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赖草属(Leymus Hochst)植物多数为优良牧草,是干旱地区特有的植物种群,内蒙古地区赖草属牧草种质资源很丰富,均被牧民认为是头等的饲用植物.经过多年工作,作者已发现和引种繁殖了结实性能比较好的赖草种群和生态类型,促进了赖草属牧草在生产中的推广应用.  相似文献   

自1959年以来科学家对沙冬青属(Ammopiptauthus Cheng f.)植物在基础生物学、应用生物学等方面开展了大量研究及保护实践工作。该属的2种植物蒙古沙冬青(A.mgolicus(Maxim.)Cheng f.)和新疆沙冬青(A.nanus(M.Pop.)Cheng f.)是亚洲温带荒漠罕见的常绿阔叶灌木,2种植物种子的硬实性高,需进行适当的处理并选择适宜的环境保存才能有较好的出苗率。对该属植物种子萌发期和幼苗期抗逆性研究较为广泛,但后期生长及物种遗传多样性相关研究鲜有报道。该属植物属于渐危种,濒危衰退原因主要集中在生境恶化、种子天然繁殖困难及人为干扰。因此,应加强就地保护工作,建立自然保护区,积极开展繁殖试验和引种驯化,使其作为草原化荒漠的建群物种发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

小葵子Guizotia abyssinia Grass,又称小向日葵,是一种油料作物。原产非洲埃塞俄比亚。近年来,云南昆明植物研究所与有关部门配合,从国外引种栽培成功。仅昆明市1976年就种植3,000余亩,全国已有中南、西北、华东等地区九个省、市试种。小葵子花期长、流蜜量大,粉丰富,蜜蜂喜采集,不仅是一种优良的油料作物,也是一种很好的蜜、粉源植物。小葵子属菊科向日葵属,一年生草本植  相似文献   

粉叶小檗是云南山区常见的一种野生蜜源植物,目前尚未人工引种栽培。该植物具有较高的药用价值,是一种药用蜜源植物。文章就粉叶小檗的形态特征、养蜂价值、药用价值进行了阐述,提出对野生状态的粉叶小檗的保护建议。  相似文献   

无花果是花卉落叶小乔木,属桑科榕树属.人们在庭院中栽植无花果,清雅恬静,空气新鲜,容易管理.是一种既可美化环境,陶冶情操,又可供人观赏的花卉植物.但很少有人知道它的药用价值.  相似文献   

摘 要:本文报道了芭蕉属(芭蕉科)植物自然繁殖一新类型。新繁殖类型是通过野芭蕉肉质根形成新植株进行繁殖的,其繁殖方式完全不同于芭蕉属植物现已知的种子繁殖和吸芽繁殖两种自然繁殖类型,肉质须根形成新植株的自然繁殖现象在芭蕉属植物中极为少见,至今未见报道。  相似文献   

国内紫锥菊免疫调节作用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
紫锥菊属植物,是原产于美洲的一类菊科野生花卉。紫锥菊以其免疫调节作用闻名于世。近年来,国内引种成功,其各种药理作用在人类、畜牧业以及水产养殖业有了广泛的研究。综述国内紫锥菊免疫调节作用在不同行业的研究进展,为紫锥菊在国内的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

在长白山区,蚊子草是一种优良的粉源植物.了解其吐粉习性,合理调整蜂巢,可以有效利用蚊子草,促进蜂群繁殖,使养蜂生产获得较高的经济效益.  相似文献   

通过对我国秃疮花属植物资源分布进行调查研究,并结合相关文献资料,秃疮花属植物共计6种,分别为苣叶秀疮花、宽果秃疮花、红茂草、滇秃疮花、伊犁秃疮花及河南秃疮花,均为野生药用植物。笔者对秃疮花属植物的资源、生境和药效,尤其对药用价值较高的红茂草作了较为详细的介绍,可为该野生药用植物资源的开发和利用提供参考。  相似文献   

豆科银合欢属(Leucaena)植物广泛分布于热带、亚热带地区,全世界约10种,我国南方产一种(L.glauca);耐旱、耐瘠,萌蘖力极强。银合欢属的各个种都具较高的饲用价值,其中从银合欢(L.leucocephala,或称中非银合欢)为最。蛋白质含量高,被誊为热带、亚热带地区的蛋白质库。银合合适于我国南方种植,是发展草山林牧结合的好树种。农牧渔业部已在海南岛建立了种子繁殖基地,引种繁殖推广。为了使有关部门和同志合理利用银合欢,注意和避免它的毒性,特刊出本文以供参考。  相似文献   

