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The caesium-137 technique for investigating rates and patterns of soil loss has now been successfully applied in a wide range of environments. However, some uncertainty still surrounds the ability of the technique to provide quantitative estimates of rates of erosion. The wide range of calibration relationships that have been employed by individual workers to derive erosion rates from estimates of the amount of 137Cs (caesium-137) lost from the soil profile, emphasize the uncertainty involved. Existing calibration procedures, involving both empirical relationships and theoretical models and accounting procedures are reviewed and their limitations and inconsistencies are identified. Further research is required in this important area, if the clear potential of the caesium-137 technique is to be fully realized.  相似文献   

Validation of spatially distributed models using spatially distributed data represents a vital element in the development process; however, it is rarely undertaken. To a large extent, this reflects the problems associated with assembling erosion rate data, at appropriate temporal and spatial scales and with a suitable spatial resolution, for comparison with model results. The caesium-137 (137Cs) technique would appear to offer considerable potential for meeting this need for data, at least for longer timescales. Nevertheless, initial attempts to use 137Cs for model validation did not prove successful. This lack of success may be explained by the important role of tillage erosion in redistributing soil within agricultural fields and, therefore, contributing to the 137Cs-derived soil redistribution rates. This paper examines the implications of tillage erosion for the use of 137Cs in erosion model validation and presents an outline methodology for the use of 137Cs in model validation. This methodology acknowledges and addresses the constraints imposed by the need to: (1) separate water and tillage erosion contributions to total soil redistribution as represented in 137Cs derived rates; (2) account for lateral mixing of 137Cs within fields as a result of tillage translocation; (3) simulate long-term water erosion rates using the model under evaluation if 137Cs-derived water erosion rates are to be used in model validation. The methodology is dependent on accurate simulation of tillage erosion and tillage translocation. Therefore, as greater understanding of tillage erosion is obtained, the potential for the use of 137Cs in water erosion model validation will increase. Caesium-137 measurements remain one of the few sources of spatially distributed erosion information and, therefore, their potential value should be exploited to the full.  相似文献   

Caesium-137 (137Cs) has been widely used for the determination of soil erosion and sediment transport rate. However, depth distribution patterns of 137Cs in the soil profile have not been considered. As a result, the erosion rates may be over-estimated or underestimated. This paper presents the depth distribution of 137Cs fallout in different soil profiles using published data. Three types of depth distribution functions of 137Cs are given by using statistical regression methods, the exponential type, the peak type and the decreasing type (including uniform distribution). Relationships between 137Cs loss and soil erosion rate are given by introducing the regression functions. The influence of depth distribution of 137Cs on the estimation of the soil erosion rate was simulated. Simulation results showed that very different soil erosion rates could be deduced for different depth distributions when 137Cs loss is the same, which indicates that the depth distribution pattern should be considered when soil erosion is estimated by using 137Cs. Simulation results also suggested that it is most important to determine the depth distribution of 137Cs near the soil surface and the annual relative loss of 137Cs by using the depth distribution of 137Cs as a criterion to estimate the soil erosion rate.  相似文献   

沂蒙山区土壤侵蚀的137Cs示踪法初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沂蒙山区是我国北方典型的土石山区,当地土壤由片麻岩、砂岩发育而来,质地疏松易流失,缺乏对泥沙侵蚀监测的长期观测数据。本研究采集了山东省沂蒙山区某一小流域的48个土样共72个样品,利用137Cs示踪技术,确定该地区土壤中的137Cs背景值约为1 740 Bq m-2,并利用杨浩等人的土壤侵蚀定量模型,对该流域土壤侵蚀进行了初步估算。估算结果表明该地区非耕地土壤侵蚀的平均速率为2 531 t km-2a-1,坡耕地土壤侵蚀的平均速率为6 953 t km-2a-1。由于人类耕作活动以及地形的影响,坡耕地土壤侵蚀严重,土壤侵蚀速率在坡面上呈复杂变化。当地土壤流失严重,使得土壤涵蓄水能力下降,加剧了洪涝、干旱灾害的发生,影响当地农业的可持续发展和人们生活水平的提高。  相似文献   

