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陈颐辉  张宽朝  滕斌  张琛  张瑛 《热带作物学报》2021,42(12):3598-3604
以化感水稻品种‘PI312777’‘6173’和‘6180’为研究对象,从水稻根、茎和叶中分离获得70株内生真菌,采用形态学观察和rDNA-ITS区序列分析,对内生真菌进行分类鉴定。进一步以化感水稻‘PI312777’分离得到的粘红酵母和塔宾曲霉为试验菌株,通过不同稀释倍数的真菌发酵液对非化感水稻进行MS半固体培养基育苗试验,研究化感水稻内生真菌发酵产物对非化感水稻萌发率、株高等形态指标及苯丙氨酸解氨酶(PAL)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和过氧化物酶(POD)活性的影响。结果表明,从供试化感水稻品种中共分离得到17种内生真菌,经rDNA-ITS系统发育树分析鉴定为10个属,这些内生真菌主要分布在曲霉属(Aspergillus)(29.63%)、青霉属(Penicillium)(16.67%)和镰刀菌属(Fusarium)(12.96%)。不同稀释浓度塔宾曲霉发酵液对水稻幼苗生长均有促生作用,其中50倍稀释浓度处理可显著提高水稻幼苗的株高、根长及POD酶活性。粘红酵母菌发酵液5倍稀释浓度可显著提高水稻幼苗的PAL酶活性并对水稻幼苗有促生作用。稗稻共生条件下,塔宾曲霉和粘红酵母发酵稀释液对水稻均有促生效应。本研究可为化感水稻内生真菌进一步应用于水稻生产实践提供有益指导。  相似文献   

中国部分稻种资源的化感控制杂草潜力评价   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
采用人工气候箱结合田间小区试验,从我国部分水稻种质资源中筛选获得了2份具有化感潜力的水稻品种(系),其中我国台湾品种蚁公包幼苗对无芒稗根长影响因子RRL为0.43,其叶片水浸提液对无芒稗和莴苣根长抑制率分别达到45%和85%,在田间对无芒稗茎数和植株鲜质量的控制效果分别为22.0%和26.1%。云南品种地谷幼苗对无芒稗的植株高度影响因子RSH和植株干质量影响因子RPDW分别为0.62和0.58, 叶片水浸提液对无芒稗和莴苣根长抑制率分别达到53%和65%,在田间对无芒稗茎数和植株鲜质量的控制效果分别达到51.5%和46.1%。 蚁公包对莴苣的控制效果和地谷对无芒稗的控制效果均显著高于美国化感潜力品种PI312777。蚁公包和地谷是我国宝贵的化感潜力品种资源。  相似文献   

对原产澳大利亚的品种8504的广亲和性进行了测交验证,并分析和评价了该广亲和品种的利用价值.该品种广亲和性好、亲和谱广,熟期适宜,米质较好,中抗稻瘟病,与籼、粳杂交,杂种优势均较强,且广亲和性遗传简单.  相似文献   

粤红宝是以优质软米中二软占为母本、红米品种肇庆红米为父本杂交,经系谱法选育的籼型软性红米新品种。该品种产量高,中抗稻瘟病,糙米呈褐红色,米质较好并有清香味,稻米铁、锌含量高。  相似文献   

水稻与无芒稗的竞争和化感作用   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
用差时播种共培法的改进方法对105份水稻、6份巴西陆稻进行了化感作用抗稗草评价。 结果表明长匡7号、P4、Kogyoku、 IR27316、 Milyang 54和巴西陆稻AJ035等材料对无芒稗有较好的化感作用。盆栽研究表明,谷梅2 号、中156对无芒稗的抑制作用显著大于对照,而化感作用材料TN1对无芒稗的抑制作用与无化感作用材料秀水63无显著差异。中156的抑制作用强与其株高有关,而谷梅2号对无芒稗的抑制作用强主要在于其本身的化感作用。随着水稻密度增加,无芒稗受抑程度加剧,化感作用水稻对稗草根部的抑制似乎要比无化感作用水稻强。TN1对无芒稗的化感作用不明显,可能是由于对不同生态的稗的作用不同之故。  相似文献   

