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Summary The production of healthy and high yielding seed potatoes is closely related to the control of virus diseases and to other cultural practices, like those modifying the physiological age of tubers. Seed crops from cv. Bonaerense La Ballenera MAA, were defoliated early in 3 seasons, 1983/84, 84/85 and 85/86. After harvest, the seed tubers were stored in heaps in the field and, later, their sprouting capacity and physiological age, and their tuber yield were evaluated. Results showed that early haulm killing did not affect these variables nor diminish the quality of the seed potatoes obtained.  相似文献   

Movement of potato leafroll virus (PLRV) to tubers following placement of viruliferous aphids on foliage was studied on the medium-maturing cultivar, Katahdin and the late-maturing cultivar, Russet Burbank. Inoculation was begun on August 20 and continued at three-day intervals until mid-September. There was no trend of increasing or decreasing numbers of leafroll-infected tubers from early to late inoculation. Several variables were examined to determine their effects on the incidence of PLRV-infected tubers. Multiple regression analyses showed that inoculation date, maximum daily temperature, minimum daily temperature, plant age, and length of time from inoculation to harvest explained 38% of PLR incidence in tubers of cv. Katahdin. Length of time from inoculation to harvest and minimum daily temperature explained 40% of PLR incidence in tubers of the cv. Russet Burbank.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of seed source, presprouting and desiccation date on processing quality parameters in the cultivars, Maris Piper and Rooster were investigated over four seasons. Tuber dry matter, sucrose, reducing sugar concentrations and fry colour were measured. Seed source did not affect sucrose concentrations, significantly affected tuber dry matter in three of the four seasons and had no effect on reducing sugar concentrations or fry colour. Presprouting seed, reduced sucrose concentrations during two seasons from four and increased dry matter concentration of cv. Maris Piper during one season from four and in cv. Rooster during two seasons from four; lowered reducing sugar concentrations following storage in one season from three and did not affect fry colour. Delaying the desiccation date decreased sucrose concentration in all seasons, increased tuber dry matter concentration during two seasons and induced higher reducing sugar concentrations and darker fry colours.  相似文献   

W. Reust  J. Aerny 《Potato Research》1985,28(2):251-261
Summary The use of endogenous compounds as indicators of physiological age was studied in seed tubers of cv. Bintje produced at two locations. Dormancy and the incubation period of seed tubers were measured and sucrose, citric and malic acid analysed. Sucrose content in tubers was lowest at the beginning of sprouting, 0.1 to 0.2% of fresh weight (FW), and increased with time to 0.85–2% when tubers appeared on the sprouts. Shortly after harvest, the citric acid content was ca 0.4–0.5% of FW and malic acid 0.05–0.15%. Citric acid decreased during storage of the tubers but malic acid increased and reached 0.5% at the onset of tuberization. Dormancy was shorter in seed produced at high altitudes than in seed from lower altitudes. The incubation period was not markedly affected by season or provenance of the seed.
Zusammenfassung An zwei Standorten wurde ein Vier-Jahres-Versuch mit der Sorte Bintje durchgeführt: Fey (650 m) und Bullet La Frêtaz (1200 m). Die Wachstumsperiode war für Saatgutproduktion typisch und schwankte von 90–100 Tage entsprechend der Vegetationsperiode. Nach der Ernte wurden die Knollen sortiert (40–50 mm), für drei Wochen bei 15°C einer Wundheilperiode ausgesetzt und anschliessend bei 18°C und 85–90% relativer Luftfeuchtigkeit im Dunkeln für 3 Wochen gelagert. Zur Ermittlung der Dormanz-und Inkubationsperioden wurden w?chentliche Kontrollen durchgeführt. Parallel mit visuellen Kontrollen wurden die Gehalte an Saccharose, Zitronen-und Aepfels?ure analysiert. W?hrend der Dormanz erreichte der Saccharosegehalt 0.1–0,2% des Frischgewichtes (FW). Beim Einsetzen der Keimung sank der Gehalt sehr langsam ab. In der Phase rapiden Keimwachstums stieg der Saccharosegehalt konsistent. Knollenbildung an Keimen erfolgte, wenn der Saccharosegehalt 0,85–2% des Frischgewichtes betrug, abh?ngig vom Jahr und der Knollenherkunft. Zitronens?ure-und Aepfels?uregehalt verhielten sich entgegengesetzt zum Altern der Knollen. Unmittelbar nach der Ernte schwankte der Gehalt an Zitronens?ure zwischen 0,4 und 0,5% des FW, und der Aepfels?uregehalt zwischen 0,05–0,15%. Die Zitronens?ure nahm w?hrend der Inkubationsperiode ab, die Aepfels?ure nahm zu und erreichte 0,5% zum Beginn der Knollenbildung (Abb. 1, 2 und 3). Die Dormanz wurde als Zeit von der Knolleninitiierung im Feld bis zur Keimung gemessen. Wichtige Unterschiede zwischen den Jahren liessen sich haupts?chlich bei der Temperatursumme w?hrend der Wachstumsperiode ermitteln. Die Dauer der Dormanz als Summe von Temperaturwerten (Tagesgrade) war bei in h?herer Lage angebautem Pflanzgut kürzer als bei Pflanzung in tieferer Lage. Die Inkubationsperiode wurde als Zeit zwischen dem Einsetzen der Keimung und dem Punkt, an dem 90% der Pflanzknollen Tochterknollen gebildet hatten, gemessen. Zwischen den Jahren ergaben sich keine wichtigen Unterschiede. Die Knollenbildung an, Trieben erfolgte, wenn der Gehalt an Trockenmasse zwischen 22–32% lag, entsprechend der Herkunft des Pflanzgutes (Abb. 4,5 und 6).