利用137Cs示踪技术评价东北黑土侵蚀和沉积过程   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
Soil and water losses through erosion have been serious in the black soil region of Northeast China. Therefore, a sloping cultivated land in Songnen Plain was selected as a case study to: 1) determine the ^137Cs reference inventory in the study area; 2) calculate erosion and deposition rates of black soil on different slope locations; 3) conduct a sensitivity analysis of some model parameters; and 4) compare overall outputs using four different models. Three transects were set in the field with five slope locations for each transect, including summit, shoulder-slope, back-slope, foot-slope, and toe-slope. Field measurements and model simulation were used to estimate a bomb-derived ^137Cs reference inventory in the study area. Soil erosion and deposition rates were estimated using four ^137Cs models and percentage of ^137Cs loss/gain. The ^137Cs reference value in the study area was 2 232.8 Bq m^-2 with ^137Cs showing a clear topographic pattern, decreasing from the summit to shoulder-slope, then increasing again at the foot-slope and reaching a maximum at the toe-slope, Predicted soil redistribution rates for different slope locations varied. Among models, the Yang Model (YANG-M) overestimated erosion loss but underestimated deposition. However, the standard mass balance model (MBM1) gave predictions similar to a mass balance model incorporating soil movement by tillage (MBM2). Sensitivity analysis of the proportion factor and distribution pattern of ^137Cs in the surface layer demonstrated the impact of ^137Cs enrichment on calculation of the soil erosion rate. Factors influencing the redistribution of fallout ^137Cs in landscape should be fully considered as calculating soil redistribution rate using ^137Cs technique.  相似文献   

该文通过紫色丘陵区响水滩小流域不同土地利用类型、不同坡度和坡长、不同地貌部位土壤剖面中137Cs含量的测定与分析,对其侵蚀空间分布进行了估算.研究结果表明:该流域137Cs含量的背景值为1870 Bq/m2;流域内坡耕地、林地的年平均侵蚀强度分别为4468、1759 t/(km2·a);土壤侵蚀量与坡长、坡度均指数相关;丘顶、丘坡和鞍部的年平均侵蚀强度分别为2125、4676、3625 t/(km2·a).结果表明土地利用类型、坡长和坡度、地貌部位对土壤侵蚀量影响很大,坡耕地是该流域泥沙的主要来源.  相似文献   

Buyukcekmece Reservoir, located in the western outskirts of Istanbul, is one of the major water resources of Istanbul, and supplies drinking water to about 4 million people. Erosion in the catchment of the reservoir is an important problem in terms of its longer-term sustainability for water supply. There is an urgent need to obtain reliable quantitative data regarding erosion and deposition rates within the catchment to assess the magnitude of the problem and to plan catchment management strategies. In the absence of existing data, attention has focussed on the potential for using 137Cs measurements to provide retrospective estimates of medium-term soil erosion rates within the catchment over the past ca. 40 years. To date, the 137Cs approach has not been used to document soil redistribution rates in Turkey and this contribution reports an attempt to confirm the viability of the approach and the results of a preliminary investigation of rates of soil loss from uncultivated areas within the catchment. The soil redistribution rates estimated using the profile distribution conversion model varied from − 16.11 (erosion) to 4.59 (deposition) t/ha/year.  相似文献   

The bomb-test fallout radionuclide caesium-137, has found increasing application in geomorphological investigations of soil erosion. Comparatively little work has investigated the potential for using 134Cs and 137Cs derived from the 1986 Chernobyl accident. Results are reported from an agricultural foothill environment in the Beskidy Mountains of southern Poland. The high degree of spatial variability associated with Chernobyl fallout deposition poses considerable limitations on the potential for using radiocaesium measurements to elucidate detailed patterns of soil loss. Despite this problem, the redistribution of radiocaesium from field plots to terrace edges suggests a means for estimating the overall budgets for sediment transfer on cultivated slopes.  相似文献   

利用137Cs估算土壤侵蚀速率的定量模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A quantitative model was developed to relate the amount of ^137Cs loss from the soil profile to the rate of soil erosion,According th mass balance model,the depth distribution pattern of ^137Cs in the soil profile ,the radioactive decay of ^137Cs,sampling year and the difference of ^137Cs fallout amount among years were taken into consideration.By introducing typical depth distribution functions of ^137Cs into the model ,detailed equations for the model were got for different soil,The model shows that the rate of soil erosion is mainly controlled by the depth distrbution pattern of ^137Cs ,the year of sampling,and the percentage reduction in total ^137Cs,The relationship between the rate of soil loss and ^137Cs depletion i neither linear nor logarithmic,The depth distribution pattern of ^137Cs is a major factor for estimating the rate of soil loss,Soil erosion rate is directly related with the fraction of ^137Cs content near the soil surface. The influences of the radioactive decay of ^137Cs,sampling year and ^137Cs input fraction are not large compared with others.  相似文献   

