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《Plant Production Science》2013,16(3):329-342

In this study, we extended previous work linking the polarization of reflected light from crop canopies with characteristics of the canopy structure, such as the leaf inclination angle. We obtained reflectance and polarized reflectance in 8 spectral bands from the canopies of two varieties of wheat, planted in plots fertilized with a basal dressing and topdressed at the jointing and booting stages. The optical measurements were carried out on 3 clear-sky days when the plants were at the stem-elongation, heading and ripening stages, respectively. On each measurement date, we assessed the leaf orientation geometry of the plants using a Plant Canopy Analyzer (LAI-2000), measured the leaf greenness (an indicator of leaf chlorophyll content) using a handheld SPAD-502 (SPAD) optical sensor, and also measured plant height. Both polarization and leaf greenness observations at the heading stage were able to distinguish the canopies that had received topdressing from those without topdressing. However, no significant correlation was observed between the polarization in the blue, green and red bands and the SPAD (r = 0.425?0.456, n = 12 observations, p < 0.05). On the other hand, the mean leaf inclination angle (= mean tip angle: MTA) measured by the LAI-2000 was inversely correlated with the polarization in the 3 visible bands (r = ?0.85??0.88, n = 12, p < 0.001). Adjusting the view zenith angle according to the solar position at the time of measurement improved the accuracy. We tested a linear regression model to predict the MTA of the two wheat varieties based on polarized reflectance in the red band centered at 660 nm (r 2 = 0.73, n = 12, p < 0.001). Validation of this model obtained in the subsequent cropping season confirmed that polarization measurements were potentially useful for estimating the MTA of wheat stands in which the panicles were located below the topmost leaf layer of the canopy.  相似文献   

不同生育时期冬小麦叶面积指数地面高光谱遥感模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为建立不同生育时期冬小麦叶面积指数(LAI)的高光谱遥感预测模型,2017年在荥阳和鹤壁大田区域进行野外试验,利用便携式光谱仪ASD FieldSpec Handheld测量不同生育时期冬小麦冠层高光谱数据,使用LAI2200冠层分析系统采集冬小麦冠层LAI。通过对高光谱数据进行不同形式的变换以及高光谱特征变量的计算,并与叶面积指数进行相关分析。结果表明,在拔节-抽穗期,LAI与Dr(红边幅值)、SDr(红边面积)、VI3(红边面积SDr与蓝边面积SDb的比值指数)、VI5(红边面积SDr与蓝边面积SDb的归一化指数)、VI6(红边面积SDr与黄边面积SDy的归一化指数)的相关性较大,相关系数均大于0.85;在开花-乳熟期,LAI与Rr(红谷反射率)、VI1(绿峰反射率Rg与红谷反射率Rr的比值指数)、VI2(绿峰反射率Rg与红谷反射率Rr的归一化指数)、VI3、VI5的相关性较大,相关系数均大于0.7,且均通过0.01水平显著性检验。因此,拔节-抽穗期选择变量Dr、SDr、VI3、VI5、VI6作为估算模型的自变量;开花-乳熟期选择变量Rr、VI1、VI2、VI3、VI5作为估算模型的自变量。拔节-孕穗期叶面积指数单变量估算模型中大部分变量的二次模型决定系数较大,其中VI3、VI5、lg(1/ρ676)、dρ750/dλ750的二次模型决定系数超过0.6,拟合程度较高,同时dρ750/dλ750的RMSE值最小,因此认为以dρ750/dλ750为自变量的二次模型最优。开花-乳熟期单光谱变量建立的叶面积指数估算各类模型中大部分参数的指数模型决定系数较大,其中Rr、VI3、VI5的指数模型决定系数超过0.7,拟合程度最高,同时VI5的RMSE值最小,因此认为以VI5为自变量的指数模型最优。  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(4):498-506

