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Elevated concentrations of endothelin (ET), a potent endothelium-derived vasoactive peptide, have been reported in a number of pathophysiological conditions associated with pulmonary hypertension, both in the horse and other species. We have previously shown, both in vitro and in vivo, that the pulmonary and systemic vascular response to exogenous ET is mediated predominantly via ET(A) receptors. Our hypothesis in the present study was that ET is involved in the equine hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstrictive response to acute hypoxia. In this study, we investigated the effects of a selective ET(A) receptor antagonist on hypoxic pulmonary hypertension in the mature horse. Horses were exposed to a 10 min period of hypoxia (F(I)O2 approximately 0.11) on 2 occasions, with and without pretreatment with the selective ET(A) receptor antagonist TBC11251 (10 mg/kg bwt i.v.). Hypoxia increased mean pulmonary artery pressure (PAP) from 18.3+/-0.9 (mean +/- s.e. normoxia) to 28.0+/-0.8 mmHg (hypoxia) in the session without ET(A) receptor antagonism. Carotid arterial pressure (CAP) also increased progressively throughout the period of hypoxic challenge and at the end was 153+/-5 mmHg (hypoxia) compared to during normoxia (140+/-5 mmHg). There was no significant overall effect of ET(A) receptor antagonism on the haemodynamic or ventilatory responses to acute hypoxia. However, between 5 and 10 min of hypoxia there was a trend for the mean PAP to diverge in the 2 treatments, which just failed to reach significance at 10 min of hypoxia (P = 0.053). In conclusion, this study describes the haemodynamic and ventilatory changes in response to a period of acute hypoxia in the adult horse. The results do not support a role for ET as a mediator of acute HPV in the horse, but suggest that it may be involved as a modulator or in the slower (>10 min) phase of HPV.  相似文献   

The effect of inhaling nitric oxide in the hypoxic pulmonary vascular response was measured in five calves anaesthetised with a combination of guaiacol, ketamine and xylazine. Alveolar hypoxia was induced by means of the inhalation of a gas mixture with an inspiratory oxygen fraction of 14–18 per cent. This alveolar hypoxia resulted in a pronounced pulmonary hypertension (mean pulmonary artery pressure in hypoxic animals : 30·2 mmHg). Inhalation of 20 and 40 ppm of nitric oxide significantly attenuated the hypoxia induced pulmonary hypertension. The effect ceased once nitric oxide administration was stopped. A concentration of 40 ppm of nitric oxide fully abolished the hypoxia induced pulmonary hypertension (mean pulmonary artery pressure during inhalation of 40 ppm nitric oxide : 22·8 mmHg). Inhalation of nitric oxide had no effect on systemic arterial blood pressure nor on systemic vascular resistance. It was concluded that inhalation of 20 or 40 ppm of nitric oxide prevented a selective pulmonary vasoconstriction during alveolar hypoxia in calves, which may be helpful in the treatment of acute respiratory disorders in calves.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: One of the causes of equine laminitis is hyperinsulinaemia, which may be associated with endothelial dysfunction and insulin resistance of vessels. Hypothesis and objectives: Insulin resistance can be induced in palmar digital vessels by continued exposure to insulin in vitro. The objective was to evaluate this in vitro model for future studies. Methods: Palmar digital vessel segments were collected immediately after euthanasia from horses with normal insulin/glucose blood values. Four arterial and 4 venous rings (3 mm wide) were prepared and each ring mounted in a tissue bath, containing Tyrode's solution at 37°C, 2 g tension was applied and the rings allowed to equilibrate for 45 min. Of the 4 rings of each vessel type, one was used as a control. One each of the remaining 3 rings was used for incubation with insulin (to induce resistance), wortmannin (to block PI3‐kinase) and PD‐098059 (to block MAP‐kinase), respectively, for 30 min. After the incubation period, the rings were contracted with phenylephrine. When the response reached a plateau, a single dose of insulin was added to the baths and the response of each ring monitored for 30 min. Results: Insulin relaxed the control rings and those treated with PD 098059 but contracted those pretreated with insulin and wortmannin. Normal relaxation responses of the rings were converted to contractions by insulin resistance. Insulin resistance was confirmed by the qualitative response of insulin‐incubated and wortmannin‐incubated rings. Conclusions: This study demonstrated successful induction of insulin resistance in both arterial and venous rings. It also suggested that the MAP‐kinase pathway plays a minor role in controlling vasomotor tone under normal physiological conditions. Potential relevance: The study suggests that the induction of insulin resistance in equine palmar digital vessel rings is reliable and provides a good in vitro model for studying the vascular insulin resistance which may occur in equine laminitis.  相似文献   

