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利用数字高程模型改进高山灰岩坑土壤pH值预测 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Among spatial interpolation techniques,geostatistics is generally preferred because it takes into account the spatial correlation between neighbouring observations in order to predict attribute values at unsampled locations.A doline of approximately 15 000 m 2 at 1 900 m above sea level (North Italy) was selected as the study area to estimate a digital elevation model (DEM) using geostatistics,to provide a realistic distribution of the errors and to demonstrate whether using widely available secondary data provided more accurate estimates of soil pH than those obtained by univariate kriging.Elevation was measured at 467 randomly distributed points that were converted into a regular DEM using ordinary kriging.Further,110 pits were located using spatial simulated annealing (SSA) method.The interpolation techniques were multi-linear regression analysis (MLR),ordinary kriging (OK),regression kriging (RK),kriging with external drift (KED) and multi-collocated ordinary cokriging (CKmc).A cross-validation test was used to assess the prediction performances of the different algorithms and then evaluate which methods performed best.RK and KED yielded better results than the more complex CKmc and OK.The choice of the most appropriate interpolation method accounting for redundant auxiliary information was strongly conditioned by site specific situations. 相似文献
潋水河流域生态修复过程中土壤速效钾的时空变异 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
采用基于GIS普通克里格法和概率克里格法分析江西潋水河流域土壤速效钾含量的时空变异特征。结果表明,潋水河流域样点间表层(0~30cm)土壤速效钾平均含量由1981年的(134 8±89 7)mg/kg降低到2002年的(131 9±97 6)mg/kg,平均降低了2 15%。尽管经过近21年的生态修复,样点间土壤速效钾平均含量总体上下降不多,但因土地利用和水土流失修复工程实施的差异,占流域面积60 63%的土壤速效钾含量减少,仅占39 37%的土壤速效钾含量增加。土壤速效钾含量分级统计表明,1981年速效钾含量水平在50~100mg/kg,100~150mg/kg,150~200mg/kg和>200mg/kg的土壤分别占流域面积的10 35%,75 31%,11 78%和2 56%,而2002年则相应为30 75%,49 31%,16 60%和3 31%。该流域土壤速效钾在≤100mg/kg,≤120mg/kg和>150mg/kg含量水平下的几何平均概率分别由1981年的0 453,0 566和0 327变为2002年的0 523,0 611和0 292。从贮量变化上看,21年间潋水河流域内表层土壤速效钾贮量从1981年的2 48×104t变为2002年的2 30×104t,下降了1875 35t。 相似文献
Monika Frielinghaus 《Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science》2013,59(3):175-176
Die Auswirkungen von vier Kippsubstratvarianten des Lausitzer Braunkohlereviers (quartäre, tertiäre asche‐ bzw. kalkmeliorierte sowie quartäre Kippsubstrate über tertiärem Untergrund) auf die Stofffrachten der Sickerwässer aus einer 300 cm mächtigen Bodendecke wurden in den ersten zwei Jahren eines von 1992 bis 1996 laufenden Großlysimeterversuches geprüft. Im Unterschied zu den fast Trinkwasserqualität erreichenden Perkolaten quartärer Kippsubstrate, wiesen die Sickerwässer aus tertiären Substraten vor allem im ersten Versuchsjahr extrem hohe Schadstoffkonzentrationen auf, die bei Ni, Zn, Cr, As und Cd weit über den Grenzwerten für Trinkwasser lagen. Im zweiten Jahr nahmen die Schadstoffkonzentrationen zwar ab (z.B. Zn, As um 56%), lagen aber dennoch deutlich über den Grenzwerten. Im Vergleich zur Kalkmelioration bewirkte die Aschemelioration der tertiären Kippsubstrate signifikant niedrigere Schwermetall‐, Arsen‐ und Stickstoffausträge sowie im ersten Versuchsjahr z.T. signifikant niedrigere Spezieskonzentrationen. Der erwartete positive Einfluß der quartären Deckschicht aus Sand über tertiärem Untergrund konnte bisher nicht nachgewiesen werden. Bezogen auf die Schichtmächtigkeit der eingefüllten tertiären Kippsubstrate wurden vor allem im zweiten Jahr nach Abklingen der durch die Bodenumlagerung (Belüftung) verursachten stärkeren Oxidation der Sulfide bei dieser Variante vergleichsweise größere Schadstoffmengen (As, Zn, Ni, Pb) freigesetzt und ausgewaschen. Gleichzeitig nahmen die Norg‐Austräge zu, die wie die hohen NH4 +‐Frachten auf eine verstärkte oxidative Desaminierung im tertiären Untergrund hinweisen. 相似文献
