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Two experiments were conducted simultaneously to evaluate the effects of different concentrates to roughage ratios on growth performance and attainment of puberty in Friesian–Boran crossbred heifers. Weaned 50% Friesian–Boran crossbred female calves were used in both experiments with 25 and 20 calves in experiments I and II, respectively. In experiment I, the calves were offered diets with concentrate to roughage ratios of 50:50 (treatment 1) or 30:70 (treatment 2). In experiment II, the calves grazed for 8 h a day and supplemented with 2 kg hay and 1 kg concentrate per head per day (treatment 1) or only 2 kg hay per head per day (treatment 2). The concentrate mixture was composed of 34% wheat bran, 31% wheat middling, 31% noug cake, 3% limestone, and 1% salt. In experiment I, heifers fed a ration with 50% concentrate and 50% roughage had higher (P < 0.05) daily body weight gain (0.532 kg) and attained puberty at 221 kg (65% of the mature body weight) in 15 months, while heifers fed a diet with 30% concentrate and 70% roughage gained 0.434 kg/day and reached puberty at 247 kg (70% of the mature body weight), about 3 months later. Heifers in treatments 1 and 2 of experiment II reached puberty 5 and 12 months later, respectively, than those in experiment I. In experiment II, heifers given 1 kg of concentrate supplement had higher (P < 0.05) daily body weight gain (0.346 kg) than those given only 2 kg hay in addition to grazing (0.278 kg). Growth rate of crossbred heifers was enhanced and age at puberty was reduced by changing the rearing management from outdoor to indoor and with increasing level of concentrate in the ration. This helps to bring the dairy heifer into production earlier and enhance to the overall productivity of the dairy industry.  相似文献   

Records on crossbred calves from the eight crosses between Angus (A) and Hereford (H) cows, and A, H, Jersey, Simmental and Brahman sires, and raised in two pasture programs were used to assess sire × pasture interactions on preweaning traits. There were 518–734 calves from 252–318 dams and 122–166 sires in the data set; numbers vary by traits. Sires, AI or natural service, constituted a representative sample of the breeds. Pasture programs differed principally in the winter period (tall fescue hay vs. corn silage). Heritabilities across and within pastures were: 0.28±0.19 and 0.28 ± 0.19 for birth weight (BW ); 0.08 ± 0.58 and 0.58 ± 0.19 for weaning weight (WW); 0.30 ± 0.41 and 0.71 ± 0.19 for weight adjusted to 205 days (W205); 0.00 ± 0.00 and 0.36 ± 0.15 for daily gain (DG); 0.61 ±0.35 and 0.94±0.25 for frame score (FRAM); 0.14±0.38 and 0.53±0.22 for muscle score (MUSC); and 0.00±0.00 and 0.14±0.21 for conformation score (CONF), respectively. Correlations between progenies of the same sire in different pasture programs are: 1.00±0.00 for BW; 0.13±0.99 for WW; 0.42±0.58 for W205; 0.00±0.00 for DG; 0.65±0.34 for FRAM; 0.27±0.71 for MUSC; and 0.00±0.00 for CONF. Except for birth weight, estimates (although imprecise) suggest that changes in the ranking of sires should be expected to occur between the two environments, possibly in part from incomplete adjustment for changes in season of calving between pasture environments for calves sired by the same sire.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - The emergence of tick-borne diseases has been reported as a serious problem in public health worldwide and many aspects of its epidemiology and effects on...  相似文献   


This study was carried out in two commercial Norwegian dairy herds where the replacement heifers were kept in groups of 10 in pens with 6 conventional free-stalls and 5 combined stalls at the feed bunk. The stall cleanliness was better in the free-stalls than in the combined stalls (P?<?.01). Time spent lying was not affected by number of animals in the group (P?=?.20), but feeding synchrony (P?=?.05) and lying synchrony (<.001) were higher when there were six animals in the group. The heifers showed a clear preference for lying in the standard free-stalls and this was not affected by number of animals in the pen (P?=?.83). The results of this initial study indicate that a pen system with combined lying/feeding stalls and free-stalls offers a satisfactory lying comfort, apparently minimal competition over lying space and acceptable animal cleanliness.  相似文献   

1. Pullets in late growth and early lay were maintained at hot (25° to 35°C) or cold (6° to 16°C) ambient temperatures and either fed complete diets or allowed to self‐select nutrients from separate energy‐ and protein‐rich foods.

