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为了掌握广东省食用蛇类曼氏裂头蚴感染情况。2014~2015年,从广州、肇庆、惠州和韶关等地农贸市场共采集赤链蛇、铅色蛇、赤链华游蛇和异色蛇等4种常见食用蛇样本114条,并对这些蛇类样本的曼氏裂头蚴感染情况进行了解剖学检查。结果显示,曼氏裂头蚴感染个体32条,总感染率为28.07%,共发现裂头蚴243条;赤链蛇、铅色蛇、赤链华游蛇和异色蛇的感染率分别为93.33、14.58、38.46和4.00%;个体平均感染强度分别为:12.27、0.35、1.58和0.04个/条;肌肉、皮下组织和体腔三个部位的寄生率分别为80.25%、16.46%、3.29%。研究结果表明,广东省食用蛇类曼氏裂头蚴感染比较普遍,对蛇类消费人群的健康构成潜在威胁。  相似文献   

正鸭嘴竹叶蛙(Odorrananasuta),蛙科臭蛙属,是费梁等2001年发表的蛙类新种,模式产地位于海南省琼中县五指山。鸭嘴竹叶蛙为中国特有种,除海南有分布外,广西也有该物种的主要分布区。国际自然保护联盟(IUCN)把鸭嘴竹叶蛙列为易危级别。形态特征鸭嘴竹叶蛙雄性体长55—65毫米,雌性体长70—80毫米。背面颜色多为暗褐色、绿色或褐绿色;头侧,颞部为红棕色;唇缘至颌腺,腹侧和股后部均为浅棕黄色,密布褐色细斑;四肢分布褐黑色横纹3-5  相似文献   

黑斑侧褶蛙蝌蚪栖息地和饲养研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黑斑侧褶蛙产卵、蝌蚪水中生活时期多与稻田相关,稻田是蛙类的最佳栖息地。蛙类从卵到幼蛙成活率约3%,很低。影响繁殖成活率因子从大到小的顺序是水源挖沙农药捞鱼水质天敌。人工饲养蛙卵,放归田间,实验数据支持这一保护措施。  相似文献   

棘胸蛙是广泛分布于我国南部与越南北部山区的大型蛙类,其对水质、地质、气候等环境因子的要求较高,是环境监测的重要指示物种。其肉质鲜美,营养价值高,市场需求大,是一种经济价值较高的蛙类。由于栖息地环境的破坏以及人为过度捕杀,导致其种群数量锐减。人工养殖棘胸蛙是缓解其野外生存压力、满足市场的重要途径,本文对棘胸蛙人工养殖过程中的成蛙驯养、种蛙繁殖、孵化与蝌蚪饲养、生态因子、疾病防控等几方面的内容进行总结概述,旨在为棘胸蛙人工养殖技术、养殖标准与养殖模式提供参考。  相似文献   

林蛙(Rana temporaria chensinensis)俗称哈什蚂、哈士蟆,商品名称之为“田鸡”。哈什蚂是东北林区特有的经济蛙类,也是我国蛙类中最重要的经济蛙类。哈什蚂肉质细嫩,味美鲜香,是酒席上的佳肴,同“飞龙、熊掌、猴头”并誉为四大山珍。哈什蚂油入药,是高级滋补强壮品,在国内外享有盛名。  相似文献   

蛙类是我们人类的好朋友,然而我却做了一件愧疚难忘,永远也对不起泥蛙的事。那年岳父60大寿,家里家外忙个不停,看岳父满脸的喜气,高兴极了。作为女婿的我想为他老人家分担一些活计,减轻活儿份额,便主动请缨:“有什么需要我帮忙的吗?”岳父说:“算了,你们年轻人就等着吃我的寿宴吧!”既然如此,我便走到一边去了。不久,岳父大呼我:“快来帮我剖泥蛙。”一说剖泥蛙,我想推辞:“我不知道怎么剖。”“没关系的,我来教你,保证你一学就会。”显然,这一回想躲也躲不了了。岳父麻利地揭开桶盖,手握一只大泥蛙,先是把泥蛙洗净,然后用拳头砸泥蛙的头,等…  相似文献   

务川臭蛙是中国特有的一种喀斯特洞穴蛙类,自1983年被发现并命名以米,鲜有科学家对其进行过研究,而它们的数量又极其稀少,是中国最濒危的8种两柄类中的一员,被国际自然保护联盟专家组评定为极危物种。2008年春天,野生动物摄影师徐健获得世界自然基金会(WWF)的资助,前往贵州调查并拍摄这种颇有神秘色彩的蛙,他的图片为我们揭开了务川臭蛙秘密洞穴生活的一角。  相似文献   

骨棘球蚴病占所有细粒棘球绦虫病的不到1%。在身体里的棘球蚴半年就能长到直径近1厘米。相当一部分棘球蚴被免疫系统消灭或者抑制,因此被感染者终生不会察觉到,根据意大利的一项调查,这种情况的比例占全部感染人数的4~  相似文献   

