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Abstract. Several diseases are known, including a number of inflammatory origin, in which the role of free radicals has been proved. In the elimination of reactive oxygen intermediates, SOD, catalase and GPase have a significant role. A study of the activities of these enzymes and of the lipid peroxidation in carp with swimbladder inflammation showed that the formation of free radicals plays a direct or indirect role in the development and/or progress of this inflammation.  相似文献   

The paper describes field experiments in Madagascar on the artificial propagation of common carp and on rearing larvae. It concerns the preparation of brood fish for spawning, induced spawning, artificial propagation and incubation techniques, and intensive larval rearing.  相似文献   

油炸鲤鱼软罐头的加工技术   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
随着淡水渔业的迅速发展,淡水鱼罐头的加工制作逐渐被重视起来。油炸鲤鱼软罐头是用生鲜鲤鱼为原料,经处理后、油炸、调味,再装入复合袋密封,然后进行加热杀菌后的制品。它具有制造工艺简单、营养丰富、风味独特、携带和食用方便等特点,深受广大人民群众的喜爱。现将其加工制作方法介绍如下: 一、加工的工艺流程 原料验收处理-去鳞、去头、去内脏-盐渍-油炸-配调味液-装袋-抽真空封口-杀菌-包装。 二、操作要点 1原料的选用 选用捕获鲜鲤鱼存放一定时间后的原料。要求鱼体完整,气味、色泽正常,肉质紧有弹性,原料鱼的大小…  相似文献   

本文作者在1992-1993年进行了5次鳊鱼初孵鱼苗(出膜后1-26小时)的运输试验,都获得成功。鳙鱼初孵鱼苗在运输路程120公里、运输时间3-4小时的情况下,运输成活率达95以上。  相似文献   

草鱼发塘池浮游植物共有6门41属,数量变幅为7.20×109~6.37×1010个/L,平均为2.04×1010个/L;优势门为蓝藻门,其次为绿藻门,分别占总数的80.5%和17.3%.浮游动物共计28属种和无节幼体,数量变幅为240~45 465个/L,平均为14 103个/L;优势种为轮虫,占总数的67.1%.本次试验过程中施基肥时间偏晚,施追肥数量较少和频度较低.  相似文献   

近年来,随着河南省洛阳地区水产养殖业的快速发展,草鱼苗种一直供不应求,制约了本地区水产养殖的发展.我们于1999年6月25日~1999年11月15日在洛阳市郊选择一口面积为6.5亩池塘,进行了池塘培育草鱼苗种的高产养殖试验,取得了较为满意的结果,现将试验情况总结如下.  相似文献   

鲢、鳙胰蛋白酶的研究   总被引:29,自引:2,他引:29  
黄峰 《水产学报》1996,20(1):68-71
鲢、鳙胰蛋白酶的研究黄峰,严安生,汪小东(华中农业大学,武汉430070)关键词鲢,鳙,胰蛋白酶STUDIESINTRYPSININSILVERCARPANDBIGHEADCARP¥HuangFeng;YanAnshengandWangXiaodon...  相似文献   

四种药物对异育银鲫鱼苗的急性毒性试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用常温静水实验法,探讨几种药物对异育银鲫鱼苗的急性毒性效应。结果表明:敌百虫24h、铝h、72h和96h半数致死浓度分别为0.22mg/L、0.2mg/L、0.18mg/L和0.16mg/L,安全浓度为0.016mg/L;溴氮海因24h、48h、72h和96h半数致死浓度分别为5.3mg/L、2.6mg/L、0.96mg/L和0.96mg/L,安全浓度为0.096mg/L;三氮异氰尿酸24h、48h、72h和96h半数致死浓度分别为2.67mg/L、2.13mg/L、0.6mg/L和0.6mg/L,安全浓度为0.06mg/L;溴氰菊酯24h、48h、72h和96h半数致死浓度分别为5.13×10-mg/L、1.78×10^-5mg/L、1.68×100mg/L和1.68×10^-5mg/L,安全浓度为1.68×10^-6mg/L。异育银鲫鱼苗对这几种药物的敏感性强度依次为:溴氰菊酯〉敌百虫〉三氮异氰尿酸〉溴氮海因。  相似文献   

