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《Scientia Horticulturae》2005,105(4):483-490
Changes in the levels of endogenous polyamines were determined in tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa L.) bulbs during their dormant periods. High free putrescine and low spermine and spermidine levels were associated during initial stages of dormancy. In contrast, high spermine and spermidine levels were related with dormancy release. The conjugated putrescine level increased during the period with an increase in conjugated spermine and spermidine levels. An inverse relationship between free and conjugated polyamines was noticed only for putrescine. The possible role of polyamines is discussed in relation to dormancy.  相似文献   

晚香玉60Co-r射线辐射诱变适宜剂量的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
 对晚香玉的种球进行5种剂量的60Co-r射线辐射处理,以未照射种球为对照,采用随机区组设计栽培。对出苗率、成苗率和苗高的调查分析显示:在l0~50 Gy辐射剂量范围内,随辐射剂量加大,对出苗及生长的抑制作用逐渐加强。小种球的辐射敏感性强于大种球。以半致死剂量LD50和半致矮剂量( R50为标准,根据出苗率、成苗率和生长量的分析以及回归分析的结果可确定:晚香玉小种球的适宜剂量’勾l5~20 Gv,大种球的适宜剂量为2h5~30 Gv  相似文献   

Ca^2+—CaM信号转导系统与草莓花芽分化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
武汉地区的自然条件下,钙离子载体A23187处理的草莓花芽分化始期提前,分化时间缩短;钙离子专一性螯合剂EGTA处理延缓或抑制成花,钙调素拮抗剂TEP处理抑制自然条件下草莓的成花,人工短日照和低温条件下此种影响不明显。  相似文献   

Chrysanthemum multicaule is an annual herbaceous ornamental species. The inflorescence is gynomonoecious and consists of bisexual tubular florets and female ray florets. The pistils consist of two stigmas which are of the open type with a hollow stylar canal. At the base of the tubular floret style, the pistil is surrounded by oil gland cells. The anthers are tetrasporangiate and the young anther wall is composed of epidermis, endothecium, middle layer and tapetum. The mature anther wall comprises only thickened endothecium after the release of the pollens. In the tubular florets, simultaneous microsporocyte meiotic cytokinesis results in mostly tetrahedral with a small proportion of decussate tetrads. The mature pollen grain is tricellular. The ovules are unitegmic and tenuinucellate, and the nucellus degenerates during the development of the megasporocyte. The development of the embryo sac follows the Polygonum type. At 4–6 days after blooming, the embryos reached the globular stage, thereafter passing through the heart- and torpedo-shape stages before maturing into the cotyledon embryos. From blooming to seed maturity, it takes about 3–4 weeks under our conditions.  相似文献   

水培条件下十种植物对~(88)Sr和~(133)Cs的吸收和富集   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对营养液栽培1个月后的10种植物用88Sr和133Cs进行处理,1周后收获并分析其对88Sr和133Cs的富集能力.结果表明:88Sr在10种植物的地上部含量顺序为苕子>孔雀草>蚕豆>豌豆>金盏菊>瓜叶菊>油菜>地被菊>大豆>石竹,孔雀草和蚕豆的地上部88Sr含量大于根系,其余植物富集的核素88Sr大部分都积累在根部.133Cs在10种植物的地上部含量顺序为孔雀草>金盏菊>瓜叶菊>地被菊>石竹>油菜>豌豆>苕子>蚕豆>大豆,石竹和地被菊地上部133Cs的富集系数大于1.说明它们能把吸收的88Sr或133Cs较多地运输到地上部,其体内可能存在良好的运输机制,有待进一步研究.  相似文献   


Concentrations of citronellol and geraniol in essential oil from rose geranium (Pelargonium hybrid) were monitored monthly over four years using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Geraniol concentrations fell in winter and citronellol concentrations increased in spring. The citronellol/geraniol (C:G) ratio was a more sensitive indicator of change in oil composition than the concentration of either alcohol in isolation. C:G ratios rose sharply if the minimum air temperature (Tmin) fell below 5.58C for any time during the 5 d prior to monthly harvesting. A nonlinear model is proposed to predict the C:G ratio at any Tmin. High C:G ratios indicated cold stress in geranium plants.  相似文献   

重瓣和重台莲品种花芽分化过程的解剖结构比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 以莲重瓣花品种‘友谊牡丹莲’和重台品种‘红台莲’为试材, 采用石蜡制片及显微观察方法比较了两类品种的花芽分化过程中的结构特征。结果发现, 重瓣品种‘友谊牡丹莲’花芽分化可分为:分化起始期、萼片分化期、花瓣分化期、雄蕊分化期和雌蕊与花托向上发育期; 而重台品种‘红台莲’的花芽分化过程包括了分化起始期、萼片分化期、花瓣分化期和花托向上发育期。与重瓣品种相比, 重台品种由于雌雄蕊完全瓣化, 因此缺少性细胞分化阶段。  相似文献   