A 21‐year‐old Thoroughbred gelding was examined for intermittent fever, lethargy, inappetance and weight loss. Initial diagnostic evaluation revealed pancytopenia (anaemia, thrombocytopenia and neutropenia), hyperfibrinogenaemia and multifocal pulmonary nodules. Bacterial and fungal culture and viral isolation on transtracheal aspirate samples were negative, consistent with either pulmonary neoplasia, idiopathic granulomatous pneumonia or equine multinodular pulmonary fibrosis (EMPF). Bone marrow evaluation was consistent with pancytopenia due to a combination of peripheral consumption/destruction and suppression/destruction of progenitor cells at the level of the marrow. Pancytopenia resolved and clinical signs improved transiently with immunosuppressive corticosteroid therapy, but the horse deteriorated rapidly one month after presentation and was subjected to euthanasia. Necropsy findings were consistent with EMPF, and equine herpesvirus‐5 (EHV‐5) DNA was found in both the lung and bone marrow. The specific role of EHV‐5 in the development of the pulmonary pathology in EMPF and the pancytopenia in this horse is unclear, but an aberrant host immune/inflammatory response to EHV‐5 infection may be important.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: Arterial calcification is found frequently in the pulmonary artery of racehorses, but the aetiology is unknown. Calcification might be associated with increased wall stress due to arterial geometry (shape) and exercise‐induced hypertension. Hypothesis: High wall stress levels are found in the regions associated with calcified lesion formation, exacerbated as transluminal pressure increases to levels associated with exercise. Methods: The pulmonary arteries of 5 horses, unaffected by calcification, were dissected and pressurised to resting and exercising physiological transluminal pressures and scanned with MRI. Arterial geometries were reconstructed to form 3D computer models and finite element analyses performed. Wall stress levels were measured in 4 regions of interest: the arterial trunk and bifurcation, the wall ipsilateral and contralateral to the bifurcation. Measurements were made for arterial transluminal pressures of 25, 50 and 100 mmHg. Results: High wall stress levels were consistently found at the pulmonary artery bifurcation and wall ipsilateral to the bifurcation, where calcified lesions typically form. Lower wall stress levels were found along the trunk and the wall contralateral to the bifurcation where lesions are less frequently found. Wall stress levels increased 5‐fold over a 4‐fold increase in pressure. The wall stress levels ranged 10 kPa in the wall of the branch contralateral to the bifurcation at 25 mmHg to 400 kPa in the bifurcation at 100 mmHg. Conclusions: Wall stress from arterial geometry and increased pulmonary artery transluminal pressure are factors that may be associated with calcification of the equine pulmonary artery. Potential relevance: Arterial calcification may increase the risk of arterial wall failure in racing horses.  相似文献   

