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New mammary infections were recorded in 3 dairy herds during a lactation period by bacteriologic examination of milk samples at 3-week intervals. Influences of the infection status of quarters at the time of new infection and of microorganisms responsible for bacterial invasion were analyzed. The new infection rate in uninfected quarters was about 3 times the rate in quarters already harboring bacterial considered minor pathogens (coagulase-negative staphylococci and Corynebacterium bovis) or major pathogens (Staphylococcus aureus, streptococci). The frequency of new infections with major pathogens was almost halved by preexisting infections with minor pathogens (P = 0.05), mainly because of coagulase-negative staphylococci (P = 0.05) and, to a lesser extent, C bovis (P = 0.19). New infections by minor pathogens also were less frequent in quarters harboring a major pathogen (P less than 0.05), indicating that the competition or antagonism between mammary infections was a general phenomenon.  相似文献   

A survey was conducted of the prevalence of environmental pathogens, especially Streptococcus uberis, as causes of clinical mastitis in dairy cows. The response of intramammary infections with S uberis to conventional treatment was monitored by taking milk samples for bacteriology and somatic cell counting seven, 14 and 21 days after the treatment. The results showed that 51 per cent of the infections failed to respond, and the odds of cases failing to respond was significantly increased when the individual quarter somatic cell count seven days after the treatment was greater than 201,000 cells/ml. Ninety-six per cent of the suspected S uberis isolates identified by culture were confirmed as S uberis by using the api 20 Strep system. Restriction endonuclease fingerprinting was used to type the strains of S uberis isolated from 75 milk samples from 32 cows. Analysis showed that 96 per cent of the cases of S uberis that failed to respond to conventional treatment were persistent infections with one strain rather than reinfections with different strains. The persistent cases of S uberis were treated further with an extended course of intramammary preparations containing either procaine penicillin with dihydrostreptomycin or cefquinome. There was no significant difference between the cure rates achieved by the two preparations, and 55 per cent of the cases that had failed to respond to conventional treatment responded to the additional treatment.  相似文献   

Routine examination of milk was performed on five herds of lactating goats in northern Italy as part of a milk quality-monitoring program in the year 2000. As part of the study, aseptic samples of foremilk were collected monthly from both half udders during the entire lactation for 305 goats, resulting in a total of 4571 samples. The samples were tested with cytological and bacteriological analyses to evaluate the relationship between mammary infections and somatic-cell count (SCC; Fossomatic (TM) method). Prevalence of intramammary infection (IMI) was 40.2% (n = 1837) of all udder-half samples examined. The most-prevalent mastitis agents were coagulase-negative Staphylococci (CNS), 80% (n = 1474 udder-half samples); within this group, Staphylococcus epidermidis was the most-prevalent species (38%). Other prevalence were Staphylococcus aureus 6% (n = 112 udder-half samples) and environmental pathogens 14% of infected udder-half samples (n = 251) with a diverse mixture of species, none of which had a frequency of >4%. Enterococcus faecalis was the most-frequently isolated among this group. Neither Salmonella spp. nor Listeria monocytogenes were detected. The risk (sample level) of infection differed across herds, parities, and stage of lactation according to results from logistic multiple regression. Infection was more common among goats in third and fourth parities and during the later stages of lactation. Of the 2734 samples from uninfected udder halves, the mean log2 SCC was 3.9 cell/ml; of the 1837 bacteriological positive samples, the mean log2 SCC was 5.6 cell/ml. According to results from a linear mixed model, concentrations of somatic cells tended to increase with increasing age and days in milk and with the presence of bacteria. Infection with S. aureus was associated with the highest SCS.  相似文献   

