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The effect of applying 62.8 or 125.6 kg/ha fertilizer N, 4 or 18 days before, 4 days after or immediately after harvesting primary growth at the hay stage on yield of DM, yield of digestible OM (DOM), uptake of N, % CP and % digestibility of OM (OMD) of the primary growth and regrowth from S24 perennial ryegrass were compared with harvesting the primary growth 4 or 18 days earlier. Pre–harvest application of N had no effect on yield of DM or DOM or on % OMD, but significantly increased uptake of N and % CP on a DM basis in the primary growth. The regrowth response was less than from equivalent amounts of N applied after harvest in proportion to the amount of N removed with primary growth. 20–40% N was taken up in the primary growth, even when applied 4 days before harvest. The proportion taken up was not influenced by the interval between application and harvest, but tbere was a marked increase in uptake wben rate of application rose to 125.6 kg N/ha. Harvesting 4 days earlier resulted in slight loss of bulk in the hay which was fully compensated by its extra quality, by improved regrowth and its more effective response to fertilizer N. The low yield of the primary growth harvested 18 days earlier was not compensated by the mass of the regrowth but it produced tbe highest quality primary growdi and top yield of regrowth.  相似文献   

The uptake of N was measured in 2 successive regrowths harvested on 12 June and 13 Aug. following harvests of primary growths 8, 12, 16, 23, 29, 45 and 57 (12 June) days after applying N at 59, 118 or 177 kg N/ha on 16 Apr. Residual responses were obtained to both increments of N, leading to high apparent recoveries of fertilizer N, especially to the higher increment. This increased availability of soil N when high rates of N are applied is shown to vary with date of harvest of primary growth, reaching a maximum equivalent to 151% apparent fertilizer N recovery 23 days after N application. In the second regrowth, percentage N in the herbage showed a negative response to N applied to the primary growth. This appears to reflect a reduction in available soil N brought about by its increased availability and uptake in primary growth and first regrowth. The possibilities of improving the efficiency of fertilizer N by exploiting soil N are considered against the possible reduction in available N for future regrowths.  相似文献   

The effects of 59, 118 or 177 kg N/ha were measured on 7 occasions from 8 to 57 days after application to a perennial ryegrass sward in terms of changes in composition. The first increase Dt of N significantly raised percentages of CP, non-protein N, K, P, Ca, Na and Mg and significantly depressed percentages of DM, OM and OM digestihility. The second increment of N resulted in a further rise in the percentages of CP, true protein, non-protein N, K, P, Ca, Na and Mg; the percentages of DM and OM were further depressed but OM digestihility was not significantly depressed. Percentages of P and Na showed increased responses for the more mature herbage; while percentage non-protein N showed a more marked response in younger herbage. As herbage matured percentages of OM and Na rose, the latter only from days 16 to 45. All other attributes showed falling percentages to levels which could be inadequate for a 500 kg dairy cow yielding 15 kg milk. CP percentage reached this critical level (1.4% N) at days 37, 45 or 56 given 59, 118 or 177 kg N/ha; P percentage became critically low (< 0.36%) at days 27, 35 or 38, respectively; Mg percentage fell to the critical level (0.12%) at days 23, 35 and 46. Na percentage showed the reverse trend, being deficient (< 0.13%) in the earliest samples and becoming satisfactory from days 23 or 27 at 118 and 177 kg N/ha but it remained inadequate at 59 kg N/ba.  相似文献   

Regression equations have been calculated for the primary growth of a ryegrass sward as FM (fresh matter), DM, DOM and for uptake of N, K, P, Ca, Na and Mg after application of 59,118 or 177 kg fertilizer N/ha on 16 Apr. These have been used to predict changes in response with time, the responses in terms of time, the dates when specific yields of DM are attained, the different characteristics of herbages at specified yields of DM and the effects of changing harvesting interval on annual DM yield and uptake of minerals. DM and DOM show significant responses to 118 kg N/ha but no response to the next increment throughout the 57-day growth period. All other attrihutes, including FM, showed responses to 177 kg N/ha. Calculated response as days gained suggest that for short-interval grazing systems the use of even 118 kg N/ha is questionable. The reduction in annual DM production and the increase in N uptake when growth intervals are shortened are related to the form of their growth curves.  相似文献   