Résumé Un essai sur quatre années a été réalisé dans deux localités: Fey (650 m) et Bullet la Frêtaz (1200 m) avec la variété Bintje. La durée de croissance était celle habituelle de la production de plants et variait de 90 à 100 jours en fonction de la saison. Après la récolte, les tubercules étaient calibrés (40–50 mm), maintenus pendant trois semaines à 15°C puis conservés à l'obscurité dans un local à 18°C et 85–90% d'humidité relative. Des observations hebdomadaires étaient faites pour déterminer les stades de dormance et d'incubation. Parallèlement aux observations visuelles, des analyses de saccharose, d'acides citrique et malique étaient effectuées. Durant la dormance, la teneur en saccharose était de 0,1 à 0,2% du poids frais. Au départ de la germination celle-ci diminuait très faiblement. Durant la phase de croissance rapide des germes, elle augmentait de manière conséquente. La tubérisation des germes survenait lorsque la teneur en saccharose atteignait 0,85 à 2% du poids frais, en fonction de l'année et de l'origine du tubercule. Les teneurs en acides citrique et malique se comportaient de fa?on inverse lors du vieillissement du tubercule. Immédiatement après la récolte, la teneur en acide citrique se situait entre 0,4 et 0,5% du poids frais et celle de l'acide malique entre 0,05 et 0,15%. L'acide citrique diminuait durant la période d'incubation et l'acide malique augmentait pour atteindre 0,5% au départ de la tubérisation (figures 1, 2 et 3). La dormance était évaluée par le temps s'écoulant entre l'initiation du tubercule au champ et la germination. Des différences importantes étaient observées en fonction des années, particulièrement en rapport, avec la somme des températures relevées pendant la période de croissance. La durée de la dormance, exprimée en somme de températures (degrés-jour) était plus courte pour les plants cultivés en haute altitude que pour ceux se développant à basse altitude. L'incubation était évaluée par le temps s'écoulant entre le départ de la germination et le moment où 90 % des tubercules de plant produisaient des tubercules-fils; aucune variation importante n'était observée en fonction des années. La tubérisation survenait sur les germes lorsque la teneur en matière sèche se situait entre 22 et 32% mais dépendait de l'origine des plants (figures 4, 5 et 6).

