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To properly assess soil erosion in agricultural areas, it is necessary to determine precisely the volume of ephemeral gullies and rills in the field by using direct measurement procedures. However, little information is available on the accuracy of the different methods used. The main purpose of this paper is to provide information for a suitable assessment of rill and ephemeral gully erosion with such direct measurement methods. To achieve this objective: a) the measurement errors associated to three methods used for field assessment of channel cross sectional areas are explored; b) the influence of the number of cross sections used per unit channel length on the assessment accuracy, is analysed and; c) the effect of the channel size and shape on measurement errors is examined. The three methods considered to determine the cross sectional areas were: the micro-topographic profile meter (1); the detailed measurement of section characteristic lengths with a tape (2); and the measurement of cross section width and depth with a tape (3). Five reaches of different ephemeral gully types 14.0 or 30.0 m long and a set of six 20.4 to 29.4 m long rill reaches were selected. On each gully reach, the cross sectional areas were measured using the three above mentioned methods, with a separation (s) between cross sections of 1 m. For rills, the cross sectional areas were measured with methods 1 and 3, with s = 2 m. Then, the corresponding total erosion volumes were computed. The volume calculated with method 1 with s = 1 m for gullies and s = 2 m for rills was taken as the reference method. For each channel, and for each one of the possible combinations of s and measurement method (m), the relative measurement error and the absolute value of the relative measurement error (Esmr and |Esmr|), defined with respect to the reference one, was calculated. |Esmr| much higher than 10% were obtained very easily, even for small s values and for apparently quasi prismatic channels. Channel size and shape had a great influence on measurement errors. In fact, the selection of the more suitable method for a certain gully shape and size seemed to be much more important than s, at least when s < 10 m. Method 1 always provided the most precise measurements, and its results were the less dependent on s. However, s must be < 5 m to guarantee an error smaller than 10%. Method 2 is not recommended, because it is difficult, time consuming and can lead to large errors. Method 3 seems to be enough for small, wide and shallow gullies, and for small rills, but only if s is shorter than 5 m. Results obtained after the analysis of rill measurement errors were similar to those of gullies. The analysis of Esmr and |Esmr| when calculating channel volumes using a unique representative cross section highlighted the importance of correctly selecting the adequate cross section. Due to the high error values that this method can entail, it is not considered as advisable whenever accurate erosion measurements are pursued.  相似文献   

Dino Torri  Lorenzo Borselli 《CATENA》2003,50(2-4):449-467
An approach to gully erosion is presented in this paper. The approach is based on general equations derived from theoretical considerations. The equations apply to a situation of intense erosion rate, such as at peak discharge during the few critical rainstorms, able to generate or to widen gullies.Equations linking gully widening to gully deepening are derived. They do not depend on the way in which concentrated flow aggressiveness is estimated. The equation expressing gully width/depth relationship was successfully compared with data from the literature.When runoff aggressiveness was estimated through unit stream power and bottom flow shear stress, the width/discharge relationships found were similar to those expected on the basis of previous studies (e.g., Leopold and Maddock [U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap. 252 (1953) 57 pp.]) even if slope gradient explicitly appears in contrast with empirical evidence. Only threshold conditions for gullies indicate that flow shear stress (for laminar flow conditions) can explain the observed trends. This astonishing result most probably indicates that gully initiation needs more complex contexts to be explained than the one here used (based on a Montgomery and Dietrich [1994. Landscape dissection and drainage area–slope thresholds. In: M.J. Kirkby (ed.), Process Models and Theoretical Geomorphology. Wiley, 221–246] approach).A selection of the proposed equations have been arranged into a research model and an example of the outcome has been given for two situations typical of cropland in southern Tuscany (Italy). The results indicate that the spatial distribution of soil characteristics and of land use influences significantly gully generation and evolution. This further confirms that gully morphological thresholds cannot be explained by simple approaches.  相似文献   

