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The effect of three frequencies of irrigation with sodic (high residual alkalinity) and saline-sodic (high residual alkalinity and high NaCl concentration) waters in presence and absence of gypsum application on soil properties and crop yields were investigated under millet (fodder) — wheat — maize (fodder) rotation in a field experiment carried out for 6 years (1986–1992) on a well drained sandy loam Typic Ustochrept soil. Irrespective of the irrigation intervals, sustained use of sodic and salinesodic waters increased pH, electrical conductivity and ESP of the soil and hence significantly decreased crop yields. Application of gypsum decreased ESP and significantly improved crop yields. The beneficial effect of gypsum was lower under saline-sodic irrigation. There were no significant beneficial effects of increasing the frequency of sodic and saline-sodic irrigation, both in presence and absence of applied gypsum, on the yields of wheat and millet (f) crops grown during winter and monsoon seasons, respectively. But decrease in irrigation interval significantly improved yields of maize (f) grown during the hot dry summer period. Frequency of irrigation did not appreciably alter the effectiveness of applied gypsum in wheat and millet (f) but in maize (f), the gypsum treatment was more effective under more frequent irrigation.  相似文献   

Sustainable food production in semi-arid tropical countries can be achieved through efficient utilization of rainwater. A field experiment to assess the grain yield, seasonal water use (WU), water use efficiency (WUE) and precipitation use efficiency (PUE) of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) intercropped with cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) on two tillage systems was conducted during the 2007/2008 and 2008/2009 cropping seasons at the University of Venda (22°58′ S, 30°26′ E at 596 m above sea level). The experiment was configured as a 2 × 2 × 2 factorial design with three replications. The tillage treatments were conventional tillage (CT) (control) and in-field rainwater harvesting (IRWH) system. The IRWH is a special crop production technique that promotes runoff on 2.0-m wide no-till strip between crop rows and collects the runoff water in basins where it infiltrates into the soil profile. The treatments in the cropping system (CS) consisted of a sole crop (sunflower or cowpea) and an intercrop (sunflower × cowpea). Results of the experiment revealed that IRWH led to a significant (P < 0.05) increase in sunflower grain yield in the second season but cowpea grain yield was not influenced by tillage systems. IRWH resulted in significantly higher WU, WUE and PUE of both crops compared to CT system in the second season. The CS had significant effects on sunflower grain yield in both seasons but none on the cowpea grain yield. WU was significantly higher in intercrops than in sole cowpea and sole sunflower in the first and second season, respectively. WUE and PUE were significantly greater in sole sunflower than in the intercrops but less in the sole cowpea than in the intercrops.  相似文献   

