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《Scientia Horticulturae》2005,106(2):170-176
One-year-old, ‘Granny Smith’ apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.) shoots were selected randomly from commercial orchards in 1999 and 2003, cold stored at temperatures between 1 and 13 °C for varied periods, following a 12/12 h freezing temperature pre-treatment of −1/13 °C (supposedly non-chilling temperatures) for 1 or 2 weeks. The rate of budburst, determined after forcing at 25 °C, was used to follow the progression of bud dormancy. The freezing pre-treatment clearly enhanced (deepened) bud dormancy in all experiments. Clearly definable influences due to the presence of leaves during the pre-treatment were not observed on shoots cold stored at chilling temperatures. Trees were defoliated before leaf drop in late summer/autumn under field conditions by hand (2001) and using a spray containing 3% urea and 1.8% zinc sulphate in 2003. In 2001 the first two hand defoliation dates significantly enhanced dormancy, while in 2003 chemical defoliation had no effect. These data indicate that the leaves are not clearly involved in the perception of factors that are responsible for dormancy induction. As with dormancy release it is possible that the perception of induction factors, i.e. low temperatures, and as shown in these data, freezing temperatures, occurs within the buds themselves.  相似文献   

In horizontal apple stems extension shoots were usually produced only from buds on the upper side of the stem, while buds on the lower side remained dormant or grew into spurs, and the same tendency was shown in inclined stems bent so that the “upper” and “under” sides became reversed.

On horizontal stems lateral shoots showed a gradient of vigour, the longest shoots being produced by proximal buds. Xylem of horizontal branches was epitrophic. These responses appear to be due to effects of gravity on the distribution of endogenous growth regulating factors within stems. In trees grown horizontally and rotated, shoots and spurs grew from all sides of the stem and xylem developed concentrically.

In studies of lateral shoots of partly disbudded horizontal stems, including cincturing treatments, it was found that the vigour of basal lateral shoots was a function of bud position in relation to the apex rather than in relation to the roots.

A model for lateral shoot growth in horizontal branches is proposed, in which shoot vigour is related to the position of buds along a postulated inhibitory gradient.  相似文献   


Scions from two siblings of a ‘Goldspur Delicious’ × ‘Redspur Delicious’ cross were budded to three rootstocks with different levels of vigour [M.9, M.7, and Malus domestica ‘Antanovka’ seedling] and planted in the field in 1997. The scions had two contrasting growth habits: one with narrow crotch angles, numerous short branches and an upright narrow (UN) canopy; and the other with wide crotch angles, few short branches, and a spreading round (SR) canopy. Shoot tips were collected at the time of bud-break in April 2004 and analysed for auxin (AUX), cytokinins (CK), and abscisic acid (ABA) to determine relationships between scion growth habit, size-controlling rootstock, and shoot tip hormone concentrations. Although not statistically different, the UN growth habit had numerically higher AUX, lower ABA, and equivalent CK levels as the SR growth habit. These differences resulted in statistically higher AUX:CK ratios (ACR). It is possible that the higher ACR contributed to the UN growth habit, which had more anti-gravitrophic shoot growth and appeared to have greater apical dominance than the SR growth habit. Either growth habit, grown on seedling rootstock, had nearly twice the ACR than on M.7 or M.9 rootstocks. The synthetic CK, 6-benzyl adenine (BA), was applied to 30 cm shoot explants of both growth habits in a greenhouse in March 2006. An 8.7 mM BA concentration stimulated bud-break in both growth habits, compared with controls, and bud-break was increased more in the UN than the SR growth habit. The results indicate that the ACR may be a factor regulating bud-break and the development of growth habit in apple scions, and that rootstock modified the hormone concentrations in shoot tips.  相似文献   


