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为进一步降低蛋鸡养殖成本、提高养殖效益,天祝县鸡大肠杆菌病的综合防制研究项目课题组,针对大肠杆菌综合防控中加强饲养管理环节,以蛋鸡产蛋期目标管理为导向,从转运前准备,到转群后消毒、设备检查、称重、光照控制、免疫、人员管理、饲料控制等各方面,制定了蛋鸡产蛋期饲养管理措施,不仅避免鸡群发生大肠杆菌等疾病,而且可以提高蛋鸡产蛋率,增加蛋鸡养殖效益。  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究大薯部分替代玉米对文昌鸡盲肠微生物区系和短链脂肪酸含量的影响,探讨大薯替代玉米作为文昌鸡饲料开发的可行性。选择288只健康、体重相近的50日龄文昌鸡母鸡,随机分成4组,每组4个重复,每个重复18只鸡。对照组饲喂玉米-豆粕型基础日粮;Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅲ组为试验组,分别饲喂以大薯替代基础日粮中10%、15%、20%玉米的等能等氮试验日粮。试验期28 d。结果表明,经过14 d饲养试验,大薯替代不同比例玉米对文昌鸡盲肠微生物区系无显著影响(P>0.05),对文昌鸡盲肠内容物短链脂肪酸含量影响显著(P<0.05),其中Ⅲ组丙酸、丁酸含量显著低于对照组(P<0.05)。随着饲养期延长至28 d,大薯替代不同比例玉米对盲肠微生物区系和短链脂肪酸含量影响显著(P<0.05),其中Ⅱ组大肠杆菌数量显著低于对照组(P<0.05),Ⅲ组粪链球菌、总厌氧菌数量分别显著和极显著高于对照组(P<0.05;P<0.01);Ⅰ组丁酸和丙酸含量分别显著和极显著低于对照组(P<0.05;P<0.01)。综上所述,大薯部分替代玉米能提升盲肠有益菌群数量,但短期饲喂会降低短链脂肪酸生成,长期饲喂对短链脂肪酸生成无显著影响。在本试验条件下,建议大薯替代玉米比例以15%为宜。  相似文献   

In 2 trials, including 2,768 birds in total, 3 different perch arrangements were evaluated in furnished 8-hen cages for laying hens. The hybrids used were Lohmann Selected Leghorn and Lohmann Brown in trial 1 and Hy-Line White and Hy-Line Brown in trial 2. The furnished cages were identical in all other respects than the arrangement of perches. A perch was either fitted across the cage, providing 12 cm of perch per hen, or 2 perches were installed in a cross, implying 15 cm per hen. Although the perches arranged in a cross provided more perch per hen than the single perch fitted across the cage, perch use at night by the birds was similar or lower as compared with the single perch. Hence, the way perches are arranged in the cage may be as important as perch length itself to achieve a high use at night. Perch arrangement did not affect production, mortality, or egg quality. Compared with a conventional battery cage, also included in the trials, hygiene was inferior in the furnished cages, but there was no difference in proportions of dirty eggs. Differences in proportions of cracked eggs were found between furnished and conventional cages in 1 of the trials. However, on the whole, production, mortality, and egg quality were at similar levels in all cage models. Genotype differences were found in production traits, egg quality, hygiene, and in the use of perches and nests.  相似文献   

本试验通过饲养试验研究了京红1号商品代蛋鸡产蛋后期钙的适宜需要量,旨在为京红1号商品代蛋鸡营养标准的制定提供一定的基础数据。采用单因子试验设计,选用52周龄的京红1号蛋鸡360只,随机分为4个处理,每个处理6个重复,每个重复15只鸡,饲喂玉米-豆粕-植酸酶型基础日粮,4个处理的钙水平分别为2.91%、3.94%、4.38%和4.98%,试验期6周。试验期间每天记录蛋鸡产蛋数、蛋重和不合格蛋数,每周以重复为单位统计采食量。试验结束时,每个重复取3枚鸡蛋测定蛋品质。结果表明:①不同钙水平对蛋鸡平均日产蛋率、平均蛋重、平均日产蛋量、平均日采食量和料蛋比的影响均不显著(P>0.05),但3.94%处理组料蛋比和平均日采食量相对于其他处理组都有所降低;3.94%处理组的破损蛋率显著低于4.38%和4.98%处理组(P<0.05);②不同钙水平日粮对蛋壳厚度影响显著(P<0.05),4.38%处理组蛋壳厚度显著高于2.91%和4.98%处理组(P<0.05),3.94%处理组显著高于4.98%处理组(P<0.05);3.94%处理组的蛋壳强度最大,蛋壳比例最适宜,但二者在各个处理间差异不显著(P>0.05);③通过建立蛋壳厚度与日粮钙水平间的回归关系估测日粮最佳钙水平为3.84%。综合本试验结果,在饲喂玉米-豆粕-植酸酶型基础日粮条件下,3.84%~3.94%钙水平日粮能改善京红1号蛋鸡产蛋后期蛋壳厚度、提高蛋重、降低破损蛋率,有利于其生产性能的发挥。  相似文献   