The study was aimed at determining the optimal level of protein in a casein diet for grass carp. There was a linear relationship between the percentage of protein in the diet and the increase in fish protein and weight up to optimal levels of 41 and 43%, respectively. No further increase in fish protein or weight was noted with diets containing up to 64% of protein. However, if the optimal level was defined by the parabolic curve with the formula y = 36.21 + 6.238x ? 0.0593x2, it would equal 52.6 ± 1.93%. Net protein utilization (NPU) values for experimental diets were obtained using a formula which took the maintenance nitrogen metabolism on a non-protein diet into consideration. This NPU formula was related to the length of the experiment, difference in the weight of fish at the beginning of the experiment, and growth of fish fed protein diets. Both protein efficiency ratio (PER) and NPU decreased with the increase in protein content of the diets according to the formulae y = 1.966?0.018x and y = 40.8?0.327x + 302.6x, respectively.  相似文献   

青海湖裸鲤人工开口饵料配方的筛选试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人工开口饵料配方的筛选是裸鲤苗种人工培育和增殖放流的基础。王基琳 ( 1975 )报道青海湖裸鲤幼鱼是杂食性的为依据 ,裸鲤仔鱼的开口饵料配方的筛选试验我们在1996、 1997年以鱼粉、血粉、菜籽饼、豆饼和鸡蛋黄为主体原料 ,进行了试验 ,现将试验方法和结果表述如下。1 材料和方法1 1 试验材料从布哈河运回亲鱼 ,在西宁进行人工繁殖 ,获得鱼苗。鱼苗出膜 10天后 ,卵黄囊全部吸收完 ,利用 2 0× 0 4× 0 3米的水槽9组 ,各槽放入 5 0 0尾鱼苗 ,分别使用人工配制的开口饵料饲喂。测量试验鱼的初始体长平均为 1 35cm ,初始体重 (干重 )平…  相似文献   

2004年10~12月对云龙湖水库中鲢、鳙养殖群体的年龄组成和生长进行了初步分析。结果表明:鲢、鳙渔获物年龄组成较为复杂,生长缓慢。鲢由0 ~4 龄个体组成,2 龄以上个体占渔获物总数的78.2%,0 ~5 龄实测体长、体重分别为22.7 cm、0.27 kg,28.3 cm、0.54 kg,33.5 cm、0.87 kg,39.0 cm、1.30kg,41.6 cm、1.65 kg,达到750 g的一般商品规格需要3年;鳙渔获物由1 ~5 龄个体组成,各龄实测体长、体重分别为29.7 cm、0.74 kg,34.5 cm、1.09 kg,40.8 cm、1.79 kg,52.8 cm、3.78 kg,59.0 cm、4.77 kg,养成一般商品规格(1 500 g)需要4年。对造成云龙湖水库鲢鳙生长较慢的原因进行了初步分析,探讨了水库由传统的养殖型模式向鱼-水和谐的环境协调型模式转化的措施。  相似文献   

匙吻鲟发眼卵孵化及仔幼鱼培育试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本试验对匙吻鲟的孵化及仔幼鱼培育时期的生活习性及养殖技术进行了初步研究.匙吻鲟鱼苗孵出后经6d培育,开口摄食,再经35d培育,全长可达100mm.在养殖过程中匙吻鲟均游动在水体中上层,易自残.主要摄食轮虫和枝角类,对水蚯蚓和人工配合饲料不喜食.匙吻鲟对水质的要求比较高且不耐低氧.  相似文献   

线纹尖塘鳢仔鱼期历时14~15 d,初孵仔鱼个体只有2.85 mm;混合营养期短,仅2~3 d,这对仔鱼的成活极为不利。仔幼鱼的摄饵大小L(mm)与口宽D(mm)呈正相关,关系式为D=2.0349L 0.2371,开口饵料大小为150~200μm轮虫。15日龄进入稚鱼期,历时29~30 d;27日龄后,全长约15 mm的稚鱼可以驯食人工混合饲料。45日龄后仔鱼发育成早期幼鱼,此时全长约27.2 mm。依仔幼鱼的食性与生长发育特性,2002~2005年间进行池塘规模化育苗,由前期仔鱼育成全长22.0~34.0 mm早期幼鱼523.7万尾,成活率20.3%~21.7%。  相似文献   

