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The developmental signaling functions of cell surface heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) are dependent on their sulfation states. Here, we report the identification of QSulf1, the avian ortholog of an evolutionarily conserved protein family related to heparan-specific N-acetyl glucosamine sulfatases. QSulf1 expression is induced by Sonic hedgehog in myogenic somite progenitors in quail embryos and is required for the activation of MyoD, a Wnt-induced regulator of muscle specification. QSulf1 is localized on the cell surface and regulates heparan-dependent Wnt signaling in C2C12 myogenic progenitor cells through a mechanism that requires its catalytic activity, providing evidence that QSulf1 regulates Wnt signaling through desulfation of cell surface HSPGs.  相似文献   

Circadian rhythms of mammals are entrained by light to follow the daily solar cycle (photoentrainment). To determine whether retinal rods and cones are required for this response, the effects of light on the regulation of circadian wheel-running behavior were examined in mice lacking these photoreceptors. Mice without cones (cl) or without both rods and cones (rdta/cl) showed unattenuated phase-shifting responses to light. Removal of the eyes abolishes this behavior. Thus, neither rods nor cones are required for photoentrainment, and the murine eye contains additional photoreceptors that regulate the circadian clock.  相似文献   

In mammals, ocular photoreceptors mediate an acute inhibition of pineal melatonin by light. The effect of rod and cone loss on this response was assessed by combining the rd mutation with a transgenic ablation of cones (cl) to produce mice lacking both photoreceptor classes. Despite the loss of all known retinal photoreceptors, rd/rd cl mice showed normal suppression of pineal melatonin in response to monochromatic light of wavelength 509 nanometers. These data indicate that mammals have additional ocular photoreceptors that they use in the regulation of temporal physiology.  相似文献   

The anaphase-promoting complex (APC) is highly expressed in postmitotic neurons, but its function in the nervous system was previously unknown. We report that the inhibition of Cdh1-APC in primary neurons specifically enhanced axonal growth. Cdh1 knockdown in cerebellar slice overlay assays and in the developing rat cerebellum in vivo revealed cell-autonomous abnormalities in layer-specific growth of granule neuron axons and parallel fiber patterning. Cdh1 RNA interference in neurons was also found to override the inhibitory influence of myelin on axonal growth. Thus, Cdh1-APC appears to play a role in regulating axonal growth and patterning in the developing brain that may also limit the growth of injured axons in the adult brain.  相似文献   

Regulation of area identity in the mammalian neocortex by Emx2 and Pax6   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The contribution of extrinsic and genetic mechanisms in determining areas of the mammalian neocortex has been a contested issue. This study analyzes the roles of the regulatory genes Emx2 and Pax6, which are expressed in opposing gradients in the neocortical ventricular zone, in specifying areas. Changes in the patterning of molecular markers and area-specific connections between the cortex and thalamus suggest that arealization of the neocortex is disproportionately altered in Emx2 and Pax6 mutant mice in opposing manners predicted from their countergradients of expression: rostral areas expand and caudal areas contract in Emx2 mutants, whereas the opposite effect is seen in Pax6 mutants. These findings suggest that Emx2 and Pax6 cooperate to regulate arealization of the neocortex and to confer area identity to cortical cells.  相似文献   

wingless and decapentaplegic signaling establishes the proximal-distal axis of Drosophila legs by activating the expression of genes such as Distalless and dachshund in broad proximal-distal domains during early leg development. However, here we show that wingless and decapentaplegic are not required throughout all of proximal-distal development. The tarsus, which has been proposed to be an ancestral structure, is instead defined by the activity of Distalless, dachshund, and a distal gradient of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)-Ras signaling. Our results uncover a mechanism for appendage patterning directed by genes expressed in proximal-distal domains and possibly conserved in other arthropods and vertebrates.  相似文献   

A classic model proposes that the mammalian neocortex is divided into areas early in neurogenesis, but the molecular mechanisms that generate the area map have been elusive. Here we provide evidence that FGF8 regulates development of the map from a source in the anterior telencephalon. Using electroporation-mediated gene transfer in mouse embryos, we show that augmenting the endogenous anterior FGF8 signal shifts area boundaries posteriorly, reducing the signal shifts them anteriorly, and introducing a posterior source of FGF8 elicits partial area duplications, revealed by ectopic somatosensory barrel fields. These findings support a role for FGF signaling in specifying positional identity in the neocortex.  相似文献   

Coordinated spacing and patterning of stomata allow efficient gas exchange between plants and the atmosphere. Here we report that three ERECTA (ER)-family leucine-rich repeat-receptor-like kinases (LRR-RLKs) together control stomatal patterning, with specific family members regulating the specification of stomatal stem cell fate and the differentiation of guard cells. Loss-of-function mutations in all three ER-family genes cause stomatal clustering. Genetic interactions with a known stomatal patterning mutant too many mouths (tmm) revealed stoichiometric epistasis and combination-specific neomorphism. Our findings suggest that the negative regulation of ER-family RLKs by TMM, which is an LRR receptor-like protein, is critical for proper stomatal differentiation.  相似文献   

The intravenous administration of ammonium acetate to dogs results in measurable levels of free ammonia in expired air. Simultaneous measurement of the physiologic dead space permits the calculation of the partial pressure of ammonia in alveolar air. This finding has implications for ammonium metabolism and transport.  相似文献   

Uptake of isolated chloroplasts by mammalian cells   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
M M Nass 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》1969,165(898):1128-1131
Mouse fibroblasts (L cells) in suspension culture incorporated isolated chloroplasts of spinach and African violets and isolated mitochondria of chicken liver. The organelles resided in the cell cytoplasm and were not contained in vacuoles or digestion vesicles. Green cells divided like normal cells. Green chloroplasts were followed for five cell generations or 5 days, at which time hybrid cells were greatly outnumbered by nongreen progeny cells. The ingested chloroplasts retained their structural integrity as determined by electron microscopy of organelles and hybrid cells and by analysis of photochemical activity and DNA in chloroplasts reisolated from cells after 1 or 2 days in culture.  相似文献   

