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The uniform and precise application of microbial particles close to the target organism and to the plant to be protected can increase the success of a biological control treatment. The use of systems or technologies which are usually available in agriculture could influence the acceptability of biocontrol agents by farmers, and enlarge the market. A pilot system was realized using dripper lines, drippers, filters and other tools commonly used in irrigation and precision agriculture in the greenhouse to evaluate their suitability for applying and distributing microbial biocontrol agents. Conidial suspensions of marketed or marketable agents were used, i.e. Fusarium oxysporum, F. solani, Trichoderma harzianum and Paecilomyces lilacinus. The experiments carried out demonstrated that conidial suspensions (106 conidia ml−1) can pass through the drippers without causing clogging, regardless of their size, and remained viable. The term ‘microbigation’ is here proposed for this kind of microbial application technique.  相似文献   

To further extend knowledge about the detailed knowledge on the crossflow characteristic in a multi jets system under a confined space, particle image velocimetry (PIV) was employed to investigate the flow structures together with the distributions of the mean velocity components for Reynolds numbers (Re) ranging from 6 213 to 13 418, nozzle to plate spacing (H/D) varying from 0.20 to 125, respectively. Results show that the crossflow configuration is significantly different from those of large nozzle to plate spacing. In addition, a turning point H/D = 0.50 is revealed in the profile of the normalized maximum radial velocity which is associated with the heat transfer distribution on the impingement plate.  相似文献   

《Agricultural Systems》2007,94(1-3):170-190
Farmers within irrigation systems, such as those in Bali, solve complex coordination problems to allocate water and control pests. Lansing and Kremer’s [Lansing, J.S., Kremer, J.N., 1993. Emergent properties of Balinese water temples. American Anthropologist 95(1), 97–114] study of Balinese water temples showed that this coordination problem can be solved by assuming simple local rules for how individual communities make their decisions. Using the original Lansing–Kremer model, the robustness of their insights was analyzed and the ability of agents to self-organize was found to be sensitive to pest dynamics and assumptions of agent decision making.  相似文献   

Crop yield is primarily water-limited in areas of West Asia and North Africa with a Mediterranean climate. Ten years of supplemental irrigation (SI) experiments in northern Syria were conducted to evaluate water–yield relations for bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L.), and optimal irrigation scheduling was proposed for various rainfall conditions. The sensitive growth stages of wheat to water stress were from stem elongation to booting, followed by anthesis, and grain-filling. Water stress to which crop subjected depends on rainfall and its distribution during the growing season; the stress started from early March (stem-elongation stage) or even in seedling stage in a dry year, and from mid-April (anthesis) in an average or wet year. Crop yield linearly increased with increase in evapotranspiration (ET), with an increase of 160 kg for bread wheat and of 116 kg for durum wheat per 10 mm increase of ET above the threshold of 200 mm. Water-use efficiency (WUE) with a yield ≥3 t ha−1 was ca. 60% higher than that with yield <3 t ha−1; this emphasises the importance of that to achieve effective use of water, optimal water supply and relatively high yields need to be ensured. Quadratic crop production functions with the total applied water were developed and used to estimate the levels of irrigation water for maximizing yield, net profit and levels to which the crops could be under-irrigated without reducing income below that which would be earned for full SI under limited water resources. The analysis suggested that irrigation scenarios for maximizing crop yield and/or the net profit under limited land resource conditions should not be recommended. The SI scenarios for maximizing the profit under limited water resource conditions or for a targeted yield of 4–5 t ha−1 were recommended for sustainable utilization of water resources and higher WUE. The time of irrigation was also suggested on the basis of crop sensitivity index to water stress taking rainfall probability and available soil water into account.  相似文献   

In this paper, the proposed optimisation model is applied to optimise water management in the Bembézar system, a small hydrological basin belonging to the Guadalquivir River basin in southern Spain that supplies water to the Bembézar River Irrigation District.In order to apply the model, the irrigation methods and performance in the irrigation district have been analysed through a set of field irrigation evaluations. Cropping patterns, crop productivity and other relevant agronomic and economic data have been collected.The influence of irrigation uniformity and the type of distribution of irrigation water on the crop yields, as well as the relationship between crop yields and irrigation scheduling have been analysed using the proposed model.A deterministic analysis has been carried out in the irrigation district in order to compare optimum water and cropping patterns management with actual ones.In order to account for the randomness of both climatic and water availability variables, a stochastic data generation has been carried out which considers the correlation between these hydrological series. The system is then analysed in a stochastic environment. Several simulations of the optimisation process have been carried out using generated data on climatic and water availability variables.The result of this analysis demonstrates that when only the satisfaction of the internal demands is considered, high quantities of water are allocated to the irrigation districts resulting in low economic benefits per unit of water used and lower irrigation efficiency. This situation has been compared with the solution provided by the hypothesis of a proposed water market in which it is possible to transfer part of the water of the system to other alternative uses at a fixed price. In this second hypothesis, water consumption in the irrigation districts was reduced.  相似文献   