In global change research, changes of soil organic carbon (SOC) reservoirs in tropical and subtropical regions are still unknown. The temporal-spatial variability of SOC stocks was determined in a basin of over 579 km2 in subtropical China from 1981 to 2002. ArcGIS8.l software was utilized for spatial analysis of semivariance, ordinary kriging (OK), and probability kriging (PK). Grid and hierarchical approaches were employed for the sampling scenario in 2002 with 106 Global Position System (GPS) established spots sampled. Bulk topsoil samples (0-30 cm) were collected at three random sites on each spot. The SOC content for 1981 came from the SOC map of the Second National Soil Survey. Geostatistical results of the nugget to sill ratio (0.215-0.640) in the rehabilitating ecosystem indicated a moderate spatial dependence for SOC on this large scale. The range of SOC changed from 2.04 km in 1981 to 7.15 km in 2002. The mean topsoil SOC increased by 4.6% from 10.63 g kg-1 (1981) to 11.12 g kg-1 (2002). However, during this 21-year period 25.2% of the total basin area experienced a decrease in SOC. Also, the probability kriging results showed that the geometric mean probabilities of SOC ≤ 6.0 g kg-1, ≤ 11.0 g kg-1 and > 15.0 g kg-1 were 0.188, 0.534 and 0.378, respectively in 2002, comparing to 0.234, 0.416 and 0.234 in that order in 1981, respectively. The SOC storage in the topsoil increased by 17.0% during this time with the main increase occurring in forests and cultivated land, which amounted to 82.5% and 17.0% of the total increase, respectively. 相似文献
为研究江苏北部优势农业区土壤砷含量的空间变异性并分析引起其空间变异的原因,该文采用经典统计学和地质统计学相结合的方法对土壤中砷含量进行了分析.在对原始数据进行探索性空间分析的基础上,采用加权多项式回归法及交叉验证法,对球形、指数、高斯模型拟合实验半变异函数的结果进行评价,并根据评价结果选择了带块金效应的高斯模型作为实验半变异函数的拟合模型.采用普通克里格法对苏北优势农业区土壤砷含量空间分布情况进行插值计算,结果表明苏北优势农业区土壤砷含量存在明显空间相关性并且实验半变异函数表现为各向同性.区域内土壤砷含量最高的区域在研究区的西北部,而最低值在研究区的中北部.劣质水灌溉是引起这种变异的主要原因. 相似文献
从数据的统计特征分析、异常值筛选及处理、实验半变异函数计算及拟合等方面对普通克里格计算过程中的精度控制问题进行了初步研究,并以天津市东南郊区土壤砷(As)空间分布评估为例,分析了在多步骤精度控制下普通克里格法估计土壤污染物空间分布的可靠性。结果表明,研究区土壤As表现出了明显的累积特征,且监测值为正态分布,异常值较少且为局部异常值,实验半变异函数表现出明显的各向异性。在较严格的精度控制下,普通克里格估值的最优无偏特性可以得到较好的体现,其对土壤As的空间分布的估计精度可以达到较高的水平。 相似文献
Heinz Benkenstein Hans Pagel Wolfgang Krüger 《Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science》2013,59(3):225-233
In einem dreijährigen Gefäßversuch wurde der Einfluß unterschiedlicher C‐Gehalte von Böden aus dem “Thyrower Bodenfruchtbarkeitsversuch”; auf den Ertrag von Roggen und Ölrettich sowie deren Boden‐ und Düngerstickstoffaufnahme geprüft. Bei Roggen führte höherer Humusgehalt nur bei Unterlassung einer mineralischen Stickstoffdüngung zu höheren Erträgen, beim nachgebauten Ölrettich auch in der gedüngten Variante. Eine bessere Ausnutzung des Düngerstickstoffs bei höherem Humusgehalt und eine Mehrmobilisation von Bodenstickstoff durch mineralische Stickstoffdüngung konnte nicht festgestellt werden. Von dem nach Versuchsabschluß im Boden verbleibenden Düngerstickstoff wurden zwischen 70 ... 90 % als Bestandteil von Humusfraktionen ermittelt. 相似文献