An experiment was carried out to determine the effect of feeding brewery waste that replaced different levels of concentrate in diets for growing crossbred common ducks. A total of 300 ducks at 3 weeks of age were allocated in a 2 x 5 factorial experiment. Two feeding systems were compared, with the brewery waste provided separately (S) or mixed (M) with a concentrate. For the first feeding system the concentrate was fed alone (C100M), or replaced successively by brewery waste at ratios of concentrate to brewery waste: 75:25 (C75M), 50:50 (C50M) and 25:75 (C25M) on a dry matter basis, and fed ad libitum. For the second system concentrate and brewery waste were fed separately, with the same levels as in the first system. Total feed intakes for both feeding systems and intakes of brewery waste, total dry matter, crude protein, calcium and phosphorus increased significantly as concentrate was reduced (p <0.05). Daily weight gains were not significantly different between the two feeding systems, but were significantly lower for the C25 and C0 diets (p <0.05). Replacement of 50% of the concentrate by brewery waste resulted in the best growth performance. The highest net profits were from the separate feeding system, and for ducks fed brewery waste only (C0). It is concluded that brewery waste can replace traditional diets for crossbred common ducks based on concentrate.  相似文献   

Upon contact with laid eggs, avians initiate incubation behavior and stop laying additional eggs. This phenomenon suggests that the productivity of laying hens in free-range facilities may decrease because of frequent contact with laid eggs. Here, we examined whether hens of a commercial breed exhibit incubation behavior in a free-range facility and whether egg productivity subsequently decreases. One-hour observations were performed twice weekly for 3 weeks, during which 9 of 129 hens (7.0%) exhibited incubation behavior (i.e., sitting on eggs) in the free-range facility and were defined as incubating hens. During 4 d of continuous behavioral observation, incubating and non-incubating hens laid the same number of eggs statistically (4.6 and 3.6, on average, respectively); however, incubating hens spent significantly more time on average incubating the eggs (2071.9 min) than did the non-incubating hens (20.9 min; P<0.05), indicating a clear behavioral difference. Subsequently, the incubation behavior and egg productivity of incubating hens and a Silkie Fowl breed hen, which is known to exhibit typical incubation behavior and cessation of laying, were continuously compared for 27 d. The average minutes spent incubating eggs during the observation period increased in both the incubating hens and Silkie Fowl hen and the total time was almost the same (18,088.5 and 23,092 min, respectively). However, the Silkie Fowl hen stopped laying on day 17 after laying 17 eggs, whereas the incubating hens continued laying throughout the observation period. Incubating hens laid an average of 24.5 eggs, indicating that some hens (at least those of the commercial breed used in our study) can continue laying while exhibiting incubation behavior. A single-nucleotide polymorphism associated with incubation behavior was detected on chromosome 4 through genome-wide association analysis.  相似文献   


