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For incarnating the effects of the preference of the potential users of residential areas or decision makers on the evaluation of architecture design schemes,a two hierarchy multi-attribute group decision model is established.How to obtain the decision matrix of expert evaluation incarnates the influence of difference of professional knowledge among experts on decision.Multi-attribute decision making method based on uncertain linguistic assessment is used to determine the users' preference on schemes.The weight of attributes is determined by a optimization model that makes the difference of attribute assessment between expert and user minimum,and those weights are used in expert decision.This can enable the model to reflect correctly the actual situation of such decision making question.  相似文献   

Introduced by a seminar about minimalism in art and architecture, and based on the comparative research under multi-dimension, in this paper, the genesis of minimalism in architecture is retraced, its design principles are deeply explored and its design features as well as inspirations for architecture design in China are summarized through some cases study related to minimalism. At the end, it points out that the minimalism in architecture is a feasible way in the multi-direction architecture designs.  相似文献   

CASE tools based on EERD modeling are major applicated on development of database application. These tools could improve the efficiency and accuracy of the developing database application greatly. This paper particularly describes the basic architecture and function of CASE tools in this field as well as the implement technology, and presents the whole structure of the concept data model of the data dictionary included by CASE tools through the analyse of sorts of CASE tools in prevalence, and also illustrate the relationship of model elements which compose the concept data model.  相似文献   

Architecture market is a typical dynamic game market with incomplete information, in which exists three principal parts who are proprietors, supervising companies and contractors. There is a complex principal-agent relationship among them. With the analysis of the principal-agent relationship among proprietors, supervising companies and contractors, two dynamic games of incomplete information have been established and analyzed. If the proprietor only pay instant fee to supervising company, the supervising company will take weak supervise. Only with appropriate incentive way, the strong supervise can be done. Based on it, an incentive system is established to make the supervising companies and contractors work hard, to realize the given purpose of the proprietors.  相似文献   

基于VRML的虚拟园林设计要素构建   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
虚拟现实技术应用于园林设计,可利用动态和交互方式对未来的园林进行身临其境的全方位审视,可达到传统的园林效果图所无法达到的效果,然而目前虚拟技术在园林中的应用比较少。笔者基于VRML技术对园林设计要素的(植物、建筑、地形和水体)构建进行探索,实现了园林设计四大要素的三维模型构建和互联网上的漫游与交互功能。研究表明基于VRML构建园林设计要素的方法是行之有效的,而且效果比较好。  相似文献   

朱琳  宋磊 《中国农学通报》2010,26(6):223-225
线是造型要素中最基本的元素,也是设计师表达设计理念的基本语言。通过对线的特质、线在园林景观中运用形式以及具体应用的研究,使设计师更加明确线的灵活运用在园林景观设计中存在的精神内涵和艺术价值,以提高中国现代园林设计水平。  相似文献   

Inter-communication marks a highlight of Multi - Agent system research, KQML (Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language) is widely used for agent communication. After analyzing and researching the structure of KQML which including the communication protocol defined in the language, the content of the language, message router and facilitator , we design an agent communication architecture which solves the communication problems of agents in our inte-grative and intelligent backup system ( ADP) and provide its implementation methods.  相似文献   

Architecture of Logistics system is the interior operation environment and business platform for Logistics companies, which is to steer to build special logistics system and tactics frame-saw to realize the company's objectives. Further more, characteristic and design principle of architecture are mentioned. There are 4 levels in this article to discuss the architecture of TPL system. Six elements contained in the architecture are mentioned: information platform, tech-equipment platform, knowledge platform, organization platform, business platform and functional platform, Furthermore, the mutual connection among which is analyzed as a whole. In conclusion, measure of the transfer from traditional storage and transportation to modern logistics is discussed.  相似文献   

According to the development trends of modem industrial architecture and combining with the situation of China, the essay first proposes the design strategies of modern industrial architecture in China, and then strongly verifies these strategies with deep analysis of advanced design precedents, in the end points out these strategies are very necessary and appropriate in China.  相似文献   

IPv6 is the best protocol to replace IPv4, solve the jam of Internet facing nowadays, provide better service and development for next Internet because there is a huge address space, hiberarchy of addressing architecture, high-speed route, better security, better support for mobility and QoS. The document discourses at great length on the addressing architecture of IPv6, the addressing types of IPv6 and their connections with interface, the addressing model of IPv6 and the representation of detailed format and brief format for the IPv6's addressing, addressing prefixes and addressing types. And this specification discusses the addressing format, the addressing range and their uses of unicast, anycast and multicast. The paper has guide effect on constructing network of IPv6.  相似文献   

孝顺竹种胚愈伤组织悬浮培养条件优化   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
本研究利用孝顺竹种胚诱导出的淡黄色胚性愈伤组织为材料,对影响细胞悬浮培养的摇床转速、培养液2,4-D浓度、继代天数、接种细胞浓度(W/V)等因素进行了研究.结果表明,悬浮培养时的摇床转速以120 r/min时培养效果较好,转速低于100 r/min时,愈伤组织容易结团,分散性差;适宜的2,4-D浓度为4~6 mg/L,低于4 mg/L时愈伤组织易褐变;接种后培养7 d是最佳的转接时期,至多不能超过10 d;接种细胞密度以4.0%最为合适,可保持较高的增殖速度,同时培养产物较多.在50 mL培养液(NB+500 mg/L Pro-line+500 mg/L Glutamine+300 mg/L Hydrolyzed casein+30 mg/L Sucrose+4~6 mg/L 2,4-D)中接种4.0%的愈伤组织,于120 r/min的转速下经过7 d培养,可增殖一倍以上,以后每7 d继代转接一次,培养大约一个月,便可以建立生长迅速、分散性好、均一的悬浮细胞系.  相似文献   

