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由正交试验确定的两种酶酶解的最佳水解结果表明枯草杆菌中性蛋白酶最佳水解条件为:加酶量为3.0%,温度为60℃,pH为7.0,时间为4 h,蛋白质水解度为91.3%;木瓜蛋白酶酶解的最佳酶解条件为:加酶量为3.0%,温度为65℃,pH为7.0,时间为4 h,蛋白质水解度为85.3%。SephadexG-15葡聚糖凝胶柱层析对扇贝加工废弃物水解产物的分析结果表明两种酶酶解产物的分子量分布均集中在682 Da,这说明酶解产物是小分子蛋白肽和游离氨基酸,可深加工利用制备水解蛋白制品。 相似文献
酶法由罗非鱼加工废弃物制取调味料的研究 总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14
为了解决大量的罗非鱼加工废弃物的出路,采用酶技术将罗非鱼加工废弃物进行酶解,制备营养型高档调味料。通过正交试验,确定了以菠萝酶和Flavourzyme混合水解,其最适条件为:固液比1∶1,自然pH,50℃下,菠萝酶(酶活力6·8万U·g-1)加入量为2250U·g-1,水解3h,再加入Flavourzyme(酶活力0·37万U·g-1),加入量为750U·g-1水解2h,水解度达到80%。将酶解液30%与淀粉6·5%,黄原胶0·2%、老抽酱油8%等辅料相调配,制成风味独特,高附加值的新型营养调味料。 相似文献
利用鱼虾加工的废弃物为原料,先用廉价的盐酸加工成液化蛋白作为动物蛋白源之一,再根据对虾的营养需要和生长特点配以其它伺料源,研制成对虾配合饲料(85-1号),该饲料营养成份齐全,诱食性强,对虾摄食后能很快地吸收,生长速度较快;饲料成本低,喂养效果良好,小试亩产对虾215.94kg,平均体长12.16cm:大面积中亩库产对虾169.27kg,平均体长12.24cm,经济效益显著。 相似文献
以狭鳕为原料,经擂溃、添加贝柱调味汁及挤压成型等工艺制成的人造扇贝柱,无论是外观,还是口感、风味,均与天然贝柱相似,但人造扇贝柱没有天然贝柱那种明显有序的纤维丝,这可通过成纤加工工艺来改进。 相似文献
为了对扇贝裙边进行综合利用,本文选择由中性蛋白酶、胰蛋白酶和复合蛋白酶3种酶组合成3对混合酶对扇贝裙边进行酶水解实验,以水解液中游离氨基酸态氮为考察指标,采用正交实验设计研究了加酶量、酶解时间、酶解温度及酶的种类对酶解效果的影响,从而优化了扇贝裙边的酶法水解工艺条件。以最佳水解工艺条件获得的酶解液经喷雾干燥制成的氨基酸营养粉,经检测,其粗蛋白含量为82.89%,粗脂肪含量为1.55%,总糖含量为6.82%。该氨基酸营养粉中氨基酸种类齐全,每100g粗蛋白中氨基酸总量达79.06%,其中游离氨基酸总量达51.53%。 相似文献
水产品保鲜剂在水产品加工中的应用 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
前言目前 ,我国水产品鲜活销量占总渔获量的65 %~ 70 % ,在剩余的保鲜加工品中 ,有 70 %是冷冻、冷藏保鲜的。由于社会整体现代化的进步 ,一些比冷冻冷藏保鲜效果更好的技术不断涌现。如安全性、适口性、营养性、新鲜度较好的保鲜剂的推广使用 ,对我国传统的水产品加工方式来说 ,不啻于一场革命。这些保鲜剂能抑制细菌繁殖 ,还能使鱼体表面鲜艳好看 ,受到消费者青睐。南通优普保鲜技术有限公司开发的DMP系列水产品保鲜剂 ,到目前为止已有鱿鲜晶、鱿色鲜、虾仁宝、鲜虾灵、蟹排净、蟹腿灵、鳕鱼宝、鱼鲜素、鱼片鲜等 1 7个系列保鲜剂 ,较… 相似文献
膨化技术在农产品深加工中的应用 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
1 前言改革开放以来 ,我国基本解决了温饱问题 ,人民生活水平有了很大的提高。因而 ,对农产品 (包括水产品 )进行深加工 ,已成为社会的需要。国家已经明确 :积极发展农业生产和农产品深加工 ,增加农业的后续效益 ,努力拓宽农民增收领域。并且以农产品深加工为龙头 ,带动农业结构的升级。我国是一个农业大国 ,农产品和水产品十分丰富 ,进行深加工已成为热门话题 ,并是当前和今后的发展方向。目前我国食品工业产值与农业产值之比仅0 .38∶ 1 ,而发达国家和地区为 2∶ 1~ 3∶ 1 ,美国高达 4∶ 1。我国城乡居民消费的食品中 ,仅 4成经过加工 ,… 相似文献
《Journal Of Aquatic Food Product Technology》2013,22(1):111-123
Abstract The efficacy of ozonated water (0.6-1.5 ppm) was evaluated as a bactericidal agent for sanitizing food contact surfaces and for treatment of raw seafood. The presence of ozone reduced the bacterial levels substantially on stainless steel surfaces and to a lesser extent on plastic cutting boards. Ozone was about as effective as chlorine in lowering levels of Listeria innocua on inoculated food contact surfaces. Fish processing residuals present on the surface greatly reduced sanitizer effectiveness. In high organic conditions, chlorinated water was slightly more effective than ozonated water. However, ozonated water applied to fish fillets and roe was not effective for bacterial control. The presence of organic material, particularly with fillets, reduced the effectiveness of ozone. Ozone accelerated the development of rancidity in frozen roe and fillets, resulting in reduced shelf life. We recommend ozone only as a sanitizer for cleaned seafood contact surfaces. 相似文献
Keith W. Gates 《Journal Of Aquatic Food Product Technology》2013,22(1):91-97
No abstract available for this article. 相似文献
Sébastien Plante Scott Smiley Alexandra C. M. Oliveira David A. J. Stone Ronald W. Hardy Peter J. Bechtel 《Journal Of Aquatic Food Product Technology》2013,22(2):195-211
ABSTRACT Our objective was to produce a unique feed ingredient from underutilized walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) and pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) testes. Protein content in meals from both species (72% and 80%, respectively) were above the values found in high quality herring meals (~70%), but both were poor in some essential amino acids, e.g., methionine. Additionally, both were good sources of the amino acid taurine (1.7 and 2.2% of meal, respectively). Pollock meal was very rich in phospholipids (82% of total lipids) and in DHA (28 mg/g meal) and EPA (18 mg/g meal), indicating potential as an ingredient in larval starter diets. The purine contents in both pollock and salmon testes meals were more than 10 times the concentrations found in other fish byproducts or commercial fishmeals. The high concentrations of purines found in these testes, especially in the salmon meal, make it an ideal candidate for an immune system stimulant when added to dietary formulations. 相似文献