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《Plant Production Science》2013,16(3):292-296

The relationship between pod dehiscence and the position and moisture content of pods was examined in two soybean cultivars, Fukuyutaka and Keito-daizu. The frequency of pod dehiscence at different parts of the stem was assessed by the strain-gauge method. Pods of the two cultivars were classifi ed into indehiscent, dehiscent (dehisced by the strain-gauge method) and naturally dehiscent pods. The moisture content of pods was measured after drying in a hot-air oven at 105±1°C for 24 hrs. In both Fukuyutaka and Keito-daizu, the pods at maturity were not dehisced at any part of the stem due to the high moisture content of pods. After maturity, the frequency of pod dehiscence at the upper part of the stem increased as the moisture content of pods decreased in both Fukuyutaka and Keito-daizu. A similar tendency was observed in both the fi eld and the pot experiments. The frequency of pod dehiscence was higher at the upper part of the stem and increased as the moisture content of pods decreased.  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(4):373-382

The varietal difference of pod dehiscence in 25 soybean cultivars consisting of 16 Japanese and 9 Thai cultivars was examined at 3, 5, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 days after placing in a desiccator (desiccator method) and 2, 4 and 7 hrs after placing in an oven at 60ºC (oven-dried method). The cultivars examined were divided into susceptible and resistant groups according to the degree of pod dehiscence. Most of the Japanese cultivars (excepting Suzuotome) and NS1 were susceptible while most of the Thai cultivars (excepting NS1) and Suzuotome were resistant to dehiscence. The degrees of pod dehiscence measured by the desiccator and oven-dried methods were nearly the same, and the moisture content of the pods not dehisced was always higher than that of the dehisced pod. The effect of ambient humidity on pod dehiscence was examined in five soybean cultivars SJ5, Shirotae, Tamahomare, CM60 and Fukuyutaka. When the pods were exposed to 15 or 25% relative humidity (RH), the pods of susceptible cultivars, Shirotae, Tamahomare and Fukuyutaka, started to dehisce at 24 hrs after the start of the treatment, but those of resistant cultivars, SJ5 and CM60, did not dehisce for 72 hrs. None of the cultivars dehisced under 50 and 60% RH. These results revealed that placing the pods in the desiccator for 14 days (desiccator method) or exposing the pods to 60ºC for 7 hrs in an oven (oven-dried method) were useful methods for checking the degree of dehiscence.  相似文献   

为了探究大豆炸荚的形态学特征和调控机制,本文从荚的表观形态、解剖结构和荚壁的形态学,炸荚的物理张力、荚果水分含量和环境中相对湿度的作用,调控炸荚的关键酶和内源激素的生理学以及炸荚基因的定位、标记和克隆等分子生物学的角度,重点综述了有关大豆炸荚特性研究的最新进展,讨论了相关作物的研究成果,并展望了今后大豆炸荚研究需要重视的几个方面,为解析大豆炸荚机制和创制抗炸荚的大豆新种质提供参考。  相似文献   

以黑农38等6个不同基因型大豆为材料,在鼓粒期对豆荚和叶片的面积在主茎上垂直分布、荚皮和叶片的叶绿素含量、光合速率等生理参数进行了研究.结果表明:高产春大豆在鼓粒期间荚面积为叶片面积的19.83%~35.44%,荚皮叶绿素含量为叶片的5.67%~8.20%,荚的真光合速率为叶片的13.32%~55.98%.黑农38的荚面积占叶面积百分比值、叶片的真光合速率均最高,分别为34.85%、26.4μmolCO_2·m~(-2)·s~(-1);豆荚的真光合速率以吉育67最高,为8.48μmolCO_2·m~(-2)·s~(-1),石豆2号最低,为2.24μmol CO_2·m~(-2)·s~(-1).荚的主要光合生理参数基因型之间的差异大.要进一步提高大豆产量,应发挥鼓粒期荚的光合潜力.  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(4):243-246