Performance of tomato when irrigated with sodic waters particularly under drip irrigation is not well known. A field experiment was conducted for 3 years to study the response of tomato crop to sodic water irrigation on a sandy loam soil. Irrigation waters having 0, 5 and 10 mmolc L−1 residual sodium carbonate (RSC) were applied through drip and furrow irrigation to two tomato cultivars, Edkawi (a salt tolerant cultivar) and Punjab Chhuhara (PC). High RSC of irrigation water significantly increased soil pH, ECe and exchangeable sodium percentage progressively; the increases were higher in furrow compared to drip irrigation. Effect of high RSC on increasing bulk density and decreasing infiltration rate of soil was also pronounced in furrow-irrigated plots. Higher soil moisture and lower salinity near the plant was maintained under drip irrigation than under furrow irrigation. Performance of the two cultivars was significantly different; pooled over 2002–03 and 2003–04 seasons, PC yielded 38.8 and 30.0 Mg ha−1 and Edkawi yielded 31.8 and 22.9 Mg ha−1 under drip and furrow irrigation, respectively. At RSC10, cultivar PC produced 38 and 46% higher fruit yield than cultivar Edkawi under drip and furrow irrigation, respectively. Reduction in fruit yield at higher RSC was due to lower fruit weight under drip irrigation and due to reduced fruit number as well as fruit weight under furrow irrigation. Decrease in fruit weight was more pronounced in cultivar Edkawi than in cultivar PC. Increase in RSC lowered quality of the fruits except the ascorbic acid content. High RSC under drip irrigation, in general, had lesser deteriorating effect on the fruit quality particularly for cultivar PC than under furrow irrigation. For obtaining high tomato yield and better-quality fruits using high RSC sodic waters, drip irrigation should be preferred over furrow irrigation. Better performance of local cultivar PC compared to Edkawi at medium and high RSC suggests that cultivars categorized as tolerant to salinity should be evaluated in the sodic environment particularly when irrigated with high RSC sodic waters.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to determine the effects of different emitter spaces and water stress on crop yield, such that the tomatoes would be suitable for processing and paste output (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill cv. Shasta). Such variables were also analyzed with respect to crop quality characteristics (e.g., mean fruit weight - MFW, fruit diameter - FD, penetration value of fruit - PV, pH, total soluble solids - TSS, and ascorbic acid contents - AA). The experiment was conducted under ecological conditions typical of the Konya Plain, a semi-arid climate, in 2004 and 2005. Drip irrigation laterals were arranged in such a way that every row had one lateral. Emitters were spaced at 25, 50, and 75 cm intervals in the main plots, while four levels of water supply, irrigation at 7-day intervals with enough water to fill the soil depth of 0-60 cm until capacity was reached (I1), and 25, 50, and 75% decreased water supply levels were applied as subplots of the experiment. Results of the field experiments showed that yield suitable for processing (68.7-72.7 t ha−1) and paste output (12.2-12.9 t ha−1) were obtainable under conditions of I1 application (p < 0.01). MFW, FD, PV, and TSS were significantly affected from treatments (p < 0.05). High stress resulted in the highest soluble solids. The total irrigation water amount and water consumptive use of the mentioned application (I1) were determined as 426 and 525 mm in 2004. In 2005, the total irrigation water amount and water consumptive use of the same treatment were 587 and 619 mm, respectively.  相似文献   

The experiment discussed below was carried out on an onion crop cultivated under controlled deficit irrigation (CDI) conditions in a semi-arid climate. Eight treatments were used in which different water doses were applied according to the water requirements at each stage of the crop cycle. The effect of water deficit was studied at three vegetative stages (development, bulbification and ripening).Although, the dry matter yield was not affected by the total volume of water intake (with volumes ranging from 603.1 to 772.0 mm), the statistical analyses made have shown that there is some interaction between the volumes of water received by the crop at the bulbification and ripening stages, which means that inducing a shortage in both stages at the same time does lead to significant differences in the yield obtained.As to bulb sizes, the treatments which received the greatest volumes of water during the development and ripening stages yielded harvests with higher percentages of large-size bulbs, whereas the water shortages induced during the growth and bulbification stages led to higher percentages of small-size bulbs.  相似文献   

Early planting of rice crop during the period of peak evaporative demand results in substantial mining of ground water and threats the sustainability of rice production in Punjab, northwest India. In order to increase yield and water productivity, arrest the mining of ground water, and achieve sustainability of rice production, there is need to adopt water-saving management practices. The present investigation in the Indian Punjab was aimed at investigating the effect of date of transplanting in four rice cultivars varying in growth duration (short-duration RH-257 and PR-115, and medium-duration PR-113 and PAU-201) on yield and water productivity. Delaying in transplanting from 15 June to 25 June or 5 July resulted in reduction in mean grain yield of the four cultivars by 7.2% and 15.9%, respectively. PAU-201, a photoperiod-sensitive cultivar, had higher mean grain yield (7.8 t ha−1) by 14.1%, 12.8% and 11.5% over the photoperiod-insensitive cultivars, PR-113, PR-115 and RH-257, respectively. Irrespective of transplanting dates, short-duration cultivars, RH-257 and PR-115, respectively, resulted in 18.9% and 16.6% saving of water, as compared to medium-duration cultivar PR-113. With delayed transplanting after 15 June, both yield and water productivity decreased for all photoperiod insensitive cultivars, but yields remained statistically similar and water productivity greater for a photoperiod sensitive cultivar. Mean irrigation water productivity (WPI) was highest for 15 June transplanting (0.66 kg m−3) and lowest for 5 July transplanting (0.57 kg m−3), and was highest for RH-257 (0.68 kg m−3) and lowest for PR-113 (0.50 kg m−3). Total water productivity (WPI+R; irrigation plus rainfall) decreased by 9.1% for 5 July transplanting compared with 15 June transplanting, and was highest for RH-257 (0.49 kg m−3) and lowest for PR-113 (0.38 kg m−3). Real crop water productivity (WPET) of the photoperiod insensitive cultivars decreased (1.10-1.40 kg m−3), but that of a photoperiod sensitive cultivar increased (1.63 kg m−3), with delayed transplanting. We conclude that substantial amount of water can be saved and yield increased by transplanting short-duration cultivars during the period of peak evaporative demand, or water saved and yield maintained by transplanting a photoperiod-sensitive cultivar late in the season when the evaporative demand is low.  相似文献   

