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Though knowledge about the distribution and properties of soils is a key issue to support sustainable land management, existing knowledge of the soils in Tigray (Northern Ethiopian Highlands) is limited to either maps with a small scale or with a small scope. The goal of this study is to establish a model that explains the spatial soil variability found in the May-Leiba catchment, and to open the scope for extrapolating this information to the surrounding basalt-dominated uplands. A semi-detailed (scale: 1/40 000) soil survey was conducted in the catchment. Profile pits were described and subjected to physico-chemical analysis, and augerings were conducted. This information was combined with information from aerial photographs and geological and geomorphologic observations. The main driving factors that define the variability in soil types found were: 1) geology, through soil parent material and the occurrence of harder layers, often acting as aquitards or aquicludes; 2) different types of mass movements that occupy large areas of the catchment; and 3) severe human-induced soil erosion and deposition. These factors lead to “red-black” Skeletic Cambisol–Pellic Vertisol catenas on basalt and Calcaric Regosol–Colluvic Calcaric Cambisols–Calcaric Vertisol catenas on limestone. The driving factors can be derived from aerial photographs. This creates the possibility to extrapolate information and predict the soil distribution in nearby regions with a comparable geology. A model was elaborated, which enables the user to predict soil types, using topography, geomorphology, geology and soil colours, all of which can be derived from aerial photographs. This derived model was later applied to other catchments and validated in the field.  相似文献   

A garbage‐processing technology has been developed that sterilizes and separates inorganic and organic components of municipal solid waste. A study was initiated to evaluate the uncomposted organic by‐product of this process as a soil amendment for establishing native prairie grasses on disturbed Army training lands. The waste was incorporated into a silt loam soil at Fort Campbell Military Reservation in the central United States. The waste material was applied at rates of 0, 4.5, 9, 18, and 36 Mg ha?1 and seeded with native prairie grasses to assess its effects on vegetation for two growing seasons, with an additional unseeded control treatment for comparison to natural recovery. Treatments receiving the highest rate of application had significantly more native grass basal cover and percent composition than the controls. Plant phosphorus accumulation increased significantly with increasing pulp application. Soil phosphorus and lead concentrations increased in the top 10 cm of the highest application rates where pulp was mixed in the soil. Because minimal environmental effects were detected and the pulp improved perennial grass establishment and nutrition at the 36 Mg ha?1 rate, land application should be considered a viable and beneficial alternative to current waste‐management practices.  相似文献   

《Journal of plant nutrition》2013,36(10-11):1889-1908

A number of iron oxides (hematite, goethite, lepidocrocite, maghemite, and magnetite) or short‐range ordered precipitates (ferrihydrite) may be found in soil environments, but in the rhizosphere the presence of organic ligands released by plants (exudates) or microorganisms promote the formation of ferrihydrite. Iron ions are liberated into soil solution by acidic weathering of minerals and then precipitated either locally or after translocation in soil environments. Humic and fulvic acids as well as organic substances produced by plants and microorganisms are involved in the weathering of primary minerals. Organic compounds play a very important role in the hydrolytic reactions of iron and on the formation, nature, surface properties, reactivity, and transformation of Fe oxides. Organic substances present in the rhizosphere interact with Fe promoting the formation of ferrihydrite and organo‐mineral complexes. The solubility of Fe precipitation products is usually low. However, the formation of soluble complexes of Fe(II) or Fe(III) with organic ligands, usually present in the rhizosphere increases the solubility of Fe‐oxides. Mobilization of Fe from Fe oxides by siderophores is of great importance in natural systems. They can form stable Fe(III) complexes (pK up to 32) and thus mobilize Fe from Fe(III) compounds. These higher Fe concentrations are important for the supply of Fe to plant roots which excrete organic acids at the soil–root interface. Iron oxides adsorb a wide variety of organic and inorganic anions and cations, which include natural organics, nutrients, and xenobiotics. There is competition between anions and cations for the surfaces of Fe‐oxides. Root exudates suppress phosphate or sulfate adsorption on Fe‐oxides. This is a mechanism by which plant roots mobilize adsorbed phosphate and improve their phosphate supply. Anions adsorption on iron oxides modify their dispersion/flocculation behavior and thus their mobility in the soil system. That can increase or decrease the possibility of contact between Fe‐oxides and organics or organisms able to dissolve them.  相似文献   

Eurasian Soil Science - A new view on the genesis and properties of soils in landscapes of the taiga–steppe ecotone in the Selenga Mountains of western Transbaikalia is suggested with due...  相似文献   

