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北京地区奶牛场用水量及污水产生现状调查报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本调查采集了北京地区25家奶牛场用水量及污水产生情况数据进行分析。结果表明:(1)养殖场的水源来源单一,主要为深井水;98%的牛场已安装水表记录牛场用水情况。(2)牛场中用水最多的环节为奶牛饮水,其次是挤奶厅清洗用水和喷淋用水。(3)夏季牛场头均总用水量显著高于春、秋、冬季(P0.01);牛场头均总用水量随着总存栏量的增大有增加的趋势(P=0.08);相比于井水,水来源为自来水时,头均奶牛饮水量显著提高(P=0.03);头年产奶量大于10 000kg的牛场,头均喷淋用水量有增加趋势(P=0.06)。(4)大部分牛场已安装雨污分离和干湿分离设备,但仍有小部分未安装此设备。  相似文献   

为了考察北京市奶牛场环境调控能力、牛群健康与福利状态,本次专项调研收集了来自密云、大兴、昌平、延庆、顺义、房山6个区的62家存栏量在100头以上的规模化奶牛场数据。调查指标涉及福利设施装配情况(牛体刷、牛舍到挤奶厅橡胶过道铺设、挤奶厅地面防滑设计)、饮水器清洁频率及饮水卫生、乳房炎随季节的发生率以及牛体表缺损状况等。结果发现:(1)安装牛体刷牛场的产奶量比没有安装牛体刷的牛场高出8.3%;从牛舍到挤奶厅铺设橡胶过道与没有铺设橡胶过道的牛场相比,前者产奶量比后者高6.7%;(2)1~3d清洁一次饮水设施的牛场占到51.6%,其产奶量相比不定期清洁的牛场提高16.7%,差异显著;(3)夏季是临床乳房炎高发季节;(4)奶牛体表有缺毛的斑、关节破损和肿胀、运动时发生跛行的比例少于一成的牛场分别占98.4%、85.5%和85.5%,相比发生比例大于一成的牛场,其年平均产奶量依次高5.7%、3.8%和1.9%。  相似文献   

为考察中国东北地区奶牛场饲养管理情况,本次专项调研收集了来自黑龙江、辽宁、吉林存栏量100头以上的61家规模化养殖场的数据。通过对牛场的运动场、卧床以及牛蹄福利设施的配备情况分析,得出结论如下:(1)78.7%调研牛场配备有运动场,其泌乳牛年均产奶量相较没有配备运动场的牛场高6.4%;在48家配有运动场牛场中,采用泥土、砂土、红砖/废旧石板、三合土作为运动场地面材料的牛场分别占39.6%、27.1%、25.0%、3.3%,且当运动场地面材料为三合土时,泌乳牛的年均产奶量最高;运动场头均占有面积以10~20m2为宜。(2)调研牛场均配备有卧床,卧床平整频率以1天1次的产奶量最高。(3)牛舍及挤奶厅配有防滑措施的牛场分别占91.8%和93.4%,相较于无防滑措施的牛场,其泌乳牛年均产奶量分别高11.4%和18.4%;牛舍及挤奶厅配有保护牛蹄部材料的牛场占比55.7%,其泌乳牛年均产奶量较未配备的牛场高15.4%。综上所述,奶牛场的运动场、防滑设施、牛蹄保护设施的配备以及卧床平整频率均影响奶牛的年产奶量和牛场经济效益,奶牛场应当注重奶牛饲养环境和有关福利设施的建设和管理。  相似文献   

为考察北京市郊奶牛场环境调控能力、牛群福利状态,本次专项调研收集了来自密云、大兴、昌平、延庆、顺义、房山6个区的62家存栏量在100头以上的规模化奶牛场数据。分析了调研牛场的存栏量、年产奶量、牛舍类型、犊牛饲养设施与饲养方式及其随牛场规模的变化情况。结果得出:1新生犊牛饲养设施配置、哺乳期犊牛饲养方式、年平均产奶量与牛场规模有关,牛场养殖规模越大,新生犊牛和哺乳期犊牛饲养设施配置率越高,奶牛年平均产奶量越高;2成乳牛舍、青年牛舍、育成牛舍以开放式和半开放式牛舍为主,断奶期犊牛以无床位大圈大群饲养为主,不受牛场养殖规模影响。  相似文献   