Data are presented demonstrating the effects of applying fertilizer N at 59, 118 or 177 kg/ha on 16 Apr. on uptake of K, P. Ca, Mg and Na in primary growth (PG) harvested 8, 12, 16, 23, 29, 45 and 57 days afterwards, and residual effects in two successive regrowths (RG1 and RG2) harvested on 12 June and 13 Aug., respectively. Significant residual responses as uptake of K, P, Ca, Mg and Na were shown in RG1 and RG2 after all dates of harvesting PG. The residual responses compensated for poor uptake in PG. Thus, low uptakes to the second increment of N were followed by high residual responses in both regrowths; and low uptakes in PG harvested shortly after applying the fertilizer N were followed by high residual responses. Averaged over the seven dates of PG harvest, the sum of responses (PG+RG1+RG2) to the second N increment was greater than total response to the first increment in P and Mg, considerably greater in Ca and Na and slightly lower in K. These marked residual responses to the second N increment were most noticeable where PG was harvested 23 days after applying fertilizer N and became less marked as date of PG harvest was advanced. Percentage K, P, Ca, Mg and Na in DM of the PG and of RG1 increased as N application was raised. By RG2, the residual effects of fertilizer N on percentage K. P and Mg were reversed to give reduced percentages with increased N application to PG. indicative of deficiencies in availability of these elements. The application of 177 kg N/ha to PG resulted in the release of additional soil N and of other mineral elements which could lead to their depletion.  相似文献   

The residual effects of 59, 118 or 177 kg N/ha applied to the primary growth of a ryegrass sward were measured in two successive regrowths as yields of fresh matter (FM), DM and digestible organic matter (DOM). The first regrowths (RGl) harvested on 12 June followed primary growth (PG) harvests 8, 12, 16, 23, 29, 45 and 57 days after applying N on 16 Apr. The second regrowths (RG2) were harvested on 12 Aug., 62 days after RGl and 119 days after applying N. Significant residual responses were shown in both regrowths which increased the annual responses substantially. Responses to the first increment of N, averaged over dates of primary growth harvests, were raised from 70.3 kg FM, 9.2 kg DM, and 5.6 kg digestible OM/kg N applied, for the primary growth, to responses for primary growth+2 regrowths of 140.8 kg FM, 22.5 kg DM and 13.9 kg digestible OM/kg N applied. For the second increment of N, negligible or negative primary growth responses of 19.0 kg FM, –0.68 kg DM and –0.68 kg digestible OM/kg N applied became 179.7 kg FM, 25.6 kg DM and 16.4 kg digestible OM/kg N applied for the sum of the 3 growths. There were significant differences between the residual responses obtained for different dates of PG harvest. When PG was harvested 8 days after applying N, primary response was low or negligible; residual responses were high, and the total responses were 21.0 kg DM/kg N applied for the first N increment and 31.0 kg DM/kg N applied for the second. Similar effects were observed for FM and digestible OM. Residual responses to the second increment of N were greatest where primary growth was harvested 23 days after N application. Similar residual responses followed the primary growth harvest 29, 45 and 57 days after N application hut the total responses were reduced. It is concluded that the very high residual responses to the second increment of N can only he explained in terms of increased availability of soil N.  相似文献   

5个不同大豆品种的盆栽试验结果表明,品种间生物产量和籽粒产量的差异,尤其在高氮条件下的差异更明显,而籽粒粗蛋白含量差异在低氮条件下较明显;大豆品种间根系鲜重、根系活力、叶绿素含量的差异与产量差异趋势基本一致。根鲜重、根活力和叶绿素含量与生物产量和籽粒产量呈显著或极显著正相关。宁镇1号和87A6根系发达、活力强,叶绿素含量和氮素利用率、收获指数及产量较高。  相似文献   

