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珠海奶牛养殖存在的问题与对策 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
经过对珠海市西部养牛业1个多月的详细调查,笔者对五山、乾务奶牛养殖的现状有了较深的了解。近年来,珠海市西部各区奶牛养殖规模日益扩大。然而由于养殖户文化素质低,管理经验不足,疫病防治能力不强等诸多原因,导致当地出现了“奶牛利用率低、劳动效率低、养殖效益低”,及“饲养成本高、发病率高、淘汰率高”的“三低三高”的不良局面,严重制约了奶 相似文献
奶牛养殖小区是奶牛生产与生活的主要场所,小区的规划、布局与管理会直接影响到饲养奶牛的经济效益,社会效益与生态效益。作者通过对农村奶牛养殖小区在建设及生产管理中存在问题的分析与论述,提出相应对策,旨在为建设农村奶牛养殖小区提供参考,同时为促进奶牛业健康发展提供资料。 相似文献
我国加入世贸以来,奶牛养殖业的发展面临着新的挑战和机遇。目前,我市农村奶牛养殖业要想健康、快速地发展,在国际竞争中立于不败之地,必须把农村奶牛养殖小区操作规程向国际化标准看齐。 相似文献
李勇生 《畜牧兽医科技信息》2005,(11):29-30
奶牛是能量饲料和蛋白质饲料转化率高,能充分利用粗纤维和非蛋白氮,生产出高质量动物性蛋白最经济的动物。奶牛在泌乳期内平均泌乳量一般为4000-6000kg,牛奶素有“人类保姆”的美称,营养价值很高,易被人体消化利用,而且随着人民生活水平的提高,它必将成为人们日常生活不可缺少的食品。目前,我国人均占有奶量仅8.8kg,而世界上人均奶量保持在100kg左右,发达国家大都超过200kg,差距之大显而易见。因此,奶牛养殖在我国具有巨大的市场潜力。奶牛的日粮有大量的秸杆、青贮饲料、青干草、糟渣类和多汁类饲料,奶牛能将猪、禽等单胃动物不能很好利用的青粗饲料及非蛋白氮转化为畜产品。并且我国农区每年生产4亿多吨粮食、5亿多吨秸秆,还有大量的粮油加工副产品糠麸、糟渣、油饼(粕)等可以用作饲料,饲料资源十分丰富。因此,大力发展奶牛业对改善人民的食物构成,提高农作物秸杆的利用率,增加经济收入,促进农业生产和现代化建设都具有重要意义。 相似文献
本文从奶牛的品种、饲养管理、饲料饲草3个方面分析了当前农村养殖中普遍存在的问题,并提出了针对性较强的解决对策。 相似文献
本文从奶牛的品种、饲养管理、饲料饲草3个方面分析了当前农村养殖中普遍存在的问题,并提出了针对性较强的解决对策. 相似文献
奶牛生产是一个系统的工程,其效益的提高受到许多因素的制约。最近笔者对河北省农村的奶牛养殖现状进行了调查,发现农村奶牛养殖存在的主要问题是因良种化程度低和技术落后导致奶牛单产水平低、利用年限短、原料奶质量差、疾病发生率高、经济效益低。一些奶牛养殖户在奶牛饲养、生产过程中还存在诸多误区.现简要介绍如下。 相似文献
奶牛夏季高温的营养调控 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
炎热的夏季已经到来,高温的天气给奶牛生产带来很大损失。为减轻夏季高温对奶牛造成的不利影响,减少奶牛热应激现象的发生,维持产奶量的相对平衡,应从奶牛场的建设、饲养管理、疾病防治及饲料营养上采取相应的措施加以预防,尤其是奶牛的营养调控方面,会对奶牛的产奶量产生较大影响,应当引起足够的重视。 相似文献
近年来,有些专业户饲养的奶牛,一进入冬季后,其饲养的奶牛产奶量则出现产奶量下降的非正常现象,致使饲养奶牛的经济效益受到一定程度的影响。笔针对这一问题,并结合生产实践中的一些较好的做法与经验,现将冬季奶牛的饲养管理要点浅谈如下,供参考。 相似文献
King GJ Burnside EB Curtis RA 《The Canadian veterinary journal. La revue veterinaire canadienne》1983,24(4):105-107
The percentage of dairy cows that were mated and became pregnant during a 42 day breeding period was not significantly different when animals were routinely observed for estrus and mated when detected (71%, n = 56), inseminated at estrus following a single injection of cloprostenol (72%, n = 29), or inseminated at a fixed time after two cloprostenol treatments 11 days apart (69%, n = 28). However, 11 cows in the control group were not detected and mated during the breeding period and inclusion of these animals reduced the actual pregnancy rate to 60%. Results indicated that a controlled breeding program could have practical application in dairy herds but should be used with caution. Practitioners must evaluate management programs and decide, in consultation with the herdsman, if the introduction of controlled breeding technology might be advantageous. 相似文献
一问题1环境条件差多数养鸡户饲养规模小且人和鸡同在一院,同时没有相应的消毒设施,人员、运输车辆均能带回病原体,为疫病的传播创造了条件。由于通风不良,密闭不严,加上缺乏相关的专业知识,熏蒸消毒也达不到理想效果。夏季高温高湿影响蛋鸡产蛋率和肉鸡正常发育。冬季则普遍存在保温与通风的矛盾。有的养鸡专业户为了图方便、省钱,采取地上煤炉取暖的方式,温度稳定性差,煤球燃烧产生的一氧化碳、二氧化碳、二氧化硫等积聚鸡舍,并且经常采取关闭门窗的方式求得较高温度,造成舍内空气质量较差,达不到鸡的生存条件要求,常诱发各种呼吸道病,继发感染大肠杆菌病等病。 相似文献
Leonard D 《The Veterinary record》2004,155(11):343-344
Concentrations of insulin-like growth factor-I, albumin, beta hydroxybutyrate, glucose and urea were measured in 12 plasma samples collected over 9 weeks from mid-August from each of 40 cows in four seasonal herds which calved from mid-July. These herds comprised Jersey or Holstein-Friesian animals, with each breed grazed at two stocking rates. Daily dry matter intakes (kg dry matter/cow/day), which were estimated from pasture assessments before and after grazing, ranged from 4% (low stocked Jersey herd) to 38% (high stocked Friesian herd) below recommended intakes for each breed of cow in peak lactatipn. Stocking rate was associated with a 4% reduction in liveweight for cows in the high stocked herds and a 20% reduction in daily milk production (as a proportion of the low stocked herds' liveweight and milk production). Eight cows produced at least one blood sample with a beta hydroxybutyrate concentration of more than 1.0 mmol/l. There were 42% of samples with glucose concentrations greater than 4.1 mmol/l. These two concentrations were the maximum values classified as normal for these two metabolites by the Ruakura Animal Health Laboratory. No concentrations of the other metabolites were outside their respective normal ranges. Breed, age and individual animals usually had