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土壤饱和导水率Ks是最基本的水力参数之一,而已知实验室内其值的确定受土柱尺寸的影响.以关中的塿土为研究对象,在室内,采用定水头法,研究5~30 cm内6个不同土柱尺寸对扰动黏壤土Ka测定的影响.结果表明:随着时间的延伸,Ks逐渐减小,其值最初降幅较大,其后趋于稳定,且在5 ~ 30 cm土柱直径范围内,Ks随着土柱直径的变大,扰动黏壤土的Ks递增,二者线性相关,y=0.000 4x+0.003 7(R2=0.965 1).研究结果可为测定Ks合理测定时间段及合理尺寸的选择提供参考.  相似文献   

Biochar is used as a soil amendment for improving soil quality and enhancing carbon sequestration. In this study, a loamy sand soil was amended at different rates (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% v/v) of biochar, and its physical and hydraulic properties were analyzed, including particle density, bulk density, porosity, infiltration, saturated hydraulic conductivity, and volumetric water content. The wilting rate of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) grown in soil amended with various levels of biochar was evaluated on a scale of 0–10. Statistical analyses were conducted using linear regression. The results showed that bulk density decreased linearly (R2 = 0.997) from 1.325 to 0.363 g cm?3 while the particle density decreased (R2 = 0.915) from 2.65 to 1.60 g cm?3 with increased biochar amendment, with porosity increasing (R2 = 0.994) from 0.500 to 0.773 cm3 cm?3. The mean volumetric water content ranged from 3.90 to 14.00 cm3 cm?3, while the wilting rate of tomato ranged from 4.67 to 9.50, respectively, for the non-amended soil and 100% biochar-amended soil. These results strongly suggest positive improvement of soil physical and hydraulic properties following addition of biochar amendment.  相似文献   

植被群落演替对土壤饱和导水率的影响   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:10  
土壤饱和导水率是表征土壤入渗能力的重要参数,对不同土地利用类型反应敏感。为了揭示植被演替对土壤剖面上饱和导水率的影响规律,采用恒定水头法测定了天童林区155 a植物群落演替序列60 cm深土壤剖面上的饱和导水率。结果表明,不同演替阶段饱和导水率均随土壤深度增加迅速降低,在0~20 cm土层内,各演替阶段饱和导水率均存在极显著差异,0~60 cm土层内饱和导水率的平均值从裸地、石栎+檵木灌丛、马尾松林、木荷+马尾松林、木荷林到栲树林升高极为显著,植物群落演替到灌丛阶段,平均饱和导水率已与裸地存在显著差异,演  相似文献   

In a field experiment, a sandy loam was subjected to single passes with a sugar beet harvester at two different soil water potentials. Different hopper fillings resulted in ground contact pressures of 130 kPa (partial load) and 160 kPa (full load) underneath the tyre. Bulk density, macroporosity (equivalent pore radius >100 μm), penetrometer resistance, air permeability and pre-consolidation pressure were measured within and next to the wheel tracks at depths of 0.12–0.17, 0.32–0.37 and 0.52–0.57 m. Furthermore, the soil structure at two horizons (Ahp 7–24 cm, B(C) 24–38 cm) was visually assessed and classified.

The moist plot responded to a wheel load of 11.23 mg (160 kPa) with an increase in bulk density and pre-consolidation pressure as well as with a decrease in air permeability and macroporosity at a depth of 0.12–0.17 m. With a wheel load of 7.47 mg (130 kPa) on the moist plot and with both wheel load levels on the dry plot, only slight changes of the soil structure were detected. At a depth of 0.32–0.37 and 0.52–0.57 m, the measurements did not indicate any compaction. An ANOVA indicates that the factor “soil water potential” and the factor “wheel load” significantly influence the bulk density at a depth of 0.12–0.17 m. No interactions occurred between these two factors. The wheel traffic on the test plot had no effect on the yield of winter wheat planted after the experimental treatment.

Bulk density, macroporosity and pre-consolidation pressure proved to be sensitive to detect compaction because they varied only slightly and are easy to measure. In contrast, the standard deviation of air permeability is large. The soil structure determined visually in the field confirms the values measured in the laboratory. The results of the penetrometer resistance measurements were not explainable.  相似文献   