Risk factors for intramammary infections caused by coagulase-negative staphylococci, contagious major pathogens and environmental major pathogens in early lactating heifers were evaluated at the herd, heifer and quarter levels. In total, 764 quarters of 191 dairy heifers in 20 randomly selected farms in Flanders (Belgium) were sampled. Quarter milk samples were collected between 1 and 4 days in milk and between 5 and 8 days in milk for bacteriological culture. Data were analyzed using multivariable, multilevel logistic regression analysis. Higher average herd milk somatic cell count (>200,000 cells/mL), not having an effective fly control strategy, contact with lactating cows prior to calving and moderate to severe udder edema prior to calving increased the odds of intramammary infections caused by contagious major pathogens. Poor heifer hygiene and lack of mineral/vitamin supplementation prior to calving were risk factors for intramammary infection caused by environmental major pathogens. Teat apex colonization with coagulase-negative staphylococci prior to calving seemed to protect quarters against intramammary infections caused by major pathogens. Poor heifer hygiene before calving, a non-clipped udder and not practicing of teat dipping prior to calving increased the odds of intramammary infection with coagulase-negative staphylococci. Although management is important in the prevention and control of intramammary infections in early lactating heifers, most variation in the prevalence of intramammary infections resided at the heifer and quarter levels, indicating that the susceptibility for intramammary infections around calving is mainly determined by heifer and quarter characteristics.  相似文献   

Aesculin-hydrolyzing, catalase-negative, gram-positive cocci isolated from subclinical intramammary infections in dairy cows were identified to species level using growth characteristics and biochemical activity. The results indicated that the aesculin-hydrolyzing cocci associated with this type of infection are a very heterogenic group. S. uberis strains, including inulin- or beta-glucuronidase-negative isolates, accounted for only about one-third of the collection, and Enterococcus faecalis strains for one-fifth. Other species of some importance included (in descending order of isolation frequency) Aerococcus viridans, Streptococcus pluranimalium, Lactococcus garvieae, Streptococcus bovis and Streptococcus gallolyticus.  相似文献   

In this study, the prevalence of intramammary infection (IMI) with coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) in The Netherlands was estimated on 49 randomly selected herds with at least 40 lactating cows. In total, 4220 quarter milk samples were collected. The prevalence of CNS IMI in The Netherlands was estimated at 10.8% at quarter level and 34.4% at cow level, making it the most frequently isolated group of pathogens. Fourteen species of CNS were identified; the most frequently isolated species was Staphylococcus chromogenes (30.3%) followed by Staphylococcus epidermidis (12.9%) and Staphylococcus capitis (11.0%). Prevalence of CNS IMI was higher in heifers compared to older cows. Geometric mean quarter SCC of CNS-positive quarters was 109,000 cells/ml, which was approximately twice as high as culture-negative quarters. Quarters infected with S. chromogenes, S. capitis and Staphylococcus xylosus had a higher SCC (P<0.05) than culture-negative quarters, while quarters that were culture-positive for S. epidermidis and Staphylococcus hyicus tended to have a higher SCC than culture-negative quarters. An increased prevalence of CNS IMI was associated with the herd-level variables source of drinking water not being tap water, housing of dry cows in one group instead of multiple groups, measurement of cow SCC every month, udder health monitoring by the veterinarian, pasturing during outdoor season, percentage of stalls contaminated with milk, and BMSCC>250,000 cells/ml. Although a causal relation between these factors and prevalence of CNS is not proven and for some factors not even likely, knowledge of the associations found may be helpful when approaching CNS problems on dairy farms.  相似文献   

Herd-level risk factors for high herd prevalence of Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus agalactiae intramammary infection were studied using data from Holstein herds participating in the New York State Quality Milk Promotion Services Program during the period 1978–1983. Using information from initial surveys and bacteriologic sampling of all herds, a set of possible risk factors for each organism was examined. Comparisons between herds with high and zero prevalence of each infection were made. Failure to teat dip and use of common cloths or sponges for udder preparation increased the odds of high prevalence for both organisms. Selective or no dry cow therapy, having tie stall or stanchion housing and using dry massage or no udder preparation increased the risk for Str. agalactiae, but not for S. aureus infection. Milking machine function played a role in the risk of both infections.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of the California mastitis test (CMT) to detect an intramammary infection caused by a major mastitis pathogen in early lactation cows. The gold standard used for comparison was bacteriological culture of single milk samples. The sensitivity (82.4%) and specificity (80.6%) of a positive CMT were highest on the 4th day of lactation.  相似文献   