Pod growth in soybean (Glycine max(L.) Merr.) begins several days after flower opening, compared with more immediate growth in other beans. We investigated the relationship between genotype, raceme order of pod set, assimilate supply or photoperiod and the length of lag period of pod growth (LP, days from flower opening to the time when pod length reaches 10 mm). Soybean (five cultivars) plants were grown in a greenhouse and in the field in 2001. The lengths of pods developed from 20 flowers which opened on the same day and set on the same raceme order, were measured every other day. The length of LP varied with the cultivar from 5 to 16 days and it was longer in late cultivars. The LP in the primary raceme (early flowers) was 15 days but that in the secondary raceme (late flowers) was 8 days. Both late sowing and short photoperiod (lOh) after the start of flowering shortened the LP by up to 7 days in Enrei and 5 days in Fukuyutaka. However, neither sink (except the target racemes) removal nor BA application to the target racemes at the start of flowering affected the length of LP, even though these treatments were expected to stimulate pod growth.  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(2):199-206

Soybean plants differentiate abundant floral buds, but most of them fail to grow pods and abort during development. Many studies indicated promotive effects of exogenously applied cytokinin on pod setting, but the effects of auxin application on pod set are ambiguous. In this study, we examined the changes in the concentrations of endogenous auxin and cytokinin in racemes and the effects of application of the two hormones on pod setting to clarify the role of auxin and cytokinin in soybean pod setting. The long-raceme soybean genotype IX93-100 was grown in pots and in the field. The auxin (IAA, indoleacetic acid) concentration in racemes was high for a long period from pre-anthesis to 9 days after anthesis (DAA) of the first flower on a raceme, but the cytokinin concentration was high for a short period, with a peak at 9 DAA. The IAA concentration was higher in distal portions of racemes, but the cytokinin concentration was higher in basal portions of racemes. In pot-grown plants, IAA applied to racemes tended to reduce the number of flowers and pods. In contrast, 6-benzylaminopurine (BA) applied to racemes before anthesis tended to reduce the number of flowers and pods, and that applied around 7 DAA significantly increased the pod-set percentage. However, these effects of IAA and BA application were slight in field-grown plants. These results indicate that the concentration of endogenous auxin and cytokinin in racemes changes in a different manner, and that cytokinins have a positive, and auxin a negative effect on pod setting when respective hormones are applied to racemes after the anthesis stage.  相似文献   


The application of synthetic cytokinin (6-benzylaminopurine, BA) to racemes of soybean genotype IX93-100 at 7 days after anthesis (DAA) enhanced pod-set percentage of the florets at the 5th position and above (numbered from the base on rachis). The endogenous cytokinin (trans-zeatin riboside) content of individual florets was measured at the 1, 3, 5, 7th position every 3 days after anthesis. Cytokinin was detected only from the florets at 9 DAA, and the content was higher in the more proximal florets while it became negligible in the 7th floret. These results suggest that an increase in the amount of cytokinin in individual florets might enhance the pod setting of the florets positioned at the middle or distal part within the raceme.  相似文献   

大豆荚数类型和空间分布决定产量的形成。以有一个共同亲本的两个重组自交系群体为遗传材料,按照植株的上、中、下3个部位调查一粒荚、二粒荚、三粒荚和四粒荚的数量,采用完备复合区间作图法进行QTL定位。结果表明:在两个群体中一粒荚、二粒荚、三粒荚、四粒荚在空间分布存在极显著的变异,部位间不同豆荚类型组成有显著差异,并且两个群体不同类型豆荚在不同部位分布的遗传基础不同,共检测到59个控制荚数性状的QTL,解释了0~11.45%的表型变异;两个群体检测到的荚数QTL中有30个QTL是本研究首次发现的。  相似文献   

大豆鼓粒阶段是决定大豆产量的重要阶段,鼓粒速率可以利用粒重和荚果厚度与花后天数的关系进行模拟估计。田间分别种植3个粒重差异较大的大豆材料(中黄37,秦豆10号和JTN-5503),通过花期标记,利用不同取样方式(定位和随机),连续测定大豆粒重和荚果厚度,拟合其与花后天数的动态变化。结果显示:(1)线性函数和二次多项式函数可以有效模拟大豆鲜(干)重和荚果厚度与花后天数之间的关系;(2)与籽粒鲜重表示的鼓粒速率比较,籽粒干重增速估值偏高,而基于荚果厚度的估值偏低;(3)不同材料间的荚果平均增厚速率存在差异,但不同材料的初始速率估值差异不大;(4)荚果厚度定位测定的试验误差最小。因此,荚果厚度定位连续测定法可用于大豆鼓粒速率的度量,其结果与籽粒重表示的鼓粒速率有较好的一致性。  相似文献   