氟苯尼考在鲫体内的药动学研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本研究首先建立了鲫血浆中氟苯尼考的反相高效液相色谱检测法(RT-HPLC)。其相关系数r>0.999,日内和日间的平均精密度分别在5%、12%以内,萃取回收率为85.2%~93.1%,准确度为87.7%~105.3%,血浆内的最低检测限为0.015μg/mL。以10 mg/(kg.d)剂量的氟苯尼考对鲫进行单次口灌,得出氟苯尼考在鲫血浆中的药动学符合一室模型,一级速率吸收,一级速率消除。其消除半衰期为9.7 h,表观分布容积为2.49 L/kg,总体清除率为0.18 L/(kg.h),最大血药浓度2.99μg/mL、达峰时间为4.1 h。表明氟苯尼考在鲫体内具有吸收快,分布广泛,消除较慢的特点。  相似文献   

鲫鱼出血病病原的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于翔  宋文华  富丽静 《水利渔业》2007,27(3):109-110
自患出血病的2龄鲫鱼肝、肾、脾中分离出3株细菌,肌肉注射感染,均能复制出原始症状。经鉴定,分离自肝的细菌为解藻朊酸弧菌,分离自肾、脾的细菌为维罗那气单胞菌温和生物变种。其中解藻朊酸弧菌的毒力更强。药敏试验结果显示复方新诺明、庆大霉素、头孢西丁等抗生素对2种致病菌均较敏感,氨苄西林对2种菌耐药。  相似文献   

This paper describes an experiment using a recirculatory-filtering system operating in two rectangular cemented ponds (160 and 190 m2, 1.5 m deep) to rear fry (25 mm–50 mm) of the major Indian carp species Labeo rohita (Hamilton) and Catla catla (Hamilton) to fingerlings (100 mm–125 mm). These operations were concluded in both the species in 32 days at stocking densities of 0.46 million/ha and 0.55 million/ha, and showed survival rates of 96.6% and 84.4% respectively. In the presently followed practices of modern fish culturists, corresponding operations in earth ponds usually take 90 days and have a stocking density of 0.2 million/ha with survival rates more or less similar to those obtained in the recirculatory-filtering system. If followed by industry, the technique described will enable production of major Indian carp fingerlings with great saving in time, the use of water and the space occupied by the production system. These advantages greatly enhance the economic viability of rearing carp fingerling in India.  相似文献   

Diets based on fish meal and soyabean meal were fed to grass carp fry, the average body weight of each individual being 0.4 g. During the 70 days of the experiment, the best results were obtained with a diet containing 40% fish meal, when growth increment, protein efficiency ratio and apparent net protein utilization amounted to 209, 1.26 and 20.3, respectively. There was a deficiency in sulphuric amino acids in both fish meal- and soyabean meal-containing diets, and this was particularly marked in the latter. A significant decrease in available lysine was found in the diets containing soyabean meal. The main reason for the retardation in fish growth and the reduction of protein utilization when soyabean meal content is increased in the diets, seemed to be that the destruction of anti-nutritional factors by the heat processing of the meal was only partial.  相似文献   

本试验以白鲢鱼苗为试验对象, 选用活性 炭、温度、氯化钠和碳酸四 因素模拟运输正交试验以及样品的水质检验。四因素最佳 组合为: 活 性炭为75 克 ( 15 % ) , 温度为 20 ℃, 氯化钠为02 % , 碳酸为300pp m 。正交试验中存活时间 最长为48h ( 空白对照为 28 h) , 碳酸是最主要的影响因素, 水质中溶氧对结果影响最大。  相似文献   

Abstract. The tilapine fish species belonging to the genus Oreochromis brood developing eggs and early fry in their buccal cavities. Though it is obvious that mouth brooding facilitates a physical protection from environmental hazards by keeping fry in this confined environment, it is still not clear whether mouth brooding provides any other type of protection to the early fry against pathogens. Investigations were made to study the possibility of protection of early fry of O. mossambicus against infections of the ciliate parasite Ichthyophthirius multifiliis during mouth brooding. Adult females were effectively immunized against I. multifiliis. Brooding immune females were then challenged with controlled infections of I. multifiliis tomites and the survival of the fry compared to those of challenged non-immune brooding females. The study demonstrated that there was some protection from the infection conferred to fry during mouthbrooding.  相似文献   

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