为改善砂质土壤持水状况,设计了由作物秸秆、膨润土和聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)配制的改良材料,以重庆市分布面积较大的冷沙黄泥为研究对象,采用恒定水头入渗双环法,研究了秸秆改良材料对砂质土壤饱和导水率的影响。结果表明,施用秸秆改良材料能增加砂质土壤的饱和导水率,并且随着施用剂量的增大,土壤饱和导水率逐渐增加;随土培时间的延长土样饱和导水率均出现了先增大后减小的趋势,当土培时间为60 d时土样饱和导水率达到最大值;添加麦秆改良材料(质量分数为10 g/kg,配方中PAM质量分数为2%)的土样,在培养60 d后其饱和导水率是对照组的4.97倍,对砂质土壤改良效果最明显。可见,秸秆改良材料可以改善砂质土壤持水状况,对砂质土壤具有改良作用。  相似文献   

Tillage management can affect crop growth by altering the pore size distribution, pore geometry and hydraulic properties of soil. In the present communication, the effect of different tillage management viz., conventional tillage (CT), minimum tillage (MT) and zero-tillage (ZT) and different crop rotations viz. [(soybean–wheat (S–W), soybean–lentil (S–L) and soybean–pea (S–P)] on pore size distribution and soil hydraulic conductivities [saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat) and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity {k(h)}] of a sandy clay loam soil was studied after 4 years prior to the experiment. Soil cores were collected after 4 year of the experiment at an interval of 75 mm up to 300 mm soil depth for measuring soil bulk density, soil water retention constant (b), pore size distribution, Ksat and k(h). Nine pressure levels (from 2 to 1500 kPa) were used to calculate pore size distribution and k(h). It was observed that b values at all the studied soil depths were higher under ZT than those observed under CT irrespective of the crop rotations. The values of soil bulk density observed under ZT were higher in 0–75 mm soil depth in all the crop rotations. But, among the crop rotations, soils under S–P and S–L rotations showed relatively lower bulk density values than S–W rotation. Average values of the volume fraction of total porosity with pores <7.5 μm in diameter (effective pores for retaining plant available water) were 0.557, 0.636 and 0.628 m3 m−3 under CT, MT and ZT; and 0.592, 0.610 and 0.626 m3 m−3 under S–W, S–L and S–P, respectively. In contrast, the average values of the volume fraction of total porosity with pores >150 μm in diameter (pores draining freely with gravity) were 0.124, 0.096 and 0.095 m3 m−3 under CT, MT and ZT; and 0.110, 0.104 and 0.101 m3 m−3 under S–W, S–L and S–P, respectively. Saturated hydraulic conductivity values in all the studied soil depths were significantly greater under ZT than those under CT (range from 300 to 344 mm day−1). The observed k(h) values at 0–75 mm soil depth under ZT were significantly higher than those computed under CT at all the suction levels, except at −10, −100 and −400 kPa suction. Among the crop rotations, S–P rotation recorded significantly higher k(h) values than those under S–W and S–L rotations up to −40 kPa suction. The interaction effects of tillage and crop rotations affecting the k(h) values were found significant at all the soil water suctions. Both S–L and S–P rotations resulted in better soil water retention and transmission properties under ZT.  相似文献   

It is widely recognized that saturated hydraulic conductivity is dominated by the micromorphology of soil pores rather than by the merely total porosity or dry bulk density. Nevertheless, some researchers are reporting that the decrease in saturated hydraulic conductivity of subsoil is simply associated with the decrease in soil porosity or increase in dry bulk density. Based on these understandings in published papers and on our preliminary field investigation, we assumed that micromorphology of soil pores in topsoils is subjected to be destroyed with continuous disturbance by frequent tillage while subsoils tend to be compacted without serious changes of micromorphology of soil pores. Thus, we focused on finding the dependence of saturated hydraulic conductivity on dry bulk density by separating the soils into tilled layer and compacted layer. The objective of this study was to describe the relationship between saturated hydraulic conductivity and dry bulk density using a theoretical model, the non-similar media concept (NSMC) model, capable of predicting saturated hydraulic conductivities of soils with different values of dry bulk densities. The study area was located near the Tone River in Saitama Prefecture, Japan, where the soils were classified into Haplic Brown Lowland Soils according to the Classification of Cultivated Soils in Japan (Eutric Fluvisol according to FAO/UNESCO). Two sites, where the topsoils were seasonally tilled while the subsoils were sustained as it is, and another site where the topsoil was seasonally tilled, too, but extra deep tillage (1 m tillage depth) had been done, were chosen for the measurements. The saturated hydraulic conductivities and dry bulk densities of undisturbed soil cores from different depths were measured in the laboratory. The NSMC model was carefully applied only when the soil textures were the same among samples. The well-known conventional equations formulated by Kozeny–Carman and by Campbell, were used to compare the applicabilities with the NSMC model. The NSMC model succeeded in predicting the saturated hydraulic conductivities in the compacted subsoils. On the other hand, the NSMC model was not applicable to the tilled topsoils and to the deeply tilled subsoil. The saturated hydraulic conductivity of tilled topsoils and deeply tilled subsoil was always lower than that of compacted subsoils at the same dry bulk densities. The Kozeny–Carman and Campbell equations both failed in the prediction of saturated hydraulic conductivity in subsoil. It was concluded that the saturated hydraulic conductivity of subsoils under compaction without extreme disturbance is well related with its dry bulk density by the NSMC model.  相似文献   