Bovine papillomavirus (BPV) types 1 and 2 play an important role in the pathogenesis of equine sarcoids (ES), the most common cutaneous tumour affecting horses. MicroRNAs (miRNAs), small non‐coding RNAs that regulate essential biological and cellular processes, have been found dysregulated in a wide range of tumours. The aim of this study was to identify miRNAs associated with ES. Differential expression of miRNAs was assessed in control equine fibroblasts (EqPalFs) and EqPalFs transformed with the BPV‐1 genome (S6‐2 cells). Using a commercially available miRNA microarray, 492 mature miRNAs were interrogated. In total, 206 mature miRNAs were differentially expressed in EqPalFs compared with S6‐2 cells. Aberrant expression of these miRNAs in S6‐2 cells can be attributed to the presence of BPV‐1 genomes. Furthermore, we confirm the presence of 124 miRNAs previously computationally predicted in the horse. Our data supports the involvement of miRNAs in the pathogenesis of ES.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The goal of this project was to explore the possibility that fungal organisms produce metabolites that inhibit angiogenesis. Procedures Fungal cultures were obtained from cases of keratomycosis, grown in Sabouraud's dextrose broth, and sterile filtered for use in experiments. The Matrigel assay was used to screen the filtrate samples for antiangiogenic activity. Matrigel is a basement membrane matrix that supports the differentiation of human umbilical vein endothelial (HUVE) cells into a capillary-like network of tubules. HUVE cells were cultured using standard techniques and passaged at confluence, with all cells being used at passage 3-6. HUVE cells (40 000 cells) were pipetted into each well of a 24-well tissue-culture plate coated with Matrigel. An aliquot of fungal media filtrate was added to each well and the plates allowed to incubate for 18 h, at which time they were evaluated for tubule formation. RESULTS: Two fungal isolates showed inhibition of tubule formation. The addition of 100, 200 and 400 &mgr;L of the fungal media filtrate from the first isolate (Fusarium sp. 99A34574) produced a consistent and dose-dependent inhibition of tubule formation. The second isolate (Aspergillus sp. 271599) did not show inhibition of tubule formation with 100 or 200 &mgr;L added to the wells, however, it did show inhibition at 400 &mgr;L/well. The remaining three isolates did not cause inhibition at any concentration. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that certain fungal organisms produce metabolites that inhibit tubule formation in vitro, and that these metabolites may play a significant role in altering the host vascular response to fungal infections of the cornea.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the in vitro effects of adenosine tryphosphate (ATP) on vasomotor tone of equine colonic vasculature. SAMPLE POPULATION: Arteries and veins from the left ventral colon of 14 mixed-breed horses euthanatized for reasons unrelated to cardiovascular or gastrointestinal tract disease. PROCEDURES: Endothelium-intact and -denuded arterial and venous rings were precontracted with 10(-7) and 1.8 x 10(-8) M endothelin-1, respectively. In 1 trial, endothelium-intact rings were also incubated with 10(-4) M N omega-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) to inhibit nitric oxide (NO) production. Adenosine triphosphate (10(-8) to 10(-3) M) was added in a noncumulative manner, and relaxation percentage versus time curves were generated. Areas under the curves (ie, percentage of relaxation time) were calculated. RESULTS: Relaxation response of arterial and venous rings to ATP was dose-dependent. Percentage of relaxation time in response to 10(-4) and 10(-3) MATP was significantly greater, compared with that for rings not treated with ATP Removal of endothelium attenuated but did not eliminate the relaxation response. Addition of L-NAME did not attenuate the relaxation response in arteries. At higher concentrations, the vascular response to ATP was biphasic. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: ATP applied to equine colonic arterial and venous rings with and without intact endothelium induced a biphasic response characterized by transient contraction followed by slow, substantial, and sustained relaxation. This ATP-induced response is possibly mediated by a mechanism other than NO. Adenosine triphosphate may be a useful treatment to modulate colonic vasomotor tone in horses with strangulating volvulus of the ascending colon.  相似文献   

