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The distribution of molybdenum in tomatoes, sunflowers and beans and their sensitivity towards molybdenum. The influence of increasing levels of molybdenum on the growth, molybdenum uptake and distribution in individual plant organs was investigated in tomatoes, beans and sunflowers in a 9 day trial. With tomatoes, which showed marked damage with high molybdenum levels, the molybdenum content of dry matter was highest in the leaf and lowest in the stem. On the otherhand, beans, insensitive towards the high molybdenum level, dry matter molybdenum content was appreciably higher in the stem than in the leaf. It is supposed that in plant species, insensitive to high molybdenum levels, such as beans, molybdenum preferably accumulates in the vacuoles of the vascular parenchyma. In contrast in tomatoes, sensitive to high molybdenum levels, molybdenum is held less firmly in this tissue and can attain damaging levels in the cytoplasm of the youngest leaf tissue cells. It is supposed, on the basis of the reactions which were carried out with expressed root juice and on the basis of the yellow colouration attainable in vitro in the tissue caused by the addition of molybdate solution, that the yellow colouration appearing in the cells and plant organs of various plant species, here tomatoes and sunflowers, with high molybdenum levels is due to a reaction between molybdenum and polyvalent phenols in cellsap.  相似文献   

Mo contents of some crops and grassland plants of Schleswig-Holstein in relation to soil factors . The Mo content of about 170 plant samples of typical soils of Schleswig-Holstein were in the range of 0,2–11 ppm, increasing from grass to red clover, white clover and rape. By comparison with limiting values for adequate Mo supply (0,3 ppm Mo for red clover and probably also for the other three plants), a fairly good supply of the plants investigated can be deduced. The factors responsible for the varying Mo contents of plants are first of all the pH-value, furthermore the content of active iron and available phosphorus in the soil. The different contents of oxalat-soluble Mo had apparently no influence in this range of good supply. Whereas the correlation between one soil factor and plant Mo content was high only in some cases, coefficients of determination of up to 80% resulted from the use of several factors by multiple correlation.  相似文献   

<?show $38#Bo;>Phosphorus fertilization effect of sewage sludges treated with iron compounds The result of waste water treatment with iron salts are sewage sludges with higher P but also Fe contents. The effect of such sludges on P availability in soils is not clear and was, therefore, compared with CaHPO4 as a P mineral fertilizer. In experiments (Mitscherlich pots, 6 kg soil) two sandy soils (pH 4.3 and 4.9), two luvisols ( pH 6.3 and 7.2), a loess (13 % CaCO3), and quartz sand all differing in their P status were treated with two sewage sludges which differed in their molar Fe:P ratios (sludge Gö: 1:0.3, sludge Sh: 1:1.2). For sludge Gö the P elimination had been carried out with FeSO4 and the sludge was stabilized with FeCl3 + Ca(OH)2 (filter press). For sludge Sh P was eliminated by FeCl3 in the aerobic basin. The first crop was maize (total shoot dry matter), the second red clover. In case of sludge Sh both crops took up in comparison to CaHPO4 the same amount of P from all substrates with the exception of quartz sand. The effect of sludge Gö was quite different: from the neutral luvisol soils maize was able to take up only 64—82 % P and red clover 77—82 % P only as compared to CaHPO4. On the sandy soils maize and red clover grew after sludge Gö as good or better than after CaHPO4 application and P uptake was quite similar (83—106 %). This result was concomitant to an increase of pH values (from 4.3 to 4.9, 4.9 to 5.6, respectively). The negative efficiency of P uptake in heavy soils after application of sludge Gö resulted from an increase of P sorption and decrease of orthophosphate concentration in soil solution. This sludge contains a high proportion of iron hydroxides/oxides with free sorption sites for P. In future P elimination from waste water should be done without iron salts. At least during the process of conditioning no Fe salts should be used.<?show $6#>  相似文献   

Measurement of total acid deposition into spruce and beech forests in Northrhine-Westfalia During one year the deposition of H+, NH4+, Al3+, Fe3+ and the acidity (BNC8,2) in bulk precipitation and throughfall of spruce and beech stands was measured in Northrhine-Westfalia. It is shown that the calculation of acid deposition as the sum of the H+-equivalents of (H+ + NH4+ + Al3+ + Fe3+ + Mn2+) underestimates total deposition of acidity. A simple and useful alternative is the calculation of H+-equivalents from (BNC8,2 + 0.9 NH4+ + Mn2+).  相似文献   