As metropolitan areas expand, the municipal and industrial uses of freshwater increase. Therefore, water resources for irrigation become limited and wastewater reuse for irrigation becomes a good alternative. For this purpose, the effects of suspended solids in wastewater on the soil physical properties, i.e., saturated hydraulic conductivity, Ks, have to be considered. The objectives of this research were to study the effects of applying freshwater and differently treated wastewater on Ks in the surface and subsurface layers of sandy‐loam, loam, and clay‐loam soils. This effect was studied by investigating the ratio of Ks for wastewater to Ks for fresh water in soil surface as Kr1 and in soil subsurface as Kr2. The results showed that the application of freshwater did not reduce the Kr1 considerably. However, the reduction in Kr1 mainly occurred in soil depth of 0–50 mm due to the application of wastewater. This effect is more pronounced in clay‐loam soil than in loam and sandy‐loam soils. It is concluded that application of wastewater with TSS (total suspended solid) of ≥ 40 mg L–1 resulted in Kr1 reduction of >50% in different soil textures. However, the Kr2 reduction at soil depth of 100–300 mm is not considerable by application of wastewater for different soil textures. Further, it is concluded that less purified wastewater can be used in light‐texture soils resulting in less reduction in Kr1. Empirical models were developed for predicting the value of Kr1 as a function of amounts of wastewater application and TSS for different soil textures that can be used in management of wastewater application for preventing deterioration of soil hydraulic conductivity.  相似文献   

In Belgium, growing silage maize in a monoculture often results in increased soil compaction. The aim of our research was to quantify the effects of this soil compaction on the dry matter (DM) yields and the nitrogen use of silage maize (Zea mays L.). On a sandy loam soil of the experimental site of Ghent University (Belgium), silage maize was grown on plots with traditional soil tillage (T), on artificially compacted plots (C) and on subsoiled plots (S). The artificial compaction, induced by multiple wheel-to-wheel passages with a tractor, increased the soil penetration resistance up to more than 1.5 MPa in the zone of 0–35 cm of soil depth. Subsoiling broke an existing plough pan (at 35–45 cm of soil depth). During the growing season, the release of soil mineral nitrogen by mineralisation was substantially lower on the C plots than on the T and S plots. Silage maize plants on the compacted soil were smaller and flowering was delayed. The induced soil compaction caused a DM yield loss of 2.37 Mg ha−1 (−13.2%) and decreased N uptake by 46.2 kg ha−1 (−23.2%) compared to the T plots. Maize plants on compacted soil had a lower, suboptimal nitrogen content. Compared with the traditional soil tillage that avoided heavy compaction, subsoiling offered no significant benefits for the silage maize crop. It was concluded that avoiding heavy soil compaction in silage maize is a major strategy for maintaining crop yields and for enhancing N use efficiency.  相似文献   

Determining temporal changes in field-saturated hydraulic conductivity (Kfs) is important for understanding and modeling hydrological phenomena at the field scale. Little is known about temporal variability of Kfs values measured at permanent sampling points. In this investigation, the simplified falling head (SFH) technique was used for an approximately 2-year period to determine temporal changes in Kfs at 11 permanent sampling points established at the surface of a sandy loam soil. Additional Kfs measurements were obtained by the single-ring pressure infiltrometer (PI) technique to also compare the SFH and PI techniques. The lowest mean values of Kfs, M(Kfs), were detected in December and January (20.5 ≤ M(Kfs) ≤ 146.2 mm h−1), whereas higher results (190.5 ≤ M(Kfs) ≤ 951.9 mm h−1) were obtained in the other months of the year. The Kfs values were higher and less variable in the dry soil (θi ≤ 0.21 m3 m−3, M(Kfs) = 340.6 mm h−1, CV(Kfs) = 106%) than in the wet one (θi > 0.21 m3 m−3, M(Kfs) = 78.4 mm h−1, CV(Kfs) = 185%). Both wet and dry soil were less conductive at the end of the study period than at the beginning one but a more appreciable change was detected for the dry soil (Kfs decreasing by 83.4%) than for the wet one (Kfs decreasing by 63.0%). The simple SFH technique yielded Kfs results similar to the more laborious and time-consuming PI technique (i.e., mean values differing at the most by a factor of two). It was concluded that (i) the soil water content was an important factor affecting the Kfs results obtained in a relatively coarse-textured soil, (ii) the impact of time from the beginning of the experiment on the saturated hydraulic conductivity was larger for a repeated sampling of dry soil than of wet soil and (iii) the SFH technique yielded reliable Kfs results in a relatively short period of time without the need for extensive instrumentation or analytical methodology.  相似文献   