2. Manipulating the metabolisable energy (ME) and/or nutrient density (ND) of complete layer diets failed to improve egg output at hot temperatures to that obtained at cold temperatures.

3. At both temperatures self‐selection increased protein, but not ME, intake. This increased egg output and body weight gain at the hot, but not cold, temperatures. At the hot temperatures pullets fed by self‐selection were the only ones to gain weight between sexual maturity and 28 weeks of age.

4. Nutrient intake patterns, related to each pullet's physiological age of sexual maturity, identified distinctive changes in protein intake and the selected protein: ME intake ratio of pullets fed by self‐selection. Pullets attempted to maintain a preferred protein:ME intake ratio, irrespective of the markedly different intakes of ME and protein at the two temperatures.

5. Pullets trained to self‐select nutrients from separate energy‐ and protein‐rich foods are better able to sustain egg output and body weight at sexual maturity when food intake is limited by high ambient temperatures.  相似文献   

Enrofloxacin is a concentration-dependent antimicrobial used in bacterial infections in poultry. During a few months of a turkey's life, pharmacokinetics of drugs undergoes substantial changes which may compromise their efficacy due to variability in internal exposure (measured by area under the concentration–time curve, AUC). The aim of this study was to describe the effects of age on the pharmacokinetics of a single intravenous (i.v.) and oral administration of enrofloxacin at a dose of 10 mg/kg to turkeys. It was found that during a 2.5-month-long period of growth from 1.4 to 14.6 kg, the AUC after i.v. administration increased almost threefold due to a significant decrease in the body clearance (from a mean of 0.76–0.28 L hr−1 kg−1). Over the same period, the mean elimination half-life was prolonged from 2.65 to 7.03 hr. Oral administration resulted in a similar trend in pharmacokinetic parameters. For both routes, formation of the major metabolite, ciprofloxacin, was marginal. Protein binding was not age-dependent and never exceeded 50%. Body clearance, volume of distribution and elimination half-life were subjected to an allometric analysis and a novel, nonlinear dosage protocol has been proposed to improve the internal exposure to the drug in different age groups of turkeys.  相似文献   

The present investigation involved 261 Holstein Friesian (HF) × Sahiwal cows to study the udder health as well as the udder and teat morphometry. The udder health was defined on the basis of bacteriology and California mastitis test of quarter foremilk. The morphometry parameters included udder fore depth (UFD, distance from the point where the fore udder merges within the abdomen to a point in front of the fore teats at the level of the udder base), udder rear depth (URD, distance from the bottom of the vulva to the base of the rear udder), udder depth (UD, level of the udder base with respect to hock joint), height of the udder from the floor, teat length, teat diameter (at mid of the teat barrel), teat-tip to floor distance and distance between the teats. The URD, UD and height of udder from the floor showed a significant (P?<?0.05) relation to the udder health with mastitic cows having larger URD, smaller udder distance from the floor and the udder base placed below the hock joint. The cows with teat length larger than 4.5 cm and teat diameter 3.0 cm or larger had significantly more quarters affected with mastitis. Further, cows with teats placed nearer to the floor were more susceptible to mastitis (P?<?0.01). No significant differences were found between healthy and mastitic udders with respect to UFD and distance between teats. It can be concluded that selection for optimum udder and teat morphometry in breeding programmes may help to reduce susceptibility to intramammary infections in HF × Sahiwal cows.  相似文献   

The cost of energy-contributing ingredients has increased over the last several years. Defining minimum dietary energy specifications for broilers is a strategy to mitigate high diet cost. Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of diets with graded concentrations of AMEn fed to Hubbard × Cobb 500 (experiment 1) and Ross × Ross 708 (experiment 2) male broiler chicks from 14 to 28 d of age. Both experiments were identical in experimental procedures with the exception of genetic strain. Broilers were fed a common corn-soybean meal-based starter diet from 1 to 13 d of age. At 14 d of age, dietary treatments were provided with 1 of 6 concentrations of AMEn (3,000, 3,030, 3,060, 3,090, 3,120, and 3,150 kcal/kg). In experiment 1, BW gain, feed intake, and FCR of Hubbard × Cobb 500 broilers decreased linearly with increasing AMEn. Linear broken-line response of FCR was estimated at 3,062 kcal of AMEn/kg based on broken-line methodology. In experiment 2, Ross × Ross 708 broilers did not respond to graded concentrations of energy, as indicated by linear and quadratic regression of BW gain, feed intake, caloric conversion, and FCR data. Therefore, Hubbard × Cobb 500 male broilers respond to AMEn from 14 to 28 d of age and may be fed diets formulated at 3,062 kcal of AMEn/kg without loss of performance. Conversely, growth performance of Ross × Ross 708 male broilers was not affected by varying AMEn (3,000 to 3,150 kcal/kg) from 14 to 28 d of age. In addition, the response to AMEn may not be as pronounced with the modern broiler compared with broilers used in previous research.  相似文献   