A survey on isolation and detection of the casual organism of bacterial grain rot of rice was conducted during 1997–2006. In 2006, six pathogenic bacterial strains were isolated from two symptomless seed samples of rice (Oryza sativa L.) originally produced in Hainan Province and then planted in Zhejiang Province, China. They were identified as Burkholderia glumae which is the causal organism of bacterial grain rot of rice by physiological characteristics, colony morphology, pathogenicity test, Biolog, fatt...  相似文献   

水稻穗腐病病原分离、鉴定及生物学特性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
 水稻穗腐病(rice spikelet rot disease,RSRD)是近年上升较快的一种水稻穗部重要病害,影响水稻产量和稻米品质。从稻穗发病谷粒中,共分离到4种真菌,经形态学、生物学及分子生物学鉴定,分别为层出镰刀菌(Fusarium proliferatum)、澳大利亚平脐蠕孢菌(Bipolaris australiensis)、新月弯孢菌(Curvularia lunata)和细交链孢菌(Alternaria tenuis)。4种病原菌均能在温度4℃~40℃、pH 3~12条件下生长,最适的温度范围是25℃~30℃,不同菌最佳产孢的pH值差异较大。4种菌均能在供试的碳、氮源培养基上生长,不同的碳、氮源对各菌的菌丝生长和产孢的影响不同。穗腐病是由多种病原菌引起的水稻后期穗部褐变病害,病原菌具有多样性、复杂性和致病性分化的现象。  相似文献   

为增加鱼-稻共生的综合经济与生态效益,探索水稻种植与生产的新途径,选育并通过浙江审定了首个鱼塘种稻专用新品种安粳优1号。该品种具有株型高大、茎秆粗壮、节间发达水生根、抗倒性强等特点。本文介绍了安粳优1号的选育过程、特征特性和高效栽培技术。  相似文献   

近几年,黑龙江省五常市香型水稻品种种植面积逐年扩大,但稍有不慎就会引起倒伏,造成损失。文章分析了香稻品种倒伏的几个原因,并给出了5点预防措施、倒伏后补救措施,为种植香稻品种的农民提供帮助。  相似文献   

【目的】为研究水稻中I型酪蛋白激酶基因OsSRL启动子的结构及功能,【方法】以水稻中花11基因组DNA为模板,经PCR扩增获得基因上游约1600 bp序列,命名为启动子OsSRLp。应用PLACE在线软件,分析序列中的顺式作用元件,同时构建含有GUS报告基因的植物表达载体,转化水稻。【结果】OsSRL为组成型表达,OsSRLp含有调控生殖发育、激素应答及逆境响应等多种顺式作用元件。OsSRLp驱动的GUS报告基因在根、茎中均有所表达,在小穗中表达丰度较高,而在其他组织中表达丰度较低。【结论】OsSRLp为组成型启动子,其下游调控基因OsSRL可能参与水稻发育及生殖过程。  相似文献   

浙江省籼粳杂交晚稻品种发展与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2005年,浙江省审定通过首个籼粳亚种间强杂种优势品种甬优6号。针对甬优6号存在的生育期偏长、植株高大、稻曲病偏重易发等问题,育种单位创新了育种理念和技术,品种管理部门在技术推广上有针对性地加强试验和示范,促进了浙江省籼粳杂交晚稻品种选育和审定推广,至2015年已审定品种21个,累计推广面积110.17万hm~2,其中2015年达21.12万hm~2,占全省杂交水稻种植面积的60%以上;开展籼粳杂交晚稻品种选育的科研单位和种业企业增加到14家,并更加关注适应不同推广区域、不同耕作制度的品种选育,同时施肥、用药等技术也更加精准易用。  相似文献   

By using 304 recombinant inbred lines derived from indica rice cross Zhong 156/Gumei 2, a linkage map consisting of 177 marker loci and covering 12 rice chromosomes was constructed and employed for mapping genes conferring blast resistance in rice. Genomic location of gene Pi25(t) conferring neck blast resistance to the Chinese isolate 92-183 (race ZC15) was verified to be located between markers A7 and RG456 on chromosome 6, with genetic distances of 1.7 cM and 1.5 cM to A7 and RG456,respectively. Leaf blast resistance of Gumei 2 to the Philippine isolate Ca89 (lineage 4) was found to be controlled by a single gene. The gene tentatively designated as Pi26(t) was located between makers B10 and R674 on chromosome 6, with genetic distances of 5.7 cM and 25.8 cM to B10 and R674 respectively. Resistant alleles at both gene loci were derived from Gumei 2,indicating an existence of resistance gene cluster in Gumei 2.  相似文献   