A 2×2 factorial design with 32 dairy bulls was used to study the effects of partial replacement of a starchy concentrate with a fibrous concentrate and replacement of rapeseed meal with barley protein as protein supplement on performance of bulls with ad libitum access to a total mixed ration feeding. The two energy supplements were flattened barley (B) and a mixture (1:1 on dry matter (DM) basis) of flattened barley and barley fibre (BF). These were fed with either rapeseed meal or barley protein so that the crude protein content of rations was 162 g kg?1 DM. Replacing half of the barley grain with barley fibre increased (P<0.01) the average DM intake (9.3 kg d?1 versus 9.9 kg d?1), but had no effect on the average live weight gain (1.27 kg d?1). There seemed to be only a minor difference between rapeseed meal and barley protein as protein supplements on animal performance.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of supplementing maize meal and soybean meal, separately or mixed, on egg production performance of two breeds of scavenging hens under on-farm conditions. Treatments were: (1) confined, with a mixed feed (75% maize meal and 25% soybean meal) ad libitum (CMF); (2) scavenging, with a supplement of 60 g/bird per day of maize meal (ScM); (3) scavenging, with a supplement of 25 g/bird per day of soybean meal (ScS); (4) scavenging, with 54 g/ bird per day of the mixed feed (ScMF). Mean hen-day production was 21.8%, 19.8%, 17.7% and 22.8% for the CMF, ScM, ScS and ScMF treatments, respectively (p <0.05), and was significantly (p <0.001) higher for the improved Tamhoang breed (24.4%) than for the local Ri hens (16.7%). Mean egg weight was significantly higher for the Tamhoang (53.2 g) compared to the Ri hens (45.0 g) (p<0.01). Feed consumption per kilogram of eggs was significantly higher for the CMF treatment compared to the other treatments and was lower for the ScS compared to the other scavenging treatments (p <0.05). Feed cost per kilogram of eggs was lowest for the ScM treatment and was 30 to 40% higher for the confined treatment compared to the scavenging treatments. Feed consumption and cost of feed per kilogram of eggs were significantly lower for the Tamhoang than for the Ri hens.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to determine the effect of broiler breeder egg weight on egg quality, chick quality, and broiler performance using Hubbard Classic broiler breeder flock. Hatching eggs from a commercial broiler breeder flock (Hubbard classic strain) were obtained at the age of 60 wk and divided into 3 egg-weight categories, namely small, medium, and large. For this purpose, 930 eggs having weights 63.09 ± 0.21, 68.85 ± 0.23, and 74.81 ± 0.11g were divided into 3 egg categories labeled small, medium, and large respectively. We further divided these eggs into 2 categories, eggs for quality parameters and eggs for incubation and posthatch performance parameters. Eggs from the small egg category had greater proportion of the shell weight and more shell strength. Egg weight did not significantly affect the albumen and yolk weight percentage. Egg weight affected the shape index and specific gravity for which lower values were observed for large eggs. Egg weight positively affected the chick weight, chick yield, and chick length (P < 0.05) of both male and female chicks. Results of the body weight gain showed that effect of egg weight on the posthatch performance of chick diminishes with the age of broilers. Egg weight significantly affected the body weight gain of male and female chicks up to 3 wk of age. Egg weights did not significantly affect the feed intake and mortality of broiler. Different egg-weight categories significantly affected the feed conversion ratio of female chicks at wk 2 and 3 of age and did not affect the feed conversion of male and female chicks at the end of wk 5. In conclusion, egg weight positively affected the chick characteristics (e.g., chick weight, chick length) and did not affect the final live body weight, feed conversion ratio, feed intake, and mortality in broilers.  相似文献   

Molting is used to increase productivity in the second laying cycle of commercial laying flocks. We report here the applicability of whole grain of bitter vetch as an alternative method for molt induction in laying hens. A total of 120 laying hens were molted by feed withdrawal (FW), a high-Zn diet (HZn), a moderate-Zn and Ca-P-deficient diet (MZn-CaP), or whole grain of bitter vetch (BV). Egg production ceased first in FW-treated hens and last in MZn-CaP-treated hens (P < 0.05). The rest period was longer (P < 0.05) in hens exposed to the BV diet, which proved to be comparable with the FW treatment for postmolt egg production. Egg mass for 4 to 16 wk after the molting was greater (P < 0.05) for hens molted by BV than hens molted by the MZn-CaP diet. Egg weight and yolk color were not (P > 0.05) significantly different among various molting induction methods. Albumen height and Haugh unit of eggs from hens molted by BV, for the most part of the experimental period, were significantly (P < 0.05) greater than for birds on the MZn-CaP diet and unmolted hens. In conclusion, use of BV grain as a single dietary ingredient proved to be effective in molt induction and improving postmolt egg production and internal egg quality when compared with unmolted hens.  相似文献   