1. The effects of housing laying hens 1 or 2 per cage (1 452 or 726 cm2 /bird), and three feeding regimes (ad libitum, 70% ad libitum and 6 days/ week) were investigated.

2. With 2 birds/cage egg production and food utilisation were adversely affected, but there were no significant effects on egg weight, food consumption, shell thickness, body‐weight change, mortality and abdominal fat.

3. Food restriction significantly increased body‐weight loss and decreased egg production, food consumption, final body weight and abdominal fat, but had no significant effect on egg weight, shell thickness and mortality. The effect on food utilisation was inconsistent.

4. There were significant interactions between feeding regime and stocking rate for egg weight and final body weight.

5. It is suggested that in the humid tropics birds caged singly could be fed at 70% ad libitum while those caged in pairs should be fed ad libitum to avoid multiple stress.  相似文献   

Milk production parameters of purebred Jersey (J) cows and Fleckvieh?×?Jersey (F?×?J) cows in a pasture-based feeding system were compared using standard milk recording procedures. Milk, fat and protein production was adjusted to 305 days per lactation and corrected for age at calving. Effects of breed, parity, month and year were estimated for milk, fat and protein yield as well as fat and protein percentage, using the general linear model procedure. Fixed effects identified as affecting milk production parameters significantly were breed, parity and year. F?×?J cows produced significantly more milk than J cows (6141?±?102 and 5398?±?95 kg milk, respectively). Similarly, fat and protein yields were significantly higher in F?×?J (272?±?4 and 201?±?3 kg, respectively) than in Jersey cows (246?±?3 and 194?±?2 kg, respectively). Fat and protein percentages only differed slightly in absolute terms being 4.61?±?0.04 % fat in the Jersey compared to 4.47?±?0.04 % fat in the F?×?J. Protein levels for J and F?×?J cows were 3.62?±?0.03 and 3.51?±?0.03 %, respectively. Despite a lower fat percentage, F?×?J crossbred cows may be more productive than purebred Jersey cows which may be due to heterotic effects.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate milk yield and its composition during the preweaning period for Sahelian goats (SG) and Anglo-Nubian (AN) crossbred depending on some factors. The experiments were conducted from January to December 2008 for 44 suckled and hand-milked does, randomized, and divided into two equal groups: SG (n?=?22) and F1 Anglo-Nubian × Sahelian goats (1/2AN; n?=?22). The does and their offsprings were kept in a pen where they stayed indoors for 45 days before they were allowed outdoors when the weather was suitable. Each category received supplemental feeds depending on the season (rainy season, dry cold season, and dry hot season). The average daily milk yield was recorded weekly from parturition to 100 days of age. Individual milk samples were taken for chemical analysis in connection with the yield measurements twice per month from the fourth week of lactation throughout the different seasons (rainy, cold dry, and hot dry). The daily milk yield differed between breed types (P?=?0.001) during the preweaning, while the effect of kids' sex on daily milk production was not significant. Litter size affected milk yield up to day 60 (P?=?0.032) where does with twins producing more milk than those with single kid. However, at day 100, both groups had similar (P?=?0.001) milk production. Total milk yield at weaning increased by 103 % in 1/2AN over SG. The highest concentration of total solids of milk was (12.76 %) recorded in the hot dry season. The results of this study indicate that crossbreeding native Sahelian goats with high potential Anglo-Nubian buck improved milk production and its composition.  相似文献   