greater effects on the average metabolite concentrations than did stocking rate. The greatest effect was associated with sample day, especially for insulin-like growth factor-I and urea. A significant breed x stocking rate x sample day interaction in urea concentrations indicated that changes in the feeding value of the grazed pastures available to each herd were sufficient to produce separate fluctuating patterns in the daily average concentrations. These results showed that frequent sampling on a herd basis would be necessary to identify the significance of factors which may be contributing to sample day variation in the concentration of metabolites in the plasma of pasture-fed cows. 相似文献
Concentrations of insulin-like growth factor-I, albumin, beta hydroxybutyrate, glucose and urea were measured in 12 plasma samples collected over 9 weeks from mid-August from each of 40 cows in four seasonal herds which calved from mid-July. These herds comprised Jersey or Holstein-Friesian animals, with each breed grazed at two stocking rates. Daily dry matter intakes (kg dry matter/cow/day), which were estimated from pasture assessments before and after grazing, ranged from 4% (low stocked Jersey herd) to 38% (high stocked Friesian herd) below recommended intakes for each breed of cow in peak lactation. Stocking rate was associated with a 4% reduction in liveweight for cows in the high stocked herds and a 20% reduction in daily milk production (as a proportion of the low stocked herds' liveweight and milk production). Eight cows produced at least one blood sample with a beta hydroxybutyrate concentration of more than 1.0 mmol/l. There were 42% of samples with glucose concentrations greater than 4.1 mmol/l. These two concentrations were the maximum values classified as normal for these two metabolites by the Ruakura Animal Health Laboratory. No concentrations of the other metabolites were outside their respective normal ranges. Breed, age and individual animals usually had greater effects on the average metabolite concentrations than did stocking rate. The greatest effect was associated with sample day, especially for insulin-like growth factor-I and urea. A significant breed x stocking rate x sample day interaction in urea concentrations indicated that changes in the feeding value of the grazed pastures available to each herd were sufficient to produce separate fluctuating patterns in the daily average concentrations. These results showed that frequent sampling on a herd basis would be necessary to identify the significance of factors which may be contributing to sample day variation in the concentration of metabolites in the plasma of pasture-fed cows. 相似文献
Townson DH Tsang PC Butler WR Frajblat M Griel LC Johnson CJ Milvae RA Niksic GM Pate JL 《Journal of animal science》2002,80(4):1053-1058
Cows with two waves of follicular growth during the estrous cycle yield follicles that are older and larger at ovulation compared with cows having three waves. The objectives of the current research were 1) to compare fertility in cows with two or three follicular waves and 2) to examine associations between luteal function, follicular development, and fertility after breeding. Follicular waves were monitored by ultrasonography during the estrous cycle before insemination in 106 dairy cows. Fewer cows had three follicular waves before next estrus and ovulation than two waves (P < 0.01; 30% vs 68%, respectively), but pregnancy rate was higher (P = 0.058; 81 vs 63%, respectively). Cows with two waves had shorter estrous cycles (P < 0.01), with the ovulatory follicle being both larger (P < 0.05) and older (P < 0.01). In cows with three waves, luteal function was extended (P < 0.05) and the peak in plasma progesterone occurred later (P < 0.05) in the estrous cycle compared to two wave cows. Considering cows that became pregnant, luteal phase length was shorter (P < 0.05) during the estrous cycle preceding insemination than for nonpregnant cows. In conclusion, fertility was greater in lactating cows inseminated after ovulation of the third-wave follicle that had developed for fewer days of the estrous cycle as compared with two-wave cows. 相似文献