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猕猴桃溃疡病菌在中国的适生性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过分析猕猴桃溃疡病菌在中国的适生性,为科学制定有效的检疫监管措施,防范其入侵和扩散,确保猕猴桃产业健康发展提供理论依据。本研究根据前人研究结果,采用模糊数学综合评判的原理和方法,定量分析猕猴桃细菌性溃疡病菌(Pseudomonas syringae pv.actinidiae)在我国各个地区的适生性。猕猴桃溃疡病菌在我国最适宜的省份主要分布在四川、云南、贵州、福建、安徽、湖南、湖北、河南、江西、陕西、浙江、重庆、西藏。鉴于该病具有发生发展迅速,危害性强,防治难度大等特点,应当加强猕猴桃种苗等繁殖材料的检疫,加强对果园的管理和病害监测,积极采取有效的防治措施并加强抗病育种方面的研究。  相似文献   

Occurrence of Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae on kiwifruit in Italy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae has been isolated from kiwifruit plants for the first time in Italy. Biochemical tests were consistent with those characterizing the type-strain; pathogenicity tests yielded severe blights in the inoculated kiwifruit plants and no symptoms on lilac, pear and peach. Nutritional tests as well as whole-cell protein profiles revealed slight differences between the strains isolated in Japan and those of the present study. The main symptoms observed in the field are a red-rusty exudation covering the bark of twigs and trunks, blight of young canes and plants, angular leaf spots surrounded by chlorotic haloes and tiny cankers along the twigs.  相似文献   

Twenty-eight strains of Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae isolated in 1984, 1987 and 1988 from kiwifruit orchards in Japan were tested for their resistance to copper sulfate. All strains isolated in 1984 were copper sensitive with a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of cupric sulfate of 0.75 mM. However, some strains isolated in 1987 and 1988 were resistant, with the MIC ranging from 2.25 to 3.0 mM. All copper-resistant strains contained at least one of two plasmids, pPaCul (about 70.5 kb) or pPaCu2 (about 280 kb), or both. In a copper-resistant strain Pa429, the location of the copper-resistance gene(s) was examined by insertional inactivation with Tn5. The MIC of copper sulfate in the copper-sensitive mutant obtained by Tn5 tagging decreased from 2.75 to 0.75 mM. The 14.5 kb BamHI fragment, designated pPaCuB14, containing the same locus mutagenized with Tn5 was cloned from pPaCu1. However, pPaCuB14 did not confer copper resistance in the transformant of copper-sensitive strain Pa21R, suggesting that this clone did not contain a full set of copper-resistance gene(s). Then a cosmid library of pPaCu1 was constructed and six cosmid clones hybridized with pPaCuB14 were selected. One of the six cosmids, designated pPaCuC1, conferred a near wild-type level of copper resistance in the transformant of the copper-sensitive strain. pPaCuC1 had a homologous region that hybridized with all of the PCR-amplifled fragments of copA, copB, copR, and copS genes of P. syringae pv. tomato. DNA sequence analysis of the homologous region revealed the existence of four open reading frames (ORF A, B, R and S) oriented in the same direction. The predicted amino acid sequences of ORF A, B, R and S had 80, 70, 97 and 95% identity with CopA, B, R and S of P. syringae pv. tomato, respectively. Received 5 July 2001/ Accepted in revised form 27 September 2001  相似文献   

猕猴桃溃疡病菌的分子检测技术研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 猕猴桃溃疡病是猕猴桃生产上的主要病害,为建立该病的快速诊断技术,本实验通过RAPD分析获得一条1 300 bp左右的致病菌的特异片段,对该片段进行克隆测序,在测序的基础上设计并合成一对特异引物F7/R7,优化特异引物扩增条件,并验证引物的特异性和灵敏性。利用该特异引物对包括猕猴桃溃疡病菌在内的14个菌株基因组DNA进行PCR扩增表明,只有猕猴桃溃疡病菌能扩增出1条约为950 bp的特异条带,其他菌株及对照均未扩增出特异条带。对采自果园的染病枝干组织和接种致病菌的枝干组织的检测表明,该特异引物能特异性地检测到猕猴桃溃疡病菌的存在,其在组织中的检测灵敏度为100 fg/μL。因此,利用设计合成的特异引物F7/R7,参考优化的体系和程序,结合简单的试剂盒法提取猕猴桃溃疡病菌或植物组织DNA,可以在短时间内完成对该病原菌的分子检测。  相似文献   

Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae (Psa) is responsible for bacterial canker of kiwifruit. Biovar 3 of Psa (Psa3) has been causing widespread damage to yellow‐ and green‐fleshed kiwifruit (Actinidia spp.) cultivars in all the major kiwifruit‐producing countries in the world. In some areas, including New Zealand, P. syringae pv. actinidifoliorum (Pfm), another bacterial pathogen of kiwifruit, was initially classified as a low virulence biovar of Psa. Ability to rapidly distinguish between these pathovars is vital to the management of bacterial canker. Whole genome sequencing (WGS) data were used to develop PCR assays to specifically detect Psa3 and Pfm from field‐collected material without the need to culture bacteria. Genomic data from 36 strains of Psa, Pfm or related isolates enabled identification of areas of genomic variation suitable for primer design. The developed assays were tested on 147 non‐target bacterial species including strains likely to be found in kiwifruit orchards. A number of assays did not proceed because although they were able to discriminate between the different Psa biovars and Pfm, they also produced amplicons from other unrelated bacteria. This could have resulted in false positives from environmental samples, and demonstrates the care that is required when applying assays devised for pure cultures to field‐collected samples. The strategy described here for developing assays for distinguishing strains of closely related pathogens could be applied to other diseases with characteristics similar to Psa.  相似文献   

Bacterial canker disease of kiwifruit currently occurs in at least 15 countries, causing serious damage. The causative agent of the disease is Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae (Psa), which is genetically diverse and is currently classified into five biovars, namely, biovars 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6. In Japan, four biovars except biovar 2 have been found so far. These biovars have been confirmed to have differences in the virulence and composition of pathogenicity-related genes, such as toxin biosynthesis and type III effector genes. Biovars 1 and 6 possess the tox island, a genomic island of approximately 38 kb, which contains phaseolotoxin biosynthesis genes (argK-tox cluster) and is confirmed to have been acquired from other bacteria through horizontal transfers. Also, on the megaplasmid possessed by biovar 6, there exist coronatine biosynthesis genes, and biovar 6 has the ability to produce two phytotoxins, phaseolotoxin and coronatine. In 2014, biovar 3, considered to be of foreign origin, was confirmed for the first time in Japan. Biovar 5, whose virulence is relatively weak, is distributed only in a limited area. In addition to the tox island and various plasmids, a large number of mobile genetic elements are confirmed to be present on the Psa genomes, which might have played a major role in helping Psa to acquire new features. In order to understand how Psa acquired the ability to infect kiwifruit systemically, it is important to make polyphasic comparisons with related pathovars, such as Psyringae pv. theae and pv. actinidifoliorum.  相似文献   

Copper-containing bactericides have been used to control bacterial canker of kiwifruit, caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae. However, the efficacy of copper has been reduced by the occurrence of copper-resistant strains. Analysis of the DNA sequence of a cluster region containing the copper-resistance genes from P. syringae pv. actinidiae suggested the presence of three possible different systems for copper resistance: copper-trapping, copper-efflux and copper-transport systems. Transposon insertional inactivation analysis indicated that the copper-trapping system was essential for copper resistance.  相似文献   

Bacterial canker of kiwifruit caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae (Psa) is a catastrophic disease that threatens the global kiwifruit industry. As yet, no cure has been developed. Planting resistant cultivars is considered as one of the most effective ways to control Psa. However, most existing cultivars lack Psa-resistance genes. Wild Actinidia resources contain rich genetic diversity and may have powerful disease-resistance genes under long-term natural selection, but lack of knowledge about the resistance to Psa for most Actinidia species results in some excellent wild resistant genotypes being underutilized. In this study, the response to Psa of 104 wild genotypes of 30 Actinidia species (including 37 taxa) was tested with an in vitro bioassay, and a considerable number of individuals from different species with tolerance or high resistance to Psa were identified. The results showed high consistency between years. This is the first large-scale evaluation of diverse Actinidia species with resistance to Psa through an in vitro bioassay. The resistant genotypes of A. chinensis identified could be used in future kiwifruit improvement programmes. The findings should help provide an understanding of the resistance to Psa.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae (Psa) is a Gram‐negative bacterium that causes the bacterial canker of both green (Actinidia deliciosa) and yellow (Actinidia chinensis) fleshed kiwifruit. Since the emergence of an economically devastating Psa outbreak in Japan in the 1980s, the disease took a contagious turn causing severe economic loss to kiwifruit industries in Italy, South Korea, Spain, New Zealand and other countries. Research shows that the pathogenic strains isolated from different infected orchards vary in their virulence characteristics and have distinct genes coding for the production of different toxins. The global Psa outbreak has activated research around the world on developing efficient strategies to contain the pandemic and minimize loss to the kiwifruit industry. Chemical and biological control options, orchard management and breeding programmes are being employed in this global effort. Synergy between different disease control strategies has been recognized as important. Phytotoxicity, resistance development and regulatory measures in certain countries restrict the use of copper compounds and antibiotics, which are otherwise the mainstay chemicals against bacterial plant diseases. Therefore, because of the limitations of existing chemicals, it is important to develop novel chemical controls against Psa. Antimicrobial peptides, which are attractive alternatives to conventional antibiotics, have found promising applications in plant disease control and could contribute to expanding the chemical control tool box against Psa. This review summarizes all chemical compounds trialled so far against Psa and provides thoughts on the development of antimicrobial peptides as potential solutions for the future.  相似文献   