Our objective was to describe cow and quarter-level factors associated with drying-off, and to evaluate their impacts on new intramammary infections (IMI) during the dry period. Data from 300 cows in five research herds were collected starting 2 weeks prior to scheduled drying-off. Variables of interest included daily milk production, teat-end integrity, formation of the teat-canal keratin plug, and quarter-milk bacteriological culture results. Overall, 11% of quarters developed new IMI in the dry period; this varied by herd, parity and time of the study. Most new IMI were caused by environmental streptococci and coliform organisms (34 and 30%, respectively). Quarters that had a cracked teat-end had higher odds of developing new infections than those without cracks (15 and 10%, respectively). Quarters that formed a keratin plug early in the dry period had a lower odds than those that did not close (10 and 14%, respectively). After 6 dry weeks, 23% of quarters were still open. The hazard of quarters closing if milk production on the day prior to drying-off was >21 kg 1.8-times less.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to determine the relationship between morphological findings of the surface of teat duct particularly the level of ceratosis and the prevalence of intramammary infections (IMI). The study was conducted on a commercial dairy herd housing about 3000 lactating dairy cows. We examined 891 quarters in the middle of lactation. Duplicate samples of quarter foremilk were collected monthly. The bacteriological status of quarters was determined according to the recommendations of IDF. At the same time teats were evaluated by clinical examinations. The appearance of teat skin lesions and the status of the teat duct especially the existence of hyperceratosis (HC) was documented. Four classes of teat duct hyperceratosis were defined: without, slight, medium and severe HC. The rate of IMI in different classes of hyperceratosis of teat duct was compared by Chi-square analysis. Prevalences of intramammary infections were determined three times (P1, P2 and P3) during the study period. Prevalence of infection was high for S. aureus (P1: 5.6% vs. P2: 4.5% vs. P3: 4.3%), Sc. agalactiae (P1: 2.7% vs. P2: 2.6% vs. P3: 2.8%) and CNS (P1: 10.7% vs. P2: 8.8% vs. P3: 9.6%). Furthermore we detected IMI caused by other streptococci, yeast, E. coli and mixed infections. A positive correlation between status of HC and prevalence of IMI for Sc. agalactiae was found. At the second and third sampling time the rate of intramammary infection with Sc. agalactiae in quarters with medium HC (P2: 9.21% and P3: 13.73%) differed significantly (p < 0.05) compared to groups without (P2: 1.56% and P3: 1.91%) and slight hyperceratosis (P2: 2.33% and P3: 2.56%). The results of our study indicate a correlation between morphology of teat duct surface, especially regarding to Sc. agalactiae. On one hand HC can cause high intramammary infection rate with Sc. agalactiae. On the other hand it is possible that HC is the consequence of a quarter infection with Sc. agalactiae. Further research is required.  相似文献   

Dairy herds in Ohio were selected by stratified random sampling for participation in a disease-monitoring study to relate Streptococcus agalactiae intramammary prevalence to herd management and environmental conditions. Of 48 herds studied, 27 herds had at least 1 cow infected with this pathogen. Management and environmental conditions were assessed by direct observation as well as by an interview with the dairy producers. One-way ANOVA or chi 2 analysis, with presence or absence of Streptococcus agalactiae as the dependent variable, was used to test each of 70 independent variables. Variables found significant at P less than 0.20 were further evaluated by use of logistic regression. Our sample size permitted only 4 independent variables to be simultaneously evaluated by logistic regression. The most predictive risk factors were identified as poor teat and udder hygiene, poor environmental sanitation, large herd population, and use of a shared washcloth for premilking cleaning of teats and udders.  相似文献   