野生稻和非洲栽培稻抗稗草作用研究初报   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
 盆栽试验测定了22份野生稻和9份非洲栽培稻对无芒稗的抑制效果。发现野生稻DY12 和DY16存在显著的抗性作用,它们对无芒稗的苗数抑制率分别达到46.1%和47.0%,对无芒稗植株鲜重抑制率分别达到66.8%和72.3%。非洲栽培稻FZ24也表现出良好的防治无芒稗效果,无芒稗苗数抑制率和植株鲜重抑制率分别达到41.7%和65.7%。  相似文献   

空心莲子草水浸液对水稻种子萌发和幼苗生长的化感效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张远兵  刘爱荣  吴倩 《热带作物学报》2009,30(10):1526-1531
用浓度为0(对照),0.05,0.1,0.2,0.4 g/mL的空心莲子草宿根和根状茎的浸提液和浓度为0(对照),0.01,O.05,0.1,0.2g/mL该草的宿根和根状茎粉碎液处理水稻种子和幼苗.结果显示:与对照相比,随着水浸液浓度增加,水稻种子发芽势、发芽率、苗高、根长、鲜重、叶绿素含量和根系脱氢酶活性等均呈下降的变化趋势,而丙二醛含量呈上升的变化趋势.表明空心莲子草地下部水浸液对水稻种子萌发和幼苗生长均有抑制作用,且浓度越高抑制作用越强;就同一浓度浸提液和粉碎液而言,粉碎液处理对它们的抑制作用大于浸提液的.  相似文献   

A lesion mimic stripe mutant,designated as lms1(lesion mimic stripe 1),was obtained from the M2 progeny of a 60Co γ-radiation treated japonica rice variety Jiahua 1.The lms1 mutant displayed propagation type lesions across the whole growth and developmental stages.Physiology and histochemistry analysis showed that the mutant exhibited a phenotype of white stripe when grown under high temperature(30 ℃),and the lesion mimic caused by programmed cell death under low temperature(20 ℃).The genetic analysis indicated that this lesion-mimic phenotype is controlled by a single locus recessive nuclear gene.Furthermore,by using simple sequence repeat markers and an F2 segregating population derived from two crosses of lms1 × 93-11 and lms1 × Pei'ai 64S,the lms1 gene was mapped between markers Indel1 and MM0112-4 with a physical distance of 400 kb on chromosome 6 in rice.  相似文献   

《Journal of Crop Improvement》2013,27(1-2):205-221

Soil salinity and alkalinity are a widespread problem in a number of rice (Oryza sativa L.) growing countries, particularly in South Asia. Kalanamak is one of the finest quality traditional scented rices of India. Tolerance of 40 lines of Kalanamak was evaluated at pH 4.5, 7.0 and 8.9, under in vitro conditions, both in the absence and presence of 70 mM NaCl and also in Usar soil in the field at a different pH. Different lines exhibited wide variability in their sensitivity to pH and/or salt, both under in vitro and in vivo conditions. In vitro, adverse effect of salt was more pronounced at high pH (8.9). Most of the lines that showed salt tolerance relative to root and/or shoot growth at high pH under in vitro conditions, e.g., 3119, 3120, 3120-1, 3126, 3128, 3130, 3131, 3216, 3216-1, 3222, 3256, 3278 and 3319 performed well in Usar soil in the field even at pH 9-9.5. Two high quality, panicle blast-resistant and relatively salt-tolerant lines (3119 and 3131) yielded equally well or better than coarse grain cultivar Narendra Usar-2 recommended for the cultivation on Usar soil. In a multilocation field trial, Kalanamak 3119 yielded well on alkaline, coastal saline and inland saline soils. This line holds great potential for cultivation on Usar soil.  相似文献   