The effect of tree density (2000, 2667, and 4000 trees per ha) and the ratio of between to within-row distance (1:1, 2:1, and 3:1) on light interception, fruit production, colour and individual fruit weight was evaluated in a ten-year comparative field study with apple at two sites in The Netherlands (51° 30′ and 52°0′ N) and one site in Denmark (55°30′). For each combination of tree density and rectangularity, trees were pruned at three heights (1.50, 1.88, or 2.25 m). Fruit production over nine years and seasonal incoming radiation between bloom and harvest were 20 and 15% greater in The Netherlands. Climate-based estimates of potential production as provided by a crop-growth model, predicted 18% higher fruit production in The Netherlands. Production was proportional to light interception and increased with tree density, but the amount of well-coloured fruit per ha in later years did not increase with planting density. With more than 70% light interception in later years, a large proportion of shade within the canopy was found. Fruits were smaller and less coloured at the Danish site. Fruits were more coloured in the taller and more open trees, even at the highest tree densities. Plantings with 1:1 and 2:1 between-to within-row distances intercepted more light and had a more uniform light distribution than 3:1 designs. This led to higher fruit production and better fruit colour. Fruit weight was not influenced by tree density, rectangularity, or tree height.  相似文献   

王寿华 《落叶果树》1993,25(1):13-15
研究表明,导致北京南口农场苹果短粗丛根病的巴基斯坦毛刺线虫(Trichodorus pakistanensis)在所调 查的45个果区中的31个果区大量发生,总样品频率和最高群体密度分别为 47. 1%和 536条/200ml土壤。各 区平均群体密度在1~282条/200ml土壤之间,以第40区的密度最高。线虫群体在3~5月间数量很少,6~ 7月大量发生,8~9月开始下降。弱树根围群体数量最多,达520条/2001ml土壤,半死树次之,旺树和死树 根围线虫数量最少,分别为 64条/200ml土壤和 80条/200ml土壤。  相似文献   

In 2 experiments, apple and pear trees were grown in growth chambers and air conditioned greenhouses at a range of constant temperatures from 9 to 25° C during spring and summer. After the dormant buds had received a marginal chilling-period, bud break and leaf development were studied. A tendency was observed for the dormancy to be deeper when the temperature at which the buds were formed had been higher. The maximum retardation of bud break was observed in buds formed at 18 and 21° C. The hypothesis is put forward that the phenomenon of “delayed foliation” is not only due to insufficient chilling during winter but also to high temperatures during the preceding summer.  相似文献   

研究了用不同节位材料转接处理和不同浓度青霉素处理挽救在继代中被芽孢杆菌污染的葡萄试管苗的效果。结果表明,培养基灭完茵后未凝固时每升培养基中加入50ml 32万单位/L的青霉素钠溶液,能显著抑制芽孢杆菌发生,且试管苗生长正常。灭菌前加入青霉素的处理方法,虽对芽孢杆菌的抑制作用很强,但对试管苗的生长有明显抑制作用。经各种方法处理后获得的无芽孢材料,转接到改良B5培养基上均能正常生长且无芽孢再发生。  相似文献   

红富士苹果树冠枝(梢)叶分布与温度、湿度的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以12a生红富士苹果(Malus.domestica Borkhcv.Red Fuji)为试材,研究了北京地区树冠不同层次和部位温度、相对湿度的分布、动态变化与枝叶数量间的关系。结果表明,树冠不同层次温度从上到下逐渐降低,同一层次内温度从内膛到外围逐步增大,树冠不同层次相对湿度从上到下逐渐增大,同一层次内相对湿度从内膛到外围逐步减小;树冠温度日变化呈白天低-高-低的趋势,相对湿度的日变化呈白天高-低-高的趋势,夜晚树体温度、相对湿度趋于一致;7—8月份冠层温度、相对湿度高于5—6月份和9—10月份。应用多元统计分析的方法建立了树冠温度、相对湿度与枝(梢)叶量关系的回归方程,冠层内不同层次、部位的温度、相对湿度受冠层内枝(梢)叶数量和分布的影响,冠层内温湿度与累计长、中、短枝(梢)量和叶面积系数成线性负相关,而相对湿度与之成线性正相关。综合分析,冠层有良好温度和相对湿度的群体结构参数为生长季每hm2总枝(梢)量100万左右,叶面积系数控制在3.5~4.0,长、中、短枝(梢)比例分别为73~77、10~12和13~15。  相似文献   

