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Striga asiatica and Rhamphicarpa fistulosa are important parasitic weeds of rain‐fed rice, partly distributed in similar regions in sub‐Saharan Africa (SSA). It is not evident whether their ecologies are mutually exclusive or partially overlapping. In Kyela, a rice‐growing area in south Tanzania where both parasites are present, three transects of about 3 km each across the upland–lowland continuum were surveyed in June 2012 and 2013. A total of 36 fields were categorised according to their position on the upland–lowland continuum as High, Middle or Low and soil samples were taken. In each field, parasitic and non‐parasitic weed species were identified in three quadrats. Additionally, in two pot experiments with four different moisture levels ranging from wilting point to saturation, influence of soil moisture on emergence and growth of parasites was investigated. Striga asiatica was observed in higher lying drier fields, while R. fistulosa was observed in the lower lying wetter fields. Furthermore, non‐parasitic weed species that were exclusive to S. asiatica‐infested fields are adapted to open well‐drained soils, while species that were exclusive to R. fistulosa fields are typical for wet soils. The experiments confirmed that S. asiatica is favoured by free‐draining soils and R. fistulosa by waterlogged soils. These results imply that changes in climate, specifically moisture regimes, will be crucial for future prevalence of these parasitic weeds. The non‐overlapping ecological range between their habitats suggests that their distribution and associated problems might remain separate. Thus, management strategies can be focused independently on either species.  相似文献   

EU Directive 91/414/EEC requires there to be no unacceptable effects on the environment from the use of pesticides. This paper reports the views of direct stakeholder groups and results from an opinion survey of more than 2000 members of the general public on what in practice should constitute acceptable and unacceptable effects of pesticides. Stakeholders in focus groups were concerned with the potential effects of pesticides on animal and plant population viability and micro-organism function but recognized that a trade-off exists between the potential economic advantages of responsible pesticide use and the potential disadvantages of individual poisoning events. The public opinion survey showed that although pesticides are widely used in homes and gardens, their use on farm crops remains of concern to the public. Concerns are greatest on issues of human health and food quality but potential environmental effects are also an issue for a substantial number of people, particularly if attractive species could be affected.  相似文献   

Strategic spatial patterning of crop species and cultivars could make agricultural landscapes less vulnerable to plant disease epidemics, but experimentation to explore effective disease-suppressive landscape designs is problematic. Here, we present a realistic, multiscale, spatiotemporal, integrodifference equation model of potato late blight epidemics to determine the relationship between spatial heterogeneity and disease spread, and determine the effectiveness of mixing resistant and susceptible cultivars at different spatial scales under the influence of weather. The model framework comprised a landscape generator, a potato late blight model that includes host and pathogen life cycles and fungicide management at the field scale, and an atmospheric dispersion model that calculates spore dispersal at the landscape scale. Landscapes consisted of one or two distinct potato-growing regions (6.4-by-6.4-km) embedded within a nonhost matrix. The characteristics of fields and growing regions and the separation distance between two growing regions were investigated for their effects on disease incidence, measured as the proportion of fields with ≥1% severity, after inoculation of a single potato grid cell with a low initial level of disease. The most effective spatial strategies for suppressing disease spread in a region were those that reduced the acreage of potato or increased the proportion of a resistant potato cultivar. Clustering potato cultivation in some parts of a region, either by planting in large fields or clustering small fields, enhanced the spread within such a cluster while it delayed spread from one cluster to another; however, the net effect of clustering was an increase in disease at the landscape scale. The planting of mixtures of a resistant and susceptible cultivar was a consistently effective option for creating potato-growing regions that suppressed disease spread. It was more effective to mix susceptible and resistant cultivars within fields than plant some fields entirely with a susceptible cultivar and other fields with a resistant cultivar, at the same ratio of susceptible to resistant potato plants at the landscape level. Separation distances of at least 16 km were needed to completely prevent epidemic spread from one potato-growing region to another. Effects of spatial placement of resistant and susceptible potato cultivars depended strongly on meteorological conditions, indicating that landscape connectivity for the spread of plant disease depends on the particular coincidence between direction of spread, location of fields, distance between the fields, and survival of the spores depending on the weather. Therefore, in the simulation of (airborne) pathogen invasions, it is important to consider the large variability of atmospheric dispersion conditions.  相似文献   

Effective detection of pathogens from complex substrates is a challenging task. Molecular approaches such as real‐time PCR can detect pathogens present even in low quantities. However, weak real‐time PCR signals, as represented by high cycle threshold (Ct) values, may be questionable. Therefore, setting a reliable Ct threshold to declare a positive reaction is important for specific detection. In this study, five methods were assessed for their performance in determining a Ct cut‐off value. These methods were based on the widely used probability of detection (POD) or receiver‐operating characteristic (ROC) approaches. Two important forest pathogens, Hymenoscyphus fraxineus and Fusarium circinatum, were used to set up three experimental frameworks that combined two types of substrates (seed lots and spore traps) and different PCR machines. The ROC‐based method emerged as the most complete and flexible method under various experimental conditions. It was demonstrated that the ROC method leads to a cut‐off value below which late Ct results can reliably be considered indicative of positive test results. This cut‐off value must be determined for each experimental approach used. The method based on the distribution of a previously determined set of Ct values corresponding to false‐positives appeared to be better adapted to detecting false‐negative results, and thus useful for testing potentially invasive pathogens.  相似文献   

Weed monitoring is the first step in any site‐specific weed management programme. A relatively large variety of platforms, cameras, sensors and image analysis procedures are available to detect and map weed presence/abundance at various times and spatial scales. Remote sensing from satellites or aircraft can provide accurate weed maps when the images are obtained at late weed phenological stages. Cameras located on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have been shown to be adequate for early‐season weed detection in a variety of wide‐row crops, providing images with relatively high spatial resolutions. Alternatively, weed detection/mapping systems from ground‐based platforms can achieve even higher resolutions using a variety of non‐imaging and imaging technologies. These ground systems are suited, in some cases, for real‐time site‐specific weed management. Despite this rich arsenal of technologies, their commercial adoption is, apparently, low. In this study, we describe the state of the art of remotely sensed and ground‐based weed monitoring in arable crops and the current level of adoption of these technologies, exploring major constraints for adoption and trying to identify research gaps and bottlenecks.  相似文献   

Blackleg, caused by a complex of Leptosphaeria species (L. maculans and L. biglobosa), is a fungal disease on Brassica species, especially important in canola (Brassica napus). Since the first report of L. biglobosa in Iran in 2007 and L. maculans in 2008, both species are now of major importance in Iran affecting 10 provinces and 30 regions, with a higher prevalence in the northern provinces of Mazandaran and Golestan. Despite the rapid progression of the disease and the emergence of new Leptosphaeria races in Iran, the research into this pathogen has not progressed at the same rate and is limited to phenotypic characterization studies, pathogenicity research, and to a lesser extent, disease management research. Given the rapid increase in canola cultivation in Iran and changes in the genetic diversity of the pathogen populations, it is likely that blackleg disease will increasingly become a severe threat to Iran’s canola production. Therefore, systematic and prospective studies, along with fundamental research on the pathogen's biology, epidemiology, and genetic diversity, would provide critical information for the development of disease management strategies. Here, we review the research that has been carried out to date on blackleg disease in Iran and describe the extent of progress towards disease control, especially in disease-prone regions.  相似文献   

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