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Vertebrate population densities were quantified in lowland central Guyana using line-transect censuses at three forest sites subjected to reduced-impact logging (RIL), and three adjacent unlogged sites. We censused a range of forest vertebrate species including large canopy-dwelling and terrestrial birds, three primates, one rodent and one tortoise. Two 4 km transects at each site were repeatedly surveyed during the wet season of 2008 to derive population density estimates on the basis of a cumulative survey effort of 416 km. RIL had ended within 16 months, and sites had been subjected to a mean extraction rate of 3.9 m3 ha−1, equivalent to only 1.1 trees ha−1. Three of the 15 vertebrate species examined here exhibited significantly different abundances at forest RIL sites, two of which were negative. Large frugivores such as primates were less abundant in sites subject to RIL, whereas smaller frugivores, granivores, folivores and insectivores were more common in logged sites. We are unable to reliably distinguish between responses of different taxonomic groups, since robust abundance metrics could only be estimated for four mammal species. Despite this, species traits including dietary guild, body mass, home range size and vertical stratification of forest use are used to explain varying responses. Our findings suggest that responsible reduced-impact logging practices in neotropical forests can be considered as a relatively benign form of forest management that can coexist with the requirements of both local economies and biodiversity conservation. However, our study sites experienced comparably low extraction rates, and detrimental effects such as hunting were low. Our results therefore provide an opportunity to scrutinise the effects of best practice logging systems, though do not necessarily represent typical circumstances across tropical forests.  相似文献   


Key message

The demography of pioneer tree species ( Pinus massoniana Lamb.) is significantly affected by logging in Southeast China. Logging negatively affects the population growth rate of P. massoniana , which facilitates the growth of individual trees but has no effect on reproduction probability. The survival and growth of seedlings contribute the most to population growth.


Subtropical forest degradation caused by unreasonable disturbances is closely related to anthropogenic activities in Southeast China, and the frequent small-scale logging activity by local people was the dominated disturbance regime in forests in this region over the past several decades.


The objective of this study is to evaluate the demographic consequences of logging on Pinus massoniana, a pioneer tree species, at individual level (survival, growth, and fecundity) and population level (the population growth rate and size distribution) over short-term period.


The size of tree individuals was combined with vital rates using various modeling approaches based on demographic data from three annual censuses. The integral projection model (IPM) was constructed and used to conduct comparative demographic analyses.


Logging negatively affected the population growth rate: from a slight expansion before logging to a moderate decline after logging. This study found a significant reduction in seedling recruitment after logging, and plant growth and mortality were slightly enhanced. The survival of seedlings greatly contributes to population growth rate compared to other life stages for both periods (before and after logging) while its relative importance decreases after logging. Seedling growth is also important to population growth, and its relative importance increased after logging. Shrinkage and fecundity have a minimal contribution effect on the population growth rate.


Growing plants in a nursery with a similar demography to P. massoniana could be beneficial for pioneer species regeneration in that this will improve the survival rate and growth of small individuals after logging.

Studies of growth rates of trees in managed neotropical forests have rarely employed complete botanical identification of all species, while published information for Central American lowland rain forests largely concerns forests free of recent disturbance. We studied diameter increments of trees in a managed Costa Rican rain forest. The Pentaclethra macroloba-dominated forest was located on low hills with Ultisols in Holdridge's Tropical Wet Forest life zone. The 540 m × 540 m (29.2 ha) experimental area was lightly logged during 1989–1990. The 180 m × 180 m (3.24 ha) experimental plots comprised a 100 m × 100 m (1.0 ha) central permanent sample plot (PSP) with a 40-m wide buffer strip. Post-harvest silvicultural treatments were liberation/refinement (in 1991) and shelterwood (in 1992), applied under a complete randomized block design with three replicates, using logged but untreated plots as controls. All live trees ≥10 cm DBH in the PSPs, were identified to species; data reported are for 1993–1996. Cluster analysis was used to group species on the basis of the median and quartiles of their diameter increment distributions, separating data by silvicultural treatments; five diameter increment groups were established and subdivided on the basis of the adult height of each species (four categories), giving 17 species groups in the final classification. Adult height and silvicultural treatment made a significant contribution to growth rate variation. Median annual increments of the slowest-growing species groups, which featured many under- and middle story species, were ca. 1 mm; those for the fastest growing species, which were mainly canopy and emergents, were ca. 16 mm. All species in the groups of very fast growth were pioneers, whether short or long-lived, though many other pioneer species did not show fast growth. The proportions of species found in groups of moderate, fast or very fast growth were greater in the silviculturally treated plots than in the controls, and one complete diameter increment group, of fast growth, was only represented in the treated plots. Crown form, crown illumination and presence of lianas in the crown, showed significant correlations with diameter increments, though the importance of these latter two variables varied with silvicultural treatment. The very fast growth groups differed from the others in having higher proportions of trees with well-formed, well-illuminated crowns and an irregular diameter distribution with relatively few individuals in the smallest DBH class. Comparison with data from other neotropical forest sites shows that long-lived pioneers such as Vochysia ferruginea and Jacaranda copaia grow fast or very fast at all sites, while non-commercial canopy and emergent species of Chrysobalanaceae and Sapotaceae appear to be uniformly slow-growing. Growth data for the majority of species are, however, published for the first time.  相似文献   