试验用38周龄健康的罗曼粉壳蛋鸡600只,经饲喂玉米-豆粕-麦麸型基础日粮(蛋氨酸0.22%、蛋氨酸+胱氨酸0.48%)10d后,随机分为4个处理,每个处理5个重复,每个重复30只蛋鸡。处理1为对照组,饲喂基础日粮;处理2在每千克基础日粮中添加1.325gDL-Met;处理3和处理4以液体蛋氨酸羟基类似物(HMB,活性物质88%)在等摩尔基础上按100%或50%分别替代处理2的DL-Met。试验期10周。试验结果表明:在基础饲粮中添加DL-Met以满足高产蛋鸡的蛋氨酸需要可提高3~10周的产蛋率,并极显著地提高了3~10周的蛋重、日产蛋重、干物质、钙、磷和粗蛋白的表观代谢率(P<0.01),极显著降低了饲料转化率比(P<0.01),对采食量、鸡蛋蛋形指数、破蛋率、软蛋率、蛋黄重、蛋黄比例、哈氏单位、蛋壳重、蛋壳厚度、蛋壳强度、鸡蛋水分和粗蛋白含量无显著影响(P>0.05)。在等摩尔基础上HMB以100%或50%替代DL-Met,对蛋鸡生产性能、鸡蛋品质和养分代谢率的影响与DL-Met无显著差异。结果表明在蛋鸡玉米-豆粕-麦麸型饲粮中HMB的生物学效价与DL-Met相同。  相似文献   


A review of the effects of immunization against somatostatin in cattle is given. In most experiments (8 out of 9; no information in 2), significant antibody formation was reported in immunized animals but antibody formation may vary between individuals. Only a few have reported data on antibody affinity, but available data indicate that the antibodies formed may act to neutralize SS rather than function as binding proteins. Meta-analysis on weighted group averages showed that anti-SS animals consumed 4.2 ± 1.4% more feed (P = 0.03), had a 11.4 ± 2.3% higher daily gain (P < 0.001) and had a 4.7 ± 2.1% lower feed conversion ratio (P = 0.06), indicating improved feed efficiency. Increased fat deposition has been observed following immunization against SS, but more studies are needed in order to quantify the changes. Immunization does not seem to affect dressing percentage or carcass conformation score. The mode of action of immunization against SS seems to be associated with IGF-I and not GH, but more studies are needed to clarify fully the mechanisms by which immunization modifies performance in cattle.  相似文献   

Cereal grains such as maize and wheat are used extensively in feed formulations for poultry as the primary source of carbohydrates. High cost of these grains in many developing countries necessitates the evaluation of other ingredients that are grown locally. Sweet potato is one such crop. The study was conducted as a proof of concept experiment to test the hypothesis that in the presence and absence of enzyme, sweet potato roots when included in diets of broiler chickens may affect the total metabolisable energy content of the diets which may exert certain influences on dry matter digestibility of these diets as well as impacting on production and certain gut parameters. A total of 120 chicks were raised on a commercial starter feed from day 0 to 19. On day 22, the birds were individually weighed and allocated to 96 single bird metabolism cages to conduct a 7‐day classical apparent metabolisable energy (AME) assay. The test diets contained 0% and 25% sweet potato flour (SPF) with and without enzyme supplementation (Rovabio Excel AP T‐flex) and replicated 24 times. AME of the control diet with and without enzyme was 14.05 and 13.91 MJ/kg whilst the AME of the SPF diets with and without enzymes were 13.45 and 13.43 MJ/kg respectively. AME of SPF was 12.08 MJ/kg. Birds fed the SPF had significantly reduced end weights (p = .002) and weight gains (p < .001) leading to significantly higher intake (p = .004) and FCRs (p < .001) in birds. These effects in growth parameters highlight the need to balance dietary protein and total amino acids when using SPF in broiler diets and may not be a negative effect of SPF per say as AME and dry matter digestibility of SPF diets were comparable to the control diet. The level of sucrase activity in the jejunum was significantly (p < .001) lower due to enzyme inclusion. Use of SPF in the current study did not negatively influence the activities of the brush border enzymes maltase and sucrase, gut morphology in the jejunum of broilers or the load of Enterobacteriaceae in the caecal of birds. This finding is promising in that the gut parameters associated with digestive capacity and gut health were not compromised with feeding of SPF to broilers.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the effects of a dietary humic and fulvic acid complex, FeedMAX 15, on the health, growth rate, feed conversion ratio, and carcase characteristics of feedlot cattle. DESIGN: Cattle, in eight pens of 125 animals each, were fed either a diet containing a humic and fulvic acid complex (FeedMAX 15, FeedMAX Industries, Toowoomba, Queensland) or the same diet without the additive. Control or FeedMAX 15 diets were allocated to each pen at random. Individual cattle were allocated alternately to control or treatment pens based on order of presentation. Comparisons of disease incidence, mortality, feed intake, growth rate, feed conversion ratio, fat depth, dressing percentage, meat colour, fat colour and marbling were made at the conclusion of the feeding period. RESULTS: No differences were found between cattle fed FeedMAX 15 and cattle not fed the additive in entry body weight (P = 0.99), exit body weight (P = 0.91), dressing percentage (P = 0.66), P8 fat depth (P = 0.57), meat colour (P = 0.67), marbling (P = 0.70), all diseases (P = 0.64), bovine respiratory disease (P = 0.91), or mortalities (P = 1.0). Cattle fed FeedMAX 15 reached the market specifications for body weight and fat depth in fewer mean days (P = 0.0001), had a greater average daily gain (P = 0.05), a lower feed conversion ratio (P = 0.05) and whiter fat (P < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: Feeding the humic and fulvic acid complex, FeedMAX 15, at 0.055 g per kg body weight per day, can increase growth rate and feed conversion efficiency in feedlot cattle.  相似文献   