喀斯特小流域土壤饱和导水率垂直分布特征   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
土壤剖面饱和导水率(Saturated hydraulic conductivity,Ks)的垂直分布对土壤水文过程有极其重要的影响,但在地质背景特殊的喀斯特地区其研究还相对匮乏。通过测定典型喀斯特小流域内23个土壤剖面(0~10、10~20、20~30、30~50、50~70、70~100 cm)土壤Ks及土壤碎石含量(Rock fragment content,RC)、容重(Bulk density,BD)、毛管孔隙度(Capillary porosity,CP)、非毛管孔隙度(Non-capillary porosity,NCP)、土壤有机碳(Soil organic carbon,SOC)等土壤性质,并结合各样点的坡位(Slope position,SP)、坡度(Slope gradient,SG)、坡向(Slope aspect,SA)、裸岩率(Bare rock,BR)、土地利用类型(Land-use type,LU)等环境因素,应用偏相关分析和典范对应分析(CCA)的方法,研究了喀斯特小流域Ks的垂直分布特征及其主要影响因素。结果表明,Ks随土壤深度的增加而减小并可用对数函数模拟(R2=0.848)。20~100 cm各层Ks变幅较小且变异接近,因此在水文模型中可用20~30 cm土壤Ks代替深层。土壤性质中,RC与Ks的相关系数(0.484)最大。环境因素对Ks垂直分布的影响依次为SPSGSALUBR。由此可知,RC是影响Ks最重要的土壤性质,而SP则是影响Ks垂直分布最重要的环境因素。该结果有利于弄清喀斯特地区降雨入渗规律及其主要影响因素,为小流域植被恢复及水文模型的构建提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Steady-state infiltration rates from tension infiltrometers were measured on ploughed and unploughed plots in a clay soil during the period June to October. Measurements were made both at the soil surface and at depths of 15 and 25 cm. Hydraulic conductivity in the water potential range zero to ?11 cm was obtained using a piece-wise exponential K(Ψ) function and Wooding's solution for infiltration from a circular source. A two-line regression model showed excellent fits to paired (In KΨ) values on all measurement occasions. This may indicate the existence of a bimodal pore system, reflecting the contributions of macro- and mesopores to the measured K(Ψ) function. The break-point potential dividing the two pore systems varied between c.?4 and ?6cm. Significant variations in the K(Ψ) function between sampling occasions were found at the soil surface, but not at depths of 15 and 25 cm. Measured K(Ψ) values decreased during the growing season, particularly at potentials between ?4 and ?6 cm where reductions were up to one order of magnitude. This was attributed to soil structural breakdown by rain impact and surface capping or sealing. Hydraulic conductivity near the soil surface was significantly increased by disc harrowing in autumn. In contrast, no pronounced difference in the K(Ψ) function between ploughed and unploughed treatments could be discerned at 15 and 25 cm depths in the soil.  相似文献   

黄土区小流域土壤容重和饱和导水率的时空动态特征   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:7  
土壤水力性质是评估降水入渗、径流发生以及土体可蚀性的重要参数。研究小流域尺度土壤水力性质的时空动态特征,对于以小流域为基本单元的黄土高原综合治理具有直接意义,有助于加深对相关生态水文过程的理解。以陕西省神木县六道沟老叶满渠小流域为对象,进行50 m×50 m网格布点(共73个样点),2014年8-10月期间每月测定1次表层土壤容重和饱和导水率,结合经典统计学与地质统计学的方法研究容重和饱和导水率的时空变化规律。结果表明:1)小流域尺度容重的月际变化趋势较为一致,整体呈正态分布规律,饱和导水率的月际变化强烈,呈偏态分布;容重较饱和导水率变化范围较小,变异程度较低;2)小流域尺度容重和饱和导水率在8-10月的半方差可用指数模型进行最优拟合,两者均表现出中等程度的空间依赖性;Kriging插值图表明小流域容重总体差异性较小,而饱和导水率差异显著;8-10月,西坡局部区域、坡顶的容重呈逐月增大趋势,而饱和导水率呈减小趋势;3)Pearson相关性分析表明,8-10月单次测定的容重和饱和导水率之间的相关性不明显;在同一土壤类型下(干润砂质新成土)表现出极显著的负相关关系(P0.01)。  相似文献   