机器人挤奶对荷斯坦牛产奶量及乳成分的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验旨在研究和传统奶厅挤奶相比,机器人挤奶系统对奶牛产奶量及乳成分的影响。选取64头体重相近、处于泌乳盛期、日均产奶量相近的健康荷斯坦牛分为2组,即传统奶厅挤奶组(CMS)和机器人挤奶组(AMS),每组32头(初产牛和经产牛各16头)。预试期10d,正试期60d。结果表明:机器人挤奶对奶牛的产奶量有显著的影响(P0.05),总体产奶量提高了2.08%;AMS组经产牛产奶量显著高于CMS组经产牛(37.4±8.3kg/d vs.35.4±4.5 kg/d,P0.05),初产牛间差异不显著(P0.05)。机器人挤奶系统对乳脂率、乳蛋白率、非脂乳固形物和体细胞数均无显著影响(P0.05);AMS组经产牛的乳脂率(4.54±0.64%vs.4.05±0.71%)和乳蛋白率(3.42±0.19%vs.3.21±0.23%)显著高于CMS组经产牛,初产牛间差异不显著(P0.05)。由此可见,本试验条件下,采用机器人挤奶可以提高经产牛日均产奶量、乳脂率和乳蛋白率,改善乳品质,但对初产牛无显著影响。  相似文献   

为考察中国西南地区奶牛场饲养管理情况,本次专项调研收集了来自四川、云南、贵州、重庆四个省、直辖市的47家存栏量100头以上的规模化牛场数据,分析了调研牛场的存栏量、年产奶量、牛舍类型和犊牛饲养管理以及其随牛场规模的变化情况。结果得出:(1)1 000头以上规模牛场较100~499头规模牛场年平均产奶量高了11.1%。(2)西南地区主要以半开放式牛舍为主,占调研牛场的46.8%,随着牛场牛舍封闭程度的提高(从开放式到封闭式),泌乳牛年产奶量提高10.0%。(3)新生犊牛配置新生犊牛保育舍和专用产犊区、哺乳期犊牛一直单栏饲养或先单栏饲养后大群饲养、断奶缓冲7d再转群的牛场,泌乳牛年平均产奶量高。综上所述,奶牛的产奶量与牛场存栏规模、牛舍类型以及犊牛的饲养管理密切相关。  相似文献   

为考察中国东北地区奶牛场饲养管理情况,本次专项调研收集了黑龙江、辽宁、吉林存栏量100头以上的61家规模化养殖场数据。通过对东北三省奶牛存栏量、年均产奶量及牛场饲养管理的数据分析,得出如下结论:(1)东北地区牛场牛舍以封闭式牛舍为主,采用封闭式牛舍牛场年均产奶量较采用开放式牛舍牛场低5.2%。(2)26.2%的牛场配备有发酵床,其年均产奶量较未配备发酵床的牛场高11.3%。(3)配备有犊牛岛、犊牛保育舍以及专用产犊区的奶牛场,泌乳牛年均产奶量均得到提高。(4)63.9%的牛场在给犊牛饲喂初乳时采用灌服方法,其泌乳牛年均产奶量较采用奶瓶或奶桶的牛场高出16.7%和29.1%。(5)采用一直单栏或单圈饲养断奶前奶牛的饲养方式,相较于其他饲养方式,其泌乳牛年均产奶量较高。综上所述,奶牛的产奶量与奶牛场的饲养管理方式密切相关。  相似文献   