The association of common bacterial pathogens in milk samples during calving with udder shape or the presence of 'teat-end' lesions was investigated in 240 dairy cows from two herds. Sixty-three of 120 cows (53%) in one herd (herd A) and 54/120 animals (45%) in a second herd (herd B) had normal-shaped udders. The remaining animals had udder shapes defined as follows: large pendulous (18% herd A, 26% herd B); large between hindquarter (10% herd A, 17% herd B); overall small (8% herd A, 5% herd B); or small but pendulous (11% herd A, 7% herd B). At calving teat-end lesions were present in 63% and 76% of the quarters of herd A and B animals, respectively. There was no herd effect on udder shape or teat-end lesions. Analysis of variance revealed that udder shape and teat-end lesions did not have a significant association with quarter somatic cell count. However there was some association between mammary infection and udder shape and teat-end lesions. Compared to other udder shapes, cows with large between hindquarter shape had significantly less Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus uberis infection (P<0.001). There was a similar albeit less significant negative association with Escherichia coli infection (P<0.01). Infection with Streptococcus agalactiae and Streptococcus dysgalactiae was more frequent in cows with large pendulous and overall small udder conformations. The results also suggest an association between intra-mammary infection at calving and the presence of hyperkeratotic teat-end lesions, given that S. aureus, coagulase-negative staphylococci, S. uberis, S. agalactiae and E. coli were cultured from significantly more quarters with such lesions than from quarters without lesions or with other types of lesion (P<0.001).  相似文献   

The efficacy of two dry cow treatment (DCT) regimens for subclinical Staphylococcus aureus mastitis was evaluated in naturally infected dairy cows. At dry-off, cows were assigned to two treatment groups by randomized blocks on the basis of parity and somatic cell count (SCC). Two antibiotic DCT regimens were used, namely: (1) a single intramammary infusion containing sodium nafcillin, procaine benzylpenicillin and dihydrostreptomycin; and (2) systemic cefquinome administered intramuscularly, twice at a 24-h interval. In the intramammary (IMM) treatment group, the S. aureus intramammary infection (IMI) rate was reduced from 40% (56/140 quarters) before dry-off to 20% (28/140) after calving. Seventy per cent (39/56) of the S. aureus-positive quarters were negative after calving, and 13% (11/84) of the negative quarters were positive after calving. In the systemic treatment group, the S. aureus IMI rate increased from 39% (29/74 quarters) before dry-off to 55% (41/74) after calving. Twenty-eight per cent (8/29) of the S. aureus-positive quarters were negative after calving and 45% (20/45) of the negative quarters were positive after calving. The odds ratio of an S. aureus-positive quarter being negative after calving in the IMM group relative to the systemic therapy group was 44.6 (95% confidence interval = 2.1-909.1, P < 0.01). Parity, quarter, milk SCC and N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase were tested in the model, and were found to have no significant effect on S. aureus cure rates or new IMI rates. The IMM treatment resulted in a higher cure rate compared with that observed in previous studies. The very low cure rate after systemic cefquinome treatment was comparable to the spontaneous cure rate observed in untreated controls in previous studies. The unfavourable results of the cefquinome systemic DCT might reflect inadequate pharmacokinetic properties of the drug regarding poor udder penetration in subclinical mastitis and short antimicrobial effect compared with the IMM treatment.  相似文献   

The factors affecting the mortality of cows in Danish dairy herds were investigated by analysing data from 6839 herds. The mean risk of mortality during the first 100 days of lactation was 2.5 per cent. The risk of mortality increased with increasing herd size (odds ratio [OR] 1.05 for an increase in herd size of 50 cows), with the proportion of purchased cows (OR 1.05 for an increase in the proportion of purchased cows of 0.1), and with increases in the somatic cell count (OR 1.16 for an increase in average weighted mean somatic cell count of 100,000 cells/ml). The risk decreased with increasing average milk yield per cow (OR 0.93 for an increase in mean yield per cow-year of 1000 kg). The risk was lower in free-stall barns with deep litter (OR 0.79) than in barns with cubicles (OR 1) or tie-stalls (OR 1.04). Herds with Danish Holstein (OR 1) or Danish Jersey (OR 0.93) cows as the predominant breed had a higher risk of mortality than herds of the Danish red dairy breed (OR 0.67). The risk of mortality was lower in organic herds (OR 1) than in conventional herds (OR 1.17), and lower in herds that grazed pasture during the summer (OR 0.78).  相似文献   