Ferralsols have high structural stability, although structural degradation has been observed to result from forest to tillage or pasture conversion. An experimental series of forest skidder passes in an east Amazonian natural forest was performed for testing the effects of mechanical stress during selective logging operations on a clay‐rich Ferralsol under both dry and wet soil conditions. Distinct ruts formed up to 25 cm depth only under wet conditions. After nine passes the initially very low surface bulk density of between 0.69 and 0.80 g cm?3 increased to 1.05 g cm?3 in the wet soil and 0.92 g cm?3 in the dry soil. Saturated hydraulic conductivities, initially >250 mm h?1, declined to a minimum of around 10 mm h?1 in the wet soil after the first pass, and in the dry soil more gradually after nine passes. The contrasting response of bulk density and saturated hydraulic conductivity is explained by exposure of subsoil material at the base of the ruts where macrostructure rapidly deteriorated under wet conditions. We attribute the resultant moderately high hydraulic conductivities to the formation of stable microaggregates with fine sand to coarse silt textures. We conclude that the topsoil macrostructure of Ferralsols is subject to similar deterioration to that of Luvisols in temperate zones. The stable microstructure prevents marked compaction and decrease in hydraulic conductivity under wetter and more plastic soil conditions. However, typical tropical storms may regularly exceed the infiltration capacity of the deformed soils. In the deeper ruts water may concentrate and cause surface run‐off, even in gently sloping areas. To avoid soil erosion, logging operations in sloping areas should therefore be restricted to dry soil conditions when rut formation is minimal.  相似文献   

Field assessment of crusting on a tilled sandy clay loam   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nine different techniques were used to record the initial change in the physical and hydrological properties of a freshly tilled soil surface following successive cycles of wetting and drying. The study was made in the field on a sandy clay loam soil ploughed and harrowed and then exposed to three simulated rainfall events of 76 mm/h for 15 minutes. Although the degradation of the soil surface increased with each successive rainfall, the most significant changes were observed after the first rainfall. Qualitative observations of clod size distribution and crust development provide a good indication of the early stages of soil surface degradation. Complementary physical data were quickly obtained using a hand held shear vane. These techniques are simple and robust enough that they can be used in on-farm research programmes, where resources, both human and technical are at a premium. Tension infiltrometry provided hydrological information that complemented the physical information provided by the above techniques, but is not as simple.  相似文献   

双环入渗仪的缓冲指标对测定土壤饱和导水率的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
来剑斌  罗毅  任理 《土壤学报》2010,47(1):19-25
双环入渗仪在测定田间土壤饱和导水率时被广泛采用。本文采用不同直径的双环入渗仪(内环直径分别为20 cm、40 cm、80 cm和120 cm)和不同的内外环直径比,即不同的缓冲指标(0.2、0.33、0.5和0.71),进行了16组定水头积水入渗试验,研究了双环入渗仪缓冲指标对土壤饱和导水率测定的影响。结果表明:内环直径较小的入渗仪,其累积入渗过程曲线的分布较分散;随着入渗环直径逐渐增大,分散范围逐渐缩小。另外,随着缓冲指标的逐渐增大,测定的土壤饱和导水率并没有明显的增大或减小趋势,但内环直径20 cm的入渗仪测定的土壤饱和导水率的波动最大,而80 cm和120 cm内径的双环入渗仪测定的土壤饱和导水率最稳定,并且始终非常接近。因此,相对于双环入渗仪内环大小或土壤非均质性的影响,双环入渗仪的缓冲指标对于土壤饱和导水率测定的影响要小。  相似文献   

表层土壤水分含量和饱和导水率对深层土壤水分的动态的变化具有重要的决定作用。在黄土高原坡地(50m×360 m)范围内进行网格(10 m×10 m)取样,用地统计学方法研究表层(0~30 cm)土壤饱和导水率和水分含量的空间变异特征。结果表明:1)坡地表层土壤密度变化规律为坡下位大于坡上位,土壤饱和导水率变异系数为0.37,属于中等变异强度;2)饱和导水率和自然对数化的饱和导水率在360 m尺度内均不具备空间结构特征,是纯随机变量,线性有基台模型适用于描述表层土壤水分的分布特征,水分分布存在明显的块金效应,并且随滞后距离的增加半方差变大;3)饱和导水率和水分含量从坡上位到坡下位均呈现波浪式变化,饱和导水率大的采样点土壤水分含量低,反之则高。  相似文献   

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