A drip irrigation system was installed above ground at 30, 45, and 60% of the weekly-accumulated evaporation depth to evaluate productivity of harvested green cladodes (leaf-like stem segments) of the prickly pear cactus. Results showed that irrigating above 30% does not increase crop production. This percentage represents an annual irrigation depth of 0.74 m, which is one of the lowest in the regional irrigation district of “La Laguna” in the state of Coahuila. Nopal Opuntia ficus indica cv. C-69 showed the highest green cladode “nopalitos” yield, with 108 tonnes (ha−1 year−1) and sustained growth except during the cold season. Leaf area index was 80, net assimilation rate was 0.178 g (dm−2 day−1), and dry-weight at maximum productivity was 9.2 g for the confidence parameters for the week representing average green cladodes growth  相似文献   

The interactions between irrigation rates applied during the oil accumulation stage and crop load were studied in a six-year-old very-high-density Koroneiki (Olea europaea L.) orchard. Five irrigation rates, determined as thresholds of midday stem water potential, were applied from July 1st until harvest in 2008 and 2009 and from July 1st to the end of September in 2010. Oil yield increased with increasing crop load in all the irrigation treatments. Oil yield did not respond to increasing irrigation at very low crop load and the higher the crop load the higher the response to irrigation. There was no response to irrigation at the lowest crop loads, but the higher the irrigation rate the higher the oil yield at high crop loads. The predicted commercial oil yield at common fruit counts increased from 1.99 t/ha at the lowest irrigation rate to 3.06 t/ha at the highest irrigation rate. Stomatal conductance decreased with decreasing stem water potential but leveled off at 30–60 mmol m?2 s?1 at stem water potential values lower than ?4.0 MPa. High crop load increased stomatal conductance and decreased stem water potential relative to low crop load at low and medium irrigation rates. The effect of crop load on water relations became evident by the end of August and was well pronounced at the beginning of October. Physiological and irrigation water management implications related to the interactions between tree water status and crop load are discussed.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted during summer season of 1998 at the Main Research Station, University of Agricultural Sciences, Hebbal, Bangalore. Experiment consisted of four irrigation levels and two methods of planting. Drip irrigation at 0.8 Epan with normal planting recorded significantly higher green cob (20.07 t ha−1) and fodder yield (24.87 t ha−1) compared to either drip at 0.6 Epan or weekly surface irrigation at 0.8 Epan, while drip at 0.4 Epan under paired planting (10.53 and 15.23 t ha−1, respectively registered the lowest. Drip at 0.4 Epan with normal planting recorded higher WUE of green cob and fodder (48.21 and 61.22 kg ha mm−1) with total water requirement of 330.46 mm. With increase in water use (drip at 0.6 Epan, drip/surface irrigation at 0.8 Epan) the water use efficiency decreased. Drip irrigation at 0.8 Epan resulted in higher leaf water potential (−4, −7, −8 bars) at 20, 40 and 60 DAS before irrigation. Consequently, the RWC in the leaf was 81.10% and the available soil moisture ranged from 55.62 to 61.91%.  相似文献   

A water balance of a large traditional irrigation area and a downstream adjoining wetland was determined using the surface energy balance approach (SEB), based on satellite data, to calculate the actual evaporation of both the irrigated area and the wetland at four different dates in a dry year and information of two additional images. The contribution of capillary flow by the shallow groundwater table was estimated by evaluating the actual evapotranspiration values of adjoining rangelands and non-inundated wetland areas. Those values were used to separate the total evapotranspiration into a soil moisture change component due to capillary rise, and into a component attributable to supply of river water. The only field data used for the estimated monthly water balance were air temperature, wind speed, and water inflow, since rainfall and outflow could be ignored in the year 2000. The results provided an insight for conditions of a drought year within the irrigated area, the distribution of water to irrigation and the wetland and showed the linkage between inundated wetland area and discharge.  相似文献   

Saline irrigation waters dominant in sodium salts limit the potential yield of agricultural crops directly by affecting physiological functions of plants and/or indirectly by degrading the soil environment. The vital role of calcium in the regulation of ionic relations in plants and in improving the soil physical condition offers the possibility of combating salinity by both physical manipulation of the soil environment and genetic manipulation of the plant.This paper discusses the physiological role of calcium as related to salt tolerance of crops and also its influence on the structural improvement of salt affected soils. Other aspects covered include the availability of soil calcium to plants and a formula to calculate calcium requirements. Future research needs on the use of calcium in irrigating with saline-sodic water are also indicated.  相似文献   