The vasomotor effects of histamine on isolated bovine and equine basilar arteries were examined. Histamine induced contractions in both these preparations. The maximal response to and pEC50 value for histamine of the equine artery were larger than those of bovine tissue. Similar results were obtained with endothelium-denuded basilar arteries. Diphenhydramine (H1-receptor antagonist) inhibited histamine-induced contractions of the basilar arteries from both species in a concentration-dependent manner and its pA 2 values (with 95% confidence limits) were 7.61 (7.39–7.83) and 8.15 (8.01–8.29) for the bovine and equine preparations, respectively. Cimetidine (H2-receptor antagonist) slightly potentiated histamine-induced contractions of bovine, but not equine, basilar arteries. 2-Thiazolylethylamine (H1-receptor agonist) induced contractions in both preparations, whereas impromidine (H2-receptor agonist) induced weak relaxation of the bovine, but not the equine, tissue. These findings indicate that bovine basilar arterial smooth muscle cells possess H1- and H2-receptors. Stimulation of the former results in contraction, whereas stimulation of the latter results in weak relaxation. Equine basilar arterial smooth muscle cells possess H1-receptors, stimulation of which results in contraction.Abbreviations CR concentration ratio - EC50 concentration producing 50% maximal response - pA 2 negative logarithm of the molar concentration of antagonist that produces a twofold rightward shift of a concentration-response curve - pEC50 negative logarithm of EC50 - PGF2 prostaglandin F2 - PGI2 prostaglandin I2  相似文献   

Serum sorbitol dehydrogenase (SDH) activities in 10 cows and nine horses were measured using an automated clinical analyzer. The serum samples were divided into aliquots that were stored at room temperature (21 degrees C), refrigerated (0-5 degrees C), or frozen (-30 degrees C). The stability of the SDH activity was monitored at various intervals. SDH activity in bovine sera remained stable for at least 5 hours at room temperature, 24 hours refrigerated, and 72 hours frozen without any significant (p < 0.05) differences from the initial serum values. In equine sera, SDH activity remained stable for at least 5 hours at room temperature and 48 hours frozen. The activity of the refrigerated equine sera was stable for at least 5 hours but less than 24 hours. An evaluation of fresh bovine serum and heparinized plasma samples indicated that there was no significant difference (p < 0.05) between the two sampling methods and that either may be employed for automated measurement of SDH activity following the established protocol. Sample type comparison indicated that there was a small but statistically significant (p < 0.05) difference between the results obtained comparing fresh serum and heparinized plasma samples for the horse. A reference range for Holstein cows was established using sera from 71 clinically healthy cattle (mean -/+ 2 SD = 32 -/+ 26 U/L).  相似文献   

Hemodynamic perturbations, partly resulting from abnormal vasoconstriction of digital vessels, have been implicated in the pathogenesis of bovine and equine laminitis. This study compared the responsiveness of isolated bovine (BDA) and equine (EDA) digital arteries to pharmacological agents that stimulate receptor systems involved in the regulation of normal vessel tone. The role of the endothelium and the short‐ and longer‐term effects of an experimentally induced endothelial damage were also evaluated. Species‐related differences were found in the vessel reactivity to all of the receptor agonists tested. In intact BDA, as compared to intact EDA, norepinephrine was a more effective vasoconstrictor, 5‐hydroxytryptamine a more effective but less potent vasoconstrictor, isoproterenol a less effective vasodilator and carbamylcholine a less potent vasodilator. In BDA, but not in EDA, the contractile responses to norepinephrine and 5‐hydroxytryptamine were enhanced immediately after endothelium removal. However, the contractile reactivity of denuded BDA returned to basal values following overnight incubation. The differences suggest species specificity for the pathophysiology of digital vasomotor tone and function in horses and cattle.  相似文献   

2008年从湖北省分离到1株H3N8亚型马流感病毒A/equine/Hubei/6/08。以2002年美国KENTUKY株为模板设计HA基因测序引物,进行RT-PCR,然后测定该分离株的HA基因核苷酸序列。经NCBI上Blast同源性比较发现,与A/equine/Newmarket/5/2003(H3N8)同源性较高为98.7%。HA蛋白遗传进化分析表明该毒株隶属于H3N8亚型马流感病毒中的美洲系福罗里达亚系。该株与OIE现在推荐的疫苗候选株A/equine/Kentuck-y/5/2002(H3N8)HA1蛋白氨基酸序列比对发现有3处氨基酸替换位点;与OIE以往推荐的疫苗候选株A/e-quine/Kentucky/1/1994(H3N8)比对发现有11处氨基酸替换位点。研究结果表明该分离株可作为中国研制马流感疫苗的候选株。  相似文献   