Sustainable management of selectively logged tropical forests requires that felled trees are replaced through increased recruitment and growth. This study compares road track and roadside regeneration with regeneration in unlogged and selectively logged humid tropical forest in north-eastern Bolivia. Some species benefited from increased light intensities on abandoned logging roads. Others benefited from low densities of competing vegetation on roads with compacted soils. This was the case for the small-seeded species Ficus boliviana C.C. Berg and Terminalia oblonga (Ruiz & Pav.) Steud. Some species, e.g. Hura crepitans L., displayed patchy regeneration coinciding with the presence of adult trees. Our results suggest that current management practices could be improved by intensifying logging in some areas to improve regeneration of light demanding species. Sufficient seed input in logged areas should be ensured by interspersing large patches of unlogged forest with logged areas. This may also assist regeneration of species that perform poorly in disturbed areas.  相似文献   

We developed allometric equations to predict whole-tree leaf area (A(l)), leaf biomass (M(l)) and leaf area to sapwood area ratio (A(l):A(s)) in five rain forest tree species of Costa Rica: Pentaclethra macroloba (Willd.) Kuntze (Fabaceae/Mim), Carapa guianensis Aubl. (Meliaceae), Vochysia ferru-gi-nea Mart. (Vochysiaceae), Virola koshnii Warb. (Myris-ticaceae) and Tetragastris pana-mensis (Engl.) Kuntze (Burseraceae). By destructive analyses (n = 11-14 trees per species), we observed strong nonlinear allometric relationships (r(2) >/= 0.9) for predicting A(l) or M(l) from stem diameters or A(s) measured at breast height. Linear relationships were less accurate. In general, A(l):A(s) at breast height increased linearly with tree height except for Penta-clethra, which showed a negative trend. All species, however, showed increased total A(l) with height. The observation that four of the five species increased in A(l):A(s) with height is consistent with hypotheses about trade--offs between morphological and anatomical adaptations that favor efficient water flow through variation in the amount of leaf area supported by sapwood and those imposed by the need to respond quickly to light gaps in the canopy.  相似文献   

Disturbance is well known to play an important structuring role in rainforest succession and in maintaining overall diversity. However, the ecological responses arising from changes in land use such as traditional and modified shifting cultivation practices are less well known. The distribution and dynamics of plant populations may be affected by such changes in land use and often their responses are compounded by a lack of life history data. The life history traits and demographic parameters important to successional species responses to disturbance remain poorly understood beyond broad generalisations, particularly in rainforests outside of the Neotropics. We examined the life history and demography of five rainforest tree species in Papua New Guinea to investigate the effect of shifting cultivation practices on their population dynamics. The demographic parameters most successful for continued population growth were medium to high recruitment, low seedling mortality and high seedling abundance, relatively low growth rates (compared to many pioneer species) and moderate to high abundance in all life stages. Successful life history traits were high seed mass, moderate shade-tolerance and high cultural value. In accordance with their demographies and life histories, Pterocarpus indicus, Vitex cofassus and Artocarpus altilis were classified as early successional species, while Pometia pinnata and Canarium indicum were considered mid-successional. The results suggest that the earlier successional species do not necessarily have an advantage in disturbed environments; persistence is more likely to rely on the response of inherent demographic processes to external influences.  相似文献   