以190个紫斑牡丹品种为材料,利用色差仪连续两年在盛花期测量花色参数,将所测的CIELab表色空间的L*、a*、b*值转化成蒙塞尔颜色系统的H(Hue)、V(Value)、C(Chroma)值,然后根据L*、a*、b*值系统聚类分析,结合H、V、C值,比对ISCC-NBS色名表示法对每种花色进行定性描述.结果 表明:通...  相似文献   

以五味子6年生优系为试材,测定结果叶丛枝和营养长枝叶片中的淀粉、可溶性糖、全氮和可溶性蛋白质含量,并调查果实的生长动态。结果表明:花芽分化质量不同的枝类,其叶片的碳氮化合物动态变化存在较大差异,并与果实的生长动态具有一定的相关性。在果实负载量较大的情况下,由于芽体的营养竞争能力差,营养供应不足,不能分化出较高比率的雌花芽。  相似文献   

红肉暗柳橙降酸快,成熟期比普通甜橙早,10月下旬果实含酸量下降,可采收上市。成熟时果皮橙黄色,果肉呈红色,单果重127.5 g,固形物含量11.0%,裂果较少,近年来广西有部分地区发展了该品种。为了进一步了解其生长发育规律,为红肉暗柳保花保果、生产栽培提供依据,笔者于2009年对红肉暗柳的物候期、落花落果情况进行了观察。  相似文献   

Tuberose cut flowers, available as loose flowers, were treated with gamma (γ) irradiation and generally regarded as safe (GRAS) preservative solutions for extension of shelf life. The flowers were packaged in low-density polyethylene bags, heat sealed and stored at 23 ± 2°C, 80% relative humidity (RH) and 4 ± 1°C, 40% RH, respectively. The flowers stored at these two temperature regimes were subjected to sensory evaluation and biochemical analyses. From these assessments, the longest shelf life of tuberose flowers was found to be 8 days at 23 ± 2°C, 80% RH (compared to 4 days for control) and 24 days at 4 ± 1°C, 40% RH (compared to 8 days for control) using combination treatment of low dose γ-irradiation (0.02 kGy) and preservative solutions (4% sucrose and 0.02% CaCl2). Ethanolic extract of tuberose flowers of the most shelf stable set (stored at 4 ± 1°C), i.e. at the end of 24 days, showed antimicrobial potency against the common skin pathogen Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923 and MDR strains), suggesting utility of the senesced tuberose flowers for therapeutic applications. This preservation technique would promote export of tuberose flowers by extension of their shelf lives and allow utilization of these flowers, post senescence.  相似文献   

本试验以甜樱桃为试材,研究了化学疏花剂蚁酸钙制剂(CFA)对甜樱桃花果疏除的效应。结果表明,盛花期使用浓度为10.0g/L和12.5g/L的CFA都有疏除效果,浓度越高,疏除效果越明显,对单果重增加也更明显。CFA的各种浓度处理对果实的品质无不良影响,对树体也未产生药害。  相似文献   


Cultivated potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) are autotetraploid (AAAA). Wild allotetraploid (AABB) relatives that share the A genome with cultivated potatoes are important for potato breeding; however, it is difficult to perform direct crossings between these two groups due to a post-zygotic crossing barrier called the endosperm balance number (EBN). In this study, the progenies of three exceptional sesquiploid (AAAB) hybrids (stbr1, srbr2 and stbr3) from S. stoloniferum (sto) × S. tuberosum (tbr) were analysed. Five progenies, including selfed stbr, stbr1 × sto, stbr1 × tbr, stbr2 × tbr, and stbr3 × tbr were investigated in detail in terms of their somatic chromosome numbers. As expected, based on the genomic formula of hybrids, the incidence of aneuploidy was high in the progenies. However, most were aneuploid, with only one or two extra or deleted chromosomes. The results are discussed based on EBN theory.  相似文献   

以"银香白""早熟黑叶杏""串枝红"3个杏品种为试材,观察了杏花芽分化和开花规律,研究了在花芽分化过程中内源多胺(PAs)的含量变化,以期为杏丰产栽培管理提供参考依据。结果表明:在花芽分化期和开花期,3个品种的内源腐胺(Put)和亚精胺(Spd)含量呈规律性变化,均呈先下降后升高的趋势;而精胺(Spm)含量变化相对复杂,未呈现一定的规律。从花芽分化期到花芽露瓣期,3个品种的内源PAs含量呈高低起伏的变化,并在初花期均有一个最高峰,"银香白""早熟黑叶杏""串枝红"内源PAs含量分别为5 747.2、3 048.0、2 433.6nmol·g-1FW。内源PAs含量对杏花芽分化和成花具有一定的影响,且高水平的Put和Spd有利于杏花芽分化的启动和成花。  相似文献   

