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本文整理了东南亚有分布的寡鬃实蝇属实蝇共48种,分属5亚属,包括其中文名称、学名和地理分布,对无中文名称的32种实蝇给予了中文命名,编制该48种实蝇检索表。并对云南边境诱捕获得的2种寡鬃实蝇进行描述和提供特征图。  相似文献   

正十四点负泥虫属鞘翅目叶甲科Chrysomelidae。寄主植物有石刁柏(芦笋)、文竹等百合科天门冬属植物,可成为芦笋的害虫。幼虫(封面图片a)不负泥。成虫体长5.5~7.5mm;棕黄色或橘红色(封面图片b),具黑斑;头前端、复眼及四周、触角均  相似文献   

Pterygodermaties (Mesopectines) nycticebi (M?nnig, 1920) (Nematoda: Spirurida: Rictulariidae) is redescribed based on immature and mature adults collected from the stomach and small intestine at autopsy of a slow loris, Nycticebus coucang (Boddaert, 1785) (Mammalia: Primates), in a zoological garden in Japan. It is first demonstrated that male possesses a minute telamon and a left lateral pore in the preanal part of body. The cause of death of the slow loris is strongly surmised to be related to the nematode infection, which was apparently acquired under captivity in the zoological garden.  相似文献   

在中国的赤眼蜂属(庞雄飞和陈泰鲁,1974,1978)中记述了分布于我国的12种赤眼蜂,其中个别种的学名仍有争议。此外,在过去的一些资料中曾记述过其他种名。不少读者来信询及这些问题,我们在这里提出简单的讨论。 1.螟黄赤眼蜂Trichogramma chilonis Ishii Flanders et Guednau(1960)把该种列入稻螟赤眼蜂T.japonicum Ashmead的异名,Doutt et Viggiani(1968)也没有列入该种。我们认为,把该种列为稻螟赤眼蜂T.japonicum Ashmead的异名不一定恰当。Ishii(1941)在首次描述该种时,曾在附图中把这两种的雄性外生殖器特征作了比较,看来,螟黄赤眼蜂T.chilonis Ishii的雄性外生殖器比较特殊,应为独立的种。在Ishii的原描述中,记录了该种首次采于菲律  相似文献   

Plant extracts (botanicals) are of special significance for plant protection, especially in organic farming. This is due to their origin, specific modes of action, toxicological and ecotoxicological properties as well as to ever changing legal, patent, economic and social/political issues. This paper surveys this complex background and presents data on two selected botanicals which pertain to the use of extract fractions from Glycyrrhiza glabra (sweet wood) for control of Bremia lactucae (downy mildew) in lettuce and azadirachtin for control of leafhoppers in Melissa officinalis L. Both compounds exhibited good effects in the greenhouse which were less pronounced or absent in the field. The effects of sweet wood were strongest when applied twice preventively at 5?% concentration. In the greenhouse, this resulted in a lower number of infected plants and smaller leaf areas attacked by the downy mildew pathogen at high disease pressure. Azadirachtin (plant protection chemical NeemAzal®-T/S in combination with the additive Trifolio S-forte; 1.5 l/ha + 3 l/ha in 600 l water per hektar, 3 applications, interval 7 days) was better in controlling leaf hoppers than natural pyrethrins in combination with rapeseed oil (Spruzit Schädlingsfrei; 6 l/ha in 1,000 l water per hektar, 1 application) in the greenhouse and exhibited very high insecticidal efficacy almost equivalent to that of thiacloprid (Calypso 480 SC; 0.12 l/ha in 400 l water per hektar, 1 application) at moderate disease pressure. Thiacloprid, however, is not applicable in organic farming. In order to introduce these promising results in practical plant protection further fundamental studies are needed. These can only be realized by a joint effort of private companies, research and plant protection institutions, as well as public funding bodies. This article is not meant as a presentation of “perfect” results, it is rather an example of the problems and pitfalls that need to be overcome during development of a botanical and its applications. They are the reason why the market for botanicals will remain small.  相似文献   

Fusarium head blight (scab) epidemics of wheat occurred in uawy (Northern Poland) during 1998 and in Wielkopolska (West) and in Southern regions of Poland in 1999. Four species were identified in wheat heads with scab symptoms: Fusarium culmorum, Fusarium graminearum, Fusarium avenaceum and Microdochium nivale. A significant increase in the frequency of F. graminearum (between 23% and 38%), was observed, compared to about 10% during the previous decade. The mycotoxins deoxynivalenol (DON), nivalenol (NIV) and moniliformin (MON) in amounts up to 24.3, 14.2 and 1.72mgkg–1respectively, were identified in kernels samples.  相似文献   

丁鹏  陈莹  马鸣  袁国映 《干旱区研究》2011,28(3):562-563
2010年9月14~26日,对新疆罗布泊进行综合考察时,在哈密雅满苏镇磁海矿区附近的施工驻地发现了1只北鹨(Anthus gustavi Swinhoe,1863),并拍摄到十几张照片.经过仔细观察与图片鉴定,确定为新疆鸟类新纪录.同时,对该物种的形态特征、地理分布、栖息地、生态习性以及亚种分类进行了讨论.  相似文献   