In the middle Senegal valley, the saline soil distribution is not related to the present faint topography. The absence of a relationship is one of the major constraints in establishing new irrigation schemes. The salt distribution was studied to understand its variability, and to describe its structure and spatial arrangement. Saline areas were delineated by measuring the electromagnetic soil conductivity (ECm), a rapid technique with a portable instrument (EM38). The results indicate that the saline soils are distributed as strips. A detailed examination revealed that the major strip is actually composed of two parallel minor strips, and a comparison with aerial photographs showed that one lies in a former creek bed, and the other fringes it on the southern bank. The strip is intersected by an actual creek bed, indicating that the salt distribution is ancient, related to previous geo-morphology, and does not result from a recent remobilisation of the marine salt deposits incorporated in the soil. The identification of this relationship between the present saline soil distribution and previous geo-morphology allowed us to survey the whole N’Galenka region (about 6000 ha) using ECm measurements on selected transects.  相似文献   

It is well-known that major irrigation projects have a strong scale economy, handicapping irrigation development in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) because of the difficulty in formulating large-scale projects. Using project-level investment cost and performance data of major and minor irrigation projects, this paper examines the causes of the economy of scale phenomenon. We find that strong scale economy exists not only for major but also for minor projects, i.e., small- and micro-scale, projects. This is largely because of the existence of indivisible overhead costs such as high-opportunity-cost human resources for planning, designing and engineering management and supervision. We also find that large differences between major and minor projects in the absolute level of overhead as well as construction costs creates a strong scale diseconomy and results in better performance of minor projects. The advantage of minor projects holds even when their higher risk associated with the water source is taken into consideration. We argue that there is an urgent need to promote irrigation development in SSA through developing minor projects, and to reduce the heavy burden of overhead costs by developing the capacity of human resources at the national, local and farmer levels in the fields of irrigation engineering, irrigation agronomy, institutional development, and micro water management technologies.  相似文献   

This article examines trends in the understandingof and policies toward farmer participation in irrigationmanagement over the past 20 years, with special attention toexperiences with induced participation and management transferprograms in the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Senegal,Columbia Basin USA, and Mexico. Key lessons relate to the valueof social organizers as catalysts; the role of the irrigationagency as partner; and the enabling conditions for participation.As levels of income and infrastructure rise, we can expect moreformal organizations that enable farmers to deal with bankaccounts, service contracts, water rights, water markets, andadvanced technology in irrigation systems. The impact ofparticipation on irrigation performance needs to be evaluated notjust in terms of reductions in government costs, but by whetherimprovement in physical structures and farmers control overwater are great enough to offset the farmers costs ofparticipating.  相似文献   

This study describes a model named HydroGEN that was conceived for simulating hydrographs of daily volumes and hourly flow rates during peak-demand periods in pressurized irrigation delivery networks with on-demand operation. The model is based on a methodology consisting of deterministic and stochastic components and is composed of a set of input parameters to reproduce the crop irrigation management practices followed by farmers and of computational procedures enabling to simulate the soil water balance and the irrigation events for all cropped fields supplied by each delivery hydrant in a distribution network. The input data include values of weather, crop, and soil parameters, as well as information on irrigation practices followed by local farmers. The resulting model outputs are generated flow hydrographs during the peak-demand period, which allow the subsequent analysis of performance achievable under different delivery scenarios. The model can be applied either for system design or re-design, as well as for analysis of operation and evaluation of performance achievements of on-demand pressurized irrigation delivery networks. Results from application of HydroGEN to a real pressurized irrigation system at different scales are presented in a companion paper (Part II: model applications).  相似文献   

A deterministic–stochastic combined model named HydroGEN was developed, as described in a companion paper (Part I: Model development), to enable the simulation of demanded daily volumes and hourly flow rates during peak periods in pressurized irrigation delivery networks. The model was applied to a pilot large-scale irrigation system located in southern Italy for calibration and for testing its reliability in analyzing the operation of large-scale pressurized delivery systems through the simulated flow configurations. Daily input data on rainfall, temperature, solar radiation, wind speed and relative humidity were gathered from a meteorological station located within the study area, whereas information on local irrigation management practices were collected through interviews with farmers and from extension specialists. The model was tested at different management levels, from district to sector and hydrants. The model testing was supported by the use of high-resolution remote-sensing imagery acquired on a single overpass date in 2006 and then classified and recoded following a ground-truthing campaign conducted during the same year. Simulations were performed to identify the 10-day peak-demand period and to generate the hydrographs of daily volumes and of hourly flow rates. Results from the different simulations were compared with historical datasets of irrigation volumes and discharges recorded during the 2008 and 2009 seasons at the upstream end of the irrigation network under study, at a sector level during the 2007 season and at selected delivery hydrants during the 2005 season. Some discrepancies between simulated and recorded data were noted that can be related to small errors in estimating crop and soil parameters, application efficiency at field level, as well as to large variability in irrigation management practices followed by local farmers. Overall, the results from testing showed that the model is capable of forecasting with good accuracy the timing of peak-demand periods, the irrigation volumes demanded during the season, as well as the hydrographs of daily volumes and hourly flow rates withdrawn by farmers during these peak-demand periods, especially when it is applied to large multi-cropped command areas.  相似文献   

