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In this study, we report the features of an adenocarcinoma with giant cell formation spontaneously occurring in the accessory sex glands of a male 10-month-old Sprague-Dawley rat. A milky white mass was found in the region corresponding to the left seminal vesicle and the left coagulating gland. Histologically, tumor cells exhibited diverse growth patterns, including glandular/trabecular, cystic, and sheet-like growth areas. The tumor cells were pleomorphic, with round- or oval-shaped nuclei and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. Mitotic figures were occasionally observed. Giant cells were also prominent in the sheet-like growth area, with intracytoplasmic vacuoles containing eosinophilic material. The stroma was rich in collagen fibers and fibroblasts. Numerous inflammatory cells were observed in the glandular and cystic lumina and stroma. Immunohistochemically, the tumor cells were positive for cytokeratin AE1/AE3 and proliferating cell nuclear antigen. In the sheet-like growth area, some of the tumor cells and giant cells were positive for vimentin in the cytoplasm adjacent to the nucleus. Electron microscopy revealed that the tumor cells contained a small number of mitochondria and rough endoplasmic reticulum, and had no basement membrane or desmosome. The giant cells occasionally contained variably sized intracytoplasmic lumina and globular filamentous bodies, probably corresponding to vimentin. Considering these morphological features, the tumor was diagnosed as an adenocarcinoma with the formation of giant tumor cells originating from the male accessory sex glands.  相似文献   

In this study, we tried to optimize the porcine semen extender conditions to maximize the differences between live X chromosome-bearing (X) spermatozoa and to Y chromosome-bearing (Y) spermatozoa without a decline in the fertility rate at different pH conditions during storage. We observed the viability of X and Y boar spermatozoa in acidic (pH 6.2), original (pH 7.2), and alkaline condition (pH 8.2) for 5 days to investigate the effect of storage conditions on the X to Y spermatozoa ratio. The functional parameters of spermatozoa were also examined to evaluate sperm quality. Sperm motility was preserved at pH 7.2 and pH 6.2 for 3 days, while sperm motility at pH 8.2 decreased significantly after 2 days. Non-capacitated spermatozoa increased while capacitated spermatozoa decreased during storage. Sperm viability decreased significantly duration-dependent under all pH conditions, but there was no significant difference during storage at pH 6.2 and 7.2. The X: Y ratio of live spermatozoa in acidic condition was maximized (1.2:1) without affecting the sperm function and fertility-related protein expression after 2 days compared to original conditions. Moreover, insemination of sows using acidic extender increased the number of female pups on days 1 and 2 of preservation. These results indicate that the production of female offspring may increase when acidic BTS is used for 2 days without affecting the success rate of AI. Above all, this method is simple and economical compared to other methods.  相似文献   

抗生素对猪精液常温保存效果的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采集9头公猪的精液(其中长白4头、大白4头、杜洛克1头),对精液进行稀释后,分别加入9种抗生素,在18℃保存,测定精子保存时间和精子存活指数.结果表明:磺胺抗菌效果最好,其有效保存时间为4.38 d,精子存活指数为3.14.恩诺沙星、阿奇霉素、林肯霉素的抗菌效果次之,庆大霉素、青链霉素的抗菌效果再次之,新霉素、卡那霉素的抗菌效果最差.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the optimal concentration of curcumin needed for cryopreservation of boar semen. Semen samples (n = 9) were collected from nine Duroc boars which having proven fertility were used for routine artificial insemination. Semen samples were collected and divided into six groups (groups A‐F) according to various concentrations of curcumin in freezing extender (i.e. 0, 0.125, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 and 1.0 mmol/L, respectively). The semen was frozen by traditional liquid nitrogen vapor method and stored at ?196°C in the liquid nitrogen tank. After storage, frozen semen samples were thawed at 50°C for 12 s and evaluated for progressive motility, viability and acrosome integrity. The present results indicated that the addition of curcumin at 0.25 (group C) or 0.50 mmol/L curcumin (group D) yielded the higher percentage of progressive motility (33.3 and 36.1%, respectively) (P < 0.001). A significantly higher percentage of acrosome integrity was found in groups B (29.7%), C (31.1%) and D (30.2%) than in the other groups (P < 0.01). However, there was no significant difference in percentage of viability among groups. In conclusion, addition to the freezing extender of curcumin during cryopreservation at a concentration of 0.25 or 0.50 mmol/L is the optimal concentration of curcumin for improving the quality (i.e. increased progressive motility and acrosome integrity) of cryopreserved boar semen.  相似文献   