特种野猪肉因其肉质鲜美,瘦肉率高而受到广大消费者的好评,然而在特种野猪生产的过程中,其低繁殖率一直是一个困扰着广大科研工作者与养殖户的大问题,并且在一定程度上制约了特种野猪规模化的生产。本文主要从影响特种野猪繁殖率的因素以及提高特种野猪繁殖率策略两大方面进行综述。  相似文献   

There has been increased interest recently in the conservation of wild felids and preservation of valuable cat breeds. Assisted reproduction, by means of artificial insemination (AI), is an important tool for developing breeding programs for conservation. Optimal use of AI requires accurate data on semen conservation protocols and its long-term storage/survival. In this paper, semen cooling and freezing processes are described, with special emphasis on the results obtained in experiments performed in the domestic cat. Conception rates after AI in wild and domestic cats are also reported.  相似文献   

对圈养野猪群体内的母猪、公猪和仔猪的外貌形态、生活习性、摄食习性和繁殖特性等进行了观察。研究结果为野猪的合理利用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

[目的]为了探索野牦牛的行为习性及其生态环境,[方法]我们通过对青藏高原野牦牛的遗传资源进行调查,[结果]发现野牦牛经过长期的自然选择,它的迁徙、采食、繁殖等行为与特殊的高原环境形成了良好的协同关系,但环境的变化使这一珍惜物种逐步减小.[结论]环境保护是挽救这一物种的重要措施.  相似文献   

Coxiella burnetii causes significant reproduction losses in livestock and the disease Q fever in humans. Transmission of C. burnetii is facilitated by the stability of the bacterium in the environment and the susceptibility of a variety of host species to infection. Consequently, inter-species transmission occurs frequently through either direct or indirect contact. Wildlife may represent reservoirs of C. burnetii and could therefore be a source of infection for domestic animals. Understanding the prevalence of C. burnetii infections at the wildlife-livestock interface is important for disease control. This study aimed to investigate the extent of C. burnetii exposure in wild deer in eastern Australia. Serum samples were obtained from 413 wild deer from seven regions in four eastern Australian states from 2017 to 2020. Antibodies were detected using a commercial Q fever antibody kit validated for ruminants. Seroprevalence of C. burnetii antibodies in deer was determined and true prevalence estimated, for each region. The overall seroprevalence of C. burnetii antibodies in wild deer was 3.4% (14 seropositive of 413 deer sampled) with true prevalence estimated to be 4.3% (95% credible interval: 0.6%, 10.9%). Seropositive deer were identified only in Queensland (7/108 seropositive) and northern New South Wales (7/120 seropositive). This geospatial distribution is consistent with seropositivity in other animal species and indicative of the level of C. burnetii in the environment. The low seroprevalence suggests that wild deer are unlikely to be a major reservoir species for C. burnetii in eastern Australia but may still be implicated in inter-species transmission cycles.  相似文献   

2018年1~8月,利用红外相机开展苍南莒溪省级自然保护区(拟建)野生动物资源本底调查。2018年3月28日8:00于大石林区CN22监测点拍摄到绿翅金鸠雄性成体1只,栖息地类型为常绿落叶阔叶林。查阅相关文献,证实绿翅金鸠为浙江省鸟类新纪录,由此绿翅金鸠在中国境内的分布由福建向北扩至浙江南部山区。绿翅金鸠在浙江的分布与繁殖有待继续开展监测和研究。  相似文献   

BackgroundAfrican swine fever (ASF) is a hemorrhagic fever occurring in wild boars (Sus scrofa) and domestic pigs. The epidemic situation of ASF in South Korean wild boars has increased the risk of ASF in domestic pig farms. Although basic reproduction number (R0) can be applied for control policies, it is challenging to estimate the R0 for ASF in wild boars due to surveillance bias, lack of wild boar population data, and the effect of ASF-positive wild boar carcass on disease dynamics.ObjectivesThis study was undertaken to estimate the R0 of ASF in wild boars in South Korea, and subsequently analyze the spatiotemporal heterogeneity.MethodsWe detected the local transmission clusters using the spatiotemporal clustering algorithm, which was modified to incorporate the effect of ASF-positive wild boar carcass. With the assumption of exponential growth, R0 was estimated for each cluster. The temporal change of the estimates and its association with the habitat suitability of wild boar were analyzed.ResultsTotally, 22 local transmission clusters were detected, showing seasonal patterns occurring in winter and spring. Mean value of R0 of each cluster was 1.54. The estimates showed a temporal increasing trend and positive association with habitat suitability of wild boar.ConclusionsThe disease dynamics among wild boars seems to have worsened over time. Thus, in areas with a high elevation and suitable for wild boars, practical methods need to be contrived to ratify the control policies for wild boars.  相似文献   