Irrigated agriculture in the Murray–Darling Basin (MDB) currently faces serious challenges due to water scarcity, degradation of water quality, waterlogging and salinity resulting from inappropriate water and land use practices. In particular, there is now increasing risk of water quality degradation due to nutrient rich drainage water in the river system. Therefore, the future of irrigation will depend on the strategies that protect water quality and make best use of water available in the Basin. In this paper, we examine various options that irrigators have to augment water supplies on their farms using the Shepparton Irrigation Region (SIR), Victoria, as a case study. Here, we also discuss the suitability of the ‘Drainage Water Storage Scheme’ (DWSS) in providing additional water supplies to irrigators and in reducing the risk of water quality degradation due to flow of nutrient rich runoff into Basin’s river systems.  相似文献   

By discretizing the convection terms with AUSM+ up scheme in the rotating coordinate system, a finite volume analysis code based on multi block structured grids was developed indepen dently so as to realize the numerical solving of internal flow fields of turbomachineries. Taking an unshrouded radial impeller with the working fluid of water vapour as the research object, the flow response to the fluctuation of rotational speed was calculated. By comparing the surface pressure profiles and velocity contours calculated by the code and commercial software respectively, the accuracy of flow solver was verified. The analysis of flow response data indicates that, as the wor king condition shifts closer towards the surge boundary, the response of flow parameters such as mass flow and aerodynamic torque will be more nonsynchronous with the fluctuation of rotational speed, and also the influence of density variation on mass flow variation will be smaller. Moreover, the transient variation region of working condition performance will deviate farther away from the steady performance curve as the working condition approaches the surge boundary. Compared to the working conditions with small mass flows, the distribution characteristics of pressure difference load on the blade surface vary little under large mass flow conditions. The reduction of fluctuation amplitude of rotational speed exerts no influence on abating the hysteresis of flow response.  相似文献   

Irrigation techniques that reduce water applications are increasingly applied in areas with scarce water resources. In this study, the effect of two regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) strategies on peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch cv. “Catherine”] performance was studied over three growing seasons. The experimental site was located in Murcia (SE Spain), a Mediterranean region. Two RDI strategies (restricting water applications at stage II of fruit development and postharvest) based on stem water potential (Ψs) thresholds (?1.5 and ?1.8 MPa during fruit growth and ?1.5 and ?2.0 MPa during postharvest) were compared to a fully irrigated control. Soil water content (θv), Ψs, gas exchange parameters, vegetative growth, crop load, yield and fruit quality were determined. RDI treatments showed significantly lower values of θv and Ψs than control trees when irrigation water was restricted, causing reductions in stomatal conductance and photosynthesis rates. Vegetative growth was reduced by RDI, as lower shoot lengths and pruning weights were observed under those treatments when compared to control. However, fruit size and yield were unaffected, and fruit quality was slightly improved by RDI. Water savings from 43 to 65 % were achieved depending on the year and the RDI strategy, and no negative carryover effect was detected during the study period. In conclusion, RDI strategies using Ψs thresholds for scheduling irrigation in mid–late maturing peach trees under Mediterranean conditions are viable options to save water without compromising yield and even improving fruit quality.  相似文献   

The Indo-Gangetic plains constitute the most important agricultural region in south Asia. From early 1960s to late 1980s, the area under rice–wheat cropping systems in the Indian portion of the plains has grown rapidly and the crop yields have increased resulting in large production gains. The gains were particularly significant in the north-western region covered by the states of Punjab, Haryana, and western Uttar Pradesh although, of late, growth rates have slowed. In comparison productivity levels and growth rates in the eastern region represented by eastern Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal have remained low. Water management-related issues pose a major concern to the sustainability of production systems across the region. In the eastern region flooding is widespread, groundwater resources have not been adequately developed and water availability to crops from surface irrigation systems is unreliable and poorly distributed. Over exploitation of groundwater resources and quality degradation are major concerns in sustaining high productivity in the north-western region. Suggestions are made on areas which call for enhanced research efforts.  相似文献   

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