Irrigation water is a limited resource, and therefore irrigation practices must be rationalized for high water-use efficiency. Little is known about the influence of stored water in deep soils on the water needs and the post-sowing irrigation requirements of crops. A 3-year field experiment was conducted to determine the effects of combinations of light and heavy pre-sowing irrigations with two post-sowing irrigation regimes on yield, root growth, water use and water-use efficiency of wheat on a deep alluvial sandy loam soil. Post-sowing treatments consisted of (i) five 75-mm irrigations at five growth stages, and (ii) irrigations based on pan evaporation, i.e. at IW/PAN-E ratio of 0.75 (75 mm of irrigation water were provided as soon as the open-pan evaporation minus rainfall since previous irrigation was 100 mm).The latter regime required 175 mm less water than that with irrigation at growth stages. Profile water utilization was inversely related to post-sowing irrigation water. Where pre-sowing irrigation was light, post-sowing irrigations based on pan evaporation yielded significantly less than those based on growth stages. With heavy pre-sowing irrigation, irrigation based on the pan evaporation yielded as much as five irrigations at growth stages. The former decreased the mean water application by 153 mm and increased the water-use efficiency by 26%. Irrigation based on pan evaporation stimulated greater utilization of stored water by increasing the rooting density in deeper layers.It is indicated that for higher water-use efficiency and yield, wheat should be sown after a heavy pre-sowing irrigation, and post-sowing irrigation should be based on 0.75 pan evaporation.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted for 2 years to investigate the effects of deficit irrigation, nitrogen and plant growth minerals on seed cotton yield, water productivity and yield response factor. The treatment comprises six levels of deficit irrigation (Etc 1.0, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6 and 0.5) and four levels of nitrogen (80, 120, 160 and 200 kg N ha−1). These were treatments superimposed with and without plant growth mineral spray. Furrow irrigation treatments were also kept. Cotton variety Ankur-651 Bt was grown during 2006 and 2007 cotton season. Drip irrigation at 1.0 Etc saved 26.9% water and produced 43.1% higher seed cotton yield over conventional furrow irrigation (1.0 Etc). Imposing irrigation deficit of 0.8 Etc caused significant reduction in seed cotton yield to the tune of 9.3% of the maximum yield. Further increase in deficit irrigation from 0.7 Etc to 0.5 Etc significantly decreased seed cotton yield over its subsequent higher irrigation level. Decline in the yield under deficit irrigation was associated with reduction in number of bolls plant−1 and boll weight. Nitrogen at 200 kg ha−1 significantly increased mean seed cotton yield by 36.3% over 80 kg N ha−1. Seed cotton yield tended to increase linearly up to 200 kg N ha−1 with drip Etc 0.8 to drip Etc 1.0. With drip Etc 0.6-0.5, N up to 160 kg ha−1 provided the highest yield, thereafter it had declined. Foliar spray of plant growth mineral (PGM) brought about significant improvement in seed cotton yield by 14.1% over control. The water productivity ranged from 0.331 to 0.491 kg m−3 at different irrigation and N levels. On pooled basis, crop yield response factor of 0.87 was calculated at 20% irrigation deficit.  相似文献   