郭文利 《野生动物》2011,32(1):18-19,35
对上海动物园笼养羚牛种群20 a间的繁殖记录进行了统计分析,并将笼养羚牛和野生羚牛的各项繁殖指标进行了比较分析。结果表明:笼养条件下出生的雌性和雄性羚牛个体的首次成功繁殖年龄分别为4岁和5岁;笼养条件下出生的羚牛包括26只雌性和11只雄性,雌雄性比为2.36:1;羚牛的出生主要集中在1~4月,3月出生的个体最多;笼养羚牛首次繁殖年龄和幼仔出生季节与野生羚牛不存在显著差异。上述研究结果表明,影响羚牛繁殖的因素主要包括气候、环境、温度和湿度等。  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to compare the effects of controlled reproduction of cultured and wild common barbel, Barbus barbus (L.). Preparations containing different GnRH analogues and dopamine receptor antagonists (Ovopel, Ovaprim) as well as human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) (in the case of cultured fish) were applied and their influence on ovulation, spermiation and quality of gametes obtained was determined. No differences in the qualitative or quantitative parameters of semen were found between fish stimulated with different hormonal preparations and those not receiving hormonal stimulation. The high suitability of Ovaprim for ovulation induction in (cultured and wild) barbel was confirmed. The highest synchronisation of ovulation was obtained after the application of Ovopel (18 ± 3 h), but the best results of controlled reproduction (expressed as the percentage of ovulations and survival of embryos) were obtained by applying Ovaprim (83.2 ± 4.1). A significantly higher percentage of ovulation was obtained in cultured fish (80-90%) than in wild fish (< 25%).  相似文献   

以可建植边坡草坪的野生荩草为材料,设置遮阴(5个水平)和干旱(4个水平)交互形成的20个组合处理,测定克隆生长性状和有性繁殖数量及生物量结构,分析不同遮阴和干旱组合处理下克隆效率指数(CEI)、繁殖分配(RA)、繁殖效率指数(REI)、繁殖指数(RI)、繁殖比率(RR)的差异,研究遮阴和干旱对荩草克隆生长和有性繁殖及权衡关系的影响,结果表明:1)遮阴和干旱对克隆子株数及克隆效率指数有显著影响,中、重度干旱和≥10%遮阴显著降低了子株数(P<0.05),干旱对CEI无影响、遮阴降低了CEI,交互作用极显著降低了基株的子株数和CEI(P<0.01)。2)遮阴和干旱对母株、子株和基株的花穗数和小花数,对繁殖器官生物量(ROB)、非繁殖器官生物量(NROB)和总生物量(TB)有显著影响(P<0.05),轻、中度干旱或10%~30%遮阴或轻度遮阴和轻度干旱组合可显著增加母株、子株、基株的花穗数和小花数,轻度干旱或10%遮阴或轻度干旱和轻度遮阴组合可显著增加TB和ROB,交互作用是影响基株花穗数和小花数、TB、ROB和NROB的主要因子,干旱对TB和NROB影响次之,遮阴对ROB影响较大。3)遮阴和干旱对RA、REI、RI和RR有显著影响(P<0.05),轻中度干旱或10%遮阴可提高基株的繁殖参数,重度干旱或≥30%遮阴度降低了有性繁殖(P<0.05),轻度遮阴和轻度干旱组合比单一处理更利于有性繁殖,轻度干旱可缓解中重度遮阴对有性繁殖的影响,繁殖参数主要受交互作用影响,遮阴次之,干旱较小。4)荩草可依据遮阴和干旱胁迫程度,进行克隆生长和有性繁殖权衡,遮阴≥30%可延长克隆生长10~34d,中、重度干旱缩短克隆生长而促进有性繁殖,≥10%遮阴可缓解重度干旱对有性繁殖的影响(P<0.05)。5)20个遮阴和干旱组合处理下荩草均能同时维持两种繁殖方式,水分充足和全光照利于克隆生长,轻中度干旱和轻度遮阴单一或组合处理利于有性繁殖,遮阴和干旱交互影响增加了荩草的两种繁殖能力。  相似文献   

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