The previous work revealed that the polarization of light reflected from heading wheat canopies allowed the detection of changes in the canopy structure, i.e., the leaf inclination angle. Accordingly, in order to improve measurement accuracy in this study we examined the effects of the solar zenith angle (= 90º–solar elevation) and weather conditions at the time of polarization measurements for the light reflected from wheat canopies that were fertilized by different means. We measured polarization in the 660 nm spectral band from the heading canopies of wheat, which were grown in plots fertilized with a basal dressing and then top-dressed at the jointing and booting stages. The radiometric measurements were carried out at various solar zenith angles: 22º–41º on two proximal days, one overcast and the other clear. An empirical method for the adjustment of view zenith angle, based on the solar position at the time of measurement, was effective for the measurement of the degree of polarization (i.e., ratio of the polarized part of reflected light to the total reflected light energy) to eliminate interference due to the change in solar zenith angle. Although the mean values of polarization degree measured in overcast conditions were significantly lower than those measured under clear conditions, the plots top-dressed at the jointing stage could be detected via the polarized reflected light measured under both conditions of illumination.  相似文献   

不同栽培措施下春小麦光合势的变化   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
为了进一步研究不同栽培环境中春小麦的光合性能,在不同密度和施肥条件下,对呼市、巴盟河套灌区春小麦全生育期光合势(LAD)进行了系统观测。结果表明,春小麦高产群体光合势在整个生育期呈单峰曲线变化,峰值在孕穗至开花期。在适宜密度、氮磷钾肥适量配施下,全生育期总光合势可达到21×10~4~22×10~4m~2·d/667m~2,且孕穗期后维持较高水平,约占总光合势的45%~55%,保证了籽粒形成期光合产物的供应,因此其经济产量也最高。可见,在春小麦的生产实践中,创造良好的栽培条件,使群体光合势大小及其发展变化较合理是高产的关键。  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(4):258-263

The spike development in three spring wheat genotypes was studied under various cultural conditions. Two genotypes weakly responsive to cultural conditions in spikelet number per spike (T1 from Nepal and Haruyutaka from Japan) and one weakly responsive to cultural conditions in spike length (U6 from Xinjiang Uygur district of China) were grown under three cultural conditions with different seeding density and fertilization levels : 680 seeds m?2 without fertilizer (unfavorable), 340 seeds m?2 with common fertilizer (common) and 170 seeds m?1 with double fertilizer (favorable). The durations of the vegetative phase, spikelet phase and the spike elongation phase were scarcely influenced by these cultural conditions, although the leaf number was influenced. The development of spikelets seemed to be determined by several factors other than those affecting the developmental processes of the spike. In U6, the increase in shoot apex length during the floral initiation period under the favorable condition was accompanied with an increase in double ridge number and spikelet number per spike, but such a relationship was not observed in T1 and Haruyutaka. T1 and Haruyutaka had a higher rate of spikelet formation under the favorable condition than under the unfavorable condition, but U6 showed a rather lower rate of spikelet formation under the favorable condition. Thus, the effects of the cultural conditions on the spikelet number per spike differed with genotype. At the time of terminal spikelet formation, U6 tended to have a longer spike than T1 and Haruyutaka. However, since the rate of spike elongation was higher in T1 and Haruyutaka than in U6, the spike length at anthesis was shorter in U6.  相似文献   

为了解有机和常规栽培条件下不同春小麦品种产量与品质形成的差异,进而筛选适宜有机栽培的优质高产春小麦品种,以北方春麦区主栽的10个品种为供试材料,通过大田试验,采用主成分分析与聚类分析相结合的品质-产量综合评价方法,系统分析了有机与常规栽培模式下不同小麦品种籽粒品质和产量的综合表现。结果表明,不同品种间,籽粒产量、籽粒蛋白质品质指标、容重、出粉率和面团流变学特性指标的差异均达显著水平(P<0.05)。与常规栽培相比,有机栽培下10个品种的穗数、穗粒数、千粒重和产量依次降低了15.1%、42.9%、12.5%和21.4%;蛋白质含量、湿面筋含量、沉降值、容重和出粉率分别降低了32.9%、44.0%、52.9%、8.2%和1.0%;吸水率、面团稳定时间、面团形成时间、拉伸面积、面团延展性和最大抗延阻力分别降低了11.5%、36.2%、40.3%、1.0%、20.5%和10.2%。通过主成分分析,从11个品质指标中提取出4个主成分,累计贡献率达到了91.17%,其中贡献较大的指标有蛋白质含量、湿面筋含量、沉降值、拉伸面积、出粉率、最大抗延阻力。根据品质主成分综合得分和产量聚类,在两种栽培...  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(4):403-414

