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It would be preferable to use a reliable crop growth model for studies on climate change impact assessment. The objectives of this study was to evaluate simulation performance for two maize models, including CERES-Maize and IXIM models, included in the DSSAT model (version 4.6) in terms of phenology and yield. Two early maturing cultivars, Chalok#1 and Junda# 6, were grown under controlled environment in plastic houses at Suwon, Korea. Each cultivar, which was sown at four different date in 2013 and 2014, was subjected to four sets of temperature conditions including ambient (AT), AT+1.5°C, AT+3°C, and AT+5°C. In simulations of phenology under given conditions, the anthesis date and grain filling ratio were underestimated, especially when temperature was unusually high, e.g., in 2013. The maize models also had poor accuracy in grain yield, which resulted from the fact that these models had relatively large errors in simulation of kernel number and kernel weight under elevated temperature conditions. In addition, both models were not able to simulate the drastic decrease of kernel number due to heat stress around flowering periods. These results indicated that two maize models would need improvements in simulation of crop response to supra-optimal temperature before they would be used to assess the impact of the climate change on maize yield. This studies merits further study to improve algorithms in phenology simulation at supraoptimal temperature.  相似文献   

For more than a decade, the number of “aberrant plants” showing various developmental abnormalities in cultivated cauliflowers has dramatically increased, thus hampering the registration of new varieties in some cases. The aberrant phenotype occurred during the cultivation period and in any variety type (pure line or F1 hybrid). The number of aberrant plants increased considerably from 1994 onwards. The rate of aberrant plants observed among F1 hybrids in the field was found to vary according to genotype and cultivation area. Besides morphological changes, aberrant phenotypes showed various patterns of evolution, i.e. stable, evolving toward another phenotype or reversing toward normality. Vegetative and seed progenies were obtained in order to investigate the genetic control of these phenotypic variations. Given that the aberrant phenotypes can evolve towards either normality or another abnormality during the life cycle of the plant and that the aberration capacity and/or the “acquired morphological disorder” can be transmitted to the progeny, an epigenetic hypothesis has been proposed for the determinism of this phenomenon.  相似文献   

“Greek basil” (Ocimum basilicum L.) is a common local cultivar in Greece, also known as “fine-leaved” basil, because of its small-narrow leaves. It is used mainly as ornamental plant in pots and gardens. Its variation in terms of the time of florescence and the shape of the vegetative development (compact or loose ball, reverse cone, other shapes) led to the improvement of a “Greek basil” population, by selecting plants with late blooming, compact ball shape and big size, potentially suited for ornamental uses. After three cycles of individual selection in nil competition conditions, by applying the above selection criteria, the florescence of the selected population started at the beginning of August, instead of mid June of the initial population, and the percentage of plants with compact ball shape increased from 55 to 90%. Moreover, significant variation was observed in the essential oil yield and composition due to the applied selection. The percentage oil yield increased from 0.15 to 0.53%. The main oil constituents eugenol and linalool raised from 8.60 to 12.90% (49%) and from 36.80 to 49.75% (34.90%) respectively, while the methyl (E) cinnamate, though it was present (19.20%) in the initial population, it was not even detected in the improved population.  相似文献   

On the basis of analyzing the development of suburban forest parks, the paper proposed the combination of eco-city construction and suburban forest parks, and the construction of "mega-landscape" mode, which offers a new concept for the development of suburban forest parks.  相似文献   

花卉新品种需要“新”“特”“优”“美”,我对上海花博会的印象也可以用这四个字来概括。一是“新”--承前启后、推陈出新。上海花博会既有近几届花博会成功举办的经验延续,又结合当前新发展理念和高质量发展的要求,将新理念、新品种、新技术、新材料、新产品等在花博会的设计、建造、展陈、运营过程中全方位、立体化地呈现,展示了花卉生产、休闲旅游、生态建设、衍生产品开发、园艺康养等融合发展、全产业链创新的新业态,尤其注重地涌金莲等一些新花卉作物的应用,注重花卉药食同源等功能性的应用展示。  相似文献   

Countryside development paths and phase characters of typical developed countries and regions were analyzed,such as the East Asian Model(Japan and South Korea),and Western European Model(Germany and the Netherlands).The former is based on the big gap between urban and rural development,and the latter is based on the balanced development of urban and rural areas,both of them achieved the world’s leading level of countryside construction.In Zhejiang Province,"China’s Beautiful Countryside"represented by Anji,and"Zhejiang Green Agricultural Product Base"represented by Xianju emerged in the county level.Motivation mechanisms for countryside development in China and abroad were analyzed,including industrial system,infrastructure,ecological environment,and local culture.  相似文献   