研究土壤侵蚀对有机碳不同组分流失的影响,可为科学评估土壤侵蚀在碳循环中的作用和探明农田有机碳变化机制提供理论依据.该研究以典型黑土区一凸型耕地坡面为研究对象,基于137Cs示踪技术,分析了坡面土壤侵蚀特征及强度分布,定量分析了坡面有机碳组分的变化幅度及侵蚀强度与有机碳组分间的关系.结果表明:研究坡面年均侵蚀速率为380...  相似文献   

该文通过紫色丘陵区响水滩小流域不同土地利用类型、不同坡度和坡长、不同地貌部位土壤剖面中 137Cs含量的测定与分析,对其侵蚀空间分布进行了估算。研究结果表明:该流域 137Cs含量的背景值为1870 Bq/m2;流域内坡耕地、林地的年平均侵蚀强度分别为4468、1759 t/(km2·a);土壤侵蚀量与坡长、坡度均指数相关;丘顶、丘坡和鞍部的年平均侵蚀强度分别为2125、4676、3625 t/(km2·a)。结果表明土地利用类型、坡长和坡度、地貌部位对土壤侵蚀量影响很大,坡耕地是该流域泥沙的主要来源。  相似文献   

用137Cs示踪法研究密云水库周边土壤侵蚀与氮磷流失   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
运用137Cs核素示踪技术,研究密云水库周边地区及白河上游地区土壤侵蚀与氮、磷流失状况及其相互之间的量变关系.研究结果表明:从土壤表层(0~20 cm)137Cs分布规律基本符合地形地貌的变化规律,山坡上部的137Cs含量低于山坡中部与坡下部,但是如果山顶具有缓坡或山角下具有陡坡,则137Cs含量变化规律相反.根据土壤137Cs监测数据结果判定该地区基本属于轻度侵蚀和中度侵蚀,部分地区侵蚀情况达到剧烈程度.不同景观与土地利用方式对土壤氮、磷分布有巨大影响:有机质、全氮、水解氮含量均是以灌丛土壤最高,林地次之,与流域内137Cs分布规律相符合;而农田中全磷、速效磷含量最高.不同区域土壤养分含量不同:水库上游地区土壤氮素、磷素含量均低于水库周边地区.证明不合理的人为活动严重的增强了土壤侵蚀程度与养分流失量.回归模拟了土壤中137Cs、(210Pb)与全氮、全磷、水解氮、速效磷含量之间的数学模型.这些模型在区域较小、景观单一的范围内可以定量分析、预报预测各采样区的全磷和有效态氮、磷含量的变化趋势.简化了监测与分析测试程序.扩大了核素示踪技术的应用范围.  相似文献   

运用 137Cs核素示踪技术,研究密云水库周边地区及白河上游地区土壤侵蚀与氮、磷流失状况及其相互之间的量变关系。研究结果表明:从土壤表层(0~20 cm) 137Cs分布规律基本符合地形地貌的变化规律,山坡上部的 137Cs含量低于山坡中部与坡下部,但是如果山顶具有缓坡或山角下具有陡坡,则 137Cs含量变化规律相反。根据土壤 137Cs监测数据结果判定该地区基本属于轻度侵蚀和中度侵蚀,部分地区侵蚀情况达到剧烈程度。不同景观与土地利用方式对土壤氮、磷分布有巨大影响:有机质、全氮、水解氮含量均是以灌丛土壤最高,林地次之,与流域内 137Cs分布规律相符合;而农田中全磷、速效磷含量最高。不同区域土壤养分含量不同:水库上游地区土壤氮素、磷素含量均低于水库周边地区。证明不合理的人为活动严重的增强了土壤侵蚀程度与养分流失量。回归模拟了土壤中 137Cs、( 210Pb)与全氮、全磷、水解氮、速效磷含量之间的数学模型。这些模型在区域较小、景观单一的范围内可以定量分析、预报预测各采样区的全磷和有效态氮、磷含量的变化趋势。简化了监测与分析测试程序。扩大了核素示踪技术的应用范围。  相似文献   