Plants growing on soil with insufficient moisture need deep and dense roots to avoid water stress. In crop plants, the production of dry matter during ripening of grains is critically important for grain yield. We postulated that shoot growth would be suppressed but root growth would continue under an insufficient soil moisture condition before heading, while shoot growth would be more vigorous than root growth under a sufficient soil moisture condition. We anticipated that the plants growing under an insufficient soil moisture condition before heading would produce more dry matter and grain under an insufficient soil moisture condition during ripening. In order to examine our hypotheses and to determine the fundamental conditions for improving grain yield and efficient use of irrigated water under limited irrigation, we grew wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L., cv. Ayahikari) in pots (30 cm in diameter, 150 cm in height) with insufficient soil moisture (PD-D pots) or sufficient soil moisture (PW-D pots) for six weeks before heading followed by full irrigation, and then insufficient soil moisture condition during ripening. The growth of shoots was suppressed significantly but that of roots was not before heading in PD-D plants, with a higher resultant ratio of root to shoot than in PW-D plants. The former retained a high leaf water potential and, therefore, were able to produce more dry matter and grain during soil moisture depletion during ripening as compared with the latter plants. We also obtained similar results with field-grown plants.  相似文献   

为了探讨"旱冻交加"的气候条件下遥感监测小麦苗情的可行性,以河南省冬小麦为例,利用多时相MODIS为遥感数据源,引入了广泛用于小麦苗情监测的距平植被指数(AVI),同时基于植被健康状态指数(VHI)和晚霜冻害综合指数(I),构建了旱冻双重胁迫条件下的小麦苗情综合指数(CI),以反映冬小麦拔节期的生长状况,并分别利用实测样点苗情分类和距平植被指数对结果进行验证。结果表明,CI的总体分类精度为85.00%,Kappa系数为0.74;冬小麦总茎数与CI呈线性正相关关系,拟合方程为y=8.732CI+1.256,决定系数为0.605 3;与实测样本对比,CI预测精度为73.30%,苗情分类分级更符合小麦生长实际情况。因此认为旱冻双重胁迫下可以利用CI对冬小麦苗情进行监测。  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(3):164-173

Morphological adaptation of roots is critical for plants to survive under waterlogging. In this study, we evaluated the capacity of wheat to form aerenchyma in seminal roots in combination with the growth angle of the roots. We used five Japanese cultivars from the waterlogging-prone Kanto-Kyushu region in Japan, and a non-Japanese cultivar, Bobwhite for comparison. Seedlings in pot culture were waterlogged at a 3-cm depth for 7 days. The first adverse effect of waterlogging on plant growth was a significant reduction of root dry mass. The reduction rate varied with the cultivar, and it was 19.2% in cv. Shiroganekomugi and 40.0% in cv. Norin 61. Root aerenchyma was initially observed on the 2nd day of waterlogging and developed until the 7th day, in all 6 cultivars. Quantitative analysis of the aerenchyma development revealed no significant difference in radial distribution among the cultivars, whereas a slight difference was found in the axial distribution. As a consequence, the heavier root weight of Shiroganekomugi was not related to either the radial or axial developing capacity of aerenchyma but might be due to the effect of its shallow root angle in the soil. These results suggest that the capacity to form aerenchyma in the seminal root is not sufficient for expression of waterlogging tolerance in the Japanese wheat cultivars.  相似文献   

为了探讨多角度遥感在白粉病胁迫下监测小麦叶绿素含量的适宜角度,以易感白粉病品种偃展4110和中感白粉病品种国麦301为试验材料,获取三种不同生长环境(病圃田、接种田和自然感病田)下抽穗至灌浆期小麦冠层多角度反射光谱及叶绿素含量,分析不同时期叶绿素含量变化及其与多角度反射率的关系,建立白粉病胁迫下小麦叶绿素含量监测模型。结果表明,由红边波段构建的光谱参数对白粉病胁迫下叶绿素含量变化反应敏感。优化筛选出的植被指数与叶绿素含量之间的相关性在前向角度观测时优于垂直角度观测,而垂直观测角度好于后向角度观测,整体上以前向20°最佳。植被指数中,光谱参数RES(红边对称度)表现较好,在前向20°下的监测精度达0.725。因此,在前向20℃观察条件下可用RES对白粉病危害后小麦冠层叶绿素含量变化进行有效监测。  相似文献   

