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研究了油菜秸秆作为基质培养植物病原菌核盘菌的重寄生菌盾壳霉分生孢子,并从盾壳霉分生孢子萌发及其抑制核盘菌菌核子囊盘萌发等方面评价了所获得的盾壳霉分生孢子的质量。结果表明:盾壳霉野生菌株Chy-1和Zs-1,以及Chy-1的突变菌株SV-5-2(抗杀菌剂vin-clozolin)可以利用油菜秸秆为基质进行培养,有利于3个菌株的菌丝生长、分生孢子器及分生孢子的产生,分生孢子产量可达2·4×109~3·4×109个孢子/g干秸秆。水分含量和发酵时间影响盾壳霉分生孢子产量。在接种量为5×105个孢子/g干秸秆的条件下,以干秸秆中含水量为3~6ml/g,在20℃下发酵12d较为适宜。水琼脂平板试验表明:在20℃下培养48h,盾壳霉分生孢子的萌发率达到90%以上。将油菜秸秆基质培养的盾壳霉分生孢子接种于土壤中,无论是夏季试验,还是秋季试验,对核盘菌菌核萌发及存活具有显著的抑制作用。2003年夏季,4·0×106个孢子/m处理其核盘菌菌核萌发数比对照减少26·3%;秋季该处理比对照减少57·1%~88·0%。  相似文献   

重寄生真菌盾壳霉Coniothyrium minitans是核盘菌Sclerotinia sclerotiorum的重要生防菌。为了探讨盾壳霉胞外蛋白酶在寄生核盘菌过程中的作用,采用明胶平板法对盾壳霉寄生核盘菌菌核产生的蛋白酶活性进行了检测,并进一步采用福林酚法定量测定蛋白酶活性,研究盾壳霉产生胞外蛋白酶的培养条件及影响蛋白酶活性的因子。试验结果表明,在被盾壳霉寄生的核盘菌菌核中检测到蛋白酶活性,表明蛋白酶可能参与盾壳霉重寄生作用。发现核盘菌菌核浸出液培养基适合盾壳霉产生胞外蛋白酶,摇培(20℃、200r/min)5d时蛋白酶活性最高,达到0.22U/mL。盾壳霉胞外蛋白酶酶促反应的最适温度为60℃,最适pH7.0。当温度不高于40℃时,蛋白酶酶活较稳定。5mmol/L的金属离子Mg2+、Zn2+、Ca2+、Cu2+、Mn2+、Li+和K+等对蛋白酶酶活没有显著影响(P>0.05),而Fe2+(5mmol/L)显著(P<0.05)提高了蛋白酶活性。盾壳霉蛋白酶对苯甲基磺酰氟(PMSF)敏感,说明盾壳霉产生的胞外蛋白酶可能主要是丝氨酸蛋白酶。这些结果为盾壳霉胞外蛋白酶的分离纯化和功能研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

盾壳霉对核盘菌的拮抗作用研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
系统研究了菌核重寄生菌盾壳霉对核盘菌的拮抗作用,结果表明:盾壳霉可在核盘菌菌落上寄生,使核盘菌菌丝消解、原生质泄露,并抑制菌核的形成;而且盾壳霉提前6d接种,其分泌的抗生物质还可抑制核盘菌菌丝生长,并产生明显抑菌带。盾壳霉孢子液喷雾处理也证明:盾壳霉分生孢子即可在核盘菌子囊盘(柄)上萌发、寄生,使子囊盘(柄)萎缩枯死,而且还可以在核盘菌菌落上萌发、寄生,消解破坏菌丝体、抑制的菌核形成。  相似文献   

核盘菌菌核围微生物群落分析及其对盾壳霉重寄生的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重寄生真菌盾壳霉(Coniothyrium minitans)是核盘菌的一种生防菌,它通过寄生核盘菌菌核,减少初侵染来源,从而达到防病效果.但在田间自然土壤中,核盘菌菌核围微生物对盾壳霉寄生菌核的影响还不清楚.本研究对核盘菌菌核围微生物进行了分离鉴定,并评估了菌核围细菌对盾壳霉重寄生的影响.结果 表明,不同取样时间和不...  相似文献   