Four Scythian kurgans of the burial site Beloe Lake-3 were studied in the Turan–Uyuk Depression in the Republic of Tyva. They were constructed about 2565–2390 calendar years ago (calibrated with deviation 1 σ). Soil formation after 2500 yrs of the construction of the kurgans was examined in the interkurgan area. The properties of the background surface and ancient buried soils have much in common, and the difference between the soils of the four kurgans is small. This attests to the fact that the paleoclimatic conditions in the period of the necropolis construction remained stable and were similar to the modern climatic conditions. According to palynological data, the climate at the stage of the construction of the first two kurgans was a little more humid in comparison with the modern climate; it became somewhat drier after 95 years, during the construction of the third kurgan (2425 cal. BP) and again tended to humidification at the final stage of the necropolis creation. These changes in the paleoclimatic conditions are indicated by variations in the structure and composition of associations of xerophytes, mesophytes, hydrophytes, and ruderal plants. At the Uyuk stage, the area was mainly occupied by steppe phytocenoses with a predominance of xerophytes over mesophytes, and hydrophilous vegetation was allocated to moistened habitats near water reservoirs. Larch forests grew near water bodies. The variable anthropogenic impact on the landscape was stronger at the initial and final stages of the construction of the Uyuk culture necropolis.  相似文献   



Soil restoration is still mainly carried out ex situ by excavating and replacing the contaminated soil. In situ remediation would reduce the costs of soil transportation and this way, the problem is not merely transferred elsewhere. The present study introduces a field case where the aged, oil-contaminated soil in a former fuel station in Finland was treated in situ sequentially with different methods.

Materials and methods

Several approaches, including soil vapor extraction and biostimulation with electrokinetic pumping, were performed in the field. After these treatments, the dense original portion of the soil beneath the gasoline pump location, ca 100 m3, was still contaminated with petroleum-derived volatile organic compounds (VOCs), with concentrations of nearly 10,000 mg kg?1 measured at some hotspots. After a period of electroosmotic water circulation, the electrical field (0.5 V cm?1, DC) was kept connected for 6 months without addition of water, leading to dewatering and warming of the soil.

Results and discussion

In contrast to the situation with the original wet soil, VOCs, in lab conditions, were found to volatilize very efficiently from the dewatered soil. When the soil vapor extraction treatment was renewed using perforated tubing installed horizontally at ca 1 m depth in the dewatered soil at the contaminated site, the treatment was efficient and the soil was decontaminated in 5 months. The final VOC concentrations were on average 190 mg kg?1 (n = 13) with the highest value of 700 mg kg?1 at one hotspot. After a risk evaluation, the site was concluded to be sufficiently clean for industrial use.


Since with many former fuel stations, the contamination consists of both volatile fractions that are difficult to degrade by biological means and heavier compounds for which biostimulation is often suitable, a combination of different methods may be worth pursuing.

Zong-Chao Li  Hu  Xia  Li  Xiao-Yan  Huang  Yong-Mei  Wu  Xiu-Chen  Wang  Pei  Liu  Lian-You 《Eurasian Soil Science》2019,52(11):1391-1401
Eurasian Soil Science - Soil macropores largely control fluid and solute transport and the runoff processes on the slopes. However, the characterization of soil macropores for different slope...  相似文献   

《Biological conservation》1985,32(2):165-187
Deposition and fate of spawn clumps of the frog Rana temporaria have been monitored on St Neots Common, Cambridgeshire from 1971 to 1983. On a part of the Common subject to considerable public pressure, collection accounted for an average of about 20% of the clumps per annum (range 8–80%). This part contains several water bodies that usually dry out during the tadpole season as well as some that persist, and an average of roughly 20% of the clumps (range 0–58%) hatched in sites which subsequently desiccated. On the less disturbed part of the Common, collection was relatively unimportant, while desiccation losses, because of the uncertain persistence of one particularly attractive site, tended to be either nil or virtually catastrophic. On the Common as a whole, collection was the most important factor influencing survival of spawn to hatching. In the mid-1970s, 35–50% of the spawn was collected per annum, this being a period when the population appeared to be at a depressed level following a decline from 1972 to 1973. The population recovery during the late 1970s and early 1980s was associated with collection pressure of less than 25% of the clumps per annum.  相似文献   