为给外源脱落酸(ABA)在小麦抗旱栽培中的合理利用提供理论依据,以耐旱型品种山农20和水分敏感型品种辐287为材料,研究外源ABA对花后干旱条件下小麦冠层温度、光合特性、籽粒灌浆及产量的影响。结果表明,干旱处理显著降低了小麦吸收光能性能指数(PI_(abs))及被捕获电子传递到电子传递链Q_A~-中下游其他电子受体的概率(φ_0),尤其在灌浆后期,PI_(abs)及φ_0降幅均达到50%以上,导致叶片净光合速率、蒸腾速率及气孔导度显著下降和冠层温度显著升高。同时,干旱处理下两品种的最大灌浆速率及平均灌浆速率均呈现降低趋势。两品种花后光合积累量及花后贮藏同化物转运量对籽粒产量的贡献率均显著降低,辐287降幅大于山农20。最终表现为粒重及产量显著降低。干旱条件下喷施ABA可以显著提高PI_(abs)值、φ_0值、净光合速率及叶绿素相对含量,延缓叶绿素降解,诱导气孔适当关闭,减少水分散失,降低冠层温差。同时ABA处理提高了强势粒最大灌浆速率、平均灌浆速率,延长了生长活跃期,降低穗叶温差,花后光合积累量及花后同化物转运量对籽粒产量的贡献率显著升高,最终表现为粒重及产量提高。这说明耐旱型小麦品种叶片光合同化力强,花后干物质转运效率较高,有利于籽粒灌浆增重,实现产量提高;外源喷施ABA可以提高灌浆期水分亏缺条件下小麦的光合性能,显著降低穗叶温差,优化同化物分配比例,最终实现小麦的抗旱稳产。  相似文献   

为了给以作物高效灌溉制度提供理论依据,对不同供水条件下冬小麦冠层温度进行了多年田间观测,模拟了以土壤水分条件为主导的冠气温差、叶水势、水分亏缺指数等的变化规律及其对影响因素的响应。结果表明,冬小麦各生育阶段不同供水处理冠层温度(T c)受土壤水分影响明显,处理间冠气温差(ΔT)差异极显著。叶水势(LW P)与ΔT、作物水分胁迫指数(CW S I)相关显著。LW P=-1.8M Pa,CW S I=0.40是指示冬小麦发生水分胁迫的关键性指标。综合各指标,为了达到节水目的,使ΔT维持在0~-4℃,可获得冬小麦产量最优值,此时冬小麦灌溉量下限应使土壤相对含水量达到58.7%。  相似文献   

为给小麦水氮高效栽培提供依据,以高水肥品种保麦10和抗旱品种石麦22为材料,研究了春季节水条件下高氮(施N 225 kg·hm-2)、低氮(施N 112.5 kg·hm-2)处理的小麦植株氮素吸收利用特性。结果表明,与低氮处理相比,高氮处理下小麦各生育时期的植株氮累积量增多,累积强度增大。小麦成熟期籽粒、茎秆、叶片和颖壳的氮累积量、花前氮转运量和籽粒产量随着施氮水平的提高而增加。高氮处理下,品种间各生育时期、阶段氮累积数量、吸收强度、氮利用特征参数和产量无明显差异;低氮处理下,与保麦10相比,石麦22各生育时期、阶段的氮累积量、氮素累积强度、氮收获指数、花前氮转运量、花前氮转运率和氮肥偏生产力均不同程度增高,且差异多达显著水平。这说明小麦对低氮供应的响应特征在品种间存在较大差异。其中,抗旱小麦品种石麦22节水低氮栽培下具有较强的氮素吸收和转运能力,这可能是该类别小麦品种抗旱高产的重要生理基础。  相似文献   

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