Barley is a crop that has been classified as tolerant to soil salinity, but under sprinkler irrigation with saline water it can readily absorb salts through its leaves and develop injury. Experiments using a triple-line-source sprinkler system were conducted on barley between 1989 and 1991 to determine: (1) the specific effects of foliage wetting on the mass of different shoot components; (2) the relative contribution of root and foliar absorption processes to foliar Cl accumulation; and (3) the extent by which these processes affect Cl partitioning in the shoot at the end of the season. Some plants were covered with plastic during the irrigation process to prevent foliar wetting while others remained uncovered. Salinity affected the partitioning of dry matter in the shoots regardless of whether plants were covered during the irrigation process. The organs associated with reproduction, e.g., heads and peduncles, comprised a larger fraction of the total shoot biomass under high salinity than under low salinity, indicating that plants under salinity stress were able to redistribute their dry matter to favor reproductive growth. The Cl concentration of the young leaves sampled from uncovered plants was linearly related (i.e., r 2>0.71) to the Cl concentration of the irrigation water. Equivalent leaves from covered plants also contained a substantial amount of Cl but concentrations were weakly correlated (i.e., r 2<-0.41) with the concentration of Cl in the irrigation water. At low salinity, there were no differences in leaf Cl concentrations between covered and uncovered treatments. In young leaves, differences between these treatments progressively increased with increasing salinity, indicating that the relative contribution of Cl in the leaf from foliar absorbed salts increased with increasing Cl in the irrigation water. Only in the youngest leaves sampled at the end of the season from plants grown at high salinity was the Cl concentration in uncovered plants (foliar plus root-absorbed Cl) found to be more than twice that in covered plants (only root-absorbed Cl) indicating that most of the Cl in young leaves originated from foliar absorption. In addition, only in the youngest leaves (e.g., flag leaves) was the slope of the relationship between leaf-Cl concentration and Cl concentration of the sprinkling water of uncovered plants more than twice that of covered plants, also indicating that foliar-Cl absorption was more substantial than root-Cl absorption. At high salinity, the difference in leaf Cl concentration between covered and uncovered plants was maximum in the youngest leaf (flag leaf), but differences became progressively smaller with increasing leaf age until ultimately concentrations of chloride in leaves older than the flag leaf-2 were highest in covered plants. In older tissue, it was difficult to distinguish which process, foliar or root absorption, was most responsible for leaf-Cl accumulation. These processes may not be entirely independent of one another and much of the Cl in the oldest leaves of uncovered plants could have been derived from foliar sources during the first month of sprinkling, reaching maximal levels, and thereby restricting root-absorbed Cl. Furthermore, since these leaves at the end of the season are more injured and drier than those from covered plants, late-season sprinkler irrigations may have been responsible for leaching some of the Cl out of these necrotic leaves.  相似文献   