重寄生真菌盾壳霉产生几丁质酶的条件优化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本试验采用摇瓶培养的方法研究了盾壳霉产生胞外几丁质酶的条件。结果表明:培养液组分、通气状况、表面活性剂和草酸等因子对盾壳霉产生几丁质酶均有影响。改良的马铃薯蔗糖培养液(mPSB)较合成培养基SMCS更适宜作为几丁质酶产生的基础培养基,其几丁质酶产量达到616.8U/L;以mPSB为基础培养基,供试的9种碳源和7种氮源中5g/L葡萄糖和1g/L硝酸钾可使几丁质酶的产量分别达到756U/L和672U/L,较适宜几丁质酶的产生;生长曲线试验显示20℃培养15d几丁质酶产量达到高峰。另外,两种供试表面活性剂对几丁质酶的产生均有抑制作用;一定浓度的草酸溶液(0.1-3g/L)有助于盾壳霉几丁质酶的产生。  相似文献   

盾壳霉在贵州首次收集及研究初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用土壤稀释平板分离法和土壤诱捕法从贵州省7个地区14个县(市)的110份土壤样品中分离得到25株菌株,其中真菌15株、细菌10株.经初步鉴定,与核盘菌菌核有一定颉颃作用的有小盾壳霉(Coniothyrium minitans)、镰孢属(Fusarium spp.)、曲霉属(Aspergillus spp.)、交链孢属(Allternaria spp.)、青霉属(Penicillium spp.).分离结果表明,在贵州省盾壳霉主要分布于高海拔、潮湿、常年温度较低的地区,有一定的地域性.  相似文献   

采用适应性培养的方法获得了4个抗杀菌剂vinclozolin的盾壳霉突变体。vinclozolin对野生型盾壳霉菌株Chy-1菌丝生长和分生孢子萌发的EC50分别为1.1和140.0μg/ml;而对突变菌株SV.5.1、SV.5.2、SV.10.1和V-250-1菌丝生长的EC50分别为2219.1、2683.9、2222.8和2504.2μg/m1,对分生孢子萌发的EC50分别是710.4、866.0、931.3和609.3μg/ml。在没有杀菌剂存在的情况下,这些突变菌株的转代培养后代和感染核盘菌菌核后产生的分生孢子后代仍具有抗性。用突变菌株与野生菌株接种核盘菌菌核时,突变菌株的大多数接种处理的菌核被寄生率和菌核腐烂指数与野生菌株接种处理没有明显差异。除菌株V-250-1外,其它3个突变菌株在至少1个接种处理的菌核上产生分生孢子的能力显著高于野生菌株或无明显差异。突变菌株与野生菌株在油菜花瓣上对核盘菌子囊孢子侵染油菜叶片具有明显抑制作用。  相似文献   

本文研究了油菜田间常用除草剂精禾草克和乙草胺对油菜菌核病生防菌盾壳霉Conio-thyrium minitans的影响。结果表明它们对盾壳霉菌丝生长和分生孢子萌发均有显著的抑制作用,其中精禾草克对盾壳霉菌丝生长和孢子萌发的抑制中浓度分别为2.95mg/L和7.80mg/L;乙草胺对菌丝生长和孢子萌发的抑制中浓度分别为137.45mg/L和120.90mg/L。精禾草克可以抑制盾壳霉寄生核盘菌Sclerotinia sclerotiorum菌核,当精禾草克的使用量达田间使用浓度时,盾壳霉不能寄生核盘菌菌核;而乙草胺对盾壳霉寄生菌核的影响较小,在田间使用浓度1250mg/L时,盾壳霉仍可寄生菌核;乙草胺和盾壳霉在田间使用浓度条件下混合使用,60d后菌核腐烂指数与单独使用盾壳霉没有显著差异,均大于75。上述结果表明在田间使用量条件下,乙草胺可以和盾壳霉生防制剂混用,而精禾草克不宜和盾壳霉混用。  相似文献   

影响盾壳霉寄生核盘菌菌核的几个生态因子的分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
 在室内测定了盾壳霉(Coniothyrium minitans)对不同寄主上的核盘菌(Sclerotinia sclerotiorum)菌核的寄生致腐作用,研究了温度、含水量和土壤类型等生态因子对核盘菌菌核的寄生致腐作用的影响,通过检测土壤的呼吸速率探讨了它在土壤中定殖与核盘菌菌核的关系。结果表明:盾壳霉能寄生致腐核盘菌属所有供试菌株的菌核;寄生致腐菌核的最适温度是20℃,最适相对含水量为50%~60%;盾壳霉在供试的8种土壤中均能寄生致腐菌核,对它们的pH值要求不严格,但土壤类型影响其寄生致腐速度;在土壤中添加菌核和菌核提取液都可不同程度地刺激它的生长。  相似文献   