Potato plants of early cultivars grown from microtubers have been reported to have a much lower growth vigor and produce lower yields than microtubers of late cultivars. This study intended to clarify the field performance of plants grown from directly planted microtubers of cultivars with different maturity periods, with a special attention to early cultivars. The experiments were conducted at Hokkaido University, Japan, over four years. Microtubers and conventional seed tubers of the early cultivar Kitaakari, late cultivars Konafubuki and Norin 1, and very late breeding line IWA-1 were planted, and the plant growth and tuber yields were analyzed. The microtuber plants of Kitaakari had a lower initial increase in leaf area index than conventional seed tuber plants, but at the maximum shoot growth had the same leaf area index. This pattern was also observed in the other cultivars. Tuber initiation and tuber bulking occurred on average five days later in microtuber plants than in conventional seed tuber plants of cultivar Kitaakari. At maximum shoot growth, microtuber plants had on average 65% of tuber dry weight of conventional seed tuber plants, with small variation among cultivars. Irrespective of maturity period, microtuber plants showed a higher tuber increase after maximum shoot growth, achieving around 86% of tuber dry weight of conventional seed tuber plants at harvest. From the results of this study we conclude that microtuber plants of early and late cultivars have a similar yield potential relative to conventional seed tuber plants, and microtubers of both early and late cultivars might be used as an alternative seed tuber source for potato production, if necessary.  相似文献   

Summary Applying saline solutions (EC 3.2 up to 7.0 dS/m) to seed tubers of different cultivars planted in tuff delayed shoot emergence and root and shoot development. Fresh weight of most cultivars was decreased by 60% but cv. Serrana Inta was more tolerant to salinity and fresh weight was decreased by 20%. When planted in 500 cm3 pots containing loessial soil some seed tubers rotted and plant growth was severely inhibited, possibly because soil aeration was impeded. Physiologically ageing seed tubers for 33 days at 6°C decreased sensitivity of most cultivars to moderate salinity whereas ageing for 68 days increased sensitivity to high salinity. Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel. No. 2977-E, 1990 series.  相似文献   

Summary The modifying effects of applying the plant growth regulators (PGRs) benzylaminopurine (BAP), gibberellic acid (GA3) and BAP+GA3 on physiological age were studied. Two experiments with two cultivars, differing in rate of physiological ageing (medium-early Pampeana, medium-late Huinkul) and two storage systems were performed during 1988/89 and 1989/90 in two different potato areas of Argentina. In both seasons seed tubers stored in heaps reached an advanced physiological age at planting, compared with tubers from the cold store. Seed tubers of cv. Pampeana were older than those of Huinkul. compared with control crops, those sprayed with BAP maintained ground cover and photosynthesis for longer, and those sprayed with GA3 for a shorter period. Consequently tuber yield was decreased by GA3 in 1988/89, but in 1989/90 all crops treated with PGRs outyielded the control. BAP could overcome effects of advanced physiological age on crop senescence and tuber yield. CIC BA This work was carried out with a research grant from CAFPTA (249/89).  相似文献   

Trials were conducted in Alberta with Norchip, Norland, and Russet Burbank and in Ontario with Kennebec, Russet Burbank, Norchip, and Superior tubers to determine their response to short-term exposure to air temperatures of 0, ?1, and ?5 C and to long-term exposure to ?1, 0, 1,2, and 3 C. Exposure of seed tubers to ?1 C from 6 hours to 5 days did not affect growth characteristics or tuber yield of any of the five cultivars studied. Long-term (October–May) exposure to ?1 C in one study severely reduced emergence and tuber yield of Norchip (P<0.05). While the marketable yield of Russet Burbank was also reduced (P<0.05) by this treatment, Norland was not affected. Tubers of all cultivars exposed to air temperatures of ?3 or ?5 C for longer than 24 hours were severely injured and were not planted in the field trials at either location. In Alberta exposure of seed tubers of Norchip, Norland, and Russet Burbank to ?5 C for 6 and 12 hours caused a reduction (not significant) in yield. In Ontario, long-term storage at 1, 2, and 3 C and in combination with short-term (2 weeks) exposure to 0 or 10 C had no effect on growth or marketable yield of Norchip, Russet Burbank, Superior, and Kennebec seed tubers.  相似文献   

