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Shelterbelts are important in defending against natural disaster and maintaining ecological balances in farmland. Understanding of the shelterbelt vegetation fraction is fundamental to regional research of shelterbelts using remote sensing. We used SPOT5 imagery with 10×10m spatial resolution in combination with knowledge of the characteristics of shelterbelts to develop a method for retrieval of the vegetation fraction of shelterbelts by the pixel un-mixing model. We then used the method to retrieve values for shelterbelts in study area. By combining the parameters of photographic images with characteristics of shelterbelts, we developed a method for measuring the vegetation fraction of shelterbelts based on an advanced photographic method. We then measured the actual values to validate the retrieval result. The multiple correlation coefficients between the retrieved and measured values were 0.715. Our retrieval and measuring methods presented in this paper accurately reflect field conditions. We suggest that this method is useful to describe shelterbelt structure using remote sensing.  相似文献   

Process-based forest models generally have many parameters, multiple outputs of interest and a small underlying empirical database. These characteristics hamper parameterization. Bayesian calibration offers a solution to the calibration problem because it applies to models of any type or size. It provides parameter estimates, with measures of uncertainty and correlation among the parameters. The procedure begins by quantifying the uncertainty about parameter values in the form of a prior probability distribution. Then data on the output variables are used to update the parameter distribution by means of Bayes' Theorem. This yields a posterior calibrated distribution for the parameters, which can be summarized in the form of a mean vector and variance matrix. The predictive uncertainty of the model can be quantified by running it with different parameter settings, sampled from the posterior distribution. In a further step, one may evaluate the posterior probability of the model itself (rather than that of the parameters) and compare that against the probability of other models, to aid in model selection or improvement. Bayesian calibration of process-based models cannot be performed analytically, so the posterior parameter distribution must be approximated in the form of a representative sample of parameter values. This can be achieved by means of Markov Chain Monte Carlo simulation, which is suitable for process-based models because of its simplicity and because it does not require advance knowledge of the shape of the posterior distribution. Despite the suitability of Bayesian calibration, the technique has rarely been used in forestry research. We introduce the method, using the example of a typical forest model. Further, we show that reductions in parameter uncertainty, and thus in output uncertainty, can be effected by increasing the variety of data, increasing the accuracy of measurements and increasing the length of time series.  相似文献   

Model validation is often realized as a test of how well model predictions match a set of independent observations. One would think that the burden of proof should rest with the model, to force it to show that it can make accurate predictions. Further, one would think that increasing the sample size ought to increase the model's ability to demonstrate its utility. Traditional statistical tools are inappropriate for this because they default to the case that the model and the data are no different, and their ability to detect differences increases with the sample size. These traditional tools are optimized to detect differences, rather than similarities. We present an alternative strategy for model validation that is based on regression and statistical tests of equivalence. Equivalence tests reverse the usual null hypothesis: they posit that the populations being compared are different and use the data to prove otherwise. In this sense, equivalence tests are lumping tests, whereas the traditional statistical tests are splitting tests. To date, model validation with equivalence tests has focused on comparisons of means. Our proposed test checks not only for similarity of means, but also for similarity between individual predictions and observations. The strategy is demonstrated using three case studies that differ in their modeling objectives, and for varied sample sizes. The proposed strategy provides a formal means of model validation that is superior to traditional statistical tests in each case.  相似文献   

分析了国内外攀援植物支持物的演变过程,比较中西方支持物应用的差异,阐释"廊架"形式在国内出现的原因;同时从归纳攀援植物在园林应用中不同于乔木等其他植物类群的特点与要求,阐明支持物相应的设计原则与方法。  相似文献   

Forest carbon enhancement provides a low-cost opportunity in climate policy, but needs efficient policy design to be implemented. This paper reviews studies in economics on efficient design of policies for forest carbon sequestration and compares their findings against design systems in practice. Specific design problems are associated with the heterogeneity of landowners, uncertainty, additionality, and permanence in carbon projects. Different types of discounting of the value of the forest carbon sink compared with emissions abatement are suggested in the literature for management of most design problems, together with optimal contract design and emissions baselines for managing additionality and permanence in carbon sequestration. Design systems in practice, where forest carbon corresponds to 0.5% of all carbon volume subject to a pricing mechanism, mainly rely on additionality tests by approved standards on a project-by-project basis, and on buffer credits for management of permanence. Further development of forest carbon sinks as offsets in voluntary and compliance markets can be facilitated by applying tools for contract design and offset baseline management recommended in the literature.  相似文献   