【目的】在陆地生态系统中, 土壤全氮和有机碳是重要的生态因子。本研究基于土壤调查获得大量土壤剖面的空间和属性信息,研究河北的土壤有机碳和全氮的空间分布特征,为河北的土壤养分监测和管理提供科学依据,同时也为其他类似地区土壤采样提供参考,减少采样成本。【方法】运用传统统计学和地统计学分析方法,以变异函数为工具,初步分析了河北土壤全氮和有机碳的空间变异特征,并应用普通克立格法和回归克里格法进行插值, 得出全氮和有机碳含量的分布格局。【结果】研究区土壤有机碳和全氮的平均值分别为15.25 g/kg和1.23 g/kg,变异系数分别为0.73和0.63,属于中等强度变异。经对数转换后,土壤有机碳和全氮均符合正态分布。选择球状模型作为土壤有机碳和全氮的半方差函数理论模型,土壤有机碳和全氮的块金值/基台值的比值分别为1.8%和1.2%,有机碳和全氮的块金系数均小于25%,表明有机碳和全氮具有强烈的空间相关性。有机碳和全氮空间变异的尺度范围不同,分别为50.400 km和59.200 km。研究区的有机碳总体空间分布规律是有机碳在北部较高、南部较低,呈自北向南递减趋势,土壤全氮与有机碳的空间分布趋势相似,但有机碳的空间变异特征较全氮明显,这种空间分布格局主要受环境因子、 土壤质地、 土壤类型以及土地利用类型等的影响,其中环境因子中的气温和海拔对有机碳和全氮的影响较大。通过比较普通克里格和回归克里格的预测结果,回归克里格能较好地反映东南部有机碳和全氮较低地区的局部变异外,对于西北部的山区也能更好地反映碳、 氮与地形及气候等因素的关系。【结论】河北土壤有机碳和全氮的空间变异和分布特征较为类似,受地形地貌、 气候等因素的影响。通过比较普通克里格法和回归克里格法的空间预测结果,回归克里格法可以消除环境因子的影响,从而得到更准确的空间预测结果,因此建议使用回归克里格法进行预测,以期获得一个更为准确的土壤有机碳和全氮的空间预测结果。 相似文献
B. G. Rawlins P. Henrys N. Breward D. A. Robinson A. M. Keith M. Garcia‐Bajo 《Soil Use and Management》2011,27(3):312-320
Many national and regional databases of soil properties and associated estimates of soil carbon stock consider organic, but not inorganic carbon (IC). Any future change in soil carbon stock resulting from the formation of pedogenic carbonates will be difficult to set in context because historical measurements or estimates of IC concentration and stock may not be available. In their article describing a database of soil carbon for the United Kingdom published in this journal, Bradley et al. [Soil Use and Management (2005) vol. 21, 363–369] only consider data for organic carbon (OC), despite the occurrence of IC‐bearing calcareous soils across a substantial part of southern England. Robust techniques are required for establishing IC concentrations and stocks based on available data. We present linear regression models (R2 between 0.8 and 0.88) to estimate IC in topsoil based on total Ca and Al concentrations for soils over two groups of primary, carbonate‐bearing parent materials across parts of southern and eastern England. By applying the regression models to geochemical survey data across the entire area (18 165 km2), we estimate IC concentrations on a regular 500‐m grid by ordinary kriging. Using bulk density data from across the region, we estimate the total IC stock of soil (0–30 cm depth) in this area to be 186 MtC. This represents 15.5 and 5.5% of the estimated total soil carbon stock (OC plus IC) across England and the UK, respectively, based on the data presented by Bradley et al. [Soil Use and Management (2005) vol. 21, 363–369]. Soil geochemical data could be useful for estimating primary IC stocks in other parts of the world. 相似文献
Gisela Höflich Günter Kühn Hans Görlitz Peter Römer Martin Brummund Jürgen Hellmund 《Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science》2013,59(6):405-414
Durch Saatgutinokulation mit selektierten leistungsfähigen Bradyrhizobium‐Bakterien wurde der Sproßtrockenmasse‐und Samenertrag von Lupinen und Serradella in Feld‐ und Großversuchen auf unterschiedlichen Standorten (lehmigem Sand und sandigem Lehm) ohne zusätzlichen Düngereinsatz in mehreren Jahren wiederholt erhöht. Die Inokulation war bei unterschiedlichen Sorten von gelben, weißen und blauen Lupinen und bei Leguminosengemenge in Frühjahrs‐und Sommeraussaaten wirksam. Sie wirkte sich auch positiv auf die Wurzelentwicklung aus. 相似文献
Fanuel Laekemariam Kibebew Kibret Tekalign Mamo Hailu Shiferaw 《Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis》2018,49(1):124-137