李慧  车代弟 《北方园艺》2016,(11):77-82
针对寒地花展的花卉种类及应用形式现状,选取30场具有代表性的寒地花展进行了实地调查,并对寒地花展的花卉应用形式进行了分析。结果表明:寒地以春季和秋季花展为主;常见花卉共50种,隶属于21科,其中一二年生花卉(28种)所占比例最多,为56%,菊科(19种)种类最为丰富,占38%;在花色上,暖色系种类较多,冷色系种类较少;应用频度较高的花卉(13种)只占26%,种类多样性不够丰富。就花卉种类及应用形式存在的问题提出了相应的建议,以期为寒地花展的花卉应用提供理论参考。  相似文献   

为了明确外源多胺对薄皮甜瓜花芽分化和花发育的影响,以薄皮甜瓜永甜3号为试材,子叶刚出土时外源喷施腐胺(Put)和亚精胺(Spd),采用石蜡切片法观察花芽分化和花发育情况,测定花芽和叶片中内源激素及多胺含量。结果表明:外源喷施Put和Spd均提高了甜瓜子蔓第1节位结实花率,促进了花芽分化,使结实花花期提前|喷施高浓度Put和低浓度Spd后,叶片中IAA含量升高、ZT含量降低、ABA含量提前达到峰值|花芽中Spd含量较早达到峰值,精胺(Spm)含量较低,变化不规律。花芽中3种内源多胺的含量远高于叶片中。外源喷施1×10-3 mol•L-1的Put和1×10-4 mol•L-1的Spd效果最好。  相似文献   

A three-year experiment on the high-temperature treatment of tulip bulbs established that yield could be increased by between 8 and 31 % for bulb weight or between 14 and 29 % for numbers of large bulbs, depending upon season, associated with a near-complete flower kill. The optimum pre-treatment storage temperature was 17°C, and the best date (of the five tested) for starting blindstoken at 33°C for one week was 20th-21st September.

Yield increases were greater when the blindstoken treatment was applied to bulbs whose shoots were short; later treatment, or treatment after pre-treatments which allowed faster shoot growth, were less effective. For optimum flower kill and yield increase the shoot should be about 1 cm high at treatment. Bulb weight and large bulb number were correlated, suggesting that the treatment increases total bulb weight by increasing bulb size rather than by differentially affecting the growth of daughter bulbs.

No adverse effects of the treatments were observed when the bulbs were forced in a glasshouse the following season.  相似文献   

A rapid and reliable method to accurately identify hybrids at an early age is essential to the success of Leucadendron breeding programs because identification based on morphology can be difficult or impossible when the seedlings are young. DNA based PCR-RFLP and random amplified microsatellite polymorphism (RAMP) markers were developed for this purpose. Unexpected non-parental fragments appeared during the PCR-RFLP analysis of the nuclear ITS region of L. uliginosum 05 × L. procerum 04 hybrids. Mixing DNA from both parents in a single PCR also produced the non-parental fragment, suggesting that PCR recombination had introduced a novel restriction site into the products from the hybrids. Sequencing of individual amplified ITS products from the hybrids confirmed this conclusion. To avoid this complication, RAMP markers were developed for accurate hybrid identification in Leucadendron. RAMP analysis generated a considerable number of polymorphic products, and showed more discrimination in identifying Leucadendron hybrids than did PCR-RFLP.  相似文献   

2-Chloroethanephosphonic acid (Ethrel), an ethylene releasing compound, was used on gladiolus corms as a 30-minute dip treatment in various concentrations and at various times during storage.

The most important effect of Ethrel was the marked increase in health and survival of treated plants infected with latent Fusarium.

Ethrel at 1000 ppm enhanced sprouting when corms were stored at high temperatures or stored for a short period at 5 °C. Treatment of cold-stored corms at high concentrations delayed sprouting.

Ethrel increased corm splitting, delayed flowering and slightly shortened flower stems. The size of harvested corms was reduced, but the yield of cormels was greatly increased by Ethrel.  相似文献   

银杏雌花芽分化过程中内源激素含量的变化   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
银杏雌花芽形态分化前的5月初,ZT,ABA处于高峰,iPAs的高峰晚20d出现;6月份,随着形态分化开始,ZT,iPAS和ABA的含量下降并维持低水平;11月开始落叶时ABA含量迅速上升。IAA在5月中旬出现峰值,进入6月形态分化开始后则在略低水平上波动,9月底开始缓慢下降。  相似文献   

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