The present study evaluated the effect of replacing elephant grass (EG) with moist pineapple by-product silage (PS) on the apparent digestibility, consumption of digestible nutrients and performance of 25 castrated male lambs Santa Ines crossbreds. The lambs had an initial body weight of 20.2?±?3.5 kg and were housed in individual pens in a completely randomised design with five treatments (replacement of EG by PS at five proportions of 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 %) and five replicates during 74 days. There was no significant effect of PS replacement proportions on the intake of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), total carbohydrates (TC), non-fibrous carbohydrates or total digestible nutrients (TDN). The consumption of crude protein (CP) decreased linearly with the inclusion of PS in the diets. The digestibility of DM, OM and TCs as well as levels of TDN increased linearly with the addition of PS. The use of PS in the diets had no significant effect on the digestibility of CP and neutral detergent fibre corrected for ashes and protein (NDFom(n)). These results demonstrated that there was no difference in the performance of animals fed diets with or without PS.  相似文献   

The egg discolouration effects of including a screw‐press cottonseed meal (CSM), containing 68.2 g residual lipid/kg, 290 mg cyclopropenoid fatty acids (CPFA)/kg and 1226 mg free gossypol/kg, in laying hen diets at 300 g/kg were examined.

2. Discolouration prevention methods included treating the meal with ferrous sulphate heptahydrate (FSH), in solution or as crystals, at a 4:1 weight ratio of iron to free gossypol (experiment 1), and reducing its residual lipid (CSL) content to 4.2 g/kg by hexane extraction (experiment 2).

3. In freshly laid eggs, no discolouration was observed when hens were fed a CSM‐based diet containing 250 mg free gossypol/kg and 87 mg CPFA/kg in experiment 1, but slightly brown yolks were produced in experiment 2.

4. Storage of the eggs at 22°C led to yolk mottling, an effect believed to be the initial stages of the brown yolk discolouration.

5. Storage of the eggs at 5°C resulted in enhancement of the brown yolk discolouration, apricot discolouration on surfaces of most yolks and pink albumen discolouration. These effects were prevented when the CSM was extracted with hexane. Apricot yolk and pink albumen discolourations were also produced when hens were fed a non‐CSM diet containing crude CSL at 20.5 g/kg.

6. Dietary CSL increased egg fat saturation, altering the ratios of stearic to oleic, palmitic to palmitoleic and heptadecanoic to hepta‐decenoic fatty acids.

7. Treatment of CSM with FSH reduced the slight brown yolk discolouration in fresh eggs (experiment 2) and the yolk mottling in warm‐stored eggs. Both in solution and as crystals, FSH prevented the enhancement of brown yolk discolouration in cold‐stored eggs, leaving most eggs with apricot yolk and pink albumen discolourations.

8. Treatment of CSM and CSL with FSH reduced the CPFA‐related effects on yolk fat saturation, and the colour and pH changes in cold‐stored eggs.

9. Exposure of yolks to ammonia vapour provided a useful test to predict the development of the gossypol‐related brown discolouration in stored eggs.  相似文献   

The effect of age at first calving (AFC) and breed type (BG) on cow length of productive life in the herd (LPL) and cumulative kilograms of calves weaned per cow (KWC) was studied. Data on 313 Brahman, 183 Nellore, and 269 crossbred cows (undefined crosses of European × Zebu cattle) born from 1986 to 2002 were used. Three hundred and ninety-one out of the 765 cows had non-censored data. LPL curves by BG and AFC (<2.5, 2.5 to <3, 3 to <3.5, and ≥3.5 years of age) were obtained using life table procedures. The magnitude of the effect of AFC and BG on LPL was determined using Cox proportional hazard regression procedures. KWC data (n = 359) were analyzed by a linear model that included the effects of period of birth of the cow (in years), BG, and AFC. There was no difference in the survival curves between BG (p > 0.05), but there was for the hazard ratio of culling (p < 0.05). Brahman and Nellore cows produced more kilograms of calves (p < 0.05) than crossbred cows. AFC influenced LPL (p = 0.014) and KWC (p = 0.012). Cows with AFC <3 years of age stayed longer in the herd and weaned more KWC than those with a higher AFC (p < 0.05).  相似文献   

1. Hens of lines divergently selected for fatness and leanness, fed either ad libitum or on a controlled regimen, were compared for susceptibility to heat stress.

2. The rate of increase in deep‐body (rectal) temperature during exposure to 32°C was used as the index of thermoregulatory ability. Comb and foot surface temperatures were measured as indicators of peripheral vasomotor tone.