With the help of computed X-ray microtomography with a resolution of 2.75 μm, changes in the microstructure and pore space of aggregates of 3 mm in diameter from the virgin soddy-podzolic soil (Glossic Retisol (Loamic)) in the air-dry, capillary-moistened, and frozen states after five freeze–thaw cycles were studied in a laboratory experiment. The freezing of the samples was performed at their capillary moistening. It was shown that capillary moistening of initially air-dry samples from the humus (AY), eluvial (EL), and illuvial (BT1) horizons at room temperature resulted in the development of the platy, fine vesicular, and angular blocky microstructure, respectively. The total volume of tomographically visible pores >10 μm increased by 1.3, 2.2, and 3.4 times, respectively. After freeze–thaw cycles, frozen aggregates partly preserved the structural arrangement formed during the capillary moistening. At the same time, in the frozen aggregate from the AY horizon, the total tomographic porosity decreased to the initial level of the air-dry soil. In the frozen aggregate from the EL horizon, large vesicular pores were formed, owing to which the total pore volume retained its increased values. The resistance of aggregate shape to the action of freeze–thaw cycles differed. The aggregate from the EL horizon completely lost its original configuration by the end of the experiment. The aggregate from the AY horizon displayed definite features of sagging after five freeze–thaw cycles, whereas the aggregate from the BT1 horizon preserved its original configuration.  相似文献   

Journal of Soils and Sediments - The objective of this study was to examine the pedogenetic evolution occurring in technic hard materials from an iron mine through the characterization of a...  相似文献   

《Journal of plant nutrition》2013,36(12):2343-2364

A two‐year study (1997–1999) was conducted on a sandy clay loam (Typic Paleudult) at the experimental farm of the Universiti Putra to determine the effects of application of crop residues on changes of some soil properties in a maize (Zea mays L.)–groundnut (Arachis hypogaea) crop rotation system. Five crops of a rotation of sweet corn–groundnut–sweet corn–groundnut–sweet corn were sown with three treatments: recommended inorganic fertilizer [nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K)] with crop residue (T1), recommended inorganic fertilizer without crop residues (T2) or one‐half of the recommended inorganic fertilizer with crop residues combined with 10 t ha?1 of chicken manure (T3). Soil organic carbon (OC), soil water content and soil bulk density were not significantly changed. Application of crop residues for two years increased cation exchange capacity (CEC) whereas supplementing crop residues with CM had significantly increased soil pH of the topsoil. Phosphorous in manure treatment had moved down the soil profile, which might cause eutriphication of under ground water, particularly during the rainy season. Based on this work, incorporation of crop residues could be a beneficial practice for improving the fertility of acid soils.  相似文献   

Soil amendments can help reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and increase soil organic carbon (SOC) and crop yield. However, most biochar studies have been conducted on single soil type under controlled conditions. To address this limitation, the aim of this research was to investigate how field biochar and manure applications affect soil quality, plant productivity, and GHG emissions at eroded (sandy loam) and depositional (clay loam) positions in a climate transition zone (udic to ustic and mesic to frigid temperature). A field study was established in 2013 in South Dakota, USA, under a corn–soya bean rotation. Soil treatments included biochar, manure, a manure and biochar mixture, and a control (untreated soil). Soil properties (pH, electrical conductivity (EC), SOC, available nitrogen, available phosphorus and available potassium) were measured in 2017. Plant productivity parameters in 2016 and 2017 and GHG fluxes were measured during the 2016 and 2017 growing seasons. Compared with the control, SOC increased under all treatments at the eroded position (biochar 26%, manure 24%, and manure–biochar mixture 15%) and increased under biochar (25%) and the manure–biochar mixture (25%) at the depositional position. Plant parameters were similar under all treatments at both positions. Area-scaled CO2 fluxes were lower in soils treated with biochar compared with the control at the eroded landscape position but not at the depositional landscape position. Area-scaled N2O fluxes were lower in soils treated with biochar at both positions. Furthermore, the biochar–manure mixture treatment emitted lower area-scaled N2O fluxes compared with manure alone at both positions. This study suggests that for eroded and depositional landscape positions, biochar can improve soil organic carbon and the effects of the biochar and biochar–manure mixture on GHG emissions vary based on the soil texture.  相似文献   

A comparison was made between a long-term rice–wheat cultivation with fertilizer nitrogen–phosphorus–potassium (NPK) or added organics [farmyard manure (FYM), paddy straw (PS), green manure (GM)] and a permanent fallow on bulk density (BD), saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ksat), available water capacity (AWC), maximum water-holding capacity (MWHC), aggregation, and soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics on an Inceptisol of humid subtropics of eastern India. Continuous cropping caused a net decrease in SOC content. Undisturbed fallow was comparable to soils with FYM, PS, and GM amendments in structural and hydrophysical properties. Maximum WHC and AWC values were in the order of FYM followed by PS, GM, fallow, NPK, and control. The relative efficacy of the organics for physical buildup was FYM > PS > GM, which increased structural indices. This study represents further steps toward understanding the ecological importance of fallow management and integrated use of balanced fertilizer and organics.  相似文献   