侵蚀沟的发生通常会造成区域严重的环境破坏和经济损失。开展沟道侵蚀敏感性评估有助于相关部门采取合理有效的措施抑制并降低沟蚀的发生,对改善区域环境、维持粮食生产能力,保障经济健康发展具有重要意义。该文从沟道侵蚀敏感性评估流程、数据基础以及统计学模型的应用3个方面,系统地介绍了该方向的研究进程,列举了各分类下统计学模型的优缺点,分析了该方向的相关研究进展,对比了不同研究之间的应用条件,并指出,未来研究还需实现迁移学习和时间序列模型在沟道侵蚀敏感性评估中的应用,以及深度学习模型与侵蚀沟发育物理机制相互融合,从而为改进和加强统计学模型与沟道侵蚀敏感性评估之间交叉应用,推动土壤侵蚀学科发展,为区域发展规划奠定理论与技术基础。  相似文献   

切沟侵蚀监测与预报技术研究述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
切沟侵蚀作为一种常见的土壤侵蚀现象,不仅破坏土地资源,也是河流泥沙的主要来源之一;但是,由于切沟侵蚀机制复杂,研究手段欠缺,切沟侵蚀研究进展缓慢。切沟侵蚀监测技术是研究切沟不同发育阶段侵蚀速率和构建切沟预报模型的基础。近年来,高精度GPS、三维激光地形测量以及RS和GIS等切沟侵蚀监测技术取得了新进展,尤其是高分辨率遥感的应用为较大时空尺度的切沟侵蚀监测提供了可能性。世界范围的切沟侵蚀监测成果表明不同地区切沟侵蚀速率主要为0.16~15 m/a。切沟侵蚀预报技术进展缓慢,现阶段还没有广泛应用的切沟侵蚀预报模型。利用高分辨率航空和卫星影像及三维激光测量等新技术,开展较大尺度的切沟侵蚀监测是近期的研究热点和主要发展趋势,而从长远来看,发展切沟发育和侵蚀的经验和机制模型、进行不同时间尺度的切沟侵蚀预报是切沟研究领域的发展方向。  相似文献   

开发建设项目土壤侵蚀模数预测方法初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
介绍并评价目前开发建设项目土壤侵蚀模数预测的几种方法。在侵蚀倍率法基础上,通过对土壤侵蚀因子分析,认为开发建设项目区扰动前后土壤侵蚀模数比值与地表相对裸露度、土体相对稳定性和土体相对密实度的乘积相关,根据少量监测或实测数据可初步确定不同侵蚀类型区的待定系数,推算出各防治区扰动后土壤侵蚀模数,从而提出了因子分析法的初步研究设想。  相似文献   

基于双向地形阴影法的黄土侵蚀沟自动提取技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沟蚀严重危害着土地资源和生态环境,研究高分辨率数字高程模型(Digital Elevation Model,DEM)的侵蚀沟自动提取技术进行侵蚀沟动态监测,以期望能替代目视解译提取。双向地形阴影法是一种兼顾提取精度和效率的侵蚀沟提取方法,但仅针对黄土台/塬地貌,在其他地貌下其提取结果会产生较多误提区和漏提区。为使其适应不同地貌,该研究以陕西吴堡县3.2 m DEM为试验数据,综合沟谷线缓冲区填充法、膨胀腐蚀法以及面积阈值法消除误提区和漏提区,并通过模块化编程及数据分块计算,实现侵蚀沟自动提取,最后在全县范围内均匀选取10个小流域为样本,使用0.65 m影像目视解译的结果进行精度验证。结果表明:1)实现了误提区和漏提区的自动消除,得到了吴堡县侵蚀沟分布图;2)在10个验证小流域中,该研究方法提取侵蚀沟的精度为81.1%~86.3%,平均精度为83.8%。该研究综合应用沟谷线缓冲区填充法、膨胀腐蚀法和面积阈值法消除误提区和漏提区,使该方法能适应非黄土台/塬地貌,并在此基础上研发了能实现大区域侵蚀沟提取的算法及软件。  相似文献   

切沟侵蚀过程既是侵蚀输沙发生变化过程,也是其侵蚀地貌的发展演变过程,为了说明切沟形态随时空演化过程,应用质量守恒原理和理论分析方法,论述切沟侵蚀过程与形态发育模型实现的原理和过程,建立切沟侵蚀输沙微分方程、下切方程,并进行数值模拟.通过模拟计算,得到不同时刻和不同坡长下的切沟底部高程变化数据;经过与坡沟系统模型试验观测结果进行比较检验,沟深平均相对误差在15%以内,取得了较高的模拟精度.这表明建立的模型合理,模拟结果与实际切沟下切的动态变化过程相符,可以用于模拟切沟下切发育过程.  相似文献   