Use of reduced-impact logging (RIL) techniques has repeatedly been shown to reduce damage caused by logging. Unfortunately, these techniques do not necessarily ameliorate the low growth rates of many commercial species or otherwise assure recovery of the initial volume harvested during the next cutting cycle. In this study, we analyze the effect of logging and application of additional silvicultural treatments (liana cutting and girdling of competing trees) on the growth rates on trees in general and on of future crop trees (FCTs) of 24 commercial timber species. The study was carried out in a moist tropical forest in Bolivia, where we monitored twelve 27-ha plots for 4 years. Plots received one of four treatments in which logging intensity and silvicultural treatments were varied: control (no logging); normal (reduced-impact) logging; normal logging and low-intensity silviculture; and, increased logging intensity and high-intensity silviculture. Tree growth rates increased with intensity of logging and silvicultural treatments. The growth rates of FCTs of commercial species were 50–60% higher in plots that received silvicultural treatments than in the normal logging and control plots. Responses to silvicultural treatments varied among functional groups. The largest increase in growth rates was observed in FCTs belonging to the partially shade-tolerant and the shade-tolerant groups. These results indicate that silvicultural treatments, in addition to the use of RIL techniques, are more likely to result in a higher percentage of timber volume being recovered after the first cutting cycle than RIL alone.  相似文献   

Impact of logging on tree,liana and herb assemblages in a Bornean forest   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In the present study, the impact of logging was assessed on the forest structure, richness, and composition of trees, lianas, and ground herbs in Indonesian Borneo. There were no significant differences in tree height, diameter, basal area, or abundance between unlogged and logged forest. Liana abundance was higher in logged than unlogged forest, but the difference was marginally nonsignificant. There was also no significant difference in the percentage cover of ground herbs. Tree species richness was similar between unlogged and logged forest, while liana species richness was higher in logged forest and herb species richness between unlogged forest. Tree and liana compositions differed significantly between unlogged and logged forest, but logging explained only a small part (<7%) of the variance in composition. In contrast to trees and lianas, ground herb composition did not differ significantly between unlogged and logged forest. Our findings indicate that the modest extraction intensity practiced did not have a severely adverse impact on forest structure or plant composition. This highlights the important role that logged forests may play in conserving biodiversity and the need to protect these forests from further disturbance.  相似文献   

Forest disturbance and recovery are critical ecosystem processes,but the temporal patterns of disturbance have not been studied in subtropical China.Using a tree-ring analysis approach,we studied post-logging above-ground(ABG)biomass recovery dynamics over a 26-year period in four plots with different degrees of logging disturbance.Before logging,the ABG biomass ranged from 291 to 309 t ha-1.Soon after logging,the plots in primary forest,secondary forest,mixed forest and singlespecies forest had lost 33,91,90 and 100%of their initial ABG biomass,respectively.Twenty-six years after logging,the plots had regained 147,62,80 and 92%of their original ABG biomass,respectively.Over the 26 years following logging,the mean CAI(Current annual increment)were 10.1,5.5,6.4 and 10.8 t ha^-1 a^-1 and the average MAI(Mean annual increment)8.7,2.5,5.6 and 7.8 t ha^-1 a^-1 for the four forest types,respectively.The results indicate that subtropical forests subjected to moderate logging or disturbances do not require intensive management and single-species plantings can rapidly restore the above-ground biomass to levels prior to heavy logging.  相似文献   

Background: Many tree species in tropical forests have distributions tracking local ridge-slope-valley topography. Previous work in a 50-ha plot in Korup National Park, Cameroon, demonstrated that 272 species, or 63% of those tested, were significantly associated with topography. Methods: We used two censuses of 329,000 trees ≥1 cm dbh to examine demographic variation at this site that would account for those observed habitat preferences. We tested two predictions. First, within a given topographic habitat, species specializing on that habitat ('residents') should outperform species that are specialists of other habitats ('foreigners'). Second, across different topographic habitats, species should perform best in the habitat on which they specialize ('home') compared to other habitats ('away'). Species' performance was estimated using growth and mortality rates. Results: In hierarchical models with species identity as a random effect, we found no evidence of a demographic advantage to resident species. Indeed, growth rates were most often higher for foreign species. Similarly, comparisons of species on their home vs. away habitats revealed no sign of a performance advantage on the home habitat. Conclusions" We reject the hypothesis that species distributions along a ridge-valley catena at Korup are caused by species differences in trees _〉1 cm dbh. Since there must be a demographic cause for habitat specialization, we offer three alternatives. First, the demographic advantage specialists have at home occurs at the reproductive or seedling stage, in sizes smaller than we census in the forest plot. Second, species may have higher performance on their preferred habitat when density is low, but when population builds up, there are negative density-dependent feedbacks that reduce performance. Third, demographic filtering may be produced by extreme environmental conditions that we did not observe during the census interval.  相似文献   