A field experiment to consider the effects of sulphate of ammonia and calcium nitrate at two levels of potash showed that there was little difference between the two forms of applied N in regard to percentage and yield of crude protein. High potash tended to depress both values, where calcium nitrate was the form of N applied.
Calcium nitrate generally gave higher nitrate-N percentages in the herbage, especially at the lower percentage crude protein values; levels of applied N and season also affect nitrate-N percentage in herbage.  相似文献   

Extensive replicated plot experiments were carried out at Henley Manor Farm from 1956–1961 to obtain accurate measurements of herbage production and response to nitrogenous fertilizers under West of England conditions. 356 plots were used; use of the herbage by both cutting and grazing was studied. The principal results are: Grass/ clover swards (containing approx. 35% clover) grown without nitrogenous fertilizer averaged 75 cwt dry matter per acre per annum. Application of nitro-chalk to initially grass/clover swards reduced the clover content of the herbage. About 133 lb N/annum was required by an all-grass sward to equal the production of a grass/clover sward without N. Attempts to increase production of grass/clover swards by using N for early growth and relying on clover for mid-season growth were unsuccessful in 2 out of 3 years. Swards (initially grass/clover) gave significant increases in total dry-matter production from regular use of the lowest level of N (26.0 or 34.7 lb N/acre/cut or graze) in 44 out of 49 cases. Extremely high yields were obtained from the heaviest use of N (104.2 lb N/acre/silage cut). 52.1 lb N/acre/cut or graze was the optimum rate of application on ail-grass and grass/clover swards. Up to about 350 lb N/acre/annum the dosage-response curve was very nearly straight for all-grass and grass/clover swards. On the grazed plots herbage left ungrazed amounted on average to only 6% of the total. The health of all stock on the high nitrogen plots (as well as all others) was excellent.  相似文献   

施氮对高产春大豆氮素吸收分配的影响   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:7  
以高油品种黑农41为材料研究了高产条件下,氮肥对春大豆植株氮素吸收的影响.结果表明,始花期施氮肥促进氮素吸收,提高氮素的积累速率,推迟氮素积累高峰期,氮素积累总量增加,促进氮素向子粒分配,提高子粒产量和蛋白质含量.在施氮量为0-90kg/hm2范围内,每生产100kg子粒,氮、磷(P2O5)、钾(K2O)吸收量略增,三者之间的比率稳定,约为1:0.28:0.69,再增加氮肥施用量,钾的吸收比率明显下降.  相似文献   

Over three years, eight replicated experiments were conducted in which winter wheat was sown after a ley with and without seedbed applications of P and K. Fertilizer N was applied at 0, 45, 90 and 135 lb per acre in one dressing in early spring. Observations were made on tiller counts, grain size and yield.
There were no significant interactions between N and mineral fertilizer. Mineral fertilizer had no important effect on tillering or grain yield. Consideration of the previous fertilization of the pastures showed that there was probably an adequate reserve of P and K in the soil, although soil analysis did not always reveal it.
Nitrogenous fertilizer significantly increased fertile tiller numbers and raised yield of grain up to an application of 45 lb N per acre in 1960 and 90 lb N per acre in 1961 (after a wet winter). The average responses to 90 lb per acre of N after leys were 74, 6·3 and 101 cwt grain per acre in 1959, 1960 and 1961, respectively. In 1961 the corresponding response in an arable field was 16·3 cwt.
It is concluded that after a well-fertilized ley neither mineral fertilizers nor N are necessary in the seed bed and that the ley contributes about 45 lb N per acre towards the succeeding crop. The practical advantages of autumn drilling without fertilizer are stressed and reference is made to the importance of considering fertilizer applications for the rotation as a whole.  相似文献   

