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李振兴 《水产学报》2006,30(3):429-432
美洲帘蛤Mercenaria mercenaria(Linnaeus,1758)隶属于软体动物门Mollusea、瓣鳃纲Lamellibrachia、帘蛤目Veneroida、帘蛤科Veneridae,又称硬壳蛤、北方帘蛤或小圆蛤。原产于美国佛罗里达州Cawrence湾,墨西哥湾,加利福尼亚Hamboldt湾到英格兰海域,在美国东、西海岸北纬25°~38°海域均有分布。美洲帘蛤与我国的文蛤(Meretrixmeretrix)同属帘蛤科,是一种生长快,适应能力强,适温、适盐范围广,经济价值高的大型双壳贝类[4-10]。美洲帘蛤软体部的蛋白质含量高达60.69%(DS),氨基酸的总含量为524.2mg·g-1,蛋白质的氨基酸含量为893.5mg·g-1…  相似文献   

虾类及其健康养殖   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了9种主要养殖的淡水、海水虾的基本情况。虾类健康养殖的关键是生产出不带病原的苗种。开展虾的综合利用是发展规模养殖、提高效益的好途径。  相似文献   

杨家波  李平 《齐鲁渔业》1996,13(3):30-32
介绍了莫桑比克沿海的地理环境及其海况特点,浅水虾,深水虾和龙虾的品种,分子,渔场和鲆发规律,以及捕捞生产概况,并提出了莫桑比克发展无洋渔业的建议。  相似文献   

本发明是有关对虾及虾类的去壳方法及去壳装置。此发明同样适用于其它类似的甲壳类。  相似文献   

虾类的褐变机理及其防止办法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
虾类在冷冻加工中褐变机理是由酶促成的。可以通过降低量虾体温度、缩短加工时间、加入化学药品、加热处理、镀冰衣、真空包装等方法控制和防止虾类褐变。  相似文献   

苏永腾  谢骏  徐跑  王恬 《淡水渔业》2005,35(6):61-63
虾类的营养需求、血液代谢与免疫系统之间有密不可分的协同关系。饵料中蛋白水平的高低、蛋 白能量比值的大小,免疫调节活性因子的有无均对虾类的非特异性免疫表达有重要影响。本文综述了营养平 衡、饵料蛋白质含量对虾类免疫系统的影响,着重讨论了饵料中免疫活性物质如聚糖类、维生素、抗菌肽等对虾 类非特异性免疫表达的促进作用。  相似文献   

虾类1973年后是滇池的主要渔获物.虾类中青虾、白虾为主要品种,资源量中白虾占83%,市场上白虾占70%.近年来滇池污染严重,虾类资源受到很大影响.应加强基础研究工作,控制渔具渔法和红鳍鱼白种群,加大对产卵期虾类的保护,改善滇池鱼类区系组成.  相似文献   

三疣梭子蟹与不同虾类混养技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分别利用中国明对虾、凡纳滨对虾、日本囊对虾和脊尾白虾等虾类与三疣梭子蟹进行混养。结果表明:日本囊对虾与三疣梭子蟹混养组三疣梭子蟹养殖单产最高,平均产量1678.5 kg/hm2,其次为凡纳滨对虾与三疣梭子蟹混养组,平均产量1659 kg/hm2。对虾养殖单产以凡纳滨对虾与三疣梭子蟹混养组最高,平均产量990 kg/hm2,其次为中国明对虾与三疣梭子蟹混养组,平均产量952.5 kg/hm2。但考虑到日本囊对虾市场售价为其他混养虾类的两倍,因而日本囊对虾与三疣梭子蟹混养组养殖效益最高。  相似文献   

两种形态变异类型日本囊对虾稚虾高温耐受性的比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高温耐受值(CTMax)为评估日本囊对虾稚虾高温耐受性的重要指标,本实验探讨了不同暂养温度(24、28和32℃)和升温速率[(1±0.2)℃/h和(1±0.2)℃/min]对CTMax值的影响,同时利用CTMax和环境响应系数ARR比较了两种形态变异类型日本囊对虾稚虾的高温耐受性差异,并从二者的地理分布、耗氧率、窒息点和温度系数Q10生理代谢指标对其高温耐受机理进行了分析。实验结果如下:(1)不同的暂养温度和升温速率对两种形态变异类型日本囊对虾稚虾的CTMax值均有显著影响(P0.05);(2)在相同升温速率下,32℃组形态变异类型Ⅱ稚虾的CTMax值高于形态变异类型Ⅰ(P0.05),各实验温度范围内形态变异类型Ⅱ稚虾的ARR值都显著大于形态变异类型Ⅰ(P0.05);(3)各温度组中形态变异类型Ⅰ稚虾的耗氧率和窒息点均高于形态变异类型Ⅱ(P0.05);(4)形态变异类型Ⅰ稚虾在24~28℃的Q10值小于28~32℃的Q10值,而形态变异类型Ⅱ稚虾则与此相反,二者的适温范围不同。结果表明,不同温度对日本囊对虾稚虾的CTMax值、耗氧率和窒息点均有影响,主要分布于南海水域的形态变异类型Ⅱ稚虾的高温耐受性强于主要分布于东海和南海北部的形态变异类型Ⅰ稚虾。  相似文献   