罗非鱼低鱼粉饲料中脱酚棉籽蛋白替代鱼粉的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在实用饲料(含鱼粉6.0%,鱼粉粗蛋白质含量为64.5%)的基础上,用脱酚棉籽蛋白分别替代0、50%和100%的鱼粉,配制成3种等氮等能的试验饲料,以研究罗非鱼低鱼粉饲料中脱酚棉籽蛋白替代鱼粉的可行性.将270尾平均体重为50 g的雄性吉富罗非鱼随机分成3组(每组设3个重复,每个重复30尾),其中饲喂替代水平为0的试验...  相似文献   


Parturition was induced in 112 gilts and sows on day 111, 112, and 113 of gestation by means of a single intramuscular injection of 175 mcg of a prostaglandin F2α analogue (Cloprostenol, I.C.I. 80996). No side effects were detected immediately after injection and the course of the induced parturition was normal. The interval between injection and parturition was approximately 28 hours. Induction of parturition on day 113 resulted in a significant shortening of this interval as compared with day 111 and 112. The average weights of the piglets at birth and at 5 weeks were within the normal range. The percentage of stillbirths and the loss of piglets up to weaning did not differ significantly between control and experimental groups. The practical applications of induction of parturition are discussed.  相似文献   

The replacement value of undecorticated sunflower meal (SFM) in the diets of dairy animals was assessed on-station and on-farm. Eighteen primiparous crossbred (Bos taurus×Bos indicus) cows (350.4±8.84 kg), randomly allocated to three groups, were used in the on-station study. The animals were fed on either a conventional concentrate supplement (control) or on an experimental concentrate, in which SFM replaced 25% (SFM-25) or 50% (SFM-50) of the CP in the control supplement. Green oats (Avena sativa) were supplied ad libitum. A metabolism trial conducted following 60 days of experimental feeding revealed that the intakes of DM, DCP and TDN were similar among the groups. The digestibilities of OM, CP, EE, NDF and ADF were also without significant differences. All the groups were in positive nitrogen balance. Inclusion of SFM at either level had no effect on the intake, excretion or retention of nitrogen. The daily milk yield and its composition did not differ among the dietary treatments. Moreover, the efficiency of utilization of DOM and TDN for FCM production tended to reflect, although non-significantly, increasing levels of SFM inclusion. In the on-farm study, seven multiparous milking buffaloes belonging to six farmers were used to assess the effect of replacing 20% of the CP of the conventional supplement with SFM, in a predominantly crop residue-based diet. The study continued for 4 months and revealed that the average daily feed intake and milk production was similar in the control and SFM-fed groups. It was concluded that SFM can be effectively utilized as a cheaper replacement for costly oil cakes and wheat bran for economic milk production by smallholder farmers.  相似文献   

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