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安西县玉米茎基腐病的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
甘肃省安西县玉米茎基腐病病原鉴定为小麦根腐平脐蠕孢Bipolaris sorokiniana(Sacc.) Shoemaker.玉米品种Sc704比中单二号感病:玉米小麦间作田病株率61.7%单播玉米3.4%。  相似文献   

大豆红冠腐病是一种为害大豆生产的重要病害,该病害的典型症状是大豆叶片变黄萎蔫,植株枯萎,根系变黑腐烂,茎基部及根系表面产生大量红橙色小点,是病原菌的子囊壳。其致病菌为寄生柱枝孢菌(Cylindrocladiumparasiticum),有性阶段为冬青丽赤壳菌(Calonectriailicicola)。本文对大豆红冠腐病及其致病菌的文献进行了简要的综述。  相似文献   

杨树腐烂病是杨树上为害较严重、防治较困难的一种病害。通过深入调查研究,分析了杨树腐烂病的发生特点,并提出了科学的综合防治措施。  相似文献   

进境圭亚那栗巴歧拉苗木腐烂病的检疫处理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯家望  莫晓凤 《植物检疫》1997,11(4):215-217
进境圭亚那栗巴歧拉苗木的根部不同程度地发生腐烂病,且有可能导致整批植株死亡。经研究发现:修剪病根,并结合杀菌剂多菌灵处理病部,能有效地防治该病  相似文献   

柑橘是我国第二大水果,是我国农业支柱产业之一。甜橙疮痂病(sweet orange scab)和壳针孢斑点病(septoria spot)是我国可能尚未发生,但面临较大入侵风险的两种柑橘真菌性病害。本文详细介绍了这两种病害的危害性、分布范围、症状、寄主范围、病原性质和发生规律,并分析了这些病害经繁殖材料和果品贸易入侵我国的风险,以期加深相关部门和从业人员对这两种病害的认识。  相似文献   

2004年肖长林(C.L.Xiao)报道了华盛顿州苹果和梨上发生的一种病原菌Sphaeropsispyriputres-cens,该病原菌主要引起储藏期苹果和梨的果实腐烂。本文对该病的发现、危害和症状以及病原菌形态、生物学特性、分离和鉴定方法等几个方面进行了综合概述,旨在为我国的进口美国水果检验检疫工作提供理论参考。  相似文献   

黑胚病是小麦生产的重要籽粒病害,麦根腐平脐蠕孢(Bipolaris sorokiniana)是黑胚病的主要致病菌.为分析小麦抗黑胚病遗传规律并检测抗性位点,本研究以抗黑胚病小麦品系山农4143与感病品系宛原白1号的F7代重组自交系(RIL)群体为材料,于2018~2019年在3个试验点种植,采用“孢子液喷洒、套袋保湿”...  相似文献   

木瓜粉蚧是一种重要的有害生物,在我国周边的多个国家和地区有分布,入侵我国的风险极大。该虫属多食性,已在中美洲和东南亚地区定殖并扩散,对木瓜和琴叶珊瑚等多种经济作物和观赏植物具有重要危害性。本文介绍了木瓜粉蚧的地理分布、寄主范围、鉴定特征、危害特点和防治方法等,为该虫的检疫和防控提供参考。  相似文献   

玉米圆斑病病原的快速检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
玉米生平脐蠕孢菌(Bipolaris zeicola)是引起玉米圆斑病的病原菌。本研究通过对玉米生平脐蠕孢菌及其近似种的EF-1α基因(elongation factor 1α)部分序列进行比对,设计出玉米生平脐蠕孢菌的特异性引物Y-EF-F和Y-EF-R,利用该引物可以从B.zeicola中扩增出137 bp的特异片段,而其余的17个参试菌株扩增结果为阴性。灵敏度实验表明该对引物可以检测到目标DNA的浓度为1 pg·μL~(-1)。用B.zeicola接种玉米叶片、苞叶以及玉米粒,然后以接种发病的病组织DNA为模板,利用引物Y-EF-F和Y-EF-R进行PCR扩增,可以扩增出137 bp的特异性条带,而健康玉米组织DNA中未能扩增出任何条带。用B.zeicola孢子悬浮液接种大田玉米叶片,接种第3 d可以检测到未发病组织中有B.zeicola病原菌,第5 d可以看到明显的病斑。研究结果表明该方法可用于快速、准确和灵敏地检测玉米组织中的潜伏期玉米生平脐蠕孢菌,为玉米圆斑病的快速检测,进而及早采取防治措施提供积极的指导。  相似文献   