近年来,猕猴桃溃疡病在四川各猕猴桃主产区严重发生,造成严重经济损失。本研究采用MaxEnt模型分析四川省猕猴桃溃疡病菌潜在分布,并预测2030年代、2050年代、2070年代和2080年代的RCP2.6、RCP4.5和RCP8.5等3种气候变化情景下适生区变化。预测结果运用ROC曲线评价模拟准确性。结果表明:所建立13个模型的训练数据和测试数据AUC (areas under curve)值均高于0.9,达到极高的精度。当前气候条件下,猕猴桃溃疡病菌在四川的高适生区主要位于成都市、德阳市、绵阳市、广元市、巴中市、达州市和雅安市,中适生区在四川21地市州均有分布。2030年代-2080年代,气候变化情景下,与当前情景相比,高适生区和低适生区区域均显著增加,中适生区区域先增加后减少,不同适生区几何中心位置和迁移规律均有所不同但总体上均向北移动。  相似文献   

Pest risk analyses (PRAs) are conducted to determine whether an organism is a pest and whether and how it should be regulated. Estimation of the potential area of establishment and pest spread are key factors of this analysis. Tools for modelling and mapping of these key factors have to be quick and easily applicable for a wide variety of organisms with limited data for parameterization. For this purpose, a dispersal kernel model based on a 2Dt‐distribution had been developed in a European Union project (PRATIQUE). The aim of the present study was the evaluation of this spread model hitherto tested on insects, plants, fungi and nematodes in order to determine its applicability to bacterial pests. Therefore, the potential distribution and spread of kiwifruit bacterial canker Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae in Europe was investigated based on climatic suitability and host plant availability. The results of the modelling were compared with the spread history of the pest in Europe. It is shown that this generic spread model can also be applied to a bacterial pest.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae (Psa) is a causal agent of kiwifruit bacterial canker worldwide, which has affected kiwifruit vines in China since 1996 and has subsequently spread to the main cultivation areas. Based on occurrence of Psa and pseudo-absences randomly generated in China, the consensus-based modelling technique was used to estimate the spatial spread of Psa epidemics within China. Environmental variables that related to Psa development were identified, and their contributions to Psa development were evaluated. Three modelling algorithms, namely generalized boosting models (GBM), random forests (RF) and classification tree analysis (CTA) within the BIOMOD2 framework, were employed to construct the model. The ensemble models weighted by the true skill statistic (TSS) value were used to predict the current habitat suitability of Psa, and were projected using the four general circulation models (GCMs) to assess range shifts under two types of representative concentration pathways (RCP 4.5 and RCP 8.5) by 2050. The results indicated that precipitation in March and mean temperature of warmest quarter were the most important limiting factors for distribution of Psa. The predictive accuracy of the ensemble model showed acceptable predictive powers (TSS = 0.852). Under future climate conditions, substantial net loss of suitability for Psa was estimated to be 3.03–12.5% under RCP 4.5 (except one GCM), and 2.46–9.89% under RCP 8.5. Shrinkage of suitable habitats was detected mainly in the areas currently infected by Psa. Special attention should be given to recent infectious regions in south and southwest China, considering the locally expanding kiwifruit commercial plantations.  相似文献   

Since 2008, bacterial canker of kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa and A. chinensis) caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae (Psa) has resulted in severe economic losses worldwide. Four biovars of Psa can be distinguished based on their biochemical, pathogenicity and molecular characteristics. Using a range of biochemical, molecular and pathogenicity assays, strains collected in France since the beginning of the outbreak in 2010 were found to be genotypically and phenotypically diverse, and to belong to biovar 3 or biovar 4. This is the first time that strains of biovar 4 have been isolated outside New Zealand or Australia. A multilocus sequence analysis based on four housekeeping genes (gapA, gltA, gyrB and rpoD) was performed on 72 strains representative of the French outbreak. All the strains fell into two phylogenetic groups: one clonal corresponding to biovar 3, and the other corresponding to biovar 4. This second phylogenetic group was polymorphic and could be divided into four lineages. A clonal genealogy performed with a coalescent approach did not reveal any common ancestor for the 72 Psa strains. Strains of biovar 4 are substantially different from those of the other biovars: they are less aggressive and cause only leaf spots whereas Psa biovars 1, 2 and 3 also cause canker and shoot die‐back. Because of these pathogenic differences, which were supported by phenotypic, genetic and phylogenetic differences, it is proposed that Psa biovar 4 be renamed Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidifoliorum pv. nov. Strain CFBP 8039 is designated as the pathotype strain.  相似文献   