OGSA, as a universal grid computing frame, has resolved a good many problems in the CSCD, and provides a new solution for the network-based collaborative design. This paper studied the main problems in application of the grid technology to network-based collaborative design system by the OGSA based the WSRF, which is used as the basic platform of collaborative design grid. The meaning of the collaborative design grid is explained, and then the opening architecture of collaborative design grid design process on the condition of eoll is presented based on the function analysis in detail. Meanwhile, the collaborative aborative design grid is explained, and the key technologies of the collaborative design grid are analyzed deeply. The results provide a solution and groundwork for the more research on the collaborative design grid and its implementation.  相似文献   

文章报导了ZC—4型微机测温测湿系统在储粮检测中的应用情况。结果表明:该系统重复测量稳定性好,能准确有效地反映粮堆内部不同部位的温度变化及仓内外相对湿度的变化情况;测量快速、方便,储量大,节约费用,具有明显的社会效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

How to make use of computer network in teaching becomes the focus of concern for the computer engineers and teachers.The remote video consultation classroom can be used in teaching by using internet and NGN server to improve the instruction and stimulate the students' interest in study.As the IP network is widely used in campus,connection could be set up for student dormitory,office or even the teacher's home.On the computer network teacher and student can discuss face to face online and make best use of their time.This paper discusses the problem about how to construct a network-video class room based on computer network including VOIP and NGN(new generation network) switch server.  相似文献   

中国渔政管理指挥系统是服务于渔业管理业务的大型管理信息系统,随着信息化建设的深入和需求的提高,越来越多的管理业务将纳入到系统中来,系统的运行效率与业务协同性将会面临挑战。笔者通过架构设计关键技术的分析研究,基于企业架构(EA)和面向服务的体系结构(SOA)技术,提出了面向渔业管理的系统架构框架,优化了中国渔政管理指挥系统的总体设计方案。总体设计根据业务需求和管理战略从全局的角度对系统的业务架构、应用架构、数据架构、技术架构进行设计,构建基于SOA的业务服务技术架构,以解决系统的灵活性与可扩展性,满足不断发展的信息化需求,为系统信息共享、互联互通和业务协同提供技术模型,为系统的可持续建设提供技术保障。  相似文献   

The Lexicographic method has subjective and empirical character,so a weighting coefficient is introduced by considering the importance and proportion of each individual object,the preferable result of every individual object can be confirmed by comparing the degree of similarity between the perfect one and the ecumenic one and the Fuzzy optimization will be perfect.The effectiveness of these methods is illustrated by a fuzzy optimal design of the three-bar truss.  相似文献   

基于风景园林多学科交叉的性质,以毕节撒拉溪示范区风景园林规划为例,探讨喀斯特洼地景观规划设计与水土保持措施。通过文献法、实地调查法、多学科综合研究法,分析喀斯特洼地在空间、视觉、文化等方面的特征,从自然条件、环境容量与规模预测、区位交通、资源分析、使用人群以及SWOT分析等方面,对喀斯特洼地进行功能分区、景观空间布局、道路布局、植物配植以及园林建筑营造研究,将景观营造与石漠化治理相结合,探索一种适宜喀斯特洼地的风景园林规划设计方法。  相似文献   

综述了近20年日本梨中与自交亲和和自交不亲和有关的S4基因的研究进展。这些结果包括:“二十世纪”(基因型为S2S4)为自交不亲和品种,其突变品种“奥嗄二十世纪”(基因型 为S2S4SM,SM=stylar part mutant;花柱部分突变)为自交亲和型。“奥嗄二十世纪”自交亲和的原因有三点:(1)S4SM基因被删除或者是低水平表达。(2)S4SM基因仅在柱头表达。(3)S4SM基因表达较迟。这主要是由于“二十世纪”S基因座上的S4等位基因发生了高度突变成为S4SM基因或者S4等位基因被删除,导致其基因产物花柱中的S4-RNase受到高度抑制或缺乏的缘故。S4基因由997bp组成,其中85~768bp为684bp的阅读框,925~931bp和943~950bp为多聚腺苷酸信号。S4基因的表达产物为S4蛋白,S4蛋白由228个氨基酸残基组成,其中N端的27个氨基酸残基为信号肽,成熟的S4蛋白由201个氨基酸残基组成。S4蛋白的生理功能是抑制花粉的萌发和花粉管的伸长。  相似文献   

By using the demonstration analyse method, five economy computation model on the relation on science and technology's devotion and economic increase are founded. In the model, Shanghai and Chongqing are considered as the representations of East China and West China respectively. For Shanghai and Chongqing, the dedicative rates of science and technology's devotion to economic increase are gained respectively and studied comparatively. According to this model, some quantitative gists are provided for the policy and layout on science and technology of West and East China.  相似文献   

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