玉米细菌性条斑病是一种对玉米造成严重危害的新型细菌性病害,其病原为Xanthomonas vasicola pv. vasculorum,近10年间传播迅速,从非洲蔓延至南北美洲,目前分布于美国、巴西、阿根廷和南非等国家。本文对玉米细菌性条斑病的病原分类地位、危害症状、寄主、地理分布、传播途径、侵染循环、检测方法以及防控措施进行简述,以降低病菌随贸易传入我国的风险。  相似文献   

Strawberry pear (pitahaya, pitaya) [Hylocereus undatus (Haw.) Britt. and Rose] postharvest fruit rot was found at an agricultural products store in Itoman city, Okinawa Prefecture in 2006. The symptoms included depressed, water-soaked lesions with olive to black powdery spots coalescing into a soft rot. The causal fungus was identified as Bipolaris cactivora (Petrak) Alcorn. This is the first report of strawberry pear fruit rot caused by B. cactivora.  相似文献   

0 引言 百香果(Passiflora edulis),学名西番莲,为西番莲科(Passifloraceae)西番莲属(Passiflora Linn.)草质藤本植物,原产于南美洲的巴西,在我国主要种植于热带、亚热带地区,具有极高的营养、保健和商品价值[1-2].目前,我国百香果的主栽品种为紫果百香果(Passiflo...  相似文献   

Fig (Ficus carica) is an exotic deciduous plant that is grown worldwide. Fungal diseases pose a major threat to fig plants, affecting their fruit quality and production. This study was conducted to characterize the fungal isolates associated with leaf blight, stem rot and fruit rot of F. carica in Malaysia through morphological analysis, DNA sequencing, multigene phylogenetic analysis and pathogenicity tests. From September 2018 to March 2019, 30 blighted leaves and 30 rotted stems and fruits of F. carica were collected from several nurseries in Malaysia. Thirty fungal isolates that belonged to Lasiodiplodia theobromae (27 isolates) and L. brasiliensis (three isolates) were identified based on morphological characteristics, comparison of DNA sequences and phylogenetic analysis of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS), elongation translation factor 1-α (tef1-α), β-tubulin (tub2) and DNA-directed RNA polymerase II subunit (rpb2). Among the 27 isolates of L. theobromae, nine isolates were obtained from leaves, eight isolates from stems and 10 isolates from fruits, whereas the three isolates of L. brasiliensis were obtained from stems (two isolates) and a leaf (one isolate). The results of pathogenicity tests revealed that L. theobromae and L. brasiliensis isolates were responsible for leaf blight and stem rot of F. carica, whereas fruit rot was caused by L. theobromae isolates. The present study highlighted two different species, L. theobromae and L. brasiliensis, as the causal agents of leaf blight and stem rot of F. carica. Additionally, L. theobromae caused fruit rot of F. carica in Malaysia.  相似文献   

Dragon fruit (pitaya) fruit blotch and stem rot, caused by Bipolaris cactivora, is reported for the first time in Israel. Different symptoms of fruit blotch appear on two different cultivars.  相似文献   

荷花腐败病病原菌的形态学与多基因分子系统学鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
荷花(Nelumbo nucifera)是我国十大名花中唯一的水生花卉,在珠三角等湿地广泛栽培。近年来,荷花栽培集中区,大范围发生腐败病,影响了正常的生产与旅游观光产业,为了有效控制病害发生蔓延,生产上急需明确荷花腐败病的病原。本研究通过病原菌致病力测定、形态比较、分子特异检测,以及基于翻译延伸因子(TEF-1α)、rDNA基因内间隔区(IGS)、线粒体小亚基(mtSSU)等基因片段的系统发育分析,对采自广东、广西、江西、福建、湖南、湖北等地的荷花腐败病病原菌进行鉴定及系统发育研究,结果如下:(1)形态学与分子鉴定均表明荷花腐败病菌为Fusarium commune,该菌为尖孢镰孢菌(F.oxysporum)的近缘种,首次在荷花上报道。(2)F.commune与尖孢镰孢菌(F.oxysporum)在形态上非常相似,F.commune能产生长度大于25μm的细长形单瓶梗及偶尔产生复瓶梗的形态特征,区别于F.oxysporum。MtSSU、EF-1及IGS等基因位点可用于F.commune和F.oxysporum这两个种的明确区分。(3)我国不同地区的荷花腐败病菌存在一定的遗传分化,荷花腐败病菌与分离自我国的荸荠枯萎病菌(Fusarium commune)为同一个种。  相似文献   