为适应国内生物防治工作的需要,自1977年以来,由中国科学技术情报研究所重庆分所编辑,科学技术文献出版社重庆分社出版了《生物防治》文集,至今已出版了四集,基本上每年一本。本书的特点之一是内容比较广泛。四集共有文章67篇,除有关生物防治的进展、动  相似文献   

(按农药登记证号)LS 200019金都尔原药批准正式登记的国外农药产品 (包括变更登记)续展临时登记的国外农药产品PD 327一2000LS 93002PD 328一2000高特克5。%悬浮剂(重量/容量)农地乐52.25%乳油(重量/容量)高特克原药精禾草克原药LS 95001PD 329一2000PD 330一2000LS 95016LS 96  相似文献   

(按农药登记证号)批准正式登记的国外农药产品 (包括变更登记)续展临时登记的国外农药产品PD 338一2000Ls LS LSLSd孟乙人即339一2000PD 340一2000d‘n‘PD 341一2000PD 342一2000安棉特2既乳油(重量/容量)安棉特母液安民乐40%乳油(重量/容量)安民乐原药好年冬原药LS 93019LS 9  相似文献   

植物植物的部分来自何地对策}禁人的原因和准许的条件第十七节观赏树木 Baeeharis叩P.,B肠,a,n饱:pp.鸳鸯茉莉属,多花决明,夜香树属,倒挂金钟属,球兰属,L盯eud公aspp.,半边莲属,拘祀属,露兜树属,萝属,Rosemari-nus spp.,Salpichroa SPP·,鼠尾草属,接骨木属,Str-eptosolen spp.,山牵牛属,锦葵科(除棉属)无性繁殖材料荷兰申请许可证准许的条件:〔a)检疫证书,(b)附加申明:(i)植株或其母株在生长过程中检查无蕃茄斑点凋鉴病毒或其他病毒病。(五)产地国无梨园介壳虫,(Quadra印主diotus件rnieiosus)(151)如有根则是在无菌培养基中繁殖生长的…  相似文献   

(按农药登记证号)LS 97024批准正式登记的国外农药产品 (包括变更登记)PD 356一2001PD 364一2001PD 365一2001PD 366一2001PD 367一2001PD 368一20012.5%澳氰菊酷乳油毗虫琳原药20%毗虫琳可溶性液剂(重量/容量)戊哇醇原药2%戊哇醉湿拌种剂10%氯氰菊酷乳油(重量/容量)LS 97027LS  相似文献   

(按农药登记证号)续展正式登记的国外农药产品 (包括变更登记)15 20Ox63氰霜吵原药LS 200264 9.4%氰霜”坐悬浮剂LS 200115255%丁硫克百威颗粒剂PDI一85续展临时登记的国外农药产品PD 11一86PD 17一86PD 19一86PD 20一86PD 24一86PD 139一91PD 143一91PD 184一93PD 225一972.5%澳氰菊醋乳油〔重量/容量)3%克百威颗粒剂20%氰戊菊酷乳油4。%稻瘟灵可湿性粉剂50%杀螟丹可溶性粉剂3既禾草灵乳油50%甲基硫菌灵悬浮剂78.4%2甲·禾敌·西乳油48%异嗯草酮乳油普力克72.2%水剂(重量/容量)宝丽安原药98%杀螟丹可溶性粉剂10%硫线磷颗粒剂65%…  相似文献   


(按农药登记证号)LS 90026 批准正式登记的国外农药产品 (包括变更登记)PD 275一99百螺杀70%可湿性粉剂PD 318一99佐罗纳原药PD 319一99百草敌原药续展正式登记的国外农药产品 (包括变更登记)LS 91012LS 92001LS 93007LS 93013LS 94014LS 95003LS 95007PD 64一88PD 74一88PD 100一89PD 103一89PD 104一89PD 1 13一90PD 1 17一90PD 223一97PD 225一97PD 226一97扑海因50%可湿性粉剂速克灵50%可湿性粉剂优克稗50%乳油土菌消70%可湿性粉剂土菌消30%水剂优佳安25%可湿性粉剂敌灭灵25%可湿性粉剂赛丹35%乳油(重量/容量)普力克72…  相似文献   

(按农药登记证号) 批准正式登记的国外农药产品 (包括变更登记)即335一2000克线丹原药PD 336一2000莎多伏20%水分散粒剂即337一2000莎多伏原药LS 94019LS 95020LS 96027LS 97015续展正式登记的国外农药产品 (包括变更登记)LS 98036农达41%水剂土菌消30%水剂宝丽安10%可湿性粉剂  相似文献   

LS 93014 批准正式登记的国外农药产品 (包括变更登记)PD 310一99丰护安77%可湿性粉剂PD 3 11一99尼索朗原药PD 312一99速保利原药PD 3 13一99土菌消原药PD 3H一99氯氰菊酷原药PD 315一99氟利克原药PD 3 16一99加收米原药PD 317一99艾割原药LS 94021LS 95031LS 96001LS 96022LS  相似文献   

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