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指出了随着测绘仪器及测绘科学技术的发展,工程建设项目的变形监测大多采用GNSS静态测量法、高精度全站仪极坐标法、导线测量法获取位移点的坐标。针对边坡倾向或基坑侧壁不平行于施工坐标系轴向的监测点,不能直接获得该点在滑动方向上的水平位移偏移量,推导了一种针对不规则的弯曲边坡、与施工坐标系轴向成任意角度的边坡或基坑侧壁监测点的水平位移量求解方法。  相似文献   

该文所介绍的是目前国内最大跨径预弯梁的施工概况,提出的一些关键工序应注意的问题。  相似文献   

本文以牡丹江市报业大厦无粘结预应力梁板为例,详细论述了设计与施工要点及采用的新技 术、新工艺。  相似文献   

本文详细叙述了高层房屋结构体系的特点及经济适用范围,具有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

从体积置换法测量木材气体渗透系数的基本原理出发,针对水柱上升和水柱下降两种体积置换法的测量装置,分析了体积置换法测量过程中气体渗透压强的变化,以及非稳态条件对体积置换法测量结果的影响.并详细推导了测量中的有关计算式和对非稳态测量补偿的修正因子.此外,运用动力学分析方法,论证了气体渗透压强在测量中的线性变化.其中关于测量的计算及其修正的关键设定的合理性,进一步从理论上阐明了体积置换法测量木材气体渗透系数的精确性.  相似文献   

刘泉  张迪  张铁军 《森林工程》2007,23(4):45-46
利用共轭梁(虚梁)法在施工监控过程中对箱梁结构的弹性模量进行测试,测试的数据进行分析,得出结果,该结果可为施工提供参考.  相似文献   

在包装、家具框架中L型构件是一种比较常见的结构形式.本文通过分析跨距对木塑L型构件结构强度和连接结构强度的影响,得出以下结论:跨距对木塑L型构件结构强度的影响非常显著,跨距越短,结构强度越大;跨距对连接结构强度影响也很大,跨距在190mm左右时,连接性能最好.  相似文献   

Thirty types of three-ply parallel- and cross-laminated woods were prepared from five species, and their static bending strength performance were investigated. The modulus of elasticity (MOE), proportional limit stress, and modulus of rupture (MOR) perpendicular to the grain were increased by cross-laminating, and the extent of the increase increased with decreasing density of the species. The measured values of MOE parallel and perpendi-cular to the grain of parallel-laminated woods and perpendicular to the grain of face laminae of cross-laminated woods were approximately equal to those calculated from true MOEs of individual laminae. However, the MOE parallel to the grain of face laminae of cross-laminated woods was much lower than the calculated MOE owing to the effect of the deflection caused by shear force on the MOE. The percentage of deflection caused by shear force versus total deflection (Y s) showed high values, from 16.1% (buna) to 40.5% (sugi), and it decreased linearly with increasing shear modulus in the cross section of the core. In addition, there was an extremely high positive correlation between the MOR and the measured MOE parallel to the grain of face laminae of cross-laminated woods. The MOR was also highly dependent on the shear modulus in cross section of the core.Part of this paper was presented at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Kyoto, April 2000  相似文献   

新型智能伐根清理机器人切削力的计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文是国家“863”项目——新型智能伐根清理机器人设计计算的一部分。切削力的大小是计算切削功率、设计切削加上设备和刀具的主要依据。本文根据伐根清理机器人设计的要求。以刀具旋切时的最不利情况——横锯切削为计算切削力的依据。适当选取修正系数计算出伐根机切削力及切削功率。乘以安全系数。以此作为机器人驱动元件——液压马达功率选择的依据。  相似文献   

In a detailed study of the relation between the deflection caused by shear force and the constitution of a laminated material beam, we derived an equation for calculating the shear modulus of a laminated material beam from the shear moduli of individual laminae. The validity of the derived equation was investigated using crosslaminated wood beams made with five species. The calculated shear moduli parallel to the grain of face laminae ranged from 48.3 MPa to 351 MPa, while those perpendicular to the grain of face laminae ranged from 58.0 MPa to 350 MPa. The calculated shear moduli increased markedly with increasing shear modulus in a cross section of perpendicular-direction lamina of a cross-laminated wood beam. The calculated apparent modulus of elasticity (MOE) of cross-laminated wood beams agreed fairly well with the measured apparent MOE values. This fact indicated that the apparent MOE of cross-laminated wood beam was able to be calculated from the true MOE values and shear moduli of individual laminae. The percentage of deflection caused by shear force obtained from the calculated apparent MOE (Y sc) was close to that obtained from the measured apparent MOE (Y s) and there was a high correlation between both values. From the above results, it was concluded that the derived equation had high validity in calculation of shear modulus of a cross-laminated wood beam.  相似文献   

Reductions in Pinus radiata D. Don. (radiata pine) clearfell age have increased the juvenile wood proportion in sawlogs, increasing the need to segregate low modulus of elasticity (MOE) material early in the supply chain to avoid the costly processing of low-value, non-structural boards. In Australian radiata pine plantations, variability in MOE is greater between trees than between stands, requiring tests of individual trees to identify those with low MOE. Time of flight of a sound wave in a tree or log is known to be well-correlated to its MOE. The trial examined the ability of a newly developed acoustic assessment tool, the Hitman PH330 (PH330) supplied by Fibre-gen Limited, fitted to a harvester head, to identify and segregate low MOE sawlogs during a cut-to-length harvesting operation in a radiata pine plantation. The impact of using the tool on the harvester’s productivity was also examined. There was a reduction in the mean productivity of the harvester when using the PH330 compared with normal operations not using the PH330 but it was not significant. Mechanical MOE testing showed that boards cut from sawlogs which the PH330 identified as structural, had significantly greater mean MOE than boards from non-structural sawlogs, demonstrating the PH330 was able to separate high and low MOE sawlogs.  相似文献   

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