激光微地貌扫描仪测定侵蚀过程中地表糙度   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
为研究激光微地貌扫描仪用于测定南方红壤地区地表微地貌的演变特征和规律的可行性,该研究应用亚毫米级高精度激光扫描和计算机数字图像处理相结合的方法,在野外原位研究了鄂南3个典型红壤(泥质页岩发育红壤、第四纪红黏土发育红壤1和第四纪红黏土发育红壤2)模拟降雨条件下坡面侵蚀过程中的地表糙度变化过程,初步探讨了降雨和径流对红壤坡面微地貌形态演变作用。结果表明:1)随着降雨进行,雨滴打击和径流搬运的联合作用导致地表糙度降低,间歇式降雨后,供试土壤泥质页岩发育红壤、第四纪红黏土发育红壤1和第四纪红黏土发育红壤2的地表糙度分别降低了18.2%、18.4%和11.8%;2)地表糙度变化主要发生在降雨初期,第1场降雨前后,泥质页岩发育红壤、第四纪红黏土发育红壤1和第四纪红黏土发育红壤2的地表糙度降低幅度分别为16.1%、19.7%和9.6%,均达到显著水平。采用亚毫米级高精度激光扫描和计算机数字图像处理相结合的方法,能很好地定量化研究坡面水蚀过程中地表糙度的演变特征和规律。研究为南方红壤区坡面水蚀过程中地表微地貌的研究提供一定的参考,对土壤侵蚀过程模拟与预测模型的研究具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

为更好地理解矿区土壤退化机理,该文利用137Cs技术研究了焦作矿区具有15a沉陷历史的采煤沉陷坡土壤侵蚀特征及其对土壤养分的影响。沉陷坡137Cs含量从坡顶到下坡逐渐降低,及至坡脚急剧增大且表现出最高的值。基于137Cs本底(1 645 Bq/m2),沉陷坡坡顶至下坡表现为土壤侵蚀,而坡脚为土壤沉积。沉陷坡土壤侵蚀高达3.75 kg/(m2·a),属于中度侵蚀。沉陷坡土壤黏粒含量沿下坡方向增加,表明水蚀的分选性搬运。与对照区相比,沉陷坡侵蚀区土壤总有机碳(total organic carbon,TOC)、水溶性有机碳(water-soluble organic carbon,WSOC)、全氮、碱解氮、全磷、有效磷含量均出现了显著降低(P0.05);沉积区除WSOC显著降低(P0.05)外,其他养分含量变化不明显(P0.05)。在沉陷坡的侵蚀区,TOC与WSOC含量沿下坡方向逐渐减小,表现出与137Cs一致的分布格局;其他养分含量的坡面变化与137Cs分布不一致。相较于对照区,WSOC/TOC与碳氮比、碳磷比在沉陷坡侵蚀强烈的坡位分别出现了显著增大与降低(P0.05)。研究结果表明:1)焦作矿区自采煤沉陷坡形成以来发生了较严重的水蚀;2)侵蚀引起的土壤再分配影响沉陷坡土壤碳、氮、磷动态,其中,土壤再分配对土壤碳动态的影响最强;3)在土壤侵蚀作用下,采煤沉陷坡侵蚀强烈的坡位土壤有效态碳、氮、磷养分潜在的侵蚀风险大。采煤沉陷坡土壤侵蚀及其对土壤养分的不利影响应引起矿粮复合区土地整治的关注。  相似文献   

Purple soils are widely distributed in the Sichuan Hilly Basin and are highly susceptible to erosion, especially on the cultivated slopes. Quantitative assessment of the erosion rates is, however, difficult due to small size of the plots of the manually-tilled land, the complex land use, and steep hillslopes. 137Cs and 210Pbex (excess 210Pb) tracing techniques were used to investigate the spatial pattern of soil erosion rates associated with slope-land under hoe tillage in Neijiang of the Sichuan Hilly Basin. The 137Cs and 210Pbex inventories at the top of the cultivated slope were extremely low, and the highest inventories were found at the bottom of the cultivated slope. By combining the erosion rates estimates provided by both 137Cs and 210Pbex measurements, the weighted mean net soil loss from the study slope was estimated to be 3100 t km-2 year-1, which was significantly less than 6930 t km-2 year-1 reported for runoff plots on a 10°cultivated slope at the Suining Station of soil Erosion. The spatial pattern of soil erosion rates on the steep agricultural land showed that hoe tillage played an important role in soil redistribution along the slope. Also, traditional farming practices had a significant role in reducing soil loss, leading to a lower net erosion rate for the field.  相似文献   

