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Although magnetic resonance imaging has been used to examine the brain of domestic ruminants, detailed information relating the precise anatomical features in these species is lacking. In this study the brain structures of calves (Bos taurus domesticus), sheep (Ovis aries), goats (Capra hircus) and a mesaticephalic dog (Canis lupis familiaris) were examined using T2-weighed Turbo Spin Echo sequences; three-dimensional models based on high-resolution gradient echo scans were used to identify brain sulci and gyri in two-dimensional images. The ruminant brains examined were similar in structure and organisation to those of other mammals but particular features included the deep depression of the insula and the pronounced gyri of the cortices, the dominant position of the visual (optic nerve, optic chiasm and rostral colliculus) and olfactory (olfactory bulb, olfactory tracts and piriform lobe) systems, and the relatively large size of the diencephalon.  相似文献   

This study is to (1) investigate the prevalence of Chlamydophila abortus infection in cows and goats in Taiwan, and (2) compare the genetic properties of Taiwanese isolates with abortion strains from other sources. Approximately 71% of aborted cows and 58% of aborted does had IgG against C. abortus in their sera. The seroprevalence rate in cows may be overestimated, because a certain degree of cross-reactivity with C. pecorum cannot be ruled out. Only 22.7% (from aborted cows) and 33.3% (from aborted dogs) of vaginal swabs that tested positive by polymerase chain reaction led to successful isolation of C. abortus by inoculation into chicken embryos, equivalent to 7.1% and 7.9% of isolation rates, respectively. The major outer membrane protein gene of 15 Taiwanese abortion isolates was compared with that of various strains by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and nucleotide sequencing. Restriction enzyme CfoI was able to distinguish Taiwanese ruminant isolates, which have identical RFLP patterns, from C. felis (feline) and C. psittaci (avian) strains. Taiwanese isolates had 98.8-100% homology with known ruminant abortion strains and were phylogenetically closest to bovine LW508 strain.  相似文献   

Summary Experimental infections of West African Dwarf goats with Peste des Petits Ruminants (PPR) and Kata were indistinguishable clinically and pathologically. Goats convalescent from Kata resisted infection with rinderpest virus. Heterologous stimulation of secondary antibody response was observed.
Sumario Las infecciones experimentales de cabras enanas de Africa Occidental con la peste de los peque?os ruminantes y con Kata fueron clinicamente y patoligicamente indistinguibles. Cabras que convalecieron de Kata resistieron a la infección con el virus de la peste bovina. Se observó una estimulación heteróloga de la respuesta inmunitaria secundaria.

Résumé L’infection expérimentale de chèvres naines de l’Afrique de l’Ouest par le virus de la peste des petits ruminants (PPR) et par le virus du Kata a montré que les deux maladies ne présentaient pas de différences cliniques ni pathologiques. Des chèvres convalescentes de Kata ont résisté à l’infection par le virus de la peste bovine. Une stimulation hétérologue de la réponse d’anticorps secondaires a été observée.

Tropical Animal Health and Production - An antibody detection recombinant enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) specific for Toxoplasma gondii was laboratory standardized using recombinant...  相似文献   

The omasums of 30 healthy cows and 55 cows with various gastrointestinal disorders (10 with left displacement and eight with right displacement of the abomasum, 10 with abomasal volvulus, 10 with traumatic reticuloperitonitis, nine with ileus of the small intestines and eight with reticulo-omasal stenosis) were examined ultrasonographically on the right side of the body with a 3.5 MHz linear transducer. The dorsal and ventral margins of the omasum and its size in the fifth to 11th intercostal spaces were determined. Generally, the ultrasonographic appearance of the omasum did not differ between the healthy and abnormal cows. The omasum appeared as a semicircle, and the omasal wall closest to the transducer was visible as a thick echogenic line. In a few of the abnormal cows, the omasal laminae were visible and the omasum appeared to have motility. In the cows with left and right displacement of the abomasum and abomasal volvulus, the dorsal margin of the omasum was significantly further from the dorsal midline in some intercostal spaces than in the healthy cows. In the cows with left displacement of the abomasum, the ventral margin of the omasum was significantly further from the dorsal midline in the 7th intercostal space than in the healthy cows. In the cows with reticulo-omasal stenosis, traumatic reticuloperitonitis and ileus of the small intestine, the ventral margin of the omasum was significantly closer to the dorsal midline in some intercostal spaces than in the healthy cows. The mean (sd) size of the omasum in the healthy cows varied from 16.3 (1.5) cm to 56.9 (10.0) cm, depending on the intercostal space, and the omasum was significantly smaller in some intercostal spaces in the cows with reticulo-omasal stenosis, right displacement of the omasum, abomasal volvulus and ileus of the small intestine.  相似文献   