Key catchments of the Roztocze loess area in south-east Poland have a great potential of revealing the history of long-term soil erosion and changes in land use. The knowledge of how and when soil erosion took place in the past helps one understand the impact of land use changes on the landscapes [Bork, H.-R., 1989. Soil erosion during the past Millennium in Central Europe and its significance within the geomorphodynamics of the Holocene. Catena 15, 121–131]. The Jedliczny Dol gully system near the town Zwierzyniec in south-east Poland was investigated by using detailed field stratigraphy and radiocarbon dating of charcoal and wood.In connection with new settlements which were established between the 14th and 16th centuries, arable land was cultivated and forests were used much more intensively. As a consequence, the loess soils were strongly eroded during heavy rainfalls. Up to 4 m of colluvial sediments were deposited in the gully system during the 15th and/or 16th centuries. The thickness of the colluvial sediments indicate severe erosion which might be related to excessive timber exploitation for the local glass and iron production. With the foundation of the so-called Ordinariat Zamoyski at the end of the 16th century, some parts of the area were presumably reforested. High pressure on the land at the beginning of the 19th century enabled a second main phase of gulling before 1900.Since 1890 at the latest, almost the whole catchment is used as a forest, however, concentrated runoff on compacted forest roads can still be high after heavy rainfalls.In loess areas soil erosion caused by intensive land use, triggered by heavy rainfalls, can change the landscape drastically. These changes will continue to influence how catchments react, even if land use gets less intensive again. This knowledge should be considered regarding future, sustainable land use and recent changes in land use in the south-eastern Polish loess regions.  相似文献   

Gully erosion often indicates extreme land degradation. In the highlands of Ethiopia, wide and deep gullies are common features, significantly affecting land used for agriculture. However, little action is being taken to address the problem. Where rehabilitation actions in Ethiopia are taking place, they are rarely studied by financially quantifying their costs and benefits. Therefore, this study developed methods of quantifying gully erosion costs and rehabilitation costs and benefits by considering the soil components of four model rehabilitated gullies in Ethiopia. Data were obtained from a physical survey supported by secondary information from relevant agricultural offices. Quantification was achieved by monetizing gully erosion cost through yield loss and gully rehabilitation calculations according to expenditure, while rehabilitation benefits were obtained by monetizing estimated deposited soil nutrients using fertilizer prices. Cost‐benefit values show that investment in gully rehabilitation can be an economically viable proposition in some instances. Stakeholders involved in gully rehabilitation should continue to invest in appropriate techniques of gully rehabilitation and management to ensure continued benefits from rehabilitated gullies and use of surrounding farmlands. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于RS和GIS的黄土丘陵沟壑区浅沟侵蚀地形特征研究   总被引:2,自引:8,他引:2  
为了解黄土高原浅沟侵蚀地形特征,基于Qucickbird高分辨率遥感影像和数字高程模型,提取了坡面浅沟及其地形参数,并对浅沟侵蚀的地形特征参数和分布规律进行了统计分析,结果表明:黄土丘陵沟壑区,坡面坡度、长度、坡向以及上坡长度是影响坡面浅沟数量的主要地形要素,而浅沟侵蚀地形特征主要由坡面坡度、坡面长度、上坡长度和汇流面积共同决定;坡面长度与浅沟平均长度呈显著线性关系,坡面坡度与浅沟频度、浅沟坡度与其上坡长度间则均满足二次曲线;发生浅沟侵蚀的上限与下限临界坡度分别介于26~27°和15~20°,临界坡长介于50~80 m;由浅沟坡度的正弦值与汇流面积确定出浅沟分布的临界曲线;阳向坡面的平均浅沟长度小于阴向坡面。基于RS和GIS技术能有效确定浅沟侵蚀地形特征,为黄土区坡面水土流失治理提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