为考察中国西南地区牛场饲养管理情况,本次专项调研收集了来自四川、云南、贵州、重庆的47家存栏量100头以上的规模化奶牛场数据,分析了牛场福利设施的配备情况及其相关泌乳牛产奶量、肢蹄病数据。结果得出:(1)配备牛体刷的牛场占比为14.9%,其年平均产奶量比没有配备牛体刷的牛场高17.6%;配备防滑道、橡胶过道、蹄浴池的牛场占比分别为89.4%、68.1%、70.2%,相比没有配备防滑道、橡胶过道、蹄浴池的牛场年平均产奶量分别高3.3%、12.5%、18.8%,奶牛肢蹄病发病率在5%以上的牛场占比分别低44.8、44.8、50.0个百分点。(2)配有卧床的牛场占70.2%,其泌乳牛年平均产奶量比没有配备卧床的牛场高13.1%。(3)配有运动场的牛场占36.2%,与没有配备运动场的牛场相比泌乳牛年平均产奶量高13.6%。运动场占有面积平均每头牛少于5m~2、5~10m~2、大于10m2的牛场分别占23.5%、47.1%、29.4%,随着每头牛占有的运动场面积的增加,牛场泌乳牛年平均产奶量逐渐提高。综上,牛场配备牛体刷、防滑道、橡胶过道、蹄浴池、卧床和运动场均有利于提高奶牛产奶量或肢蹄健康,应重视这些配置的投入,特别是牛体刷和运动场配置还有很大的提高空间。  相似文献   

本试验共收集了山西南部地区某牧场冬季(2015年10月、11月、12月和2016年1月)开放式牛舍条件下荷斯坦牛的80 158条电子记录,该记录储存了600头泌乳牛的活动量、产奶量、牛奶电导率、挤奶时间的相关数据。通过分析得出奶牛胎次、泌乳天数等对奶牛活动量的影响以及奶牛产奶量、挤奶效率和牛奶电导率与活动量之间的相互关系。结果表明:不同胎次泌乳牛活动量之间差异极显著(P0.01)。随着泌乳天数的增加,奶牛活动量有下降趋势。活动量在90~110步/h时,个体产奶量和挤奶效率最高。挤奶效率与产奶量之间呈极显著正相关(R=0.992,P0.01),奶牛产奶量高的个体挤奶效率也较高。因此,在实际生产中,可将挤奶效率作为核心群选育的标准之一。此外,本研究结果发现,电导率大于10后,奶产量和活动量均下降,通过CMT检测及与DHI体细胞数的对比,证实与隐性乳房炎有明确的关系。因此,可将检测牛奶电导率是否大于10作为判断奶牛是否患有隐性乳房炎的预测手段,该研究结果为该地区奶牛隐性乳房炎检测提供了一种简单快捷的方法。  相似文献   

桃江县畜禽规模养殖场减排调查23个规模猪场中有12个做到了干湿分离排污,占52%;调查8个鸡场和3个牛场均做到了粪便收集利用,实现干湿分离排污。但全部畜禽养殖场粪污综合治理技术措施有待落实,需要政府给力,业务部门和养殖场合力实行。  相似文献   

An observational study was conducted in Wisconsin to compare production and management on organic and conventional dairy farms. Thirty organic dairy herds, where antimicrobials are rarely used for calves and never used for cows, were compared with 30 neighboring conventional dairy farms on which antimicrobials were routinely used for animals of all ages. A seven-page questionnaire regarding milk production, milking practices, housing, incidence of the major dairy diseases and medical treatments was used to assess management and production during 2000-2001. Body condition scores (BCS) of lactating cows and environmental and animal sanitation scores (EASS) were also collected on each of two occasions. The organic herds had significantly fewer cattle than did the conventional herds (P=0.017). The average daily milk production per cow in organic dairy herds (20.2 kg/day) was lower than that of conventional herds (23.7 kg/day). The incidence of clinical mastitis (CM) on organic farms (28 cases per 100 cow-years at risk) was not statistically different from that of on conventional farms (32 cases per 100 cow-years at risk). No significant difference in bulk tank somatic cell count (BTSCC) was observed between organic farms (262,000 cells/ml) and conventional farms (285,000 cells/ml). The average annual cull rate was 18.0 cases per 100 cow-years for the conventional farms and 17.2 for the organic farms (P=0.426). Our paired t-test results indicated significantly higher parasite burden on organic dairy farms; however, no significant difference between the two farm types when controlling for season (March and September), grazing intensity (no grazing, little grazing, grazing with access to housing and grazing only) and herd average milk production per cow. There was little evidence of other fundamental differences between the two farm types in other management and production parameters.  相似文献   