3. Because body temperature control depends on the balance between heat production and heat loss, heat production was measured to determine whether fat line hens had a higher heat production, which they would then have to dissipate.

4. During the first hour of heat exposure, rectal temperature in the ad libitum‐fed birds increased twice as rapidly as in the corresponding lean line sample and 6 times more rapidly than in the control‐fed fat‐line group.

5. Surface temperatures of comb and foot increased from 27°C to 37°C within the first hour at 32°C, with no effect of either genotype or feeding regimen on rate of increase.

6. Heat production was unrelated to genotype but was reduced by 23% by controlled feeding, largely because of the reduction in body weight.

7. The results demonstrated that ad libitum‐fed fat‐line birds are susceptible to heat stress and that this is related not to increased heat production, but to a decreased ability to lose heat. Elevation of blood viscosity by plasma triglycerides is suggested as a causal factor.  相似文献   

1. An experiment was carried out with 6‐d old male broiler chicks in an attempt to understand better the effect of age on dietary AMEn of high protein‐low energy (HPLE) and low protein‐high energy (LPHE) diets which are used in the determination of the AMEn content of grains when substituted for the entire diet. The experiment was carried out in a split‐plot design in which the effects of 2 diets (HPLE‐reference and LPHE‐test, containing maize) on food intake, faecal excretion, dietary AMEn and the utilisation of the nutrients were evaluated in 3 age periods (A = 11–13, B = 15–17 and C = 20–22 d of age).

2. Chicks fed on the HPLE diet consumed significantly less food than those fed on the LPHE diet during periods A and B, but not in G. They also produced a significantly larger amount of droppings during periods B and C. Food‐to‐droppings ratio, which was consistently and significantly lower in chicks fed on the HPLE diet, decreased markedly in period C only in these birds.

3. Absolute and relative retention (RR) of dry matter (DM) and starch, and RR of nitrogen (N) from birds fed on the HPLE diet, were consistently and significandy lower than from those fed on the LPHE diet, but fat retention (absolute and relative) was higher. RR of DM and of N in period C was significantly lower than in periods A and B, while RR of fat and of starch was not affected by age. The effect of age on RR of N was observed only with the HPLE diet.

4. AMEn of the HPLE diet, but not of the LPHE diet, in period C was significandy lower than in periods A and B, resulting in a significant interaction between age and diet and a general reduction with age. The calculated AMEn contents of the maize in periods A and B were essentially the same (14.91 and 14.85 MJ/kg, respectively), and lower than in period C (15.28 MJ/kg). It is concluded, therefore, that because of its effect on AMEn of the HPLE reference diet in chicks older than 17 d, bird age is of considerable importance in the determination of AMEn in grains when substituted for the entire diet.  相似文献   

Phytase supplementation beyond the standard doses used for phosphorus release has been reported to result in extraphosphoric effects by enhancing nutrient digestibility resulting in improved performance of broilers. A study was conducted to examine the effects of the progressive addition of an enhancedEscherichia Coli phytase (400–1,600 phytase units; FTU) on growth performance and carcass characteristics from 1 to 42 d of age in male broilers. One thousand four hundred Hubbard × Cobb 500 1-d-old chicks were randomly distributed into 56 floor pens (0.08 m2/bird). Seven dietary treatments were provided in a 3-phase feeding program consisting of (1) a positive control (adequate Ca and nonphytate P; PC); (2) 1 negative control (Ca and nonphytate P reduced by 0.14% and 0.13%; NC); (3 to 6) the NC diet with 4 increasing supplemental phytase concentrations (NC + 400 FTU, NC + 800 FTU, NC + 1,200 FTU, and NC + 1,600 FTU, respectively); and (7) a low-energy NC diet without phytase and xylanase (reduced 66 kcal of AMEn/kg). Body weight gain, feed conversion, mortality, weight and yield of whole carcass, abdominal fat, and pectoralis major and minor muscles were evaluated. Progressive supplementation of phytase decreased cumulative FCR linearly. Broilers fed diets containing 1,600 FTU had heavier total breast meat by 49 g compared with birds receiving the PC diets. Broilers consuming the NC + 400 FTU or the low-energy NC diet had similar growth performance and meat yield compared with birds provided PC diet. These data indicated that phytase supplementation beyond the need for phosphorus enhances growth performance and carcass characteristics.  相似文献   

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