为明确根系密度对黄土塬沟壑区沟头溯源侵蚀产沙和形态演化过程的影响,采用野外"人工模拟降雨+放水冲刷"试验方法,以裸地试验小区(CK)为对照,研究冰草根系密度试验小区(株行距:20 cm×20 cm,C1;15 cm×15 cm,C2;10 cm×10 cm,C3)的沟头溯源侵蚀产沙过程、沟头溯源距离、沟道下切深度及发育面积等特征。结果表明:1)与对照小区相比,草被小区(C1~C3)产沙量分别降低64.32%、70.31%、69.92%;冰草株行距为15 cm×15 cm时,减沙效益最大。2)对照小区沟头溯源侵蚀过程主要包括沟口形成、贴壁流侵蚀、跌水侵蚀和沟岸崩塌等;而草被小区沟头溯源侵蚀则由贴壁流侵蚀、跌水侵蚀和根土复合体崩塌导致,崩塌是草地沟头溯源的主要原因;各根系密度下沟头溯源距离与时间均呈极显著幂函数关系;与对照相比,草被小区沟头溯源距离缩短75.61%~78.87%。3)对照小区侵蚀沟纵断面呈阶梯形,存在缓冲平台,沟头近似矩形;草被小区则呈梯形和圆弧状。与对照相比,草被小区沟道平均下切深度加深1.64~1.92倍;沟道面积随根系密度增加而缩小,草被小区沟道面积较裸地缩小68.0%~74.0%。结果可为该区"固沟保塬"工作的实施提供科学参考。  相似文献   

基于三维激光扫描的崩岗侵蚀的时空分析   总被引:3,自引:6,他引:3  
崩岗侵蚀过程及其侵蚀量的精准量化分析,是研究崩岗发育机理及其发展演化的基础,也是测算崩岗流域产沙输沙的前提,对崩岗预防和治理以及水土保持和生态建设具有理论和现实意义。本研究应用三维激光扫描技术,大致以半年为周期,在6次定位监测基础上,以广东五华县莲塘岗崩岗为例,对崩岗侵蚀过程进行了定量分析。研究表明,莲塘岗崩岗年平均侵蚀量为833 m3,其中雨季平均侵蚀量为499 m3,干季平均侵蚀量为291 m3,侵蚀模数高达222 408 t/(km2·a)。24 h降雨量大于等于50 mm的暴雨、特别是大于等于100 mm的大暴雨对崩岗侵蚀影响很大,暴雨总量与崩岗侵蚀量具有正相关关系。崩壁之下的崩积锥部位侵蚀量最大,占总侵蚀量的55.6%。40°~60°坡面的侵蚀量最大,占总侵蚀量的49%。最大侵蚀强度(单位面积侵蚀量)位于50°~60°和70°~80°的两个坡度区间。最为剧烈的侵蚀区为主沟与支沟两侧及沟头部位,侵蚀深度均大于1 m,最大深度可达2.5 m。前3个监测周期,沟道以快速下切、侧蚀和溯源侵蚀为主,兼有小规模崩塌;后2个监测周期,以重力崩塌为主,沟道侵蚀减弱。崩岗地形变化导致其水力与重力作用交替进行,使崩岗侵蚀呈现出波动式变化。  相似文献   

Satellite remote sensing for water erosion assessment: A review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Water erosion creates negative impacts on agricultural production, infrastructure, and water quality across the world. Regional-scale water erosion assessment is important, but limited by data availability and quality. Satellite remote sensing can contribute through providing spatial data to such assessments. During the past 30 years many studies have been published that did this to a greater or lesser extent. The objective of this paper is to review methodologies applied for water erosion assessment using satellite remote sensing. First, studies on erosion detection are treated. This comprises the detection of erosion features and eroded areas, as well as the assessment of off-site impacts such as sediment deposition and water quality of inland lakes. Second, the assessment of erosion controlling factors is evaluated. Four types of factors are discussed: topography, soil properties, vegetation cover, and management practices. Then, erosion mapping techniques are described that integrate products derived from satellite remote sensing with additional data sources. These techniques include erosion models and qualitative methods. Finally, validation methods used to assess the accuracy of maps produced with satellite data are discussed. It is concluded that a general lack of validation data is a main concern. Validation is of utmost importance to achieve regional operational monitoring systems, and close collaboration between the remote sensing community and field-based erosion scientists is therefore required.  相似文献   