以12 a生富士苹果(Malus domestica Borkh cv.Red Fuji)为试材,研究了改良高干开心形树冠不同层次相对光照强度的分布、季节动态变化与枝叶数量间的关系。结果表明,树冠相对光照强度从上部到下部逐渐降低,同一冠层内相对光照强度从内膛到外围逐步增加;树冠最上层5—10月呈平稳趋势,而中下部5—7月呈下降趋势,7月份后趋于稳定;小于30%的相对光照强度的树冠体积在年生长周期内逐渐增加:5—6月份为15%,7—8月27%,9—10月30%。新梢的空间分布研究表明,>30 cm的长枝(梢)、15~30 cm的中长枝(梢)、5~15 cm中枝(梢)和小于5 cm的短枝(梢)分别集中分布在冠层高度2.0m以上、1.5~2.5m、1.0~2.0m和1.0~2.5m冠层内;生长季总枝量100.39万条/hm2,长、中长、中和短梢占总枝量的比例分别为6.44%、5.52%、14.40%、73.64%,多于6片叶的短梢占总短枝量的42.08%。应用多元统计分析的方法建立了树冠相对光照强度与枝(梢)叶量关系的回归方程,相对光照强度值与累计枝梢数量和叶面积系数呈负指数关系,苹果优质生产和最佳利用光能的群体结构参数为总枝(梢)量小于96万条/hm2,叶面积系数控制在3.9以下,长、中、短梢比例分别为10.91%、13.70%和75.39%。  相似文献   

2007年山东栖霞套袋苹果发病严重,主要病害有红点病、苦痘病、黄果、鸡爪纹等.提出了改革土地管理制度,变更栽培管理措施,创新病虫防治模式等减轻和防止套袋苹果病害发生的3项对策.  相似文献   

Localized treatment of either fruitlets, pedicels or bourse shoot leaves of cv Discovery apple trees with 2 100 ppm carbaryl caused significant fruitlet abscission. Whereas carbaryl applied to a pedicel moved in significant amounts into the fruitlet, carbaryl applied to the fruitlet itself or to the bourse shoot leaves was not translocated. Carbaryl applied to a fruitlet did not enter the seeds. A possible mode of action is discussed and some practical implications considered.  相似文献   

Heading Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris ssp. pekinensis Rupr.) grown with low Ca or B developed dark tan lesions near the leaf margins. A synergistic effect of low Ca and low B accompanied the development of this symptom. Plants grown under humid conditions were free of tipburn. Plants grown under less humidity developed tipburn. Total chemical analysis revealed a steady decrease in total Ca from the outer to the inner leaves. Fractional chemical analysis showed 7 times more water-soluble Ca in the outer than in the inner leaves, and 2 times more 1 N NaCl-soluble Ca in the outer than in inner leaves. Threshold concentration of water-soluble forms of Ca for tipburn was around 3.0 mg/g dry weight. Data suggest that root pressure flow is required to move adequate amounts of water-soluble Ca to the wrapper leaves to prevent tipburn of Chinese cabbage.  相似文献   


The main objective of this work was to investigate shoot and root morphology of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) (cvs Early Calwonder, Keystone Resistant Giant, Jupiter, Shamrock and Gator Belle) grown in sand culture at three N-levels, 56,84 and 112 mg l?1. Shoot, root, and root components were evaluated 40, 50 and 60 days after seeding. Tap, basal and lateral root accounted for 1%, 40% and 53%, respectively, of the total root dry weight. Shoot: root ratios did not differ between cultivars. Basal root length, basal root number and first-order lateral root number increased with increasing N. Cultivars with either long lateral roots or basal roots had short basal roots or lateral roots respectively, although only small differences were observed in other root and shoot characteristics. In this greenhouse environment, shoot/root ratio was constant. Nitrogen stimulated root and shoot growth, and this effect was significantly different for the root components.  相似文献   

In vitro cultured tomato seedlings were micropropagated using the single-node method. By periodically subculturing single nodes and shoot tips in vitro, tomato progeny were obtained that arose from axillary buds (nodes) 1 (base) to 9 (top). Rooted shoots were transferred periodically to soil and were grown further in a greenhouse to observe flowering. The number of leaves preceding the first inflorescence in the various groups of plants was not influenced by the original position of the axillary buds on the main stem. Similar results were obtained in decapitation experiments in vivo. These results indicate that axillary buds on the main stem of tomato plants do not differ in their flowering behaviour.  相似文献   