Fifty-one chronically infected lactating dairy cows were used to evaluate the efficacy of extended pirlimycin therapy regimens for treatment of intramammary infections by environmental Streptococcus spp and Staphylococcus aureus. Cows (n = 47) with one or more infected mammary quarters were blocked by parity and randomly allocated to one of three groups for treatment with pirlimycin (50 mg/mammary quarter) as follows: one treatment per day for 2 days (n = 36 infected mammary quarters); one treatment per day for 5 days (n = 36 infected mammary quarters); and one treatment per day for 8 days (n = 20 infected mammary quarters). Four cows with nine infected mammary quarters were included as untreated controls. Milk samples from each mammary quarter were collected 7 days before treatment, immediately before treatment, and weekly for 4 weeks after the final treatment for microbiological evaluation. A bacteriologic cure was defined as a treated, infected quarter that was bacteriologically negative for the presence of previously identified bacteria at weekly intervals after treatment. Efficacy of pirlimycin therapy against intramammary infections caused by environmental Streptococcus spp and S. aureus was 44.4%, 61.1%, and 95.0% for the 2-, 5-, and 8-day treatment regimens, respectively. None of the infections in the untreated control quarters was cured. Significant differences in efficacy were detected between all pirlimycin groups and the untreated control group, between the 8- and 2-day treatment regimens, and between the 8-day and 5-day treatment regimens (P < or = .05). Results of this study indicate that extended pirlimycin therapy was effective in eliminating intramammary infections caused by environmental streptococci and S. aureus in lactating dairy cows.  相似文献   

The present study assessed the effects of intramammary infusion of Bifidobacterium breve (B. breve) on mastitis‐causing pathogens and on the somatic cell counts (SCC) in lactating cows with chronic subclinical mastitis. The bacteriological cure rates of 42 quarters from 42 cows infected with Staphylococcus aureus, Corynebacterium bovis, coagulase‐negative staphylococci, and environmental streptococci were 18.2% (2/11), 14.3% (1/7), 58.8% (10/17), and 28.6% (2/7), respectively, on day 14 after B. breve infusion. In a second trial, B. breve was infused into 18 quarters from 18 cows with chronic subclinical mastitis from which pathogens had not been isolated; the rates of quarters showing SCC > 50 × 104 cells/ml prior to B. breve infusion that decreased to < 30 × 104 cells/ml after infusion were significantly (p < .01) increased to 61.1% (11/18) on day 14 compared to that prior to infusion (0/18). The intramammary infusion of B. breve appears to be a non‐antibiotic approach for elimination of minor pathogens and decreasing SCC in quarters with chronic subclinical mastitis in dairy cows.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of length and cover of track ways between barn and pasture on lameness in Danish dairy cows. We hypothesised that short track distances would be associated with a lower lameness probability of dairy cows compared to longer distances and that track ways with prepared cover (asphalt, gravel, slag, concrete, rubber) compared to no prepared cover (sand, soil and/or grass) would be associated with a lower lameness probability of dairy cows in grazing herds.  相似文献   



The goal of this study was to estimate the distribution of udder pathogens and their antibiotic resistance in Estonia during the years 2007-2009.


The bacteriological findings reported in this study originate from quarter milk samples collected from cows on Estonian dairy farms that had clinical or subclinical mastitis. The samples were submitted by local veterinarians to the Estonian Veterinary and Food Laboratory during 2007-2009. Milk samples were examined by conventional bacteriology. In vitro antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed with the disc diffusion test. Logistic regression with a random herd effect to control for clustering was used for statistical analysis.


During the study period, 3058 clinical mastitis samples from 190 farms and 5146 subclinical mastitis samples from 274 farms were investigated. Positive results were found in 57% of the samples (4680 out of 8204), and the proportion did not differ according to year (p > 0.05). The proportion of bacteriologically negative samples was 22.3% and that of mixed growth was 20.6%. Streptococcus uberis (Str. uberis) was the bacterium isolated most frequently (18.4%) from cases of clinical mastitis, followed by Escherichia coli (E. coli) (15.9%) and Streptococcus agalactiae (Str. agalactiae) (11.9%). The bacteria that caused subclinical mastitis were mainly Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) (20%) and coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS) (15.4%). The probability of isolating S. aureus from milk samples was significantly higher on farms that had fewer than 30 cows, when compared with farms that had more than 100 cows (p < 0.005). A significantly higher risk of Str. agalactiae infection was found on farms with more than 600 cows (p = 0.034) compared with smaller farms. The proportion of S. aureus and CNS isolates that were resistant to penicillin was 61.4% and 38.5%, respectively. Among the E. coli isolates, ampicillin, streptomycin and tetracycline resistance were observed in 24.3%, 15.6% and 13.5%, respectively.


