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Optical transitions in carbon nanotubes are of central importance for nanotube characterization. They also provide insight into the nature of excited states in these one-dimensional systems. Recent work suggests that light absorption produces strongly correlated electron-hole states in the form of excitons. However, it has been difficult to rule out a simpler model in which resonances arise from the van Hove singularities associated with the one-dimensional band [corrected] structure of the nanotubes. Here, two-photon excitation spectroscopy bolsters the exciton picture. We found binding energies of approximately 400 millielectron volts for semiconducting single-walled nanotubes with 0.8-nanometer diameters. The results demonstrate the dominant role of many-body interactions in the excited-state properties of one-dimensional systems.  相似文献   

Capillarity and wetting of carbon nanotubes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The wetting and capillarity of carbon nanotubes were studied in detail here. Nanotubes are not "super-straws," although they can be wet and filled by substances having low surface tension, such as sulfur, selenium, and cesium, with an upper limit to this tension less than 200 millinewtons per meter. This limit implies that typical pure metals will not be drawn into the inner cavity of nanotubes through capillarity, whereas water and organic solvents will. These results have important implications for the further use of carbon nanotubes in experiments on a nanometer scale.  相似文献   

We demonstrate reversible wetting and filling of open single-wall carbon nanotubes with mercury by means of electrocapillary pressure originating from the application of a potential across an individual nanotube in contact with a mercury drop. Wetting improves the conductance in both metallic and semiconducting nanotube probes by decreasing contact resistance and forming a mercury nanowire inside the nanotube. Molecular dynamics simulations corroborate the electrocapillarity-driven filling process and provide estimates for the imbibition speed and electrocapillary pressure.  相似文献   

Lightly etched single-walled carbon nanotubes are chemically reacted to form rings. The rings appear to be fully closed as opposed to open coils, as ring-opening reactions did not change the structure of the observed rings. The average diameter of the rings was 540 nanometers with a narrow size distribution. The nanotubes in solution were modeled as wormlike polymer chains, yielding a persistence length of 800 nanometers. Nanotubes shorter than this length behave stiffly and stay nearly straight in solution. However, nanotubes longer than the Kuhn segment length of 1600 nanometers undergo considerable thermal fluctuation, suggesting a greater flexibility of these materials than is generally assumed.  相似文献   

The coalescence of single-walled nanotubes is studied in situ under electron irradiation at high temperature in a transmission electron microscope. The merging process is investigated at the atomic level, using tight-binding molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations. Vacancies induce coalescence via a zipper-like mechanism, imposing a continuous reorganization of atoms on individual tube lattices along adjacent tubes. Other topological defects induce the polymerization of tubes. Coalescence seems to be restricted to tubes with the same chirality, explaining the low frequency of occurrence of this event.  相似文献   

We report the observation of unusually strong and systematic changes in the electron transport in metallic single-walled carbon nanotubes that are undergoing collisions with inert gas atoms or small molecules. At fixed gas temperature and pressure, changes in the resistance and thermopower of thin films are observed that scale as roughly M(1/3), where M is the mass of the colliding gas species (He, Ar, Ne, Kr, Xe, CH4, and N2). Results of molecular dynamics simulations are also presented that show that the maximum deformation of the tube wall upon collision and the total energy transfer between the colliding atom and the nanotube also exhibit a roughly M(1/3) dependence. It appears that the transient deformation (or dent) in the tube wall may provide a previously unknown scattering mechanism needed to explain the atom collision-induced changes in the electrical transport.  相似文献   

Solution properties of single-walled carbon nanotubes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Naked metallic and semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) were dissolved in organic solutions by derivatization with thionychloride and octadecylamine. Both ionic (charge transfer) and covalent solution-phase chemistry with concomitant modulation of the SWNT band structure were demonstrated. Solution-phase near-infrared spectroscopy was used to study the effects of chemical modifications on the band gaps of the SWNTs. Reaction of soluble SWNTs with dichlorocarbene led to functionalization of the nanotube walls.  相似文献   