羊驼副性腺结构的组织化学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解羊驼的生殖生理特性,采用大体解剖与组织学方法对羊驼副性腺的形态结构进行了研究。结果显示,羊驼副性腺有前列腺和尿道球腺,没有精囊腺。尿道球腺呈圆形,位于坐骨弓处,前列腺位于尿生殖道起始部的背侧,每一腺体都有腺管开口于尿生殖道;羊驼副性腺的基本组织结构和其他哺乳动物相似,但有较小的差异。尿道球腺为有许多弯曲分枝的复管泡状腺,分泌物较为黏稠,PAS染色强阳性,呈鲜红色;前列腺为复管泡状腺,前列腺的分泌物是一种稀薄的蛋白样液,PAS染色阳性,染色较浅。结果证实,羊驼前列腺和尿道球腺可分泌较多的糖物质,使精子生存较长时间;羊驼繁殖慢的特点可能与其生存环境差,易造成流产或妊娠期长且为单胎有关,而并不是精液本身的问题。  相似文献   

Boldenone and its precursor Boldione are illegally used for anabolic purposes in humans, horses and cattle. To develop more effective policies and programs to maximize food security, Italian Public Health Services investigate all indicators capable of assisting the recognition of treated animals, and prioritize research and the formulation of action strategies for the promotion of healthy eating. Thus, an experimental administration of boldenone and boldione at anabolic dosages in veal calves was carried out to evaluate the changes in target organs by qualitative and semi-quantitative morphological analysis. The lesions resembled the effects already observed after the administration of androgen hormones to cattle. Main findings were represented by prostate hypersecretion, increased rate of apoptotic cells and decreased rate of Ki67 positive cells in the germ cell line of treated animals, particularly in boldione group and finally some new features like hypertrophy of the prostate urothelial cells.  相似文献   

为了研究新型公猪信息素对大龄后备母猪发情的影响,选取526头255日龄左右无初情期记录的二元回交后备母猪,随机分为2组,试验组每天在鼻镜上喷新型公猪信息素4 mL,连喷21 d,21 d后还不发情的猪则并栏7 d应激,每天喷1次新型公猪信息素,每次4 mL;期间有发情表现的猪即可停止喷洒.对照组在相同条件下仅仅依靠人工...  相似文献   

The main aim of the present study was to evaluate the cryoprotective effect of apigenin (AP) and ferulic acid (FA) on boar sperm during cryopreservation. AP and FA were both demonstrated to be high‐efficiency antioxidants and had not previously been used to protect sperm from cryodamage. As boar sperm is sensitive to oxidative stress, suitable antioxidants are still needed for improving frozen‐thawed sperm quality. With this purpose, semen samples coming from five boars were used in this study. Ejaculates of five boars were mixed and split into 16 aliquots, in which different doses of AP and FA were added separately or together. The motility, the plasma membrane integrity, the mitochondrial activity, the acrosomal integrity, the antioxidase activities and the malondialdehyde concentration of the frozen‐thawed boar sperm were assessed. The results suggested that both AP and FA significantly improved the frozen‐thawed boar sperm quality in all these aspects when they were added to the freezing extender separately, while the highest improvement was recorded when the extender was supplemented with 0.1 mmol/L AP plus 0.15 mmol/L FA. These findings demonstrated that supplementation of freezing extender with both AP and FA had a combined, beneficial effect on frozen‐thawed boar sperm.  相似文献   

本试验采用DNA测序技术测定了15头野猪235bp的SLA—DQB基因外显子2序列.结合GeneBank中报道的另3头野猪和18头家猪共36个个体的相应序列,重点对野猪SLA—DQB外显子2进行核苷酸多态性分析。结果表明野猪SLA—DQB外显子2具有较丰富的核苷酸多态性;在家猪品种改良中,野猪具有潜在的遗传价值。  相似文献   

Aquaporins (AQPs) are channel proteins that facilitate the transepithelial and bidirectional movement of water. AQP9 is an aquaporin that is expressed in the mammalian epididymis. This water transport contributes to epididymal sperm concentration. This study aimed to examine the morphology of epididymal epithelium in piglets and boars, as well as the expression and immunolocalization of AQP9. The piglets presented an epididymal epithelium in differentiation with principal, basal and apical cells. The cellular population of the epididymal epithelium in boars consisted of principal, basal, apical, clear and narrow cells. The migratory cells known as halo cells were observed in the epididymis of both piglets and boars. AQP9 expression presented differences between piglets and boars. Moderate intensity of AQP9 immunoreaction was observed in the apical border of the epididymal epithelium of the caput and cauda regions in the piglet epididymis. A moderate‐to‐intense reaction for AQP9 was observed in the nuclei of epithelial cells of the three epididymal regions in the boar epididymis. The region of the cauda epididymis showed reactivity for AQP9 also in the apical border of the epithelium. It is believed that the AQP9 is already functional in piglets at only 1 week of age and is more active, playing a pivotal role in the caput and cauda regions of the epididymis. Moreover, the intense AQP9 expression in the apical border of epithelial cells in the cauda region of the boar epididymis suggests a higher performance of AQP9 in this region, where sperm complete their maturation process, stored and concentrated.  相似文献   