中国竹资源丰富,但在实际生产过程中其加工剩余物并未得到充分利用,而乙酰丙酸(酯)作为环境友好且可持续的化学品具有广阔的应用前景,在化工生产过程中利用竹材制备乙酰丙酸(酯)具有很大的潜力。文章回顾了竹材制备乙酰丙酸(酯)的催化转化方法,对近年来竹材催化转化制备乙酰丙酸(酯)的研究进行了综述。从催化转化机理、产物收率、影响因素等角度对Brønsted酸、离子液体、固体酸以及金属盐等4种催化体系的特点进行了分析和对比,概括总结了不同转化方法的优势和不足,并根据现有转化方法中仍存在着的产品高效分离困难、催化剂污染较大以及副产物难以利用等问题,对未来研究方向提出展望,以期为今后的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Poor soil fertility is the biggest obstacle to agricultural productivity in Sub-Saharan Africa. Improved fallows can help to raise agricultural productivity in these systems of low financial capital, however, experimental testing of their potential application domain and design is costly and time consuming. Models can evaluate alternative systems relatively quickly and at relatively low cost, but must first be validated to assess satisfactory simulation of the target systems. Specific climatic, edaphic, crop and fallow growth data was used from five sites in Western Kenya to calibrate and validate simulations of maize and improved fallow growth using the Water, Nutrient and Light Capture in Agroforestry Systems (WaNuLCAS) model. The model predicted continuous maize yields across the sites with an R 2 of 0.72, an EF (model efficiency) of 0.66 and a CD (coefficient of determination) of 2.73, although the default pedotransfer functions (PTF) for volumetric soil water content used in the model had to be substituted for a tropical soils specific PTF before this was achieved. Predicted maize yield was consistently related to fallow biomass (i.e. higher fallow biomass correlated with higher subsequent maize yields) at two sites and the model predicted maize yields following fallow growth from this subset of the data with an R 2 of 0.42. This relationship of fallow biomass to subsequent maize yield was not observed across the whole data set due to incomplete fallow litterfall data, factors not included in the model and associated poor model prediction of recycled tree biomass. After site and tree calibration, the model can thus be applied to assess fallow management strategies for sites limited by water and nitrogen.  相似文献   

A new phoretic association between Bursaphelenchus minutus and the bark beetle Orthotomicus erosus collected on Pinus pinea is described for the first time. Nematode identification was based on morphological observation and biometric measurements of males and females. Moreover, B. minutus was characterized by ITS sequences and RFLP profile.  相似文献   

Lepidoptera larvae are important prey for capercaillie chicks {Tetrao urogallus), but utilization varies among habitats. This field experiment investigates the effects of larval feeding behaviour, abundance and the density of bilberry (Vacciniwn myrtillus) on utilization of larvae by a group of four capercaille chicks and also tests whether chick utilization differs between wet and dry coniferous forest. In fenced plots, four hand‐raised chicks were released for a 15 min feeding period. Reduction of geometrid larvae was correlated positively with their abundance but correlated negatively with bilberry density. Geometrids had a much higher predation risk than pyralids and tortricids, probably because they are exposed while feeding, in contrast to pyralids and tortricids. Total reduction of lepidoptera was higher in wet than dry forest, probably due to a higher proportion of geometrid larvae, and lower density of bilberry in the wet forest. The manner of insect feeding and habitat type (e.g. wet and dry forest), which influence bilberry density, therefore may be important factors to consider when assessing or managing habitat quality for capercaillie chicks.  相似文献   

Water is an important component in plant cells with plant aquaporin being the major protein for water transport in and between plant cells.As a subfamily of plant aquaporins,the plasma membrane intrinsic proteins(PIPs) located in the plasma membrane are classic,high water,selective channel proteins.This paper focuses on recent advances in the molecular biology of PIPs concerning structural characteristics,biological function,and a regulation mechanism.PIPs possess two highly conserved domains:GGGANXXXXGY and TGI/TNPARSL/FGAAI/VI/VFWF/YN.PIPs can also be divided into two phylogenetic subgroups named PIP1 and PIP2.PIP1 possesses longer N terminal sequences and shorter C terminal sequences than PIP2 with conserved amino acid sequences respectively.Studies of transgenic plants and expression in Xenopus oocytes cells indicate that PIPs not only may facilitate transport of water and small neutral solutes like CO2 and glycerin,but they also possess many physiological functions. The functions of plant aquaporins are regulated by many factors including post-translational modification,heteromerization,pH value,and divalent cations.These results indicated that PIPs act as a pivotal role in water and small neutral solutes transport in plants.  相似文献   

文章分析了征占用林地管理的现状和需求,在此基础上提出了基于B/S结构的征占用林地管理信息系统的建设,对流程设计、数据库设计、系统结构设计、关键技术和编码方法进行了阐述。  相似文献   