Equine herpesvirus type-1 (EHV-1) and equine arteritis virus (EAV) are infectious agents that cause serious health risks to horse populations and are disbursed worldwide, which can lead to significant financial losses. In addition to being responsible for abortion and neonatal death, these viruses are associated with respiratory illness. Although previous research and reviews have been written on these viruses, both viruses still affect horse populations around the world and the vaccines currently available are not completely protective, especially against EHV-1 and equine herpes myeloencephalopathy (EHM). Moreover, EAV is considered a threat to the $102 billion equine industry in the United States. As a result, these viruses represent a huge threat to the horse industry and efforts geared towards preventing the outbreak of the disease are strongly encouraged. For this reason, updates about these viruses are necessary and require more and more discussion on the nature and characteristics of these viruses to know how to overcome them. Prevention and control of abortion and neonatal foal death caused by each of the two viruses depend on appropriate management strategies coupled with prophylactic vaccination. This review presents the latest detailed information on EHV-1 and EAV from several aspects such as transmission, clinical signs, pathogenesis, latest developments on the treatment of the diseases, vaccination, and finally challenges and future perspectives. The information presented herein will be useful in understanding EHV-1 and EAV and formulating policies that can help to limit the spread of these viruses within horse populations.  相似文献   

采用胶原酶消化法培养原代肉鸡肺动脉平滑肌细胞(PASMC),检测不同浓度的5-羟色胺(5-HT)对肉鸡PASMC增殖的影响,并用流式细胞仪检测PASMC周期和凋亡情况。结果发现,10-4~10-7 mol/L的5-HT能剂量依赖性地促进肉鸡PASMC的增殖,可能是5-HT加速细胞从G1期向S期过渡,同时5-HT也可促进PASMC凋亡,因此在总体上5-HT促进PASMC增殖的作用更明显。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the consistency of partial pressures (P) of arterial oxygen (aO(2)), arterial carbon dioxide (aCO(2)) and pH measurements in equine carotid arterial blood samples taken into syringes made from three different materials and stored at room temperature or placed in iced water for measurement at three different times. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective observational study over 19 days. ANIMALS: Four clinically normal Thoroughbred or Thoroughbred-cross horses (three geldings, one mare, mean age 6.25 years, range 5-7 years). METHODS: Identical blood samples were taken on two separate occasions from the carotid arteries of the four horses into syringes made of glass, plastic and polypropylene. PaO(2), PaCO(2) and pH determinations were performed on blood from each syringe type at 10, 60 and 120 minutes post-sampling with samples stored at room temperature (approximately 20 degrees C) or in iced water (approximately 0 degrees C). Data were analysed by anova and a split plot model fitting syringe within horse X pair and time within temperature within syringe. RESULTS: Syringe material, storage temperature and time before analysis all had significant effects on PaO(2) (p < 0.001). PaCO(2) was unaffected by syringe material or storage temperature. However, over 120 minutes, storage duration significantly (p = 0.002) affected values. Temperature of storage and duration prior to analysis both significantly affected pH values (p = 0.005 and p < 0.001, respectively), but syringe material did not. Several significant interactions between these variables were noted. CONCLUSIONS: Equine arterial blood gas determination has a different sensitivity to storage conditions compared to other veterinary species. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: For accurate equine arterial blood analysis, PaO(2) samples need to be analysed within 10 minutes or taken into glass syringes, stored on ice and analysed at 2 hours post-sampling. PaCO(2) and pH measurements can be performed on samples stored in glass, plastic or polypropylene syringes at room temperature for up to 1 hour post-sampling.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine in vitro vasomotor response of equine large colon arterial and venous rings with and without endothelium to vasodilator drugs, including dopamine (DOP), dopexamine (DPX), acepromazine (ACE), isoxsuprine (ISX), and nifedipine (NFP). ANIMALS: 7 adult horses. PROCEDURE: Relaxation of large colon arteries and veins in response to vasodilating drugs was determined by measuring the change in tension of vessel rings when exposed to a cumulative concentration range (10(-8) to 10(-4)M) of each drug. Vessel rings, with and without endothelium, were mounted in organ baths, attached to a transducer, and contracted with norepinephrine (NE). Cumulative concentration-response relationships, percentage maximal relaxation, and EC50 (concentration of drug required to relax the NE-induced contracted tissue to 50% of its contracted state) values were calculated. RESULTS: There were significant differences among drugs for EC50 (ACE = ISX < NFP) and percentage maximal relaxation (ACE = ISX > NFP = DPX > DOP) values in veins. Endothelium removal from veins had no significant effect. There were no differences in EC50 values for arteries; however, percentage maximal relaxation was significantly different among drugs (ACE = ISX = NFP > DPX = DOP). Endothelial removal resulted in higher EC50 and lower percentage maximal relaxation values, compared with endothelium-intact arteries. CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: ACE and ISX were the most potent and efficacious drugs evaluated and could potentially be used to improve blood flow after correction of large-colon volvulus. Dopamine cannot be recommended because of its biphasic response and potential to further decrease blood flow. Endothelium removal altered the vasodilatory responses of colonic arterial rings, but did not affect venous rings.  相似文献   