The possibility of selecting boars for deep freezing of spermatozoa was evaluated by tests of frozen-thawed spermatozoa. 20 of 31 ejaculates were used for artificial insemination of 37 gilts. Boar seminal plasma and OLEP were used as thawing diluents. The thermoresistance test and the extracellular concentration of aspartate aminotransferase (ASAT) were used as indicators of fertility. Spermatozoa from 4 boars were utilized. 1 of the boars appeared to be of superior fertility, while the spermatozoa from another was infertile. The latter animal had been used for fresh artificial insemination trials, and had shown higher pregnancy rates than the average. Samples from this boar exhibited the lowest degree of motility after 3 hours storage at 37 degrees C, the greatest relative decrease of motility during the thermoresistance test, the greatest release of ASAT after thawing by OLEP, and greatest relative release of ASAT. These variations were statistically significant (p less than .05). The results show that there is a possibility of detecting boars with spermatozoa with potential low freezability.  相似文献   

The entire ductus epididymidis is characterized by pseudostratified columnar epithelium which contain principal and basal cells. Apical cells are found in the proximal segments. Long stereocilia projected from the apical surface of the principal cells. Signs of adjacent apocrine secretory activity are shown. The various segments of the ductus epididymidis present differences in the height of the epithelium, the development of the stereocilia, the appearance of granules in the cytoplasm, the luminal sperm concentration and the height of the peritubular layer.  相似文献   

Peroxidation damage induces sublethal injury to boar sperm during the storage process. Taurine has already been demonstrated to protect cells effectively from oxidant‐induced injury. This study was aimed to evaluate the effect of different concentrations of taurine (0.5, 1, 5 and 10 mmol/L) in Modena diluent on boar sperm quality during liquid storage at 17°C. Ejaculates from sexually mature Duroc pigs were collected, pooled and preserved in the Modena containing different concentrations of taurine. Sperm motility, plasma membrane integrity, acrosome integrity, total antioxidative capacity (T‐AOC) activity and malondialdehyde content (MDA) were examined every 24 h. Modena diluent containing taurine suppressed the reduction in sperm qualities during the process of liquid preservation compared with those of the control group. After 5 days of liquid preservation, the addition of taurine at 5 mmol/L had the optimal effect on survival time as well as maintenance of motility, plasma membrane integrity, acrosomal integrity, T‐AOC activity and MDA content. These results may suggest the possibility that the proper addition of taurine to the semen extender improves the swine production system using artificial insemination by the suppressing of sperm damage and subsequent dysfunction during liquid preservation.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to determine whether in the Japanese quail the male genital tract contains receptors for progesterone, androgen and estrogen (PR, AR and ER, respectively), which have significant roles in reproductive functions, and whether their localization changes during sexual maturation. The epididymis and ductus deferens (middle and ampulla regions) of immature (approximately 30-day-old) and mature male Japanese quail were collected and frozen sections of them were immunostained for PR, AR and ER. The immunoreaction products for AR and PR were found in the nuclei of epithelial cells in the efferent ductules, epididymal duct, and the middle and ampulla regions of the ductus deferens of mature and immature birds. In the mature birds, the epithelial cells of the efferent ductules, epididymal duct, and the middle and ampulla regions of the ductus deferens were positive for ER, although some of the cells in the ductus deferens were negative. The epithelial cells of the ductules in the epididymis stained positive for ER, but the immunoreactions were negligible in the ductus deferens of immature birds. These results suggest that the epididymis and ductus deferens in quail possesses PR, AR and ER receptors. Each receptor is expressed before sexual maturation, although enhancement of ER expression may occur during maturation.  相似文献   

选择54头健康断奶的50日龄50%野猪血缘的特种野猪为试验用猪(平均体重为7.92±0.61 kg),日粮消化能分为12.76,13.17和13.6M J/kg 3个水平;蛋白含量分为14%,16%和18%3个水平,采用3×3完全随机试验设计。研究了9种不同能量和蛋白质水平的日粮在舍饲条件下,特种野猪生长期的能量和蛋白质营养需要量。结果表明:在日粮表观消化率方面,不同能量水平对于总能、粗蛋白、干物质,高能组和中能组比低能组分别提高3.66%和2.55%(P<0.05),3.26%和1.29%(P<0.05);3.01%和1.74%。不同蛋白水平对于总能、粗蛋白、干物质,高蛋白组和中蛋白组比低蛋白组分别提高1.95%和1.36%(P<0.05);2.01%(P<0.05)和0.7%;1.55%(P<0.05)和0.92%。生长性能方面,不同能量水平中,中能组的日增重显著高于高能组与低能组(P<0.05),高能组平均日采食量,显著低于中能、低能组(P<0.05),对于料肉比,高能、中能组显著低于低能组(P<0.05)。不同粗蛋白水平中,对于平均日采食量,低蛋白水平显著高于高蛋、中蛋白水平(P<0.05),对于料重比,低蛋白水平显著高于高蛋白、中蛋白水平(P<0.05)。总之,日粮消化能在13.17 M J/kg和粗蛋白在16%水平有一个较好的生产性能,更能适应广西特种野猪的营养需要。  相似文献   