填埋复垦侵蚀沟的导排水功能和秸秆腐解速率   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
秸秆填埋复垦技术主要用于修复东北地区耕地中的侵蚀沟,研究复垦后原沟道的导排水能力以及秸秆的腐解速率,旨在为沟毁耕地修复提供科学依据。该研究在黑龙江省海伦市光荣村选取一条复垦后的侵蚀沟为试验区,对土壤入渗能力、渗井入渗能力、秸秆层的持水能力、复垦后的土体排水能力系统测定分析,评价复垦后的导排水能力;对填埋不同年限的秸秆取样分析,评价秸秆腐解速率。结果表明:1)复垦后原沟道位秸秆层储水量为463 kg/m3,雨季产生径流能够完全被秸秆层储存,复垦后耕地能承受44~80 mm/h的均匀降雨,95%的地表汇流转为地下径流,大大减少径流对地表的冲刷,实现了变地表径流为地下导排水,复垦后未二次冲刷成沟。2)秸秆捆的厚度平均每年下降1.4 cm,秸秆层下降部分可被春季翻耕以及雨季汇流带来的泥沙沉积填充,复垦后原沟道位未出现塌陷。3)经过20 a的填埋,秸秆不同组分的腐解速率不同,其中半纤维素与纤维素腐解较快,木质素几乎不发生腐解,其占比由26.8%上升至38.8%。填埋的秸秆长期处于厌氧环境,且被水浸泡,加之约半年处于冻结状态故腐解缓慢。秸秆填埋侵蚀沟,可以修复沟毁耕地,实现复垦和地块的完整,可广泛用于东北黑土区约20万条耕地中侵蚀沟的修复。  相似文献   

浅沟侵蚀是黄土高原独特的侵蚀类型,在坡面侵蚀中占有重要的地位。关于浅沟侵蚀的研究,以往多采用恒定流量进行冲刷试验,而在实际中流量是变化的,有关非恒定流的浅沟侵蚀实验尚未见报道。采用野外放水冲刷试验,定量分析10~15、15~20、20~25 L/min 3个非恒定流的放水流量级和10、15、20 L/min 3个恒定流量的放水流量级对14°坡耕地坡面浅沟侵蚀产沙及其水动力参数的影响。结果表明:恒定流量级的流速、雷诺数、弗劳德数、剪切力、水流功率和径流含沙量分别较变流量后的非恒定流小6.64%~13.44%、2.73%~8.26%、6.15%~49.59%、0.27%~10.27%、4.27%~15.77%和2.02%~19.36%;恒定流的阻力系数则较与其相对应的非恒定流增大23.45%~43.41%。  相似文献   

切沟侵蚀是土壤侵蚀的主要形式之一,严重威胁着土地资源。为了研究水平条带整地对切沟发育的影响,该研究基于间隔9 a的2期同时相QuickBird遥感影像,在陕西绥德县选取了32个小流域,应用GIS技术提取小流域内的沟缘线、植被覆盖度、坡度以及土地利用类型,估算研究区的切沟发育速率,并分析了水平条带整地对切沟发育的影响。结果表明:2004-2013年研究区内水平条带整地面积增加了16.96%,其中水平阶林地增加的最多,其次是水平梯田,而水平阶草地有所减少;32个小流域的切沟面积变化比例主要分布在0~6%,单位沟谷区面积增加比例为4.18%,且各小流域之间的差异明显;在该研究区内水平条带面积比例是影响切沟发育的最主要因子,相关系数达到-0.801。沟间地存在水平条带整地和植被覆盖度较高的情况下,地貌因子与切沟发育速率无显著相关性。水平条带整地类型的抑制切沟发展作用排序:水平阶林地水平阶草地水平梯田。该研究可为全面评价水平条带整地措施水土流失防治效果提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Abandonment of agricultural land is one of the main changes in Mediterranean land use. To mitigate runoff and erosion from abandoned land, it is necessary to identify locations that are vulnerable to erosion as a result of land abandonment. The objective of our study was to identify vulnerable areas for gully erosion using different scenarios of land abandonment in Southeast Spain. The study area was the Carcavo basin, a semi-arid catchment in the province of Murcia (Southeast Spain). A preliminary field survey confirmed the assumption that abandoned fields have more gully erosion compared to cultivated fields. This can be explained by the quicker concentration of runoff on abandoned land due to crust formation and reduced surface storage capacity. Next we simulated the spatial dynamics of land abandonment with a spatially explicit land use change model for the period 2004 to 2015 for four different land use change scenarios. The results of the simulation were used to identify vulnerable areas for gully erosion by a simple GIS-model based on the controlling factors of gully erosion. The potentially vulnerable areas for gully erosion increased for the different scenarios ranging from 18 ha to 176 ha. Most of the vulnerable areas are located around channel heads or along channel walls. The combination of more gully erosion on abandoned fields and an expected increase of land abandonment are potentially a big problem in relation to land degradation and reservoir sedimentation. The identification of vulnerable areas enables soil conservationists and engineers to mitigate gully erosion by applying preventive conservation practices.  相似文献   