A 4-year field experiment was conducted in a semi-arid area to evaluate the response of each furrow and alternate furrow irrigation in wheat-cotton system using irrigation waters of different qualities in a calcareous soil. Irrigation was applied to each and alternate furrow of bed-planted wheat followed by ridge-planted cotton for comparison with standard check-basin method of irrigation to both the crops. These methods of irrigation were evaluated under three water qualities namely good quality canal water (CW), poor quality tube well water (TW) and pre-sowing irrigation to each crop with CW and all subsequent irrigations with TW (CWpsi + TW). The pooled results over 4 years revealed that wheat grain yield was not affected significantly with quality of irrigation water, but significant yield reduction was observed in alternate bed irrigation under canal water and tube well water irrigations. In cotton, poor quality tube well water significantly reduced the seed cotton yield in all the three methods of planting. The pre-sowing irrigation with canal water and all subsequent irrigations with tube well water improved the seed cotton yield when compared with tube well water alone. However, this yield increase was significant only in alternate furrow irrigation, and the yield obtained was on a par with yield under alternate furrow in CW. When compared to check-basin irrigation, each furrow and alternate furrow irrigation resulted in a saving of 30 and 49% of irrigation water in bed-planted wheat, whereas the corresponding savings in ridge-planted cotton were 20 and 42%, respectively. Reduced use of irrigation water under alternate furrow, without any significant reduction in yield, resulted in 28.1, 23.9 and 43.2% higher water use efficiency in wheat under CW, TW and CWpsi + TW, respectively. The corresponding increase under cotton was 8.2, 2.1 and 19.5%. The implementation of alternate furrow irrigation improved the water use efficiency without any loss in yield, thus reduced use of irrigation water especially under poor quality irrigation water with pre-sowing irrigation with canal water reduced the deteriorating effects on yield and soil under these calcareous soils.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted during the 1996/1997 season at the University of Jordan Research Station near Al-Muwaqqar village to investigate the effects of sand columns, sand column spacing, soil ridges, and supplemental irrigation on soil water storage, redistribution, and barley yields. The experimental site represents a typical Jordanian arid environmental soil suffering from surface crust formation overlaying impermeable material. In the 600-mm-depth soil profile, soil water storage was improved significantly by 59%, 45%, and 38% in the 1-m, 2-m, and 3-m sand column spacing treatments, respectively, compared with soil water storage in the control treatment (no sand columns). Sand columns increased the moisture stored in all four soil layers (0–150, 150–300, 300–450, and 450–600 mm). Moisture stored in the 450–600 mm soil layer increased significantly by about 188%, 147%, 88%, and 29% in the 1-m, 2-m, 3-m, and 4-m sand column spacing treatments, respectively, compared with moisture stored in the same soil layer of the control treatment. Increasing soil water storage also increased barley consumptive use significantly from 130 mm in the control treatment to an average of about 185 mm in sand column treatments. Without supplemental irrigation, barley grain and straw yields were negligible and almost zero. Barley yields in the control treatment, with 167 mm supplemental irrigation were low, being 0.19 ton/ha and 1.09 ton/ha of barley grain and straw, respectively. Sand columns increased barley grain and straw yields significantly compared with the control treatment to a maximum of 0.68 ton/ha and 3.97 ton/ha, respectively, with the 1-m sand column spacing. Soil ridges perpendicular to the land slope had no significant effect on increasing soil water storage due to lateral runoff and loss along the ridge. In general, sand columns minimize surface runoff and evaporation by allowing water to infiltration through the strong surface crust. Sand columns act as a sink for surface water, enhance subsurface lateral water movement, and reduce the possibility of surface crust formation in the vicinity of the sand column opening by preventing surface ponding. Received: 3 October 1997  相似文献   

为指导新疆灌溉棉区棉花节水灌溉和增产,通过大田试验,比较研究5种不同灌溉条件下保水剂对棉花生长、干物质积累与分配、水分吸收及产量的影响。结果表明,施用保水剂能不同程度地抑制棉花株高,使主茎叶数、单株蕾数和叶面积减小,但单株铃数会增加。保水剂能促进棉花根系和蕾铃发育,使干物质由营养器官向生殖器官的分配比增加13.8%~25.8%,同时增强了水分由根系向茎叶的运输能力。适宜减量灌溉(常规灌量的40%以上)条件下,施用保水剂在节水21.1%以上的前提下,仍能较对照(充足灌溉,且无保水剂)增产6.7%~22.0%;即使是以常规灌量的40%进行灌溉,施保水剂也能保障棉花不减产。在该试验条件下,常规灌量的80%为最适灌溉量,能使棉花产量较对照显著提高22.0%(有保水剂)和7.4%(无保水剂)。初步分析认为,引起棉花增产的直接原因是单株铃数和单铃质量增加,间接原因是保水剂调控了不同器官干物质的积累与分配,以及水分代谢状况。  相似文献   