The present study aimed to investigate the influence of sex on the quality of meat from farmed pheasants. Male (roosters, n = 18) and female (hens, n = 18) pheasants were slaughtered at 25 weeks of age. The breast muscles (Pectoralis major) were cut out from chilled carcasses and analyzed to determine the proximate chemical composition, fatty acid profile, and physicochemical and sensory properties of meat. Chemical analyses revealed that the meat of male had higher (p ≤ .05) content of collagen, Na, Cu, and Zn, whereas meat from females had higher (p ≤ .05) concentrations of total nitrogen of water‐soluble compounds, nitrogen of water‐soluble non‐protein compounds, K, and Mn. The meat of male was characterized by greater (p ≤ .05) cooking loss. A sensory evaluation revealed that meat from females had lower (p ≤ .05) taste intensity and aroma desirability. Meat from male and female pheasants revealed differences in the content of minerals as well as low‐molecular‐weight water‐soluble nitrogen compounds, which may affect the flavor of cooked meat. Irrespective of these differences, the analyzed pheasant meat was characterized by high quality, which indicates that it could offer an attractive alternative to other types of meat.  相似文献   

试验以体重为(13±1)kg的健康含野猪血液为75%的特种野猪为试验动物,采用2(能量)×3(赖氨酸)因子完全交叉设计,研究不同能量、赖氨酸水平对特种野猪生长期生产性能及胴体品质的影响。试验结果表明:①在生长性能方面,不同能量、赖氨酸水平对末重、料重比均有显著影响(P<0.05),且对平均日增重有极显著的影响(P<0.01),对平均日采食量和总采食量均有极显著的影响(P<0.01)。②在屠宰性能方面,不同能量、赖氨酸对屠宰率、背膘厚和瘦肉率有显著影响,对胴体体长和眼肌面积均无显著影响(P>0.05)。综合各项指标,当能量12.5 MJ/kg、赖氨酸为1.0%时,特种野猪生长最好,屠宰性能最佳。  相似文献   

Semen samples from 1531 young boars eligible for AI service were examined for normality. Sperm concentration (s.c.) was determined by the hemocytometer technique in 1348 of the samples. Seminal plasma total solids (t.s.) were determined on all samples in order to control whether the semen samples originated from complete ejaculates.The hemocytometer counts showed an arithmetic mean of 370 × 106/ml with a standard deviation of 188×106/ml. No correlation was found either between s.c. and age or between s.c. and season of the year.The seminal plasma t.s. showed an arithmetic mean of 4.6% with a standard deviation of 1.35%. No correlation was found between t.s. and s.c. or between t.s. and the age of the boars. Neither was there any association between t.s. and the season of the year.Values of t.s. below 1.6% combined with aspermia were regarded as the result of incomplete ejaculations and the following retest from such cases gave ejaculates showing normal values concerning s.c. and t.s. A drop in t.s. combined with an admixture of pathological cells to the ejaculate may indicate an inflammatory condition in the vesicular glands.  相似文献   

试验研究不同日粮结构和能量水平对后备期特种野母猪饲料养分消化率、血清生化指标的影响。通过采用2(日粮结构)×4(能量水平)因子设计,选用后备特种野母猪32头随机分为8组",玉米-豆粕"型和"40%的稻谷-玉米-豆粕"型日粮各设4个能量水平。结果表明:①养分表观消化率:不同日粮结构对各营养物质表观消化率的影响未达显著水平(P>0.05)。不同能量水平对试验猪只总能、粗蛋白、干物质的表观消化率的影响显著(P<0.05),对粗灰分的表观消化率影响不显著(P>0.05)。②生化指标:不同日粮结构对各生化指标影响均不显著(P>0.05)。不同能量水平对血清TP、血清Alb、血清Glo的影响达到了显著水平(P<0.05)。结论:后备期特种野母猪最适宜的日粮结构为"40%的稻谷-玉米-豆粕"型日粮,消化能为13.00 MJ/kg。  相似文献   

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