Macroscopic fibers and ribbons of oriented carbon nanotubes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A simple method was used to assemble single-walled carbon nanotubes into indefinitely long ribbons and fibers. The processing consists of dispersing the nanotubes in surfactant solutions, recondensing the nanotubes in the flow of a polymer solution to form a nanotube mesh, and then collating this mesh to a nanotube fiber. Flow-induced alignment may lead to a preferential orientation of the nanotubes in the mesh that has the form of a ribbon. Unlike classical carbon fibers, the nanotube fibers can be strongly bent without breaking. Their obtained elastic modulus is 10 times higher than the modulus of high-quality bucky paper.  相似文献   

The formation of carbon nanotubes in a pure carbon arc in a helium atmosphere is found to involve liquid carbon. Electron microscopy shows a viscous liquid-like amorphous carbon layer covering the surfaces of nanotube-containing millimeter-sized columnar structures from which the cathode deposit is composed. Regularly spaced, submicrometer-sized spherical beads of amorphous carbon are often found on the nanotubes at the surfaces of these columns. Apparently, at the anode, liquid-carbon drops form, which acquire a carbon-glass surface due to rapid evaporative cooling. Nanotubes crystallize inside the supercooled, glass-coated liquid-carbon drops. The carbon-glass layer ultimately coats and beads on the nanotubes near the surface.  相似文献   

Spectrofluorimetric measurements on single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) isolated in aqueous surfactant suspensions have revealed distinct electronic absorption and emission transitions for more than 30 different semiconducting nanotube species. By combining these fluorimetric results with resonance Raman data, each optical transition has been mapped to a specific (n,m) nanotube structure. Optical spectroscopy can thereby be used to rapidly determine the detailed composition of bulk SWNT samples, providing distributions in both tube diameter and chiral angle. The measured transition frequencies differ substantially from simple theoretical predictions. These deviations may reflect combinations of trigonal warping and excitonic effects.  相似文献   

Zhou C  Kong J  Yenilmez E  Dai H 《Science (New York, N.Y.)》2000,290(5496):1552-1555
Modulation doping of a semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotube along its length leads to an intramolecular wire electronic device. The nanotube is doped n-type for half of its length and p-type for the other half. Electrostatic gating can tune the system into p-n junctions, causing it to exhibit rectifying characteristics or negative differential conductance. The system can also be tuned into n-type, exhibiting single-electron charging and negative differential conductance at low temperatures. The low-temperature behavior is manifested by a quantum dot formed by chemical inhomogeneity along the tube.  相似文献   

We used covalent attachments to single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) to fabricate single-molecule electronic devices. The technique does not rely on submicrometer lithography or precision mechanical manipulation, but instead uses circuit conductance to monitor and control covalent attachment to an electrically connected SWNT. Discrete changes in the circuit conductance revealed chemical processes happening in real time and allowed the SWNT sidewalls to be deterministically broken, reformed, and conjugated to target species. By controlling the chemistry through electronically controlled electrochemical potentials, we were able to achieve single chemical attachments. We routinely functionalized pristine, defect-free SWNTs at one, two, or more sites and demonstrated three-terminal devices in which a single attachment controls the electronic response.  相似文献   

The electronic spectra of carbon nanotubes and other nanoscale systems are quantized because of their small radii. Similar quantization in the phonon spectra has been difficult to observe because of the far smaller energy scale. We probed this regime by measuring the temperature-dependent specific heat of purified single-wall nanotubes. The data show direct evidence of one-dimensional quantized phonon subbands. Above 4 kelvin, they are in excellent agreement with model calculations of individual nanotubes and differ markedly from the specific heat of two-dimensional graphene or three-dimensional graphite. Detailed modeling yields an energy of 4.3 millielectron volts for the lowest quantized phonon subband and a tube-tube (or "lattice") Debye energy of 1.1 millielectron volts, implying a small intertube coupling in bundles.  相似文献   