对陕西省关中地区31个不同规模的奶山羊养殖场使用机器挤奶的相关数据及资料进行分析。结果表明,不同奶山羊养殖场规模、挤奶设备、挤奶时间、质检方式和羊奶售价等方面均存在差异;机器挤奶流程、挤奶次数和环境卫生等影响到奶山羊乳房健康和羊奶品质。应加强对养殖场挤奶机器的管理,规范机器挤奶技术流程,提高奶山羊养殖场生产效益。  相似文献   

本试验旨在通过对不同来源生鲜乳的相关指标进行测定和比较分析,评价其品质,为地方奶牛养殖业的发展提供参考依据.采集2017-2020年云南省养殖专业合作社、乳品公司养殖场、收购站和机械化挤奶站4种来源的生鲜乳共661个样品,采用国家标准方法测定其相关指标,用SPSS 22.0统计软件做单因素方差分析.结果显示,2017-...  相似文献   



Milk produced by cows in receipt of antimicrobial therapy may contain antimicrobial residues. Such antimicrobial-containing waste milk must be withdrawn from human consumption and is therefore sometimes used as calf feed. Unfortunately, this approach might promote selection of antimicrobial resistant bacteria in the calves’ intestinal microbiota. The objectives of this study were therefore to obtain an overview of waste milk feeding practices on Swedish dairy farms and to investigate if these practices were associated with certain farm characteristics. A representative group of 457 Swedish dairy farmers participated in a web-based survey with questions about the use of colostrum and milk from cows treated with antimicrobials at dry off or during lactation, respectively, as calf feed.


Colostrum (milk from the first milking after calving) and transition milk (milk from the second milking to the fourth day after calving) from cows treated with antimicrobials at dry off was fed to calves on 89% and 85% of the farms in the study, respectively. When antimicrobial therapy was given to cows during lactation, 56% of the farms fed milk that was produced during the course of treatment to calves, whereas milk that was produced during the subsequent withdrawal period was fed to calves on 79% of the farms. Surveyed farmers were less prone to feed such milk if the antimicrobial therapy was due to mastitis than other infections. In Sweden, a majority of antimicrobial treatments during lactation are systemic administration of benzylpenicillin and thus, the bulk of waste milk in Sweden is likely to contain residues of this drug. Feeding waste milk to calves was more common on non-organic farms, and on farms located in Southern Sweden, and was less common on farms with cows housed in cold free stalls barns.


Waste milk that may contain antimicrobial residues is, at least occasionally, used as feed for calves on a majority of surveyed Swedish dairy farms. Future work should focus on the effect of waste milk feeding on the occurrence of antimicrobial resistant bacteria in the calves’ intestinal microbiota.  相似文献   

In conventional milking systems, dairy cows are driven to the milking stall twice or thrice daily, whereas in automatic milking systems (AMS), the cows enter the milking stall voluntarily. In this study, noninvasive methods were used to analyze the physiological reaction of 17 cows toward the changeover from conventional to automatic milking. Milk yield and composition were analyzed. Heart rate was recorded continuously, and feces was sampled twice daily to determine cortisol metabolites (11, 17-dioxoandrostanes) for a period of 2 wk. During the first visit to the AMS (without milking), heart rate was elevated compared with parlor milking by 35 +/- 3 beats per minute (bpm) above basal heart rate (P < 0.05). Heart rate during the first milking in AMS (eighth visit) was already similar to the heart rate previously measured during milking in the parlor (18.1 +/- 2.2 bpm above basal level). Concentration of fecal cortisol metabolites was unchanged during the change-over compared with parlor milking. A decreased (P < 0.05) milk yield of 68 +/- 7% relative to previous parlor yield during the first AMS milking indicated a disturbance of milk ejection in most cows. Individual yields ranged from 8 to 96% of the previous parlor yield. To examine the relationship between adrenal cortex sensitivity and the coping process, an ACTH challenge experiment was performed after the changeover period. Cows that released more cortisol after ACTH injection, indicating a higher adrenal cortex sensitivity, had a less enhanced heart rate and a near normal milk ejection during the first AMS milkings (P < 0.05). In conclusion, the reactions toward the changeover to AMS milking varied widely within cows. Adaption to the AMS was easier in animals with a higher adrenal cortex sensitivity to ACTH.  相似文献   