Platelet function was evaluated in horses with exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage (bleeder) and in control horses (nonbleeder). Platelet aggregation, secretion, and adhesion to rabbit aortic subendothelium were similar for bleeders and nonbleeders. Platelets readily aggregated in response to ADP, thrombin, collagen, and arachidonic acid, but platelet secretion occurred only with high concentrations of thrombin. Platelets readily adhered to rabbit aortic subendothelium and tended to form large thrombi rather than platelet monolayers or aggregates. These data suggest that horses may be predisposed to thrombus formation and subsequent microvascular obstruction.  相似文献   

The goals of this study were to determine the concentration-response (C-R) relationship of endothelin-1 (ET-1), compare 2 ET-receptor antagonists and determine the antagonist concentrations that block the vasomotor effects of ET-1, and compare the effectiveness of ET-1 and previously studied vasoconstrictors in equine palmar digital arterial and venous rings in vitro. Vessel rings from 8 nonlaminitic horses were placed in Tyrode's solution, 1 side fixed to the floor of an organ bath and the other side fixed to a force-displacement transducer. Two separate studies were conducted: (I) incubation with a single ET-receptor antagonist (PD142893 or PD145065 at a concentration of 10(-7), 10(-6), or 10(-5) M), followed by determination of an ET-1 C-R curve (using concentrations of 10(-10) to 10(-6) M) for medial vessel rings; and (II) comparison of ET-1 with norepinephrine and histamine (10(-10) to 10(-6) M) and comparison of contractile responses of medial and lateral vessel rings. In study I, ET-1 administration caused pronounced and sustained concentration-dependent contraction of vessel rings; these contractile responses were decreased by 10(-5) M PD142893 and were completely blocked by 10(-5) M PD145065. Venous rings had greater apparent maximum contraction in response to ET-1 than arterial rings. In study II, the relative sensitivity of norepinephrine was found to be equivalent to that of ET-1, whereas that of histamine was lower. No significant differences were observed between responses of medial versus lateral vessel rings. Thus, ET-1 is a potent vasoconstrictor of equine palmar digital arteries and veins, and the ET-receptor antagonist PD145065 is more effective than PD142893 in inhibiting these contractile effects in vitro.  相似文献   

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