This study assesses soil spatial variability and maps fertilizer types using geostatistics. A total of 789 soil samples were collected from Wolaita area, Southern Ethiopia. Ordinary kriging was employed. The result considering coefficient of variation exhibited diverse soil variability (10% to 236%). Exponential semivariogram model described spatial structure of organic carbon (OC), total nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), magnesium (Mg), boron (B), iron (Fe), zinc (Zn), cation exchange capacity (CEC) and potassium(K)/Mg. Semivariogram model was spherical for pH, calcium (Ca), manganese (Mn), and Gaussian for sulfur (S) and K. Spatial dependence was strong (Cu, Fe and Zn), moderate (pH, OC, N, S, Ca, Mg, B, Mn and CEC), and weak (P and K). Autocorrelation was between 276 and 15,118 meters. Overall, 46% of nutrients (N, P, K, S, B, and Cu) obtained from soil were deficient. Thus, for site-specific nutrient interventions, three fertilizer types (NPKSBCu, NPSBCu, and NPKSB) are suggested. 相似文献
《Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis》2012,43(12):1452-1464
ABSTRACTSoil texture is a key controlling factor of soil properties and its functions include water and nutrient holding capacity, retention of pollutants, root development, soil biodiversity, and biogeochemical cycling. From the geotechnical standpoint, it is interesting to analyze the soil texture in regions due to its relation with the infiltration and runoff processes and, consequently, the effect on erosion processes. The purpose of this study is to present a methodology that provides the soil texture spatial variation by using Fuzzy logic theory and geostatistical technique in Geographic Information System (GIS) platform. A total of 140 soil samples were taken from topsoil (0–30 cm) in the study area located in the north of Guilan Province, the southern coast of Caspian Sea, Northern Iran. The soil textural classes were converted to numerical values (fuzzy values) using the fuzzy logic concept. The fuzzy values were spatially interpolated by ordinary kriging method such that the fitted model on experimental semi-variogram was exponential with moderate structure. The results showed the accuracy of soil texture predictive map was acceptable according to the values of normalized root-mean-square error for train data set (0.182) and test data set (0.179). The knowledge of the spatial variability of soil properties such as the soil texture can be an important tool for land-use planning in order to reduce the potential soil losses during rainy seasons. The results indicated that the integration of fuzzy logic, geostatistics, and GIS can improve the interpolation process. 相似文献
WU Qian LI Qing-Liang GAO Jin-Bo LIN Qiao-Ying XU Qiu-Fang P. M. GROFFMAN YU Shen 《土壤圈》2017,27(1):147-154
Integrating land use type and other geographic information within spatial interpolation has been proposed as a solution to improve the performance and accuracy of soil nutrient mapping at the regional scale.This study developed a non-algorithm approach,i.e.,applying inverse distance weighting (IDW) and ordinary kriging (OK),to individual land use types rather than to the whole watershed,to determine if this improved the performance in mapping soil total C (TC),total N (TN),and total P (TP) in a 200-km2 urbanizing watershed in Southeast China.Four land use types were identified by visual interpretation as forest land,agricultural land,green land,and urban land.One hundred and fifty soil samples (0 10 cm) were taken according to land use type and patch size.Results showed that the non-algorithm approach,interpolation based on individual land use types,substantially improved