N. Ioannou 《Potato Research》1989,32(3):331-339
Summary Field experiments during 1984–6 tested the effects of planting date on the development of aphid infestations and the spread of potato leaf roll virus (PLRV) in rogued or unrogued plots of potatoes, cv. Spunta. Plantings were made each month from December to April, the customary time for planting being February. Aphid infestation in early-planted plots was severe throughout the growing season; plots planted in February were also severely infested early in the growing season but the populations later gradually declined to undetectable levels. Nevertheless, the incidence of PLRV in the latter plots was as high as in those planted in December-January. Late-planted crops escaped aphid infestation and PLRV infection, either in part (March planting) or completely (April planting). Such crops, however, were uneconomical due to poor yields and heavy losses from potato tuber moth infestation. Roguing significantly reduced the spread of PLRV in all years but its interaction with planting date was insignificant.  相似文献   

Summary The physiological based mathematical model describing the storage behaviour of potato (Solanum tuberosum) tubers was examined to determine its ability to explain the changing storage behaviour as a function of harvest time for ten different cultivars. Between 90 to 98% of the observed variance was accounted for. This confirmed the models concept that the maturity at time of harvest determines the storage behaviour through the initial amount of the enzyme (or enzyme system) responsible for cold induced sweetening.  相似文献   

J. Vos  M. Bom 《Potato Research》1993,36(4):301-308
Summary A field experiment with potato (Solanum tuberosum L., cv. Vebeca) was conducted on a sandy soil near Wageningen (52° North) in 1992. The treatments included a zero-nitrogen control and combinations of three amounts of nitrogen, viz. 110, 180 and 250 kg N ha−1, and splitting of the N dose in one (early May), two (early May and June) or three (early May, June, July) applications. The chlorophyll content of the uppermost fully grown leaves was assessed with a SPAD-502 chlorophyll meter (Minolta, Osaka, Japan) throughout the season. The pattern of change with time in SPAd-values differed between treatments. SPAD-502 readings correlated well with laboratory measurements of the chlorophyll content and with the nitrogen concentration in leaves (r 2>0.95). Data on the nitrate concentration in petiole sap (included as a reference) showed that this variable responded much more to split nitrogen applications than the SPAD-value. Future research will need to consider other factors which may affect the chlorophyll content of the foliage.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of a short tuber dormancy and the subsequent sprout growth of the seed tubers during storage at 4 °C on the processes related to plant development and tuber formation was investigated in a diploid population with 238 genotypes, its crossing parents and seven tetraploid varieties. Sprout growth during storage at 4 °C was positively correlated to the duration of the dormancy period at 18–22 °C, the low temperature prolonging the dormancy period. Results show that the duration of the dormancy period and the sprouting of seed tubers during storage at low temperature did not have a determinant influence on plant development, tuber formation or the duration of the plant cycle in this large and highly diverse population of potato.  相似文献   

Summary Field experiments with four potato cultivars showed that there were significant differences in susceptibility to attack by wireworm,Agriotes obscurus. The two most susceptible cultivars had the lowest total glycoalkaloid (TGA) contents. Laboratory experiments with wireworms feeding on tuber slices demonstrated that regions characterized by a low sugar and a high glycoalkaloid concentration were avoided as feeding sites. Bio-assays with glycoalkaloids also showed that paper discs treated with a mixture of solanine and chaconine were avoided by wireworms. According to a forward stepwise regression analysis based on data from four cultivars and six regions of the tuber. TGA was the key factor in predicting larval feeding, accounting for 65% of the total variation. Differences in reducing sugar levels (fructose + glucose) explained an additional 13% of the variation. Differences in chlorogenic acid and sucrose levels added very little to the accuracy of the prediction.  相似文献   

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