Spatial patterns in surface soil moisture during dry and wet weather conditions have been recorded over a 3.68 ha gully catchment in central Spain. During dry weather conditions this spatial pattern was characterised by areas of relatively wet and dry soil, forming a mosaic of areas with contrasting hydrological response. Semi-variogram analysis has indicated that these areas are spatially isolated and unconnected, with the effect that surface runoff from source areas within the catchment may be re-absorbed by surrounding areas which act as sinks for overland flow. Consequently during dry weather conditions, variation in the soil's physical and hydrological properties, as reflected by spatial differences in soil moisture, may be advantageous in minimising widespread catchment runoff and erosion, by creating spatial isolation of runoff producing areas and by promoting discontinuity in hydrological pathways. During wet weather conditions, however, extensive saturation, exceeding a catchment wetness threshold, increased spatial continuity in hydrological pathways, regardless of the spatial variation in soil hydraulic properties, resulting in widespread runoff and erosion. Management strategies should therefore aim to raise this wetness threshold value, by improving the soils physical and hydrological properties. The creation of a mosaic pattern of areas with contrasting hydrological response may prove to be an effective management strategy in runoff and erosion control in semi-arid environments.  相似文献   

Observing that concentrated runoff destroys indurate and impermeable surface horizons to form gullies on Sahelian slopes, we investigated whether these gullies are preferential places for deep infiltration and groundwater recharge processes. The primary aim of this study is to determine if resistivity mapping is an appropriate method to use for locating recharge zones from the surface. The study area, in northern Burkina Faso, is a typical (1 ha) gully erosion area located at the outlet of an 82-ha catchment with solonetz soils and a crystalline basement. Taking advantage of a long dry season followed by a short rainy season, we made use of a time-lapse approach to carry out electrical resistivity mapping and monitor apparent resistivity variations that occurred in the soils during the rainy season, between June and September. We made nine apparent resistivity maps in the year 2000 and two in January and March 2001. To monitor expected infiltration and percolation to depths of 5 m or more, we laid out Wenner array profiles with an inter-electrode spacing of 5 m. The time-lapse mapping was also controlled with: (i) neutron probe measurements; (ii) resistivity measurements on outcrops during infiltration tests; (iii) electrical resistivity logging in auger holes. Geophysical results showed that the apparent resistivity parameter can either decrease (typical case) or increase (unexpected case) after a rain. Neutron probe measurements indicated that infiltration varies within a few decimeters even at the centre of the main gully. Using one dimensional (1D) modelling based on resistivity variations monitored during infiltration tests, we concluded that apparent resistivity variations are linked to the presence of carbonate in the soils. When soluble carbonates are present, the resistivity of the infiltrated layer varies from 220 Ω m (dry state) to less than 5 Ω m (wet state), bringing about a decrease in apparent resistivity value for the 5m spacing. In the absence of carbonate, resistivity varies from 1500 to 180 Ω m, but produces an increase of the apparent resistivity value for the same spacing. Consequently, we found time-lapse apparent resistivity mapping to be an efficient way to delineate certain soil properties. It also provided additional information about punctual observations. However, our results have led us to conclude that the 5-m inter-electrode spacing is too large to monitor this type of shallow infiltration phenomenon and that the effect of temperature on resistivity should be considered when comparing maps over the period of a few months. Furthermore, this type of survey should be controlled using electrical loggings in auger holes, or electrical soundings in order to get a better understanding of in-depth resistivity variations. Finally, this survey indicated that deep infiltration processes are not occurring below the gully situated on the slope. Further studies are required downstream to identify the location of groundwater recharge in Sahelian crystalline contexts.  相似文献   

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