Summary Seed-cotton yield, yield components and vegetative growth were determined under different irrigation frequencies and wetting depths with a self-propelled moving-irrigation-system (MSIS) in 1986 and 1987. Irrigation timing was determined in both years by pre-irrigation, mid-day plant water potential (w). The amount of water to be applied was determined by measuring the soil moisture deficit. In 1987, the effect of a change from one irrigation frequency and wetting depth to another at mid-flowering was also examined. Linear responses of relative seed-cotton yield to the amount of evapotranspiration (ET) were found for both years with similar slopes but different intercepts. Significant positive regressions were obtained between pre-irrigation plant w and relative seed-cotton yield, and vegetative growth during the linear growth stage. Seed-cotton yield was affected by both wetting depth and pre-irrigation plant w. The deeper the irrigation the higher was the seed-cotton yield for each pre-irrigation plant w. Irrigation frequencies which maintained plant w above -1.5 MPa during vegetative growth, flowering and boll-filling resulted in maximum production. The boll filling stage appeared to be a very sensitive one, as boll weight was found to be the main yield component responding to irrigation treatments. At a wetting depth of 120 cm, higher seed-cotton yields were obtained than at a more shallow wetting. Different irrigation managements resulted in different turgor potentials (t) mainly during mid-day. Both leaf water vapour conductance and net assimilation rate were sensitive to leaf w.Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagon, Israel, No. 2903-E, 1990 series. Research was supported by the U.S.-Israel Binational Agric. Res. and Develop. Fund.  相似文献   

In this paper, based on the analysis of a long-term energy balance monitoring programme, a Bowen ratio-based method (BR) was proposed to resolve the lack of closure of the eddy covariance technique to obtain reliable sensible (H) and latent heat fluxes (λE). Evapotranspiration (ET) values determined from the BR method (ETc,corr) were compared with the upscaled transpiration data determined by the sap flow heat pulse (HP) technique, evidencing the degree of correspondence between instantaneous transpirational flux at tree level and the micrometeorological measurement of ET at orchard level. Using the BR-corrected λE fluxes, a crop ET model implementing the Penman–Monteith approach, where the canopy surface resistance was determined from standard microclimatic variables, was applied to determine the crop coefficient values. The performance of the model was evaluated by comparing it with the sap flow HP data. The results of the comparison were satisfactory, and therefore, the proposed methodology may be considered valid for characterizing the ET process for orange orchards grown in a Mediterranean climate. By contrast to reports in the FAO 56 paper, the crop growth coefficient of the orange orchard being studied was not constant throughout the growing season.  相似文献   

The drained and irrigated marshes in south-west Spain are formed on soils of alluvial origin from the ancient Guadalquivir river estuary. The most important characteristics of these soils are the high clay content (about 70%), high salinity, and a shallow, extremely saline, water table. The reclaimed area near Lebrija, called Sector B-XII (about 15,000 ha), has been under cultivation since 1978. Some years, however, water supply for irrigation is limited due to drought periods. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of irrigation with high and moderately saline waters on soil properties and growth and yield of cotton and sugar beet crops. The experiments were carried out during 1997 and 1998 in a farm plot of 12.5 ha (250 m×500 m) in which a drainage system had been installed, consisting of cylindrical ceramic sections (0.3 m long) forming pipes 250 m long, buried at a depth of 1 m and spaced at intervals of 10 m. These drains discharge into a collecting channel perpendicular to the drains. Two subplots of 0.5 ha (20 m×250 m) each were selected. In 1997 cotton was growing in both subplots, and irrigation was applied by furrows. One subplot (A) was irrigated with fresh water (0.9 dS m−1) during the whole season, while in the other subplot (B) one of the irrigations (at flowering stage) was with water of high salinity (22.7 dS m−1). During 1998 both subplots were cropped with sugar beet. Subplot A was irrigated with fresh water (1.7 dS m−1) during the whole season, while in subplot B two of the irrigations were with moderately saline water (5.9–7.0 dS m−1). Several measurement sites were established in each subplot. Water content profile, tensiometric profile, water table level, drainage water flow, soil salinity, and crop development and yield were monitored. The results showed that after the irrigation with high saline water (subplot B) in 1997 (cotton), the soil salinity increased. This increase was more noticeable in the top layer (0–0.3 m depth). In contrast, for the same dates, the soil of subplot A showed no changes. After five irrigations with fresh water, the salinity of the soil in the subplot B reached values similar to those before the application of saline water. In 1998 (sugar beet) the application of moderately saline water in subplot B also increased soil salinity, but this increase was lower than in 1997. The irrigation with high saline water affected crop development. Cotton growth was reduced in comparison with that in the subplot irrigated only with fresh water. Despite this negative effect on crop development, the crop yield was the same as in the subplot A. Sugar beet development did not show differences between subplots, but yield was higher in subplot B than in subplot A.  相似文献   