盾壳霉控制油菜菌核病菌再侵染及其叶面存活动态的研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
 本文评估了施于油菜(Brassica napus)叶片上的盾壳霉(Coniothyrium minitans)控制油菜菌核病菌再侵染能力,探讨了其作用机理,并测定了盾壳霉分生孢子在油菜叶面上的存活动态。结果如下:叶面上的盾壳霉对油菜菌核病菌的初侵染影响较小,但在高剂量(> 106孢子/ml)时可以控制病斑的扩展。所有供试剂量的盾壳霉均可不同程度地控制再侵染。盾壳霉分生孢子可在叶面病部迅速萌发,48 h和72 h时孢子萌发率分别为51%和95%,而在健康叶面上6 d未能检测到萌发的孢子。自携带盾壳霉的叶面病部不能分离到核盘菌,表明叶面上的盾壳霉已寄生并破坏了核盘菌再侵染菌丝。自油菜叶面上分离到的盾壳霉菌落数随时间延长而降低,但其分生孢子至少可以在叶面上存活28 d。这即表明,在叶面上适时适量地添加盾壳霉可以控制油菜菌核病的为害。  相似文献   

The effects of different inocula of the mycoparasite Coniothyrium minitans on carpogenic germination of sclerotia of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum at different times of year were assessed. A series of three glasshouse box bioassays was used to compare the effect of five spore-suspension inocula of C. minitans , including three different isolates (Conio, IVT1 and Contans), with a standard maizemeal–perlite inoculum. Apothecial production, as well as viability and C. minitans infection of S. sclerotiorum sclerotia buried in treated soil, were assessed. Maizemeal–perlite inoculum at 107 CFU per cm3 soil reduced sclerotial germination and apothecial production in all three box bioassays, decreasing sclerotial recovery and viability in the second bioassay and increasing C. minitans infection of sclerotia in the first bioassay. Spore-suspension inocula applied at a lower concentration (104 CFU per cm3 soil) were inconsistent in their effects on sclerotial germination in the three box bioassays. Temperature was an important factor influencing apothecial production. Sclerotial germination was delayed or inhibited when bioassays were made in the summer. High temperatures also inhibited infection of sclerotia by C. minitans . Coniothyrium minitans survived these high temperatures, however, and infected the sclerotia once the temperature decreased to a lower level. Inoculum level of C. minitans was an important factor in reducing apothecial production by sclerotia. The effects of temperature on both carpogenic germination of sclerotia and parasitism of sclerotia by C. minitans are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of Coniothyrium minitans inoculum quality and an 8-week interval between inoculum application and crop planting on sclerotinia ( Sclerotinia sclerotiorum ) disease in three successive lettuce crops were investigated in a glasshouse trial. Spore suspensions of three isolates of C. minitans (Conio, IVT1 and Contans) applied at 108 CFU m−2 and a standard Conio maizemeal–perlite application (06 L m−2, 1011 CFU m−2) were assessed for their ability to control S. sclerotiorum . Only the maizemeal–perlite inoculum (isolate Conio) consistently reduced sclerotinia disease. In the third lettuce crop only, isolates IVT1 and Contans formulated by Prophyta and isolate IVT as an oil–water formulation, all applied as spore suspensions, reduced disease at harvest compared with the untreated control. Recovery, viability and C. minitans infection of sclerotia buried during the 8-week period prior to each of the three lettuce crops, and of sclerotia formed on the crop, were tested. Only the maizemeal–perlite inoculum (isolate Conio) reduced the recovery of sclerotia buried in soil for weeks between inoculum application and crop planting, reducing their viability and increasing infection by C. minitans . Eight weeks was sufficient to enable C. minitans to infect sclerotia of S. sclerotiorum , and may account for disease control. After harvest of the second and third crops, maizemeal–perlite treatment (isolate Conio) reduced the number and viability of sclerotia recovered on the soil surface and increased infection by C. minitans compared with spore-suspension treatments. The effect of inoculum concentration and the influence of soil temperature (varying with time of year) on infection of sclerotia by C. minitans are discussed.  相似文献   