Penetration of somatic mammalian cells by sperm   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Penetration of somatic mammalian cells by spermatozoa occurred after simple admixture in culture. With sperm labeled in vivo, autoradiography revealed incorporation of DNA into nuclei of recipient cells, indicating release of DNA after entrance by sperm. This system provides a new approach to study the molecular biology of information transfer and of haploid gene expression.  相似文献   

Two broad classes of models have been proposed to explain the patterning of the proximal-distal axis of the vertebrate limb (from the shoulder to the digit tips). Differentiating between them, we demonstrate that early limb mesenchyme in the chick is initially maintained in a state capable of generating all limb segments through exposure to a combination of proximal and distal signals. As the limb bud grows, the proximal limb is established through continued exposure to flank-derived signal(s), whereas the developmental program determining the medial and distal segments is initiated in domains that grow beyond proximal influence. In addition, the system we have developed, combining in vitro and in vivo culture, opens the door to a new level of analysis of patterning mechanisms in the limb.  相似文献   

The ability to incorporate individual atoms in a surface following predetermined arrangements may bring future atom-based technological enterprises closer to reality. Here, we report the assembling of complex atomic patterns at room temperature by the vertical interchange of atoms between the tip apex of an atomic force microscope and a semiconductor surface. At variance with previous methods, these manipulations were produced by exploring the repulsive part of the short-range chemical interaction between the closest tip-surface atoms. By using first-principles calculations, we clarified the basic mechanisms behind the vertical interchange of atoms, characterizing the key atomistic processes involved and estimating the magnitude of the energy barriers between the relevant atomic configurations that leads to these manipulations.  相似文献   

The use of direct-write dip-pen nanolithography (DPN) to generate covalently anchored, nanoscale patterns of oligonucleotides on both metallic and insulating substrates is described. Modification of DNA with hexanethiol groups allowed patterning on gold, and oligonucleotides bearing 5'-terminal acrylamide groups could be patterned on derivatized silica. Feature sizes ranging from many micrometers to less than 100 nanometers were achieved, and the resulting patterns exhibited the sequence-specific binding properties of the DNA from which they were composed. The patterns can be used to direct the assembly of individual oligonucleotide-modified particles on a surface, and the deposition of multiple DNA sequences in a single array is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Mitral cells (MCs) in the olfactory bulb (OB) respond to odors with slow temporal firing patterns. The representation of each odor by activity patterns across the MC population thus changes continuously throughout a stimulus, in an odor-specific manner. In the zebrafish OB, we found that this distributed temporal patterning progressively reduced the similarity between ensemble representations of related odors, thereby making each odor's representation more specific over time. The tuning of individual MCs was not sharpened during this process. Hence, the individual responses of MCs did not become more specific, but the odor-coding MC assemblies changed such that their overlap decreased. This optimization of ensemble representations did not occur among olfactory afferents but resulted from OB circuit dynamics. Time can therefore gradually optimize stimulus representations in a sensory network.  相似文献   

The patterning of graphene is useful in fabricating electronic devices, but existing methods do not allow control of the number of layers of graphene that are removed. We show that sputter-coating graphene and graphene-like materials with zinc and dissolving the latter with dilute acid removes one graphene layer and leaves the lower layers intact. The method works with the four different types of graphene and graphene-like materials: graphene oxide, chemically converted graphene, chemical vapor-deposited graphene, and micromechanically cleaved ("clear-tape") graphene. On the basis of our data, the top graphene layer is damaged by the sputtering process, and the acid treatment removes the damaged layer of carbon. When used with predesigned zinc patterns, this method can be viewed as lithography that etches the sample with single-atomic-layer resolution.  相似文献   

Thin-film electrets have been patterned with trapped charge with submicrometer resolution using a flexible, electrically conductive electrode. A poly(dimethylsiloxane) stamp, patterned in bas-relief and supporting an 80-nanometer-thick gold film, is brought into contact with an 80-nanometer-thick film of poly(methylmethacrylate) supported on n-doped silicon. A voltage pulse between the gold film and the silicon transfers charge at the contact areas between the gold and the polymer electret. Areas as large as 1 square centimeter were patterned with trapped charges at a resolution better than 150 nanometers in less than 20 seconds. This process provides a new method for patterning; it suggests possible methods for high-density, charge-based data storage and for high-resolution charge-based printing.  相似文献   

Regulation of extravascular coagulation by microvascular permeability   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Extravascular coagulation is a prominent feature of such important pathological processes as cellular immunity and neoplasia and has been thought to result from procoagulants associated with the inflammatory or tumor cells peculiar to these entities. It was found that increased microvascular permeability alone is sufficient to induce equivalent extravascular coagulation in several normal tissues. The results indicate that saturating levels of procoagulant are present even in normal tissues and that microvascular permeability is a rate-limiting step in extravascular coagulation.  相似文献   

The association between obesity and diabetes supports an endocrine role for the adipocyte in maintaining glucose homeostasis. Here we report that mice lacking the adipocyte hormone resistin exhibit low blood glucose levels after fasting, due to reduced hepatic glucose production. This is partly mediated by activation of adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase and decreased expression of gluconeogenic enzymes in the liver. The data thus support a physiological function for resistin in the maintenance of blood glucose during fasting. Remarkably, lack of resistin diminishes the increase in post-fast blood glucose normally associated with increased weight, suggesting a role for resistin in mediating hyperglycemia associated with obesity.  相似文献   

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