Liana (woody vine) abundance varies among tropical forests and is often high in disturbed forests. In two areas of subtropical wet forest in Puerto Rico, El Verde and Bisley, we recorded the density of liana stems ≥1 cm dbh, and the percent of tree crowns (trees ≥10 cm dbh) that lianas infested. Both study areas have been disturbed by hurricanes several times in the past century; however, sample plots in each area were divided between plots that were less disturbed and those that were more disturbed, by both hurricanes and humans. The mean density and basal area of liana stems at El Verde were significantly higher in the less disturbed plots than in the more disturbed plots. The percent tree crown infested by lianas was higher on certain tree species and on larger trees, both of which characterized the less disturbed forest. Results at Bisley were similar to those at El Verde. Liana density and tree crown infestation in these Puerto Rican forests were low compared with most other tropical forests, contrasting especially with high values in other disturbed forests. Liana abundance varies among forests for complex reasons, including differences in disturbance, biogeography, seasonality, and tree host features.  相似文献   

Prevention efforts to combat pine wilt disease must be instituted to avoid destruction of coastal forests in Hokkaido, northern Japan. We examine an alternative method involving the conversion of Pinus thunbergii forests to native broadleaf species through advancing their growth, but we have little knowledge about the response of advanced growth to overhead canopy release. To demonstrate the demographic and height growth response of advanced growth to the light change in a coastal Pinus thunbergii forest, canopy trees were removed and the sapling populations were monitored for 6?years. Inhibition in height growth caused by light increase was observed in Cerasus sargentii and Kalopanax septemlobus saplings. Especially in Kalopanax septemlobus, a remarkable decline was observed in the saplings growing in the darker positions which experienced light change. Therefore, large light changes should be carefully avoided for this species especially in the darker positions. In contrast, relative height growth rates of Quercus crispula and, especially, Quercus dentata increased with increasing light, and saplings tended to die in the darker positions. No dead trees of Sorbus commixta were observed during the study period. The saplings also showed good height growth even when under closed canopy. This species seems to be adaptive to a dark environment. Since Quercus dentata and Kalopanax septemlobus are the major components of the natural coastal forests in Hokkaido, gradual canopy release is available to foster advanced growth in coastal Pinus thunbergii forest, in accordance with the concept of density control in coastal forests.  相似文献   

Transpiration, leaf characteristics and forest structure in Metrosideros polymorpha Gaud. stands growing in East Maui, Hawaii were investigated to assess physiological limitations associated with flooding as a mechanism of reduced canopy leaf area in waterlogged sites. Whole-tree sap flow, stomatal conductance, microclimate, soil oxidation-reduction potential, stand basal area and leaf area index (LAI) were measured on moderately sloped, drained sites with closed canopies (90%) and on level, waterlogged sites with open canopies (50-60%). The LAI was measured with a new technique based on enlarged photographs of individual tree crowns and allometric relationships. Sap flow was scaled to the stand level by multiplying basal area-normalized sap flow by stand basal area. Level sites had lower soil redox potentials, lower mean stand basal area, lower LAI, and a higher degree of soil avoidance by roots than sloped sites. Foliar nutrients and leaf mass per area (LMA) in M. polymorpha were similar between level and sloped sites. Stomatal conductance was similar for M. polymorpha saplings on both sites, but decreased with increasing tree height (r(2) = 0.72; P < 0.001). Stand transpiration estimates ranged from 79 to 89% of potential evapotranspiration (PET) for sloped sites and from 28 to 51% of PET for level sites. Stand transpiration estimates were strongly correlated with LAI (r(2) = 0.96; P < 0.001). Whole-tree transpiration was lower at level sites with waterlogged soils, but was similar or higher for trees on level sites when normalized by leaf area. Trees on level sites had a smaller leaf area per stem diameter than trees on sloped sites, suggesting that soil oxygen deficiency may reduce leaf area. However, transpiration per unit leaf area did not vary substantially, so leaf-level physiological behavior was conserved, regardless of differences in tree leaf area.  相似文献   



Selective logging followed by natural regeneration is rarely employed for restocking subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests in East Asia compared with the use of clear-cutting.


To clarify the succession of these forests, the effects of selective logging on stand structure, species diversity, and community similarity were studied in a mature and regenerating forest in Okinawa, Japan.


Four study plots were established, and trees ≥1.2 m height were identified by species name, tree height, and diameter at breast height.