硬圆盾蚧(Aspidiotus rigidus Reyne)在印度尼西亚广泛分布,为害棕榈科(Palmae)、巴蕉属(Musa spp.)和山竹(Garcinia mangostana L)。该虫2009年在菲律宾吕宋岛八打雁省首次发现严重为害椰子,之后传播迅速,至2014年1月,已传播到菲律宾的多个省份并对当地椰子生产造成严重危害。硬圆盾蚧与椰圆盾蚧形态相似,难以准确区分。本文对硬圆盾蚧的暴发情况、鉴定、寄主、分布和防治进行了综述,并对加强该虫检疫的重要性进行了初步分析。  相似文献   

北京出入境检验检疫局从赤道几内亚入境旅客携带的可乐果中检出象甲,经技术中心植物实验室鉴定,并由德国象甲分类学家Jens Prena复核,确认为Balanogastris kolae(Desbrochers,1895),依据其拉丁学名及寄主植物,将其中文名称命名为可乐果象甲。经中国检科院动植物检疫信息资源共享服务平台查询,系全国口岸首次截获。可乐果象甲是危害非洲热带地区主要经济作物可乐树种子的主要害虫之一,在田间、运输及储存过程中均可危害。本文对可乐果象甲成虫的分布、寄主、生物学与危害及形态特征进行了描述,拍摄了成虫整体图及鉴别特征图,供口岸检测人员检疫鉴定参考。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Quinone outside inhibitor (QoI) resistance as a consequence of point mutations in the cytochrome b (cyt b) gene has been reported in numerous plant pathogenic fungi. To examine the potential for QoI resistance development in those Monilinia species causing brown rot of stone and pome fruits [Monilinia fructicola (G Winter) Honey, M. laxa (Aderhold & Ruhland) Honey and M. fructigena (Aderhold & Ruhland) Honey], an examination was made of the sequence and exon/intron structure of their cyt b genes for the presence of any point mutations and/or introns commonly associated with resistance to QoIs in fungal plant pathogens. RESULTS: None of the point mutations typically linked to QoI resistance was present in any of the Monilinia isolates examined. Furthermore, the cyt b genes from M. fructicola and M. laxa, but not M. fructigena, possessed a group‐I‐like intron directly after codon 143. Based on the results obtained, a simple PCR assay using a single primer pair was developed, allowing discrimination between the three Monilinia species without the need for culturing. CONCLUSIONS: Results suggest that resistance to QoI fungicides based on the G143A mutation is not likely to occur in M. fructicola or M. laxa. Conversely, M. fructigena may be at higher risk for developing QoI resistance owing to the absence of a G143‐associated intron. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

To prevent the entry and spread of the brown rot fungus Monilinia fructicola in Europe, a fast and reliable method for detection of this organism is essential. In this study, an automated DNA extraction method combined with a multiplex real‐time PCR based on TaqMan chemistry was developed for fast, convenient and reliable detection of both the EU quarantine organism Monilinia fructicola and the three other brown rot fungi M. fructigena, M. laxa and Monilia polystroma. Using the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the nuclear ribosomal RNA gene repeat, a Monilinia genus‐specific primer pair and two differently labelled fluorogenic probes specific for M. fructicola and the group M. fructigena/M. laxa/Monilia polystroma were developed. The analytical specificity of the assay was assessed by testing 33 isolates of the four brown rot fungi and 13 isolates of related fungal species or other fungal species that can be present on stone and pome fruit. No cross‐reactions were observed. The assay was found to have a detection limit of 0·6 pg of DNA, corresponding to 27 haploid genomes or four conidia. Comparison of a manual DNA isolation followed by a conventional PCR with an automated DNA isolation combined with the presently developed real‐time PCR showed that the latter method gave improved results when tested with 72 naturally infected stone fruit samples. The detection rate increased from 65 to 97%.  相似文献   

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