Scale-dependent spatial variability of microbiological characteristics in soil of a beech forest The spatial variability of the microbial biomass content (Cmic), the microbial respiration rate (basal respiration) and the metabolic quotient (qCO2) was analyzed in sandy Cambisols and Luvisols in a beech forest in Northern Germany. Highest variability of microbiological features and, thus, the distance of independent samples was around 10 m that is discussed with reference to spatial hierarchy. Structural changes between the 10 m and 50 m grid were suggested for the Ah horizon due to the break of correlations of Cmic content and the contents of Corg and plant-available Ca, Mg, K and Nt. The Cmic content correlated with the Corg content close to tree trunks and ecotones like borders of the forest and clearings. The qCO2 did not generally increase with declining pH value. High H+ concentrations and Corg content in the litter layer near to the tree trunk indicated retarded microbial mineralization rates. High proportion of microorganisms that are resistant to low pH value and adjusted ro readily-degradable substrates seems to dominate in the soil close to the tree.  相似文献   

Starch content of potato tubers in relation to K nutrition and tuber growth In a pot experiment with potato (cv Saturna) K content in tubers increased from 1.0 to 2.6 % of tuber-DM due to increasing rates of K fertilizer. Simultaneously starch in tuber fresh matter decreased from 21 to 15 %. Highest starch content in tuber dry matter was obtained in that K treatment which gave the highest yield in dry tubers. Measuring starch accumulation during tuber growth revealed that already in the flowering stage differences exist in the starch contents of the tuber dry matter between the lowest and highest K treatments, namely 69 % for K1 as compared with 64 % for K5. The rate of starch accumulation between flowering and final harvest, however, was similar in all K treatments. This suggests that K supply affects the storage tissue at an early stage of tuber development probably via different water relations of tubers.  相似文献   

On the Determination of Capillary Conductivity at Unsteady-State Conditions . Therefore it is stated that for obtaining the effective ku-values. Considering the importance of capillary conductivity for the soil water regime the large differences up to 2 orders of magnitude between determinations on core samples from the same soil using the double-membrane-method (Henseler and Renger 1969) and the evaporation-method (Becher 1971a) initiated a study concerning the error caused by a possible nonlinearity of suction changes between two measuring levels using the latter method. The study was carried out on disturbed and undisturbed core samples from the three textural classes sand, silt and clay and with modified evaporation method. Comparing the geometric means of the obtained ku-values calculated at unsteady-state and quasisteady-state conditions for different suctions resulted in that with usual application of the method the measured ku-values must be diminished for obtaining the effective ku-values. This correction factor increased with suction and is considered to be more important in laboratory than in field use.
  • 1 For sandy soils a correction factor of 2 at 150 cmH2O increasing to 6 at 1000 cm H2O must be applied. The coarser the sand would be, at the lower suction nonlinearity will start and the more rapidly the correction factor will increase;.
  • 2 For silty soils a correction factor of 2–4 must be applied for suctions > 300 cm H2O;.
  • 3 For clayey soils a correction factor of 2 rapidly increasing to 10 must be applied for suctions > 150 cm H2O, but depending on soil cracks.
. The overestimation of water through-put resulting from the uncorrected ku-values amounts to 1.5–4.0 [l/m2 · d] at 100 cm H2O, but these values are within the variation of the effective ku-values. For 800cm H2O the overestimation amounts to 0.002–0.065 [l/m2 · d], but this makes up 300–1000 % of the effective water through-put.  相似文献   

Sulfur status of selected European forest soils as dependent on the atmospheric S deposition Along a transect from the Pyrenees (SP), over the Vosges Mountains (FR), the Black Forest and the Bavarian Forest (D). and the eastern Ore Mountains to the Iser-Mountains (CR) 10 representative forest soil forms derived from granite regolith and 1 developed from gneiss debris (Dystric Cambisols, Leptic and Ferro-Humic Podzols) at montane and high-montane elevation were analyzed for their concentrations and amounts of total sulfur and various S fractions in order to study the impact of the atmospheric sulfur input, increasing from SW to NE, on the soil sulfur characteristics. Soils receiving low S inputs are generally characterized by low amounts of inorganic (especially water soluble) sulfate. Most of their total S amount consists of organic sulfur. With increasing S deposition, the concentrations of total S and C-S and the ratios St/Corg, C-S/Corg and SO4?Stor/Corg in the L-. Of- and Oh-horizons increase. The Aeh- and Ah-horizons of Cambisols and Podzols under different sulfur load do not differ with regard to the S parameters. The B horizons of the northeastern soils affected by high sulfur deposition, however, are markedly enriched with adsorbed and water-soluble sulfate and show comparably high ratios of sulfate S versus dithionite-extractable iron.  相似文献   