由丁香假单胞菌猕猴桃致病变种Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae (Psa)侵染引起的猕猴桃细菌性溃疡病(kiwifruit bacterial canker)是全球猕猴桃生产上最具毁灭性的细菌病害。为探明福建、安徽、四川和陕西4省Psa菌株的生物型和遗传多样性,用5对PCR特异性引物PsaJ-F/-R、PsaK-F/-R、Tac-F/-R、Con002-F/-R和avrRps4-F1/-R2检测Psa菌株的生物型;用4对PCR引物27F/1492R、PsaF1/PsaR2、gapA-Fps/Rps和rpoD+364s/-1222ps分别扩增16S rRNA、ITS、gapA和rpoD基因,进行多基因联合分析Psa菌株的遗传多样性。结果表明,特异性引物Tac-F/-R从47株Psa菌株中均能扩增出一条545 bp的特异条带,其他4对引物未扩增出任何条带,说明供试Psa菌株的生物型均为biovar 3。多基因联合分析表明,4省Psa存在丰富的遗传多样性,4个群体共检测出27个单倍型,单倍型多样性为0.955。安徽、福建、四川和陕西群体的单倍型数差异较大,分别为1、8、12个和12个。4个群体的多态性位点数、核苷酸多样性和平均核苷酸差异数差异极显著(P<0.01),其中福建群体的多态性最丰富,而安徽群体的多态性最低。AMOVA分析表明,3.6%的遗传变异来源于种群间,而96.4%的遗传变异来源于种群内,说明种群内变异是遗传变异的主要来源。遗传分化分析表明,安徽省Psa群体与其他3个群体间的遗传分化极高(Fst>0.175),福建、四川和陕西群体间的遗传分化水平较低(Fst<0.017)。研究结果有利于了解福建省Psa的来源,为阻断Psa的传播和猕猴桃细菌性溃疡病的长期可持续控制提供了理论参考。  相似文献   

利用叠氮溴乙锭(ethidium monoazide bromide,EMA)与实时荧光定量PCR技术相结合(EMA-qPCR),建立了一种有效快速检测猕猴桃溃疡病菌活菌的方法。以猕猴桃溃疡病菌ITS序列为检测靶标,菌体经EMA渗透处理,再进行qPCR特异性扩增。结果显示,qPCR检测灵敏度为2cfu;当EMA的浓度为2.0μg/mL时,能有效抑制1.0×10~7 cfu/mL经高温灭活的死菌的扩增,对活菌的扩增没有影响。当活菌数在1.0×10~1~1.0×10~5 cfu范围内,每个qPCR反应体系中活菌数与Ct值呈线性相关(R~2=0.988)。不同温度处理活菌菌悬液后用EMA-qPCR检测猕猴桃溃疡病菌的存活情况并与平板计数法进行比较,结果表明待检样品可在4℃和20℃短期保存。对疑似带病猕猴桃材料进行EMA-qPCR检测,结果表明能减少猕猴桃溃疡病菌PCR的假阳性结果。本研究建立的EMAqPCR方法是一种有效检测猕猴桃溃疡病菌活菌的方法,能有效避免PCR检测实际样品可能造成的假阳性结果。  相似文献   

Bacterial canker of kiwifruit, caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae (Psa), is a disease that is spreading rapidly in several kiwifruit‐producing countries, causing significant economic losses. In 2011, it was detected for the first time in Spain, in the south of Galicia (northwest Spain). Kiwifruit orchards were therefore inspected and sampled in 2011 and 2012 to determine the pathogen distribution, and the isolates obtained were characterized by morphology, fatty acids profile, biochemical tests and molecular techniques. Isolates were obtained from Actinidia deliciosa ‘Hayward’ (from leaves, canes, flower buds, fruits and roots), from A. deliciosa ‘Summer’, from Actinidia chinensis ‘Jin Tao’ (from canes and leaves) and from A. chinensis pollinator ‘Belén’ (from canes). Results of the analysis of the cfl gene (phytotoxin production‐related), the tox–argK gene cluster and phylogenetic analysis of the cts gene demonstrated that all Psa isolates from northwest Spain correspond to the Psa3 population, which includes strains of haplotype 2. This is the first record of Psa3 and haplotype 2 in Spain.  相似文献   

Journal of General Plant Pathology - Loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) was designed to rapidly detect biovars 1 and 3 of Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae (Psa), a serious, global...  相似文献   

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