the performance of IDW and OK for mapping TC,TN,and TP in the watershed.Root mean square errors were reduced by 3.9% for TC,10.7% for TN,and 25.9% for TP by the application of IDW,while the improvements by OK were slightly lower as 0.9% for TC,7.7% for TN,and 18.1% for TP.Interpolations based on individual land use types visually improved depiction of spatial patterns for TC,TN,and TP in the watershed relative to interpolations by the whole watershed.Substantial improvements might be expected with denser sampling points.We suggest that this non-algorithm approach might provide an alternative to algorithm-based approaches to depict watershed-scale nutrient patterns. 相似文献
利用地统计学研究土壤有机质空间分布:评估意大利中部地区土地退化的重要指标 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
Soil organic matter (SOM) content is one of the main factors to be considered in the evaluation of soil health and fertility. As timing, human and monetary resources often limit the amount of available data, geostatistical techniques provide a valid scientific approach to cope with spatial variability, to interpolate existing data and to predict values at unsampled locations for accurate SOM status survey. Using geostatistical and geographic information system (GIS) approaches, the spatial variability of some physical and chemical soil parameters was investigated under Mediterranean climatic condition in the Abruzzo region of central Italy, where soil erosion processes accelerated by human induced factors are the main causes of soil degradation associated with low SOM content. Experimental semivariograms were established to determine the spatial dependence of the soil variables under investigation. The results of 250 soil sampling point data were interpolated by means of ordinary kriging coupled with a GIS to produce contour maps distribution of soil texture, SOM content related to texture, and C/N ratio. The resulting spatial interpolation of the dataset highlighted a low content of SOM in relation with soil texture in most of the surveyed area (87%) and an optimal C/N ratio for only half of the investigated surface area. Spatial location of degraded area and the assessment of its magnitude can provide decision makers with an accurate support to design appropriate soil conservation strategies and then facilitate a regional planning of agri-environmental measures in the framework of the European Common Agricultural Policy. 相似文献
Lysimeterspezifische Einflüsse, wie Wechselwirkungen Boden‐Lysimeterwand führen vor allem bei Zn und Pb zu erhöhten, teilweise für die Pflanzen toxischen und das Grundwasser gefährdenden mobilen Gehalten. Lysimeterspezifische Wirkungen, die durch erhöhte Temperaturen der Lysimeterwandung entstehen, werden von anderen Effekten überdeckt. Bewirtschaftungsbedingte Einflüsse manifestieren sich am deutlichsten bei dem durch Kalkung stark beeinflußten pH‐Werten des Bodens mit allen daran gebundenen Wechselwirkungen (u.a. Verfügbarkeit von Schwermetallen, Entbasung von Bodenschichten, Gehalte an Chwl). Düngung und Pflanzenwachstum erweisen sich als wesentlicher Faktor bei der Differenzierung der Gehalte an organischer Substanz und den Nmin Gehalten. Mit substratspezifischen Einflüssen innerhalb der Lysimeter und Profile, wie sie im Ergebnis der natürlichen Streuung der Bodeneigenschaften zu erwarten sind, werden vor allem der Kennzahlenverleich bei der organischen Substanz und die Verlagerung bzw. Anreicherung von Stoffen (Variation der Sorptionseigenschaften) erklärbar. 相似文献