Elemental carbon can be synthesized in a variety of geometrical forms, from three-dimensional extended structures (diamond) to finite molecules (C(60) fullerite). Results are presented here on the magnetic susceptibility of the least well-understood members of this family, nanotubes and C(60) fullerite. (i) Nanotubes represent the cylindrical form of carbon, intermediate between graphite and fullerite. They are found to have significantly larger orientation-averaged susceptibility, on a per carbon basis, than any other form of elemental carbon. This susceptibility implies an average band structure among nanotubes similar to that of graphite. (ii) High-resolution magnetic susceptibility data on C(60) fullerite near the molecular orientational-ordering transition at 259 K show a sharp jump corresponding to 2.5 centimeter-gram-second parts per million per mole of C(60). This jump directly demonstrates the effect of an intermolecular cooperative transition on an intramolecular electronic property, where the susceptibility jump may be ascribed to a change in the shape of the molecule due to lattice forces.  相似文献   

Single-molecule fluorescence spectroscopy was used to determine the electronic properties of individual single-walled carbon nanotubes. Carbon nanotube structure was determined simultaneously from Raman spectroscopy. Fluorescence spectra from individual nanotubes with identical structures have different emission energies and linewidths that likely arise from defects or the local environment. Unlike most other molecules studied to date, the fluorescence intensity or spectrum from a single nanotube unexpectedly did not fluctuate.  相似文献   

We have developed a method to separate metallic from semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes from suspension using alternating current dielectrophoresis. Our method takes advantage of the difference of the relative dielectric constants of the two species with respect to the solvent, resulting in an opposite movement of metallic and semiconducting tubes along the electric field gradient. Metallic tubes are attracted toward a microelectrode array, leaving semiconducting tubes in the solvent. Proof of the effectiveness of separation is given by a comparative Raman spectroscopy study on the dielectrophoretically deposited tubes and on a reference sample.  相似文献   

Images of the assembly of surfactants and synthetic lipids on the surface of carbon nanotubes were obtained by transmission electron microscopy. Above the critical micellar concentration, sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) forms supramolecular structures made of rolled-up half-cylinders on the nanotube surface. Depending on the symmetry and the diameter of the carbon nanotube, we observed rings, helices, or double helices. Similar self-assemblies were also obtained with several synthetic single-chain lipids designed for the immobilization of histidine-tagged proteins. At the nanotube-water interface, permanent assemblies were produced from mixed micelles of SDS and different water-insoluble double-chain lipids after dialysis of the surfactant. Such arrangements could be further exploited for the development of new biosensors and bioelectronic nanomaterials.  相似文献   

Carbon nanotubes display either metallic or semiconducting properties. Both large, multiwalled nanotubes (MWNTs), with many concentric carbon shells, and bundles or "ropes" of aligned single-walled nanotubes (SWNTs), are complex composite conductors that incorporate many weakly coupled nanotubes that each have a different electronic structure. Here we demonstrate a simple and reliable method for selectively removing single carbon shells from MWNTs and SWNT ropes to tailor the properties of these composite nanotubes. We can remove shells of MWNTs stepwise and individually characterize the different shells. By choosing among the shells, we can convert a MWNT into either a metallic or a semiconducting conductor, as well as directly address the issue of multiple-shell transport. With SWNT ropes, similar selectivity allows us to generate entire arrays of nanoscale field-effect transistors based solely on the fraction of semiconducting SWNTs.  相似文献   

Butenes and butadiene, which are useful intermediates for the synthesis of polymers and other compounds, are synthesized traditionally by oxidative dehydrogenation (ODH) of n-butane over complex metal oxides. Such catalysts require high O2/butane ratios to maintain the activity, which leads to unwanted product oxidation. We show that carbon nanotubes with modified surface functionality efficiently catalyze the oxidative dehydrogenation of n-butane to butenes, especially butadiene. For low O2/butane ratios, a high selectivity to alkenes was achieved for periods as long as 100 hours. This process is mildly catalyzed by ketonic CO groups and occurs via a combination of parallel and sequential oxidation steps. A small amount of phosphorus greatly improved the selectivity by suppressing the combustion of hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

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