The human–animal relationship can influence how an animal responds to situations involving humans and affect animal well-being and production. The objectives of this research were to (1) determine if there is a relationship between the behavioral reactivity of New Zealand dairy heifers toward humans and the behavioral response to cluster placement during milking and milk production measures and (2) determine if this relationship changes as heifers become habituated to the milking process. A total of 150 primiparous heifers were randomly selected from 3 commercial dairy farms. Approximately 1 month before calving, 2 behavioral tests, avoidance distance in response to an approaching human and exit speed from a restraint, were performed on 50 heifers at each farm. For each heifer, behavioral observations were recorded during the morning milking period (during the first and sixth weeks of lactation). Behaviors recorded during cluster placement at milking included flinching, stepping, and/or kicking (FSK). Milk yields, milking durations, and average milk flow rates were recorded for each individual heifer during the first and sixth weeks of lactation. Avoidance distance and exit speed were positively correlated (P < 0.001). The FSK response during cluster placement was negatively (P < 0.01) correlated with exit speed during week 6 of lactation, but there was no relationship (P > 0.05) between avoidance distance and FSK. Avoidance distance was positively (P < 0.005) correlated with milk flow rates during weeks 1 and 6 of lactation and milk yields (P < 0.01) during week 6 of lactation. However, there was no relationship (P > 0.05) between exit speed and milk yields, durations, or flow rates. Furthermore, the FSK response was negatively (P < 0.05) correlated with milk yield during weeks 1 and 6 of lactation. Therefore, the behavioral response of heifers toward humans and the milking process appears to be related to milk production measures.  相似文献   

In order to determine the safety of milk produced by smallholder dairy goat farms, a farm-based research study was conducted on commercial dairy goat farms to compare the microbiological quality of milk produced using 3 different types of dairy goat production systems (intensive, semi-intensive and extensive). A survey of dairy goat farms in and around Pretoria carried out by means of a questionnaire revealed that most of the smallholder dairy goat farms surveyed used an extensive type of production system. The method of milking varied with the type of production system, i.e. machine milking; bucket system machine milking and hand-milking, respectively. Udder half milk samples (n=270) were analysed, of which 31.1% were infected with bacteria. The lowest intra-mammary infection was found amongst goats in the herd under the extensive system (13.3%), compared with 43.3% and 36.7% infection rates under the intensive and semi-intensive production systems, respectively. Staphylococcus intermedius (coagulase positive), Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus simulans (both coagulase negative), were the most common cause of intramammary infection with a prevalence of 85.7% of the infected udder halves. The remaining 14.3% of the infection was due to Staphylococcus aureus. Bacteriology of bulk milk samples on the other hand, showed that raw milk obtained by the bucket system milking machine had the lowest total bacterial count (16,450 colony forming units (CFU)/ml) compared to that by pipeline milking machine (36,300 CFU/ml) or hand-milking (48,000 CFU/ml). No significant relationship was found between the somatic cell counts (SCC) and presence of bacterial infection in goat milk In comparison with the herds under the other 2 production systems, it was shown that dairy goat farming under the extensive production system, where hand-milking was used, can be adequate for the production of safe raw goat milk.  相似文献   