Aberrant phenotypes of cauliflower were detected throughout the cultivation period and in any variety type. The rate of these phenotypes in the field has recently increased. We reported previously on the first part of our results which showed that (1) the rate of aberrant plants varied with genotype and cultivation area, (2) the aberrant phenotypes can evolve or reverse to normality during the plant cycle and (3) the capacity to express a variant phenotype can be transmitted to the progeny. An epigenetic hypothesis has been proposed to explain the determinism of the phenomenon. Further investigation on the “aberrant” character focussed on the flow cytometric estimation of ploidy levels and on the parallel observation of meiosis. Only a fraction of aberrant plants did show aneuploidy and various ploïdy levels were found for the same phenotype. Indeed, aneuploidy could not be related to the aberrant phenotype although it could probably be a consequence of the aberration phenomenon. HPLC analysis of global DNA methylation rates showed that DNA hypermethylation occurred in plants which exhibited an evolution of their phenotype during vegetative cycle. The epigenetic origin of aberrant phenotypes in cauliflower is discussed with reference to epigenetic diseases described in human beings.  相似文献   

台湾艺人李国安先生值得敬佩,因为他敢直言:"盆景是一门缩小的艺术,这是全世界公认的法则!但中国大陆正在走相反的路。""大陆盆景的展览上隐约能感觉到一种金钱和艺术的较量,这集中反应在参展盆景的‘大尺寸’上。似乎‘商业盆景’和‘艺术盆景’俨然已经发展成为一场‘战争’……"(原文见《中国盆景赏石》2012年1月号)  相似文献   

<正> 湖南省邵阳县岩口铺镇花桥村有位年过花甲的老人叫李建国,他家现在拥有各类机具15台,其中"龙舟联合收割机"2台,大中型旋耕机2台,盘拖1台,插秧机1台,耕整机2台,植保机械4套(件),水泵3台(套),大伙都亲切地称呼他为"机司令"。1982年,李建国购买了1台手扶拖拉机,  相似文献   

<正>有句老话:"没有金刚钻,别揽瓷器活。"大意就是没能力就别逞能,老话大多是有道理的,而且常常是别人对你说的。经常就有人语重心长地对我说:"你没有金刚钻,就别揽瓷器活了。"通常我都是微微一笑,心想:你怎么知道我有没有金刚钻呢?"金刚钻"只是个比喻,比喻能力,但能力不像运动员的比赛成绩那么清晰明确,很难量化,很多时候是说你行  相似文献   

<正>很久以前,有一群印第安人由于遭遇白人驱赶,处境十分危急。一天,酋长将所有族里的人召集在一起商议对策。他说:"我们的处境很糟糕,我这里有一个好消息,还有一个坏消息。"族人中间立即出现一阵骚动。酋长说"我们已经是一穷二白了,除了水牛饲料外,  相似文献   

<正>与集镇上的农资经销商朋友一起拉呱,经常涉及的话题莫过于"款难收"、"货物变现难"、"生意难做"等等。当下之市场,赊销之风日盛,弥漫农资营销界域,这种赊欠"讨债"现象,让许多农资经销商伤透了脑筋。于是乎,大家共同关切的依然是农资经营之中的"现款操作"课题。在竞争激烈的买方市场里,现款交易作为一种既保险快  相似文献   

<正>日前,笔者下乡走访到村里,与一位多时不见的农药经销商朋友拉开了话匣。闲聊之中,他给我说了这样一件既"失意"又"得意"的农药销售的事儿。  相似文献   


<正>近日,记者从西北农林科技大学获悉,该校赵政阳教授团队育成的两个优质晚熟苹果新品种"瑞阳""瑞雪"通过国家级审定,这是陕西省首次通过国审的拥有自主产权的苹果品种,也是该校继20世纪70年代成功培育出"秦冠"苹果以来在果树育种领域的又一重大成果。"瑞阳""瑞雪"苹果品种于2015年通过陕西省果树品种审定委员会审定,2017年通过甘肃省林木良种审定委员会审定。2018年10月,在首都北京举办的"陕西白水苹果宣传推介会"上,"瑞阳""瑞雪"  相似文献   

山西省介休市义安镇南堡村2005年共有240户人家,1020口人,耕地面积1340亩。全村有150个生猪养殖户,存栏猪630多头,养殖条件差,圈舍简陋,夏天村里臭气熏天,苍蝇  相似文献   

"One Belt and One Road" is a signifi cant move of China to further deepen reform and opening up and improve economic development, and also a key working point of the future national development. This paper, on the basis of study on "One Belt and One Road" strategy and current situation of green tourism in Jiangxi, proposed that green tourism in Jiangxi could integrate into the construction of "One Belt and One Road" from the four perspectives of information flow, cultural flow, traffic flow and regional collaboration flow, which contributed to the implementation of national strategies, promoted green tourism development of Jiangxi, and showed the "exceptionally beautiful scenes" of Jiangxi.  相似文献   

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