During the 1990s the major producers of farmed shrimp in the world included countries such as Thailand, Ecuador, Indonesia, China and India. These countries exported shrimp products in frozen form. The major importers were Japan, the United States and European Union countries. This study reports changes in the trend of exported shrimp products of 10 countries by using the ‘revealed comparative advantage’ method. The selected producers were 10 shrimp exporters to the Japanese and US markets. The results of the study showed that there was a gradual increase in the export quantity of shrimp‐exporting countries such as Thailand, Indonesia and China. These countries have developed processing technology with the advantage of low production costs, as well as abundant and inexpensive labour.  相似文献   

加工方式对刀额新对虾主要过敏原免疫原性的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
选取冻干、烘干、虾丸化以及油炸4种加工方式处理刀额新对虾,通过检测可溶性蛋白、主要过敏原含量和免疫活性的变化以及体外模拟胃液消化实验,分析加工方式对虾类过敏原免疫活性及抗酶解能力的影响。结果表明经过不同的加工处理后,分子量为35 ku左右的主要过敏原蛋白仍然存在,免疫印迹显示其免疫活性有不同程度的下降,其中虾丸化处理对免疫活性的降低程度最大,达87%,冻干处理的影响最小,仅达6.8%;而主要过敏原蛋白抗酶解能力变化不明显。结论:不同的加工方式对虾过敏原活性的降低有比较大的差异,但对于抗酶解能力影响不大。  相似文献   

The present work evaluates the influence of broodstock diets [Marine Cuisine®– MC, MC supplemented with highly unsaturated fatty acid- (HUFA) enriched Artemia biomass – MC + AB, and MC supplemented with squid – MC + S] on larval production, newly hatched and early zoeal stage survival and fatty acid profile of newly hatched larvae of Lysmata amboinensis . These parameters are compared with those from larvae hatched from embryos spawned in the wild. The number (±SE) of larvae produced with MC and MC + S (1077 ± 219 and 1103 ± 184, respectively) was similar to that in broodstock carrying embryos spawned in the wild (1224 ± 111), while those fed MC + AB displayed significantly lower values (1044 ± 161). Larvae produced with MC + AB displayed lower survival for all starvation periods, while larvae spawned in the wild displayed the highest survival. No larvae resisted 144 h of starvation and none moulted to zoea II. The fatty acid comparison revealed that larvae from embryos spawned in the wild displayed the highest levels of DHA, as well as higher DHA/EPA and n -3/ n -6 ratios. These results suggest that broodstock diets commonly used to promote ornamental shrimp's maturation (based on mixed frozen components) are far from being optimal.  相似文献   

提高卤虫休眠卵孵化率的技术因子探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
卤虫休眠卵的孵化是目前海水鱼虾育苗工作中的活饵料供应体系,本文结合上海地区低盐度海水对虾育苗工作,经多年实验观察,归纳总结提高卤虫休眠卵孵化率的主要技术措施,其中包括孵化设备装置、水质控制、加快脱壳处理、以及鉴别卵的质量标志等  相似文献   

Development of shrimp aquaculture has been associated with increases in infectious diseases and environmental degradation. An effective alternative to chemicals and antibiotics used for the prevention of these problems is to administer probiotics into the rearing system. Three bacterial genera, Bacillus, Vibrio, and Pseudomonas, are commonly administered as probiotics in shrimp aquaculture. Candidate probiotics are species specific and need to be tested for their effectiveness for certain species in in vitro and in vivo. Supplementation into feed is more effective in conveying probiotics into animals compared to direct application into rearing systems. Overdosage or prolonged administration of probiotics can induce immunosuppression. A cell-density of 105 colony-forming units (CFU) per ml is widely recommended. A combination of probiotics results in better outcomes for the host than individual probiotics. Probiotics improve water quality while reducing pathogenic bacteria. Probiotics show positive effects through an improvement in the physiological and immune responses of shrimps. Probiotics are increasingly becoming important and more common in any organic shrimp farming.  相似文献   

Fisheries and aquaculture production, imports, exports and equitability of distribution determine the supply of aquatic food to people. Aquatic food security is achieved when a food supply is sufficient, safe, sustainable, shockproof and sound: sufficient, to meet needs and preferences of people; safe, to provide nutritional benefit while posing minimal health risks; sustainable, to provide food now and for future generations; shock‐proof, to provide resilience to shocks in production systems and supply chains; and sound, to meet legal and ethical standards for welfare of animals, people and environment. Here, we present an integrated assessment of these elements of the aquatic food system in the United Kingdom, a system linked to dynamic global networks of producers, processors and markets. Our assessment addresses sufficiency of supply from aquaculture, fisheries and trade; safety of supply given biological, chemical and radiation hazards; social, economic and environmental sustainability of production systems and supply chains; system resilience to social, economic and environmental shocks; welfare of fish, people and environment; and the authenticity of food. Conventionally, these aspects of the food system are not assessed collectively, so information supporting our assessment is widely dispersed. Our assessment reveals trade‐offs and challenges in the food system that are easily overlooked in sectoral analyses of fisheries, aquaculture, health, medicine, human and fish welfare, safety and environment. We highlight potential benefits of an integrated, systematic and ongoing process to assess security of the aquatic food system and to predict impacts of social, economic and environmental change on food supply and demand.  相似文献   

食品安全评价及其方法简述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
食品安全评价指标体系和评价方法是食品安全综合评价的重要内容。本文综述了食品安全综合评价的各种方法,为食品安全综合评价提供了参考。  相似文献   

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