Field plots were established with 4 target pH values, viz. 4, 5, 6 and 7, to study the effect of pH on specific apple replant disorder (SARD). The target pH levels were not stable and frequently showed fluctuations. Although no significant differences have been found on tree performance, the development of the trees on the plots with the lowest pH level was better than those at higher pH levels.  相似文献   

《Scientia Horticulturae》2001,87(3):199-205
In order to elucidate the role of maleic hydrazide (MH, 1,2-dihydro-3,6-pyridazinedione; coline salt) in increasing flower bud formation on the Japanese pear, the effect of MH on cytokinin contents in the lateral buds of Japanese pear shoots were investigated. Foliar application of MH at 2600 mg l−1 increased zeatin, zeatinriboside, and isopentenyladenine levels in lateral buds though isopentenyladenosine concentration decreased. Application of 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA), an inhibitor of polar auxin transport, also increased the endogenous cytokinin levels in lateral buds. It is supposed that these increases of cytokinin in lateral buds may be involved in the increase of flower bud production on the Japanese pear shoot. The increases of cytokinin induced by these chemicals may be caused via the depletion of the auxin level and/or the activity in shoot tissues.  相似文献   

A low pH of the soil prevents the specific apple replant disorder (SARD). Not much is known about the effect of a low pH on the growth of fruit trees. Most authors accept a pH of between 5.5 and 6.5 as optimum for apples but this assumption is not based on experimental research. It is feasible that apple trees grow well at a lower pH than has hitherto been accepted. The influence of a low pH on bitter pit needs careful examination.  相似文献   

Artificial neural networks were used to quantify the distribution of macroinvertebrate functional feeding groups (FFGs) in relation to physical variables and to land-cover in the Adour–Garonne stream system (SW France; 116,000 km2). The relative abundances of 5 FFGs were calculated from macroinvertebrate data recorded at 165 sampling sites. Each site was characterized using 5 physical variables (elevation, stream order, stream width, distance from the source, slope) and 3 land-cover variables (% forested, % urban areas, % agricultural areas). The sites were first classified using the Self-Organizing Map algorithm (SOM), according to the physical and land-cover variables. Two major clusters of sites corresponded to anthropogenically modified and natural areas, respectively. Anthropogenically modified areas were clearly divided into agricultural and urban landscapes. Each major cluster was divided into 3–4 subsets of sites according to a topographic gradient of physical variables. To examine the variability of the communities, FFG proportions at the 165 sites were examined on the SOM trained with physical and land-cover variables. When the riverine landscape was natural, FFG patterns responded to the upstream–downstream gradient in physical variables. When the landscape was altered by agriculture or urbanization, the effects of land-cover on FFGs overcame the influence of the physical variables. The categorization of the landscape into forested, agricultural, and urban areas was relevant to detect changes in FFG patterns. In light of increasing development along riparian zones, the use of SOMs to detect responses of FFGs to landscape alterations at regional scales exemplifies an effective technique for assessing river health based on ecological indicator groups.  相似文献   

The study was conducted to document the range in soil nutrients, trunk and shoot growth, leaf characteristics and nutrient content, flower bud characteristics, yield, fruit quality, disease occurrence, light penetration, and shoot bark color in a 15-year-old ‘Fuji’ apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.) orchard on M.26 rootstocks trained to four growing systems. SS trees naturally growing had greater width and volume than the LT lightly heading, MLT heavily heading, and S trees thinning and bending. LT trees had more upward terminal shoots at old branches, large numbers of lateral shoots, and longer total shoot length. Leaf [N], [P], and [K] were the lowest for the MLT trees. SS and S trees had greater flower bud density and fruit yield, but LT trees had poor fruit color and less soluble solids and firmness. Percent light penetration into the canopy was the highest with the S system but not different from MLT or SS. The lowest was for the LT system, however, it was not statistically different from MLT or SS.  相似文献   

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