我国青贮玉米育种的策略与目标*   总被引:62,自引:14,他引:62  
尽管青贮玉米对畜牧业的发展具有重要作用,但是我国对青贮玉米的认识和研究刚刚起步,存在许多问题.本文在借鉴欧美等发达国家对青贮玉米研究成果的基础上,结合作者最近几年的研究,对青贮玉米的概念、育种策略和育种目标进行了分析。  相似文献   

化控是大豆一项重要的增产技术.为探明化控条件下大豆非叶光合器官对粒重相对光合贡献的变化规律,以黑农41和新早-1为材料,采用铝铂遮光法研究了花期麦业丰化控处理(CK、化控1次、化控2次)条件下,大豆鼓粒期间荚、叶柄、叶片对粒重相对光合贡献的变化.结果表明,荚对粒重相对光合贡献依次为4.84%、8.44%、17.58%;叶柄对粒重相对光合贡献依次为5.91%、3.34%、12.92%;叶片对粒重相对光合贡献分别为34.03%、26.29%、17.00%.麦业丰化控提高了荚、叶柄对粒重相对光合贡献,降低了叶片对粒重相对光合贡献.化控技术增产与叶片和豆荚光合性能的改变有关.  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(2):209-217

The growth and seed yields of 2 Japanese and 3 Chinese cultivars of soybeans cultivated in 2002-2005 using a drip irrigation system in the arid area of Xinjiang, China, were analyzed with respect to growth parameters and air temperature. Seed yield was very high in 2002, 2003 and 2004, but relatively low in 2005. The variation among years in seed yield clearly depended on pod number. The mean leaf area index (LAI) and crop growth rate (CGR) in 2005 was lower than those in the other 3 years. CGR showed significant positive correlations with mean LAI at the early growing stages, and with net assimilation rate (NAR) at the later growing stages. The increasing rate of pod number (IRP) was positively correlated with the mean LAI and CGR at the pod setting period, suggesting that an adequate supply of photosynthates would be required for pod setting. It was concluded that excellent growth in the years with high yields was supported by the large LAI before the pod setting periods and by high NAR and vigorous pod growth at the latter half of the growing season.  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(4):434-439

Flooding during germination inhibits the sprouting and emergence of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.], reducing subsequent growth and yield. Previous studies revealed that cultivars tolerant to pre-germination flooding have a mechanism of reducing water absorption speed (WAS) during the initial stage of inundation; however, seed structures involved in WAS have not been fully clarified to date. The objectives of this study were to identify possible seed structures responsible for cultivar difference in WAS and pre-germination flooding tolerance. WAS of two tolerant cultivars (Peking and Williams) and two susceptible cultivars (Nakasennari and Enrei), which were identified in our previous study, was compared in relation to seed structures. In Peking, WAS was markedly lower than that of the other cultivars, either in intact seed or seed with the seed coat removed, suggesting that both the seed coat and the embryo have a mechanism of reducing WAS in this cultivar. WAS of the hilum side tended to be higher than that of the back side, and sealing of the micropyle significantly lowered WAS, showing that the micropyle rather than the hilum appeared to be responsible for the higher WAS of the hilum side regardless of cultivar. A comparison of cross section area of the hilum revealed that the tolerant cultivars tended to have a larger area than the susceptible cultivars, suggesting that an inner space of the hilum can act as a reservoir at the initial stage of inundation, thereby reducing WAS in tolerant cultivars.  相似文献   

大豆种子抗老化鉴定的方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选用遗传差异相对较大的皖豆24、皖豆25(杂交品种)及合豆3号的种子,在温度为40℃、湿度为85%的条件下老化处理4、8和12 d,研究加速老化过程中不同基因型大豆种子成苗率、发芽率、电导率及单株幼苗干重的变化规律。结果表明:随着加速老化时间的延长种子活力下降;加速老化处理8 d,3个品种的各项鉴定指标均发生改变:品种的成苗率、发芽率及单株幼苗干重显著降低,电导率明显升高,且品种间有显著差异;发芽率和成苗率的变化在品种间具有一致性,电导率、单株幼苗干重的变化和成苗率品种间一致性较差;成苗率和发芽率的相关性最高(r=0.972**)。利用国家大豆微核心种质中的91份资源对老化鉴定方法进行验证,结果在温度为40℃,湿度为85%条件下老化8 d的种子发芽率及老化指数与在自然条件下老化15个月的发芽率及老化指数极显著相关(r=0.943**,0.716**)。综合分析认为,温度为40℃,湿度为85%条件下老化处理8 d,以种子发芽率为活力鉴定指标可作为大豆种子抗老化性的鉴定方法。  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(4):294-300

Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) is considered to be susceptible to flooding, a major agronomic problem in the world, and nitrogenase activity rapidly declines due to oxygen deficiency in root nodules. We investigated nodule acclimation to flooding at the morphological level using a soybean cultivar possessing the ability to form secondary aerenchyma. After 1 week of treatment, lenticels were formed on the surface of the root nodules, and secondary aerenchyma were observed through the lenticels under both irrigated and flooded conditions. As the plant grew, the nodule epidermis came off, and well-developed secondary aerenchyma covered the nodule surface. The secondary aerenchyma originated from the secondary meristem (phellogen) girdling the sclerenchyma, and the degree of development was greater in flooded nodules than in irrigated ones. Although root nodulation and total nitrogenase activity (TNA) decreased under flooded conditions, there were no differences in shoot N concentration, specific nitrogenase activity (SNA) and relative ureide-N in the xylem bleeding sap between plants in the irrigated and flooded conditions. Under flooded conditions, however, when the entry of oxygen into the secondary aerenchyma formed in the hypocotyl was inhibited by vaseline treatment (pasting on the surface of the hypocotyl), the shoot N concentration, TNA, SNA, the ureide-N concentration and the relative ureide-N in the sap declined remarkably. These results suggested that secondary aerenchyma formation in soybean plants is a morphological acclimation response to flooding stress, and that one of the functions is to supply atmospheric oxygen to root nodules, which consequently enables nodule activity to be maintained.  相似文献   

大豆细菌性斑点病是江淮地区大豆生产中常见病害,但大豆种质资源抗性水平及抗源鉴定工作较少。本研究采用对大豆叶片正反面高压喷雾的接种方法鉴定了江淮地区309份育成品种(系)及亲本材料对大豆细菌性斑点病生理小种S1的抗感反应。结果表明:供试材料抗性差异明显,分别鉴定出高抗和中抗材料61和68份,占总数的19.74%和22.1%,表现为感病和高感的材料共有180份,占总数的58.25%。适合淮北和淮南地区种植的140和169份品种(系)中,抗病材料(高抗+中抗)分别有68和61份,感病材料(感病+高感)分别有72和108份,江淮淮北地区抗病品种(系)的比例高于淮南地区。供试材料抗性反应等级与成熟期等性状存在相关性。同时还发掘出徐豆18、南农99-6等高抗品种,及具有高蛋白、高油特性的优质抗性种质材料。  相似文献   

There is limited research to study how moist heating affects internal structure of barley grain on a molecular basis. The objectives of this study were to use vibrational molecular spectroscopy: 1) to determine the moist heating induced changes of barley carbohydrate (CHO) structure on a molecular basis, 2) to study the effects of moist heating on CHO chemical profiles, Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System (CNCPS) subfractions, in situ rumen degradation, and predicted intestinal carbohydrate supply of barley grain; and 3) to reveal the association between molecular structure spectral features and CHO related metabolic characteristics. Barley samples (CDC cowboy) were collected from Kernen Crop Research Farm (Saskatoon, Canada) during two consecutive years. Half of each sample was kept as raw barley and the other half underwent moist heating (autoclaving at 120 °C for 60 min). The molecular spectroscopy (attenuated total reflectance-fourier transform infrared, ATR-FTIR) was used to detect the barley CHO related molecular structure spectral features. Moist heating did not affect carbohydrate related chemical profiles and CNCPS subfractions but it decreased rumen degradable carbohydrate. Rumen undegradable and intestinal digestion of CHO subfractions were not affected by moist heating. The advanced vibrational molecular spectroscopy can be used to detect carbohydrate molecular spectral features. Nutrient utilization prediction using molecular spectral characteristics is warranted and further investigation is encouraged.  相似文献   

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