发展水稻机直播存在的主要问题是:缺乏适宜品种、现有直播机的适应性不广、一次性成苗全苗困难、杂草防治难等。并提出了相应的技术对策,以期为广西发展水稻机直播提供指导。  相似文献   

 1982~1985年在辽宁省丹东市前阳水稻试验站对用三个田间抗性亲本配成的六个组合(银河/蒙古稻、蒙古稻/银河、誉锦/蒙古稻、蒙古稻/黎明、银河/水原300粒和银河/京越1号)的F_1、F+2和F_3代的表现做了调查。试验结果表明,单位叶面积上的侵染点数和感病病斑数、病斑在单位时间内的扩展速度、发病叶面积百分率(DLA)以及穗颈瘟百分率在F_2和F_3的分布都为连续正态或偏态分布,变异位于双亲之间,很少有超亲现象,证明这种田间抗性为多基因控制的数量性状,广义遗传力(平均)和狭义遗传力(平均)分别以单位叶面积上的感病病斑数(h_B~2=79.5%)和穗颈瘟百分率(h_N~2=65.3%)最高。各性状的亲子相关都达显著水平。文中提出,育种中田间抗性的选择,低世代(2—4代)以DLA为指标,高世代(5代以后)以感病病斑数和病斑扩展速度为指标。对叶瘟和穗瘟抗性的选择应分别进行。  相似文献   

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