The results showed that the species composition of regenerating forest was similar to mature forest; however, the former had a greater species density and Shannon–Wiener index than the latter. Castanopsis sieboldii and Distylium racemosum, the predominant trees in the mature forest, continued to dominate the regenerating forest, with a broad layer distribution. High Sørensen and Jaccard community similarity indices for mature and regenerating forest indicated that the regeneration occurred in a progressive succession.


The similar species composition and stand structure for both mature and regenerating forest, and the higher species diversity for the latter, provided no evidence of forest degeneration and suggested that the regenerating forest may develop into a stand similar to preselective logging forest.  相似文献   

Defining the spatial arrangement and length of the cutting cycle in a logged area is crucial for reconciling potential conflicts between timber yields and maintenance of ecosystem services in natural forests. In this study, we investigated long-term impacts of clear-fell logging on timber production and tree species diversity in a subtropical forest on the Ryukyu Islands, using an individual-based simulation model. We assumed six logging scenarios defined by combinations of forest type and regeneration processes, which acted as surrogates for spatial scales of clear-fell logging. These scenarios were simulated under cutting cycles ranging from 20 to 150 years. Short-cutting cycles resulted in dominance by the sprouting species Castanopsis sieboldii. The compositional shift was accelerated by the lack of seed dispersal from surrounding forest areas. The simulations demonstrated that a sustainable logging regime maintaining both yield and tree species diversity requires a cutting cycle longer than 50 years. The simulation results also suggest that the trade-off between the recovery of tree species diversity and timber production is favored more in stands surrounded by mature forest than in isolated stands or stands surrounded by immature forest. Ecological risk assessments based on model simulations provide an alternative to current forest management practices that rely on empirical knowledge.  相似文献   

Borchert R 《Tree physiology》1994,14(3):299-312
Variation in electric resistance of stem tissues was used to measure differences and changes in water status among trees in a tropical dry forest in Costa Rica during the dry season. For more than 30 tree species, stem water content (SWC), measured as electric resistance between nails driven 20 mm deep into tree trunks, correlated well with wood density, saturation water content, dehydration, measured with the pressure chamber, and tree development during drought. At dry sites, SWC was lowest in hardwood trees (characterized by high wood density) and highest in stem-succulent lightwood trees (characterized by low wood density). Among hardwood trees, SWC varied with soil water availability. During the dry season, SWC declined before leaf shedding and increased during rehydration preceding bud break. The time course of seasonal changes in SWC apparently constitutes an indirect measure of variation in the relative water content of outer stem tissues, which determines development of dry-forest trees during the dry season.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of selective logging disturbances on tree diversity and soil characteristics in the Bia Conservation Area in southwest Ghana.The study was conducted in unlogged,29-35 years post-logged and swamp forests using ten 25 m×25 m plots.In total,we identified 310 individual trees belonging to 87 species.Mean ShannonWeiner index was highest in the post-logged forest but there were no significant differences in tree density,dominance,or DBH size class distributions between these forests.Soil physical properties such as pH and bulk density up to 30 cm depth were similar in the two of forests In terms of soil nutrient status,available P,exchangeable K and total N contents were all similar in the unlogged and post-logged forests.Our findings suggest that the effects of logging on tree diversity are comparatively long-term,in contrast to its short-term effects on some top soil physical and chemical characteristics.  相似文献   

Acetylene reduction activity by root nodules of the legumeErythrina poeppigiana, growing as shade tree in a Costa Rican coffee plantation, was estimated. The mean activity found was 15.7 nmole C2H4 · mg (dry weight)–1 · h–1. Root nodules collected at different distances from theErythrina stem showed the same activity per dry weight unit. However, as the biomass of the nodules was highest near the stem, was the acetylene reduction activity (expressed per soil volume) maximal near theErythrina stem and declined with distance.  相似文献   

Reserva Natural Absoluta Cabo Blanco, a strongly seasonal deciduous forest located at the southernmost tip of northwestern Costa Rica's Nicoya Peninsula, was established in 1963 and is the country's oldest nationally protected reserve. The peninsula has been occupied for millennia and is a heavily impacted landscape, and, unfortunately, its biotic diversity is among the most poorly studied in Central America. As part of multiyear studies of the flora and fauna of the region, we assess the changes in vegetation and the terrestrial mammal community from earlier times to the present day. Through historical records, interviews with long-term residents of the area, and our studies over the past decade, we document changes in forest cover, settlement, and land use, and assess the changes in species diversity and in mammal species’ abundance. We then discuss the ecology of the mammal species on the peninsula, emphasizing the role that humans have played in influencing population levels.  相似文献   

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