This paper investigated estimation methods: least squares method, M-estimation, Theil method, Least Absolute Deviation method to estimate the parameters of simple regression model in situation that the underlying assumptions of least squares estimation are untenable because of outliers. To compare these methods, the effect of chest girth on body weights of German Farm × Hair crossbred kids at weaning period was examined. Chest girth of kids is independent variable and body weight at weaning period is dependent variable in the model. Mean square error and R2 value are used to evaluate estimator performance. Because two observation values are outliers and the model estimated from this method have minimum mean square error and maximum R2 value for different sample sizes (n = 10, 20, 30 or 50), M-estimation method is proposed to predict the parameters of the model.  相似文献   

The authors have vaccinated 22 fallow deer (Dama dama) and 10 mouflons (Ovis ammon musimon) against rabies with an inactivated vaccine: 4 fallow deer with 1 ml, 14 fallow deer and 10 mouflons with 2 ml, 4 animals were kept as controls (fallow deer). The antibody responses were checked by fluorescent foci inhibition carried out on blood samples collected during a two-year period. All the animals developed antibody titres and were still protected after 24 months.  相似文献   

A 3.5 MHz linear transducer was used to scan the intercostal spaces of 30 healthy cows from dorsal to ventral on the right side, and the appearance, dorsal and ventral limits and size of the omasum were determined in each intercostal space. The size of the omasum determined ultrasonographically was compared with that determined postmortem. The distance between the omasum and the peritoneum of the lateral body wall was also determined electronically in each intercostal space by means of the two cursors. In the sixth to 11th intercostal spaces, the omasum had a crescent shape, with only the wall closest to the transducer visible as a thick echogenic line. The dorsal limit of the omasum appeared from cranial to caudal as the upper part of a circle, whereas the ventral omasal limit appeared as the lower part of a circle. The mean (sd) size of the omasum varied with the intercostal spaces from 16.3 (1.5) cm to 56.9 (10.0) cm; it was greatest in the ninth intercostal space and decreased cranially and caudally. The omasum was closest to the right abdominal wall in the eighth and ninth intercostal spaces, and was immediately adjacent to these spaces in 22 and 20 cows, respectively. There were significant correlations between the size of the omasum determined ultrasonographically in the ninth intercostal space and the weight, volume and largest and smallest diameters of the omasum determined postmortem, with correlation coefficients (r) between 0.38 and 0.55.  相似文献   

A study of the radiographic anatomy of the foramen magnum in dogs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The shape and size of the foramen magnum were investigated in a number of breeds. It was found that dorsal extension occurred in toy breeds, both with and without neurological symptoms. An increase in the size of the foramen magnum was not necessarily associated with a pathological process.  相似文献   

The fermentation equipment RUSITEC (Rumen Simulation Technique) is a simplified model of the rumen which stimulates the conditions inside the rumen, enables to keep the normal microbial population of the rumen for a long time under strictly controllable conditions, and enables a permanent monitoring of fermentation processes. Trials were conducted to see whether this model of "artificial rumen" can be used to determine the nutritive value of untreated beech sawdust and beech sawdust treated hydrobarothermically at the pressure of 1.4 MPa and impregnated with 1% H2SO4. The digestibility of the dry matter and fibre components was higher in the treated beech sawdust than in the untreated sawdust. In both reaction vessels, the amounts of acetic, propionic and butyric acids as well as the total VFA, were higher during the fermentation of treated beech sawdust, as compared with the diet with raw beech sawdust. The increased output of VFA, especially the acetic and butyric acids, resulted in a proportional increase in the output of gases, especially carbon dioxide and methane, as compared with the production of gases in rumens digesting untreated beech sawdust. In comparison with other in-vitro methods, this model of fermentation equipment characterizes the nutritive values of various kinds of feed in a more thorough way: using this equipment, the simulation technique has proceeded much closer to reality.  相似文献   