Cervelli  S.  Di Giovanni  F.  Perna  C.  Perret  D. 《Water, air, and soil pollution》2000,124(1-2):125-139
An isotopic model (NISOTOP) has been developed to investigate the effect of the addition to soil of xenobiotics on urea hydrolysis, N mineralization and immobilization, nitrification and plant uptake of nitrogen in a soil-plant system, after addition of 15N enriched compounds. Therationale of the model follows from the errors in %15N abundance (15N D) and N concentration (CN) determinations which cause high variability coefficients in the calculation of the amount of nitrogen present in the different compounds derived from the added 15N enriched urea. The extent of these errors, besides depending on CN and 15N D errors, will also depend on natural 15N and 15N of the added compound, and therefore on the experimental conditions. The model is described by 18 first-order differential equations and is numerically solved by Euler's method with a time increment of 0.01 day. As an illustration, the model is applied to the effect of phenanthrene, chrysene and benzo(a)pyrene to a soil-plant system, following the addition of 15N-urea. These compounds have been chosen as examples of molecules having 3, 4 and 5 fused aromatic rings and are hereafter collectively referred to as PAHs. PAHs at the rate of 2 mg kg-1 soiland 15N-urea at the rate of 166.7 mg N kg-1 soil were added to wheat pots. At harvesting (after 14 days from plantation) the dry matter yield, the total N content and the N concentration of the wheat seedlings were not statistically affected by addition of the PAHs (P = 0.05). The efficiency of N uptake, that is the percentage of fertilizer taken up by the plants at harvesting in the absence of PAHs was 47.3%, while it was 11.7, 15.2 and 14.8% in the presence of phenanthrene, chrysene and benzo(a)pyrene,respectively. The computation of the first-order rate constants of the N transformations showed that N mineralization, nitrification and N-uptake were affected by the addition of phenanthrene, chrysene and benzo(a)pyrene, whilst benzo(a)pyrene inhibited urea hydrolysis more than phenanthrene and chrysene.  相似文献   

Contamination levels of the organic horizon of Al–Fe-humus podzols (Albic Rustic Podzols) in the zone affected by atmospheric emissions of the Severonikel smelter (Murmansk oblast) within a 20-yearlong period are compared. The spatiotemporal changes in the total content of heavy metals in the soils in response to a decrease in aerotechnogenic loads have a complicated pattern. As the content of heavy metals in the soils varies widely, the correlation between their amount in the organic soil horizon and the distance from the contamination source is absent. In response to the ninefold decrease in the amount of atmospheric emission of Ni compounds, the bulk content of Ni in the organic horizons of podzols reliably decreased by 2.5 times. The threefold decrease in the emission of Cu compounds proved to be insufficient for a significant decrease in the Cu content in the soils. In 2016, the content of heavy metals in some sampling points even increased in comparison with the earlier periods. The Ni-to-Cu ratio in the soil samples changed significantly. In 1989–1994, bulk forms of heavy metals in the soil samples formed the sequence Ni > Cu > Co; in 2016, it changed to Cu > Ni > Co, which corresponds to the proportions of these metals in the aerial emissions. Under conditions of the continuous input of heavy metals from the atmosphere, the contamination of the organic horizons of podzols with heavy metals remains at the high or very high levels.  相似文献   

Mercury and cadmium are priority hazardous substances. Some titanosilicates have been tested for the removal of Cd2+ and Hg2+ from single solutions by ion exchange. In this work, the competition between both contaminants for the exchanger binding sites of titanosilicate Engelhard titanosilicate material number 4 (ETS-4) was studied by performing batch experiments with aqueous solutions containing the two counter ions. The results evidenced the large capacity of ETS-4 and shown that the cadmium(II) diffusivity through the sorbent is higher than that of mercury(II). Furthermore, the ETS-4 exhibited higher kinetic and equilibrium selectivities for Cd2+, which attained values in the ranges 8.9–12.5 and 7.9–12.8, respectively. With respect to modelling, the pseudo-second-order equation described successfully the competitive removal of Cd2+ and Hg2+.  相似文献   

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