油菜菌核病是油菜生产中的重要病害,盾壳霉是核盘菌的重寄生真菌,在菌核病防治方面具有重要的生防潜力。为了明确盾壳霉与油菜长效专用配方肥料混合施用的可行性,本文研究了盾壳霉对油菜长效专用配方肥的敏感性。结果发现,低浓度的油菜长效专用配方肥(1.5和7.5 mg/mL)对盾壳霉菌丝生长、菌落及菌丝尖端形态和分生孢子萌发等无明显影响,高浓度的油菜长效专用配方肥对盾壳霉生长和孢子萌发有一定影响,在饱和浓度(560 mg/mL)条件下的油菜长效专用配方肥,24 h盾壳霉孢子的萌发率为0.83%,然而在96 h时萌发率可达到95%;油菜长效专用配方肥对盾壳霉产孢和寄生致腐菌核的能力无明显影响,寄生菌核30 d后,致腐指数均在50以上。研究结果表明,在田间生产中,盾壳霉可以与油菜长效专用配方肥料混合施用,达到轻简化栽培的目的。  相似文献   

许修宏 《植物保护》2009,35(3):57-59
小核盘菌菌丝在V8溶液培养基和酵母浸膏溶液培养基中生长显著优于其他供试培养基,菌丝干重分别为6.666 mg/mL和6.632 mg/mL。在葡萄糖土豆浸汁培养基中产生的乙二酸量显著高于其他培养基,为1.981 mg/mL。在蔗糖液培养基中,培养7 d菌丝干重达到最大,为4.455 mg/mL。培养6 d乙二酸产生量达到最大,为0.966 mg/mL。培养基初始pH4.5最适合菌丝生长,干重为4.678 mg/mL。乙二酸含量随初始pH增加而增加,pH7.0的培养基中乙二酸含量为1.835 mg/mL。氮源含量增加可以促进乙二酸的合成,当蔗糖与大豆水解蛋白之比为25 g/10 g时,乙二酸含量为1.897 mg/mL。添加琥珀酸钠乙二酸含量显著增加,为3.741 mg/mL。  相似文献   

The effects of the mycoparasites Coniothyrium minitans and Trichoderma atroviride on the suppression of alfalfa blossom blight caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum were evaluated under indoor and field conditions. When T. atroviride (9·0 × 104 conidia/floret) + S. sclerotiorum (6·0 × 103 ascospores/floret) or C. minitans (9·0 × 104 conidia/floret) + S. sclerotiorum (6·0 × 103 ascospores/floret) were applied to detached young alfalfa florets, T. atroviride effectively inhibited saprophytic growth of S. sclerotiorum, whereas C. minitans showed no inhibition under the same conditions. When T. atroviride (6·9 × 104 conidia/floret) + S. sclerotiorum (6·0 × 103 ascospores/floret) or C. minitans (6·9 × 104 conidia/floret) + S. sclerotiorum (6·0 × 103 ascospores/floret) was applied to young alfalfa petals in vivo just after pollination, the percentage of pod formation was higher for T. atroviride+S. sclerotiorum than that for C. minitans+S. sclerotiorum, and the percentage of pod rot was lower for T. atroviride+S. sclerotiorum than that for C. minitans+S. sclerotiorum. However, when they were applied to senescent petals attached to developing pods of alfalfa at 9·2 × 104 conidia/floret together with S. sclerotiorum at 4·5 × 103 ascospores/floret at 14 days after pollination, C. minitans was more effective than T. atroviride in suppressing sclerotinia pod rot and seed rot of alfalfa. Field experiments showed that three applications of C. minitans (5·4 × 106 conidia mL−1) or T. atroviride (5·4 × 106 conidia mL−1) at a 7-day interval to blossoms of alfalfa effectively suppressed sclerotinia pod rot in two out of three annual trials. Coniothyrium minitans effectively suppressed sclerotinia seed rot in all three years, whereas T. atroviride was not effective against seed rot in any of the trial years. The efficacy of C. minitans was not significantly different (P > 0·05) from benomyl (250 µg ai mL−1). This study suggests that C. minitans has potential as a biocontrol agent to control blossom blight of alfalfa caused by S. sclerotiorum.  相似文献   

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