The effects of irrigation methods, application rates and initial moisture content on soil water storage and surface runoff were studied in soils liable to surface crust formation during 1995–1996 at the University of Jordan Research Station near Al-Muwaqqar village. Four irrigation methods were tested (sprinkler, furrow, basin and trickle) and four application rates (6.2, 14.4, 24.4 and 28.4 mm/h). Two runs were performed (soil initially dry and soil initially wet). Basin irrigation provided the highest application efficiency followed by trickle, sprinkler and furrow irrigation methods. Entrapping water by the basin borders increased soil water storage by allowing more water to infiltrate through the surface crust. Decreasing the application rate from 28.4 to 6.2 mm/h increased soil water storage significantly in all 150 mm layers to a depth of 600 mm. If the soil was already wet, soil moisture storage decreased owing to siltation during the prewetting and formation of a surface crust and low soil water storage capacity. A sedimentary crust formed at the bottom of the furrows in the furrow irrigation treatment, which reduced soil water storage and increased surface runoff significantly owing to the reduction in infiltration. Increasing the application rate from 6.2 to 28.4 mm/h in the furrow surface irrigation treatment increased the runoff discharge 10-fold. Even with the lowest application rate the runoff coefficient under sprinkler irrigation was 20.3% indicating high susceptibility of Al-Muwaqqar soils to surface crust formation.  相似文献   

Soil, water and production systems constitute the most important natural resources of a watershed in the rainfed agro-ecosystem; and for sustainability of the production systems they need to be in harmony with the environment. To learn from the past research, a review is made of literature on the impact of natural resource management practices on soil and water quality in the semi-arid tropical regions of India. The results from long-term on station field experiments show that an integrated use of soil and water conservation practices with balanced plant nutrition can not only sustain increased productivity but also maintain soil quality at the watershed or catchment level. Natural resource management practices that conserve soil and water also help to maintain surface and groundwater quality. The changes in soil and water quality, as impacted by natural resource management practices, need to be monitored and assessed on a continuing basis as the outcome of such research offers valuable opportunity for the implementation of corrective management practices, as and when needed.  相似文献   

Summary Standard local practice in Northern India is to continue irrigation of winter wheat crop almost up to harvest, based on the farmer's belief that this treatment increases grain weight and yield. The effect of an early cut-off of irrigation on the water use was studied in a three-year experiment on a deep, sandy-loam soil.Wheat, sown during the second or third week of November, received its first irrigation four weeks later. Subsequently treatments included irrigations of 7.5 cm water depth applied after 10 cm of cumulative pan evaporation minus rainfall had elapsed since the previous irrigation up till mid-April; irrigations of 7.5 cm up till mid-February and thereafter irrigation equal to 75 and 100% soil-water deficit in the 0–180 cm profile around March 10 with no later irrigation; and a similar treatment with one additional irrigation after making up the water deficit.Least irrigation water was used from the treatment in which 75% water deficit was restored around March 10 and no further irrigation was applied. This treatment increased the average extraction of profile water by 4 cm compared to treatments in which irrigation was continued until mid-April. Profile water depletion was inversely related to the amount of irrigation. Grain weight and yields from the various treatments harvested in the last week of April were unaffected by the treatments.The authors are grateful to the ICAR for financing this research  相似文献   

在民勤绿洲通过大田试验研究了免储水灌施用保水剂注水播种对春玉米产量的影响及其构成要素的变化,并对玉米籽粒产量、生物产量、收获指数与产量构成要素及产量构成要素之间的相关关系进行了分析。结果表明,施用保水剂量2.5 g/m2或采用保水剂拌种注水播种处理较常规灌溉处理可增产17.77%和15.13%,节水18.76%和13.92%,增收26.37%和15.73%,上述指标在各处理中均处于较高值,且与常规灌溉处理相比均呈现极显著差异(p0.01)。玉米穗粒重、穗重和穗长是构成产量的主要因素,而玉米秃尖长、百粒重和穗行数的大小几乎不影响玉米产量,因此,通过增加玉米穗长、穗粒数、穗粒重、穗重是提高玉米籽粒产量和生物产量的可行途径。  相似文献   

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