To understand the reason for the success of weeds,we investigated the energetic cost of leaf construction,and certain ecophysiological traits of rice and its dominant weeds.On physiological basis among all weeds,Caesulia axillaris Roxburgh was found to be the most serious,followed by Echinochloa cruss-galli L.Beauv and Echinochloa colonum L.Link,while Fimbristylis miliaceae L.Vahl and Cyperus iria L.were moderate weeds of the rice fields.C.axillaris had the lowest leaf construction cost (LCC) both on a mass basis (1.15 g/g) and on a unit area basis (22.93 g/m2).Comparatively higher specific leaf area,photosynthetic rate,photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency,leaf area ratio and leaf area index provided C.axillaris with further competitive advantage.Low LCC suggests that weeds utilize carbon resource more efficiently than the crop and potentially spend the saved energy on other competitive strategies viz.seed production,biomass production and high relative growth rate,which results in low crop yield and increase in weed seed bank.  相似文献   

小麦对直播稻田千金子的化感作用及化感物质分离鉴定   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
 研究了小麦茎根水提取液对直播稻田千金子的化感作用,并分离鉴定了化感物质。结果表明:扬麦158和扬麦10号不同生育期的水提取液对千金子种子萌发均有抑制作用,但对幼苗生长无抑制作用;对水稻种子萌发及幼苗生长均无抑制作用;利用室内生测及GC MS分析鉴定抑制千金子种子萌发的化感物质为有机酸,对千金子种子萌发的抑制率达94.90%,有机酸的主要成分为棕榈酸、油酸、亚油酸、硬脂酸及肉豆蔻酸。  相似文献   

By using 304 recombinant inbred lines derived from indica rice cross Zhong 156/Gumei 2, a linkage map consisting of 177 marker loci and covering 12 rice chromosomes was constructed and employed for mapping genes conferring blast resistance in rice. Genomic location of gene Pi25(t) conferring neck blast resistance to the Chinese isolate 92-183 (race ZC15) was verified to be located between markers A7 and RG456 on chromosome 6, with genetic distances of 1.7 cM and 1.5 cM to A7 and RG456, respectively. Leaf blast resistance of Gumei 2 to the Philippine isolate Ca89 (lineage 4) was found to be controlled by a single gene. The gene tentatively designated as Pi26(\) was located between makers B10 and R674 on chromosome 6, with genetic distances of 5.7 cM and 25.8 cM to B10 and R674 respectively. Resistant alleles at both gene loci were derived from Gumei 2, indicating an existence of resistance gene cluster in Gumei 2.  相似文献   

In this study,effects of temperature,light and their interactions on allelopathic effects and the functional traits specific leaf area(SLA)and stem mass fraction(SMF)of different allelopathic potential rice accessions at different growth stages were analyzed.The main results were as follows:Allelopathic responses to temperature and light varied with different allelopathic potential rice accessions at different growth stages.With the rise of temperature and the extension of photoperiod,allelopathic effect increased firstly and then decreased at 2–3 leaf stage,but increased constantly at the 4–5 and 7–8 leaf stages in strong allelopathic rice accessions[O.longistaminata,F1(O.longistaminata×RD23),F2(RL159 and RL169)].Temperature had significant impact on allelopathic effect without considering light factors,but light showed little effect on rice allelopathy at the same temperature conditions.The greatest allelopathic effect was attained with moderate temperature and long photoperiod at 2–3 leaf stage in strong allelopathic rice accessions,but all the rice accessions showed weak allelopathic effects at the low temperature condition(15oC/10oC),and the influence of different factors on allelopathy followed a general trend as temperatureleaf stagelight,indicating that among the multiple factors impacting rice allelopathy,temperature was the main factor.Allelopathic characteristics of F1 and F2 to various temperature and light were similar to O.longistaminata,showing that allelopathic genes from wild rice can be expressed in its descendants.Temperature and light also had significant effects on SLA and SMF,and rice allelopathy was closely correlative to SLA in strong allelopathic rice accessions at the 4–5 and 7–8 leaf stages,but there was no correlation between rice allelopathy and SMF at different growth stages.These results suggested that rice adjust the relationship between allelopathy and SLA and adapt to the varied environments,and that high temperature and long photoperiod can enhance rice allelopathic activity.  相似文献   

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