The production of six varieties of Italian ryegrass was compared for three years by cutting 5 or 6 times during the growing season. All varieties showed falls in production of dry matter at high and low levels of N fertilization, but New Zealand HI and New Zealand Italian ryegrass showed significantly lower falls and gave top yields over the three years, in spite of severe frost damage in the first two. Crude protein and nitrogen absorption remained high at the lower level of fertilization (174–209 lb N/acre) and showed a fall only in the third year at the high level of N fertilization (348–418 lb N/acre).
The significance of the high response of the New Zealand varieties is discussed.  相似文献   

连作花生土壤养分变化及对施肥反应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用盆栽试验,探讨了连作花生土壤养分的变化及对施用有机肥料和无机肥料的反应。结果表明,中等肥力砂壤土多年不施肥连作花生,土壤中的速效钾含量每年以近10%的量递减,速效磷含量以连作第3年减少最多,达52.99%。连年施用有机肥料,可增加土壤中的有机质和氮素含量。多量施用N、P、K化肥,土壤中的速效磷,速效钾含量较施用有机肥料分别增加77.05%,23.53%。连作花生施用有机肥料和无机肥料,增产效果均低于轮作花生。  相似文献   

Seven species or varieties of grass, and a mixture of 3 of them, were sown in pure swards, treated with 4 levels of nitro-chalk (0, 17·5, 35, and 70 Ib N/ac/cut) and cut 4 or 5 times each year. Each species and the mixture were also sown with white clover, and the effect of fertilizer N on the yield of N in each grass was compared with the effect of clover on the yield of N harvested from the grass/clover swards.
The regression line for response in yield of N with increasing levels of fertilizer N showed slight, but significant, upward curvature. The grasses differed in their uptake of N from the soil, S37 cocksfoot and S48 timothy showing relatively high uptakes, and the ability of each grass to take up fertilizer N was usually related to its uptake of N from the soil. Differences in the yield of dry matter between the species, at a similar level of N, are discussed, and it was concluded that perennial ryegrasses were most efficient and Agrostis tenuis was least efficient in using the N taken up in the production of DM.
In general, there were no significant differences between the yields of N of the grass/clover mixtures; the N yields of the grass components were significantly different and tended to be inversely related to the N yields of clover.
Grasses which gave high yields of N with fertilizer were also high yielding when grown in association with clover. Pure grass swards required more than 200 Ib fertilizer N/ac/yr in order to yield the same amount of N as the grass/clover swards. The amount of N estimated to have been derived by grass from clover (indirect effect of clover) increased each year; it was highest with S37 cocksfoot and lowest with Irish perennial ryegrass, averaging 46 and 23 Ib N/ac/yr, respectively.  相似文献   

Direct-cut grass which has been heavily fertilized often produces silage with a poor fermentation. An investigation was carried out to study the effect of rate and timing of N applications to herbage intended for direct-cut silage. A small but consistent increase in silage pH was recorded after high levels of N were applied 7–8 weeks before cutting. The application of additional N fertilizer 10–14 days before cutting the sward had an adverse effect on silage fermentation. Changes in herbage composition following different levels of applied N are outlined.  相似文献   

Seven species or varieties of grass, and a mixture of 3 of them, were sown in pure swards and treated with 4 levels of nitrogenous fertilizer (0,17·5, 35 and 70lb N per acre per cut). Each species, and the mixture, was also sown with white clover. The experiment was cut 4 or 5 times per year. The effect of fertilizer on the yield of each grass was compared with the effect of clover on the yield of the grass/clover swards. Mean annual yields showed an approximately linear response to N; there was a small but significant fall in response to the highest level of N. Response among the species ranged from 20 to 30 Ib of dry matter per Ib N applied for the intermediate level of fertilizer and from 14 to 23 Ib for the final increment of fertilizer.
S37 cocksfoot, S48 timothy, S24 ryegrass, and a mixture of these grasses, were high yielding and responded well to fertilizer N; Irish ryegrass and Agrostis tenuis were less productive and gave poorer responses to N. S215 meadow fescue and S23 ryegrass were intermediate in yield and response.
There were no significant differences between the annual yields of the 8 grass/clover mixtures; the yields of the grass and clover components of each mixture were inversely related. The effect of clover on the yield of the grass/clover mixtures was estimated to be equivalent to the effect of an annual application of 205 lb N per acre to Agrostis tenuis and 120 lb N to S48 timothy. The fluctuations in annual yields were greater with grass/ clover mixtures than with grass swards receiving N.
The yields of grasses when sown with clover were in similar order to their yields when sown pure; but whereas the latter tended to fall from year to year, the yields of the grass components of mixtures (except Irish ryegrass) did not.  相似文献   