近15年来,我国牛奶总产量和人均占有量有两个变化阶段:2000-2007年为快速增长期,年均增幅分别达22.64%和21.97%;2008年"三聚氰胺"奶粉事件至今是缓慢增长期,年均增幅仅分别为0.72%和0.49%;目前较2000年分别增加了4.35和4.11倍,但牛奶产量只有美国的1/3、印度的1/2,人均牛奶占有量不到美国的1/10、印度的1/2。我国城乡居民人均乳品消费量均随牛奶产量和乳品进口量增加呈线性上升,年均增幅分别为5.35%和15.77%。国内牛奶产量显著影响乡村居民乳品消费,乳制品进口量对城乡居民消费均有显著作用。比较分析国内外经验与教训,我国牛奶生产体系要加快牧草种植-奶牛养殖-牛奶加工-奶品销售的纵向的系统耦合,同时加强诸多生产单位通过契约的横向的系统耦合;根据草地农业的理论,建立从水土保持到餐桌的乳品生产监管保障体系,改进以饲草种植和奶牛养殖为基础的奶业产业链的收益分配机制,发挥草地-奶牛系统的综合优势。  相似文献   

Commercial dairy cows milked in a parlor system are packed close together in the holding area before milking. The present study examined the relationships of ‘looking up’ behavior with some other behaviors and the productivity of 1116–1153 cows from five farms. The individual identities of the cows looking up in the holding area were recorded at 5 min intervals during six intermittent afternoon milking sessions. Entrance into the milking parlor and the numbers of steps and kicks by cows while the milking person was attaching the milking cups, were recorded in six milking sessions. Flight responses in the pasture after milking were recorded over four days intermittently. The frequency of ‘looking up’ behavior weakly, but significantly correlated with flight starting distance (r = 0.10, P < 0.05), while the correlation with the number of step‐kicks during milking was not significant. As for productivity, lactation number (r = ?0.18, P < 0.001), milk yield (r = ?0.15, P < 0.001) and fat content (r = ?0.15, P < 0.001) were negatively correlated with the frequency of ‘looking up’ behavior. Age of cows was correlated with the frequency of ‘looking up’ behavior as well as lactation number (r = ?0.21, P < 0.001). Entrance order was positively correlated with the frequency of ‘looking up’ behavior (r = 0.15, P < 0.001). The ‘looking up’ behavior was observed more frequently in cows in their third or less lactation compared with cows which were in their fourth or greater lactation (P < 0.05). The lactation number of cows was correlated with their milk yield (r = 0.36, P < 0.001) and flight starting distance (r = ?0.21, P < 0.001). In conclusion, ‘looking up’ behavior shown by cows in the holding area before milking might be an indicator of low motivation for milking, mainly because of fear of humans, and an aversion to milking caused by insufficient experience in being milked.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional questionnaire-based study was conducted to assess milk producers’ awareness of milk-borne zoonoses in selected smallholder and commercial dairy farms of Zimbabwe. The questionnaire was designed to obtain information on dairy breeds, milk production, dairy farmers’ knowledge and awareness of zoonoses with particular emphasis on milk-borne zoonoses and farmers’ behavioural practices that may lead to increased risk of milk-borne zoonoses transmission. A total of 119 dairy farmers were interviewed, and 41.5% were aware of milk-borne zoonoses with a significantly (P < 0.01) higher percentage of commercial dairy farmers (65.0%) being aware compared to smallholder dairy farmers (36.7%). The behavioural practices of dairy farmers observed to increase the risk of milk-borne zoonoses transmission were; consumption of raw milk (68.1%), sale of raw milk to the local public (25.2%), lack of cooling facilities by smallholder farmers (98%), and no routine testing (84.9%) and medical check-ups (89.1%) for milk-borne zoonoses. General hygienic and disease control practices need to be integrated in the milk production process particularly at the smallholder level. Awareness, teaching and training programmes for smallholder dairy farmers can improve disease control in animals and reduce the public health risk of milk-borne zoonoses.  相似文献   

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