The Influence of potassium and nitrate nutrition on pH changes in the rhizosphere Seedlings of winter wheat, barley, sunflower, peanut and field bean were grown in soils differing in K and nitrate content. pH changes of the rhizosphere soil were measured periodically with antimony electrodes. In soils relatively poor in K the lowest pH values were measured at the root surface of the dicots (maximum pH decrease from 5 to 4.2), while soil pH increases from 5 to 5.4 in contact with roots of the monocots. Increasing K addition caused decreasing pH near peanut and field bean roots. In soils fertilized with K, monocot roots also decreased soil pH. In a K-rich soil the roots of the dicots decreased pH even after addition of 6.6 mg NO3-N/100 g soil, while the roots of the monocots did not change pH. The pH changes are explained by an imbalance between anion and cation uptake, causing release of protons or hydroxyl ions. The reason for the differences in behaviour between monocots and dicots may be due to the differing cation-exchange capacity of the plant roots, causing a higher cation uptake by dicots and therefore greater proton release.  相似文献   

Soil physical investigations proving the late pleistocene pedogenesis in loess areas of Northrhine-Westfalia Balancing the structure of typical Braunerde- and Parabraunerde-profiles in the loess-regions of Northrhine-Westfalia soil physical investigations had confirmed that the biggest part of the solum has been clearly compacted als related to parent material. Above C-horizon there has been found a small part of Bv-horizon without compaction, characterized by distinctly increasing pore volume, especially by that of the 10–50 μm fraction, following the carbonate losses. This horizon represents an important mark in soil genesis, probably dating the border between preholozene and holozene soil forming processes. Because the disturbing effects of permafrost conditions the preholozene soil genesis is of definite importance in soil mapping and describing properties of the soils.  相似文献   

Erodibility of representative soils of the Hallertau (South Bavaria) Differences between the USA and the Federal Republic of Germany in geology, soil types, and climate necessitate to verify the erodibility of the soils estimated according to Wischmeier and Smith (1978), when using the Universal Soil Loss Equation under local conditions. The erodibility of 5 representative soils of the region Hallertau within the so-called “Unterbayerisches Hügelland” was checked by measuring soil losses using a laboratory rainfall simulator. The estimated and measured erodibilities for two Aquic Hapludalfs from loess and one Ruptic-Alfic Eutrochrept from Tertiary sand compared very well as shown by coefficients of regression of 1. The estimated erodibilities for a Typic Eutrochrept and an Aquic Chromudert, both from Tertiary materials, however, underestimated the soil losses by a factor of 1.5. For all regressions the coefficients of correlation were 0.90. Due to the small number of soils checked, it is only possible to suggest causes for the observed deviations, particularly since the aggregate stability could not be the only property, as demonstrated by measurements.  相似文献   

Degradation of cellulose during high-temperature composting of municipal wastes Model experiments were carried out to investigate the breakdown of cellulose during the decomposition of municipal wastes at high temperatures. At 70°C only small amounts of cellulose were decomposed. But a very considerable breakdown of cellulose was observed at temperatures of 65°C and below, i.e. at temperatures suitable for the growth and activity of thermophilic microorganisms.  相似文献   

On the spatial variability of selected contaminations in urban soils in Gelsenkirchen Principle aspects of the distribution characteristics of soil contaminations are shown by the examples of lead, benzo(a)pyren and the polychlorinated dibenzodioxins and -furans. Regions of different contamination levels are distinguishable, but are found inhomogeneous inside. The variability of contamination in urban soils can be explained by differences in the superpositon of input paths into the soil in very small areas, analytical inaccuracies, and the influence of the way of presentation respectively of the units used.  相似文献   

Development and application of a method for the estimation of nitrate leaching from agricultural land For two locations in the Rhine Valley in the State of Baden- Württemberg research on the nitrate leaching from agricultural fields was carried out. The investigated sites are located on aquifers that are pumped for drinking water. A new procedure was developed in order to estimate the nitrate losses by leaching from the rooting zone of agricultural fields. The procedure uses seepage estimates from a soil water simulation model and measured nitrate contents in the soil. It is found that for both sites large amounts of nitrate are washed out and that high nitrate concentrations occur in the seepage water. The simultaneous use of the investigated areas for intensive agriculture and for drinking water supply is questioned.  相似文献   

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