The result of a study over many years on the effect of white clover (Trifolium repens L.) and nitrogen fertilizer on the production of young and old grassland are discussed. In young and old grassland, clover and N fertilizer increased production and N content. The effect of clover on production was somewhat greater in young grassland than in old. This difference was associated with a difference in the clover percentage in the sward. Statistical treatment of the results of similar studies by other workers showed that, given equal percentages, the clover in an older sward clearly had a greater effect than the clover in the first few years after sowing. Variation in the production of both young and somewhat older grass/clover swards are mainly due to differences in the clover percentage.  相似文献   

DM yield and N uptake data are presented from primary growth and two successive regrowths of perennial ryegrass treated with combinations of three N treatments for the primary growth viz. 0, 50 and 100 kg N/ha (PN) and four N treatments applied for the second growths, viz. 0, 33, 66 and 100 kg N/ha (SN). Primary growth gave a response of 24·2 kg DM/kg applied N to PN50 with only a further l±0 kg DM/kg applied N from the second PN increment. A significant interaction between PN and SN treatments was shown in second growth. The residual DM response to PN was highest at SN0 and reduced as the level of SN was raised. Substantially greater residual responses to PN treatments were shown in the third growth. Third growth DM responses to SN treatments were high. High apparent recovery of fertilizer N reached 111% of primary N where SN66 followed PN50. High available soil N is partly responsible for both high apparent recovery of N and high DM response. The latter appears to be associated with inclusion of growths given no fertilizer N so that the full residual effects of fertilizer N and ‘priming’ of available soil N can be realised.  相似文献   

A microplot technique for the placement of nitrogen at depth under an established grass sward is described. The effect of nitrogen placement at various depths on the dry matter yields, root yields and nitrogen uptake of two grass species is recorded. The results for cocksfoot and red fescue indicate that there is little fall-off in uptake of nitrogen from placement at depths down to 12 inches, and that cocksfoot also recovers substantial amounts of nitrogen from 18 inches and 2 feet. Recovery by red fescue at these depths was not investigated.
Althotigh there is little difference between the two grasses in their relative ability to absorb nitrogen at the various depths, there is an indication that, weight for weight, cocksfoot roots are probably more efficient absorbers of nitrogen than those of red fescue.
The significance of the findings is discussed in the light of present-day methods of fertilizer application.  相似文献   

氮肥对大豆不同类型品种结瘤固氮影响的差异性研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
丁洪  郭庆元 《大豆科学》1994,13(3):274-278
本研究选用生育期和蛋白质含量不同的六个夏大豆品种,在磷钾肥基础上施用三个氮肥水平(0、6、12kg氮/亩)。结果表明:施氨抑制结瘤,氮肥越多抑制越严重;抑制作用主要在盛花期前,至鼓粒期有的品种受抑制作用较小;对固氮的抑制在不同品种间存在明显差异,品种豫豆8号表现出较耐氮。酰脲相对丰度与根瘤干重极显著正相关,六叶期、盛花期和鼓粒期两者的相关系数分别为r_a=0.9545、r_b=0.8025、r_c=0.6531,P<0.01。酰脲的相对丰度反映了品种的固氮差异和不同氮肥水平下固氮的变化。  相似文献   

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