通过对浦江职业技术学校新校区景观设计方案进行了详细介绍,论述了校园环境设计的基本原则。一、生态性原则:生态是环境景观设计永恒的主题。充分尊重、保护和利用现有的校园自然景观资源,使人工环境与自然环境和谐共存、相得益彰、互为补充是校园环境规划的最基本原则;二、人文性原则:人文性原则体现在历史文化和现代精神两个方面;三、人性化原则:人性化设计原则最重要的三个方面为空间分割合理、尺度舒适安全与可识别性强;四、延续性原则:景观环境规划是校园总体规划的延伸和拓展,应在校园总体规划指导下进行,强化校园总体规划的原则和特色。通过科学营造校园环境使浦江职业技术学校新校区校园环境与校园文化更加和谐统一。  相似文献   

Computer-based Expert Systems that use knowledge, facts, and reasoning techniques to solve problems, normally requiring the abilities of human experts, are increasingly being used in many activities. The United Nations University (UNU) Agroforestry Expert System (AES) is a first attempt to apply this technique to agroforestry. UNU-AES is a prototype Knowledge-Based Expert System (KBES) designed to support land-use (agricultural, forestry, etc.) officials, research scientists, farmers, and individuals interested in maximizing benefits gained from applying agroforestry management techniques in developing countries. This prototype addresses the options for alley cropping, a promising agroforestry technology which has potential applicability when used under defined conditions in the tropics and subtropics. Alley cropping involves the planting of crops in alleys or interspaces between repeatedly pruned hedgerows of fast-growing, preferably leguminous, woody perennials. The primary benefits from this technique include nutrient enrichment, soil improvement, and erosion control. UNU-AES, which is the first known attempt at the application of expert system procedures in the field of agroforestry, uses a total of 235 decision rules to develop its recommendations. With the inclusion of more climatic and socio-economic data and improved advisory recommendations, UNU-AES can be expanded to provide advice on alley cropping in more diverse geographical and ecological conditions and eventually address other agroforestry techniques.  相似文献   

刨花形态自动识别系统的设计与开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刨花形态以及它们在板坯中的方向性在很大程度上会对刨花板的质量产生影响,因此在板坯铺装过程中对刨花的形态和方向进行监控十分重要。介绍了一种自主开发的刨花形态自动识别系统,可以实现生产过程中刨花形态的自动检测和识别。该系统由LabVIEW、MATLAB等软件与CCD摄像头、图像采集卡和计算机等硬件构建而成,具有可靠性好和识别精度高等特点。  相似文献   

Having attained self-sufficiency in food production, India is now concentrating in using wastelands to increase its production of other products of agroforestry namely, fodder, fuel and small timber for the poorer section of society. Many agroforestry practices are being tried towards the attainment of this goal. In one such attempt, a 4 ha plantation was established in 1974 on Community grazing land in the village of Dhanori in Gujarat as a part of the State Village Forests Scheme. Casuarina equisetifolia was planted beca se it suited the site and because the villagers wished it. Grasses grew up naturally as a result of the enclosure. The trees were felled in 1983–4 and the distribution of benefits determined by the village panchayat. The internal Rate of Return was 35%. Villagers benefited from grasses, fuelwood and small timber for house construction and repair and from the employment generated. The success of the project led the village to organize itself into a Tree Grower's Society and undertake further planting in 1985–6. The demonstrated efficiency of the woodlot let to 200 ha of other plantations being established in the area. the poor benefited considerably from the project but if they had a greater say in the deliberations of the panchayat, the benefits could have been even greater. this agroforestry system has the potential of increasing the production of grasses, fuelwood, small timber and fruits (food) from wastelands.  相似文献   

报道了中国基叶蜂亚科一新属新种:棕股合室叶蜂Doleroidesfuscousgen.etsp.nov..该属隶属于大片叶蜂族Atelozini,但前翅1r-m脉缺失,1Rs与2Rs合并,可与该族已知各属鉴别.  相似文献   

  • ? For assessing forest thinning effects at large (i.e. continental) scale, data scarcity and technical limitations prevent the application of localized or individual-based thinning models.
  • ? Here we present a simple general framework to analyze and predict the effects of thinning on growth and mortality, including the following stand density development. The effects are modeled in relative terms so that the model can be parameterized based on any thinning experiment that includes an unthinned control, regardless of site conditions and stand age.
  • ? The model was tested against observed thinning effects on growth and mortality from five temperate and boreal species (all species pooled r 2 = 0.51). It predicted a maximum increase in net stem biomass increment of 16% and a reduction in density-related mortality of 75% compared to un-thinned conditions at stand densities of around 70% of the maximum (increment optimal density).
  • ? A sensitivity analysis revealed overlapping ranges of near optimal density (net increment within 95% of optimal) among all tested species, suggesting that one thinning scenario can be used for many species. The simple and general formulation of thinning effects based on only five parameters allows easy integration with a wide range of generic forest growth models.
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