This study showed that the main pathogens associated with clinical mastitis were Str. uberis and E. coli. Subclinical mastitis was caused mainly by S. aureus and CNS. The number of S. aureus and Str. agalactiae isolates depended on herd size. Antimicrobial resistance was highly prevalent, especially penicillin resistance in S. aureus and CNS.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the efficacy of premilking teat dipping with a foaming iodophor teat dip in a negative controlled field study. Incidence of new intramammary infections (IMI), incidence of clinical mastitis, influence on somatic cell count (SCC) and the characteristics of udder tissue and teats were used as parameters to evaluate clinical efficacy. Predipping was compared with a negative control using a split-udder experimental design. Right teats were predipped with a foaming disinfectant containing 0.27% iodine while left teats served as controls. The latter were conventionally cleaned with damp cloth towels and dried manually with disposable paper towels ("best cleaning practice"). All teats were dipped after milking with the same dip. There were no differences between treated and control quarters with respect to incidence of new IMI during the study period (treated quarters: 6.6% vs. untreated: 6.95%), incidence of clinical mastitis (30 cases in the treatment group vs. 39 cases in the control group) and geometric mean of SCC of quarter milk samples. Spectrum of detected pathogens was also comparable. Condition of udder tissue and teat ducts did not differ between treated and control quarters.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study was conducted on dairy farms in eight milking centres in Trinidad to determine the prevalence of risk factors for mastitis and to assess their relationship to occurrence of subclinical mastitis. The California mastitis test (CMT) was used to determine the prevalence of subclinical mastitis by estimating the somatic cell counts in bulk and composite milk. Of a total of 177 dairy farms studied, 121 (68.4%), 39 (22.0%) and 17 (9.6%) practised semi-intensive, extensive and intensive management systems, respectively. A total of 129 (72.9%), 37 (20.9%) and 11 (6.2%) farms milked cows in parlours, stanchions and pasture/out-on-field, respectively. Based on sanitary practices, 40 (22.6%), 123 (69.5%), and 14 (7.9%) farms were classified as good, fair, and poor, respectively, while 76 (42.9%) and 60 (33.9%) farms reported to rarely experience and frequently experience water shortages, respectively. Amongst the 177 farms, only seven (4.0%) used machine-milking primarily, 152 (85.9%) screened for mastitis as a routine, 18 (10.2%) teat dipped, and 49 (27.7%) practised dry cow therapy. To detect mastitis, of 152 farms involved, 20 (13.2%) used the strip cup while only two (1.3%) employed the CMT. Pipe-borne water delivered directly from the hose was the only source of water to 91 (51.4%) farms while seven (4.0%) and eight (4.5%) farms used only well and surface water (ponds and rivers), respectively. Based on bulk milk samples, the farm prevalence of subclinical mastitis was 60.5% (107 of 177) with a range from 33.3% (centre 5H) to 100.0% (centre 2B). The difference was statistically significant (P < 0.01; chi 2). However, using composite milk, the farm prevalence of subclinical mastitis was 52.5% (93 of 177) with a range from 21.2% (centre 5H) to 92.9% (centre 2B) and again, the difference in prevalence was statistically significant (P < 0.001; chi 2). Subclinical mastitis was detected in 150 (45.0%) of 333 lactating cows screened and the range of prevalence was from 17.9% (centre 5H) to 56.3% (centre 1C). The difference was statistically significant (P < 0.001; chi 2). Of a total of 14 risk factors for mastitis studied which were related to animal husbandry, personnel, mastitis control and water, only two, the herd size and practice of dry cow therapy were significantly (P < 0.05; chi 2) associated with subclinical mastitis. It was concluded that the high prevalence of subclinical mastitis in Trinidad dairy herds could significantly reduce milk production with associated economic loss. Although a majority of the risk factors studied were not found to be significantly associated with the occurrence of subclinical mastitis possibly due to confounding factors, the need to eliminate or reduce these risk factors cannot be over-emphasized.  相似文献   

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