Cervical radiographs, with the neck in varying positions, were made of a series of dogs belonging to different breeds, all with conditions unrelated to the spine. Post-mortem myelograms were carried out on a small number, and the cervical vertebrae macerated. Measurement of cervical angles, and sagittal diameters of the neural canal were obtained from the plain radiographs. The relative positions of adjacent vertebrae were noted. The sagittal diameter values were compared with those calculated from the myelograms and isolated vertebrae.
The vertebral angles showed a wide variation, the vertebrae moved relatively to one another as the position of the neck was varied, and the sagittal diameters showed good correlation between plain radiographs, myelograms and isolated vertebrae.  相似文献   

The structure and fill of the omasum was investigated in summer and in winter in adult female reindeer living on the polar desert and tundra of the high Arctic archipelago of Svalbard and in sub-Arctic mountain habitats in northern Norway. The mean total mass of the omasum in non-lactating adult female Svalbard reindeer was 467 g (0.65 g per 100 g live body mass (BM)) in September and 477 g (1.03 g per 100 g BM) in April. By contrast, the mean mass of the omasum in non-lactating adult reindeer in northern Norway was 534 g (0.83 g per 100 g BM) in September but only 205 g (0.35 g per 100 g BM p < 0.05) in late March, owing to a decrease in both tissue mass and the wet mass of the contents of the organ. The mean absorptive surface of the omasum in Svalbard reindeer was 2300 cm2 in September and 2023 cm2 in April. In Norwegian reindeer, by contrast, the absorptive surface area decreased from 2201 cm2 in September to 1181 cm2 (p < 0.05) in late March. The marked seasonal decline of omasal tissue and contents in Norwegian reindeer probably results from intake of highly digestible forage plants, including lichens, in winter. Svalbard reindeer, a non-migratory sub-species, survive eating poor quality fibrous vascular plants in winter. The absence of any marked seasonal change in the mass, total absorptive surface area or filling of the omasum in Svalbard reindeer in winter despite a substantial decline in body mass presumably reflects their need to maintain maximum absorption of nutrients, including volatile fatty acids, when feeding on such poorly fermentable forage.  相似文献   

Four sentinel herds comprising cattle, sheep and goats were established at various localities in Saudi Arabia. Maternal bluetongue antibodies were detected in all four sentinel herds but disappeared in 4-6 months, immediately followed by seroconversion in all. Serological results indicated that the animals were recently exposed to BT virus serotypes 10, 12, 15 and 20. The epidemiology of the disease in Saudi Arabia is discussed.  相似文献   

The study was conducted to establish the ultrasonographic features of the healthy and impacted omasum in cows and buffaloes. Scanning was done using a 3.5 MHz microconvex transducer. In healthy buffaloes, the omasum could be scanned at the eighth to ninth intercostal space as a round or oval structure having thick echogenic wall with echogenic leaves. Gradual slow movements of omasal leaves could also be seen in real-time B-mode. The omasum appeared to be very clear, large, and close to the transducer at the start of the omasal contraction, and as the contraction progressed the omasum retracted away from the transducer and became very small. In healthy cows the omasum was seen as a crescent-shaped structure with an echogenic wall. The contents of the omasum or omasal leaves could not be visualized. Omasal contractility was not as prominent as in buffaloes. In buffaloes, the impacted omasum appeared amotile, the omasal leaves were not visible, and the omasum as a whole gave a prominent distal acoustic shadow. In cows, the impaction could be diagnosed based on amotile omasum covering a large area on the right side. Ultrasonography was found to be helpful in subjective assessment of omasal impaction but could not aid in diagnosing the severity of impaction.  相似文献   

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