The semiarid regions of Spain, including the central part of the Ebro River basin, are under threat due to desertification. Severe erosion, as a result of poor land management, has led to degradation of the soil resource, and there is a clear need for quantitative erosion rate data to evaluate the problem. This study aimed to examine the potential for using caesium-137 to identify the patterns and rates of soil erosion and redistribution within this semiarid environment. Samples for the determination of caesium-137 were collected from uncultivated slopes and cultivated valley floor sites near the head and outlet of a small representative basin in the Las Bardenas area. The measured patterns of caesium-137 mobilization, redistribution and export provide a semiquantitative indication of the variation in erosion within the study site. Calibration of the caesium-137 measurements, taking account of the differing behaviour of radiocaesium on cultivated and uncultivated land, allows estimation of the actual rates of erosion and deposition involved. The results show (1) the erosion rates on the cultivated land (1.6–2.5 kg m−2 yr−1) are typically more than five times those seen on the uncultivated land (0.2–0.4 kg m−2 yr−1), and (2) erosion on the uncultivated land is significantly less severe at the head of the basin than at the outlet. Study of the vegetation cover suggests that lower growing shrubs and grasses may be more effective in reducing erosion in this environment than trees.  相似文献   

Research on how tillage‐induced soil redistribution affects soil properties is limited for complex slopes in nonmechanized agricultural areas. The objectives of this study are (1) to examine the vertical redistribution of soil organic C (SOC), extractable P and K induced by tillage on a complex slope, (2) to assess the effects of tillage erosion on soil profile properties, and (3) to elucidate the variations in soil properties induced by both vertical mixture and downslope transport of soil within the landscape. Simulated tillage was conducted in the Yangtze Three Gorges Reservoir Area, China. The 137Cs data showed that intense tillage caused the soil vertical mixture and downslope transport. The redistribution of 137Cs and soil constituents varied with the number of tillage passes and location in relation to curvature. SOC was completely depleted with the disappearance of soil profiles at the summit position, while SOC concentrations decreased by 26% for the till layer and increased by 29% for the sublayer at the toeslope position for the 15‐tillage operation, as compared with those of pretillage. The vertical redistribution of extractable P and K followed a similar pattern to that of SOC. The gap and variation in soil constituents between the till layer and sublayer declined after tillage, suggesting that the mixing effect of tillage attenuates the variability of soil properties in the vertical direction. Net loss and gain of soil constituents occurred at the summit and toeslope positions, respectively, suggesting that the downslope transport of soil induced by tillage accentuates the variability of soil properties in the lateral direction.  相似文献   

加速土壤侵蚀对养分流失的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
ZHENG Fen-Li 《土壤圈》2005,15(6):707-715
Soil erosion and nutrient losses on newly-deforested lands in the Ziwuling Region on the Loess Plateau of China were monitored to quantitatively evaluate the effects of accelerated soil erosion, caused by deforestation, on organic matter, nitrogen and phosphorus losses. Eight natural runoff plots were established on the loessial hill slopes representing different erosion patterns of dominant erosion processes including sheet, rill and shallow gully (similar to ephemeral gully). Sediment samples were collected after each erosive rainfall event. Results showed that soil nutrients losses increased with an increase of erosion intensity. Linear relations between the losses of organic matter, total N, NH4-N, and available P and erosion intensity were found. Nutrient content per unit amount of eroded sediment decreased from the sheet to the shallow gully erosion zones, whereas total nutrient loss increased. Compared with topsoil, nutrients in eroded sediment were enriched, especially available P and NH4-N. The intensity of soil nutrient losses was also closely related to soil erosion intensity and pattern with the most severe soil erosion and nutrient loss occurring in the shallow gully channels on loessial hill slopes. These research findings will help to improve the understanding of the relation between accelerated erosion process after deforestation and soil quality degradation and to design better eco-environmental rehabilitation schemes for the Loess Plateau.  相似文献   

Pu同位素在土壤侵蚀示踪中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐仪红  潘少明 《土壤学报》2012,49(5):1021-1029
137Cs示踪技术目前在土壤侵蚀研究中应用最为广泛,但是随着环境中137Cs的衰变,寻找可以替代的放射性核素具有十分重要的意义。人造放射性核素Pu同位素与137Cs来源相同,但半衰期更长,且更容易被土壤中的细颗粒物质吸附。特别是随着测量技术的发展,电感耦合等离子体质谱技术(ICP-MS)以及加速器质谱技术(AMS)等的应用,使得Pu同位素的测量较137Cs更高效、灵敏。因而Pu同位素成为可以替代137Cs进行土壤侵蚀示踪的理想元素。本文从Pu的来源及分布、Pu在土壤中的吸附和固定、Pu同位素的测量方法三个方面分析Pu同位素示踪土壤侵蚀的基础,并对Pu同位素示踪土壤侵蚀的基本原理和应用现状加以简述,探讨了今后Pu同位素在土壤侵蚀示踪应用中的主要研究方向。  相似文献   

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