在对林间白僵菌宿存场所、松毛虫种群密度和针叶含水量等进行野外调查和室内测定的基础上,用逐步回归分析方法,建立了空间状态马尾松毛虫白僵病流行的主因素相关模型,并应用模糊聚类方法,对白僵病的流行程度进行了划分.揭示了白僵病在林间流行所必备的奇主、病原和环境间的相互作用关系.为马尾松毛虫白僵病流行的预测提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

<正>铃蟾是蛙类中一个非常原始的类群,隶属于两栖纲无尾目铃蟾科铃蟾属,在分类上作为独立的铃蟾科,是介于原始蛙类和较高级蛙类之间的一个过渡类群。铃蟾一共有7种,其中2种分布于欧洲,5种分布在亚洲,而这5种在中国均有分布。铃蟾腹部颜色鲜艳,遇到危险时会分泌毒液,并将腹部朝上,露出腹部警戒色以恐吓敌人、保护自己。  相似文献   

本文运用随机扩增多态DNA (RAPD)技术对黑龙江省8个地区野外采集的中国林蛙(Rana c hensinensis)个体进行群体遗传多样性及区域分化的初步研究。实验筛选出的10个RAPD引物 共扩增出78条DNA多态片段。用NJ(Neighbor-Joining)方法分析遗传距离并构建系统树。 结果表明,中国林蛙(R. chensinensis)在8个不同采样地区已经出现明显的区域分化,且不 同地区的中国林蛙之间存在地理距离和遗传距离不相吻合。根据地理、地质学资料初步推论 ,黑龙江省中国林蛙(R. chensinensis)的中心发源区很可能位于松花江和黑龙江两江下游 的丘陵地区。并主要依靠松花江水系从三江平原进入松嫩平原,在方正地区形成向西扩散过 程中的次中心发源区。  相似文献   

从患病棘胸蛙(Quasipaa spinosa)中分离到三株细菌,将分离株制备的菌液分别采用口服、肌肉注射、皮肤损伤浸泡、皮肤不损伤浸泡4种方式回归感染棘胸蛙,结果显示,除口服方式外,其他各种感染途径均能使棘胸蛙发病并导致死亡,且对蛙有较强的致病性。通过形态学、生理生化试验、16S r DNA序列等方法鉴定该致病菌株为鲍曼不动杆菌(Acinetobacter baumannii)。同时,通过抑菌圈法研究了该菌株对12种抗生素的敏感性。结果显示:该菌对亚胺培南、阿米卡星、奈替米星高度敏感,对青霉素、新霉素、林可霉素、先锋霉素、氯霉素、吡哌酸、头孢哌酮、庆大霉素、红霉素不敏感。  相似文献   

Commercial farming of anuran species that are declining in the wild raises a need to discriminate wild from farmed frogs.We hypothesized wild frogs might have extended hindlimbs due to greater frequency or intensity of jumping relative to farmed frogs,highlighting a morphometric approach to discrimination of wild from farmed frogs using hindlimb length.In the present study,Dybowski’s frog(Rana dybowskii) was used to test this hypothesis.We measured body mass(Mb) and hindlimb length(Lh) of 2-year old farmed frogs and wild frogs aged 2 to 5 years.Dybowski’s frog demonstrated significant dimorphism in Mb and Lh.Mb was significantly greater among farmed 2-year old frogs in both sexes(p=0.000),while only among females was Lh significantly greater for wild frogs(p=0.000).Lh/Mb was used as an index for origin discrimination to eliminate the influence of Mb due to variation of husbandry conditions among farms.Mean Lh/Mb for farmed frogs was significantly lower than for wild frogs(p=0.000) in the 2-year old age class.Discrimination correctly classified 84.4% of farmed and 96.3% of wild male frogs.Among females,92.9% of farmed frogs and 90.1% wild frogs were correctly classified.The overall correctness of classification was 92.1% and 90.8% for males and females,respectively.However,Lh/Mb revealed variation with age,resulting in reduced discriminative power for frogs ≥3 years old.We introduced a coefficient Ce to adjust the Lh/Mb of frogs ≥3 years to the level equivalent to 2-year frogs.The adjustment achieved 89.5% for overall correctness of origin for wild males and 92.4% for wild females ≥3 years old.These results show that Lh/Mb is an effective index to discriminate wild from farmed Dybowski’s frog.Since the physical demands of jumping are common among anurans,this index is also potentially applicable to other anuran species.  相似文献   

The Random Amplified Polymorphism DNA (RAPD) markers were used to study the intra-specific diversity and regional differentiation of the Chinese forest frogs (Rana chensinensis), which were sampled from the fields of 8 regions in, Heilongjiang Province. Totally 78 polymorphic DNA loci were amplified by 10 RAPD primers. By genetic distance analysis and phylogenetic tree reconstruction with the Neighbor-Joining (NJ) method the results showed that the populations of Chinese forest frogs distributed in 8 regions existed great differentiation (Average Fst=0.347, SD=0.235) while, there was the paradox between geographic distances and genetic distances. Based on geographic and geological data, a hypothesis was posed that it is very possible that the hilly lands in the downstream of the Songhua River and the Heilong River were the center of the origin of the Chinese forest frogs in Heilongjiang Province. And mainly through the Songhua River system, the Chinese forest frogs dispersed into the Songneng Plain from the Sanjiang Plain whereas the Fangzheng region became a sub-center for the western dispersion. Foundation item: This project is supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province (C9726). Biography: XIAO Xiang-hong (1960-), female, professor in College of Wildlife Resources, Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040, P.R. China. Responsible editor: Zhu Hong  相似文献   

The establishment of terrestrial buffer zones around vernal pools has been recommended to provide upland habitat for pool-breeding amphibians in areas where forestry practices occur adjacent to breeding sites. However, few studies have empirically tested the effectiveness of buffers. We assessed post-breeding emigration behavior (net emigration distance, rate of movement, proportionate use of available habitats) of radio-tagged adult wood frogs (Lithobates sylvaticus) at nine vernal pools with experimental forest buffer treatments in central Maine, USA. Buffer treatments were either 30-m (N = 3) or 100-m (N = 3) forest buffers surrounded by a 100-m wide clearcut; pools surrounded by uncut forest served as reference sites (N = 3). We tracked 33 individuals in 2004 and 2005, for an average of 41 days, as they emigrated from breeding pools. Recently clearcut habitat was permeable to emigrating adult wood frogs, particularly females. A higher proportion of frogs at 30-m buffer sites than at 100-m buffer sites traveled through the clearcuts to reach intact forest beyond, suggesting that 30-m buffers may not provide sufficient upland habitat to support adult wood frog populations. There was high variability in emigration behavior among frogs, regardless of buffer treatment, and males and females tended to exhibit differential responses to different buffer sizes and to clearcut habitat. Although wood frogs in this study utilized both 30-m and 100-m forest buffers, variability between sexes and density-dependent effects could render small buffers (e.g., 30 m or less) inadequate to support these populations.  相似文献   

Many animals exhibit changes in patterns of movement and habitat use as they age, and understanding such ontogenetic shifts is important for ensuring that habitat management is appropriate for all life stages. We used radiotelemetry to study movements and habitat use of juvenile and adult gopher frogs (Rana capito) as they migrated from the same ponds following metamorphosis or breeding. To supplement radiotelemetry data, we also captured adult gopher frogs at drift fences as they left ponds for the terrestrial environment. We directly compared patterns of movement, directional orientation, macrohabitat use (forest type), and microhabitat use (refugia) between the two life stages. Both juveniles and adults moved considerable distances from breeding ponds (up to 691 m) and selected fire-maintained longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) forest over fire-suppressed forest. However, fire-suppressed habitat appeared to be a greater barrier to juveniles than adults. Additionally, we found differences in microhabitat use; both juveniles and adults used underground refuges (e.g., burrows and stump holes) for shelter, but juveniles used such refuges less often than adults. Juveniles also took more time than adults to locate their first refuge after exiting ponds. These differences may reflect the juveniles’ lack of experience in terrestrial habitats. Unlike juveniles, adults are likely more familiar with the locations of specific habitat features (e.g., burrows and ponds) and may take the shortest routes when moving among them, even if it requires moving through fire-suppressed habitat. Previous research has recommended that terrestrial habitats surrounding breeding ponds should be managed with frequent prescribed fire (i.e., 1–3-year intervals) in order to maintain suitable terrestrial habitat for juvenile gopher frogs, and our study suggests that these management practices are also likely beneficial to adults.  相似文献   

绿色经济作为可持续发展的经济,是欠发达地区实现跨越式发展的现实选择。从浙江欠发达地区的实际出发,发展绿色经济的核心是培育和发展绿色产业,重点是发展生态工业、生态农业、生态旅游。构建绿色文化,营造有利于绿色经济发展的社会政策环境是加速欠发达地区绿色经济发展的关键。  相似文献   

论述了林区采伐迹地(楞场)、谷地天窗综合改造为五味子、黄檗种植、中国林蛙、生态鸡养殖复合经济区的经营原则和方案。  相似文献   

山西省蟒河自然保护区雀鹰的繁殖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1996年-1998年的3月-9月,在蟒河自然保护区对雀鹰的繁殖习性进行了观察。结果表明该鸟在本区繁殖前后的种群密度分别为0.08只/km^2和0.10只/km^2,营巢期为10d-13d,窝孵数3枚-4枚,孵卵期23d-25d,孵化率88.89%,育雏期21d-24d。其食物组成:鸟类占43.33%,鼠类占17.77%,蛙类占14.44%,昆虫占15.56%,其他占8.89%。  相似文献   

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