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几种有机酸对土壤中磷活动性的增强效应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
由富营养化导致的地表水和地下水水质的恶化是当今全球关注的主要环境问题之一。富营养化主要是由于磷在地表径流、生活污泥和流向地表水和地下水体的土壤渗滤液中的迁移。近年来随着大量的有机废弃物在土壤中的应用,磷在土壤表层和亚表层中的活动性显著增加[1~3]。这不仅归结  相似文献   

The amounts of P applied cumulatively to a neutral arable soil (pH 7.1–7. in 0.01M CaCl2) at Rothamsted, as farmyard manure, alone or with superphosphate, which were converted to organic P in 100 years ranged from 18 to 44 μg P/g of soil (0–23 cm). Superphosphate alone (3300 kg P/ha) slightly lessened the total organic P in the soil. Neither farmyard manure nor super-phosphate significantly changed the amounts (38 to 42 μg P/g) of inositol penta- and hexaphosphate in these soils. In the surface layers (0–7.5 cm) of soils from permanent grassland at Rothamsted, superphosphate (3370kg P/ha) increased organic P by 134 μg P/g at pH 4.5 and 19 μg P/g at pH 6.5, about 6 and 1 per cent respectively of the P remaining from superphosphate applied cumulatively since 1858. In the sub-surface layers (7.5–23 cm) superphosphate increased organic P by 93 μg P/g at pH 4.5 and 62 μg P/g at pH 6.2, about 18 and 10 per cent respectively of the P remaining from superphosphate. The sum of inositol penta- and hexaphosphates accounted for 32 per cent at pH 4.5 and 21 per cent at pH 6.5 of the increases in organic P in the surface layers and 45 per cent and 26 per cent in the sub-surface layers at pH 4.5 and 6.5 respectively. Superphosphate (1260–2100 kg P/ha) applied intermittently or cumulatively increased total organic P by 19 to 52 μg P/g and inositol penta- and hexaphosphates by 13 to 17 μg P/g in acid tea soils (pH 3.2–3.4) from Georgia, U.S.S.R. Rock phosphate (510–1020kg P/ha) applied cumulatively had no effect on either the total organic P or the inositol P in acid tea soils (PH 3.6–3.7) from Ceylon.  相似文献   

钢铁工业区降尘对周边土壤的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
分别在南京的两个钢铁厂收集降尘并采集周边表土,并用ICP-AES和磁化率仪分析得到16种元素含量和表土、地面尘的磁化率。结果表明,两个钢铁工业区的大气降尘的年沉降通量分别为190t km-2a-1和407 t km-2a-1,这可能会影响着周边地区土壤的形成;Al、K、Na、Ti、V在降尘中的含量显著低于表土,而Ca,Fe,Zn,Mn,Pb,Cu在降尘中含量要显著高于表土;表土的磁化率除水田外均大于100×10-8m3kg-1,并且地面尘的磁化率要远远高于表土的磁化率。研究表明,钢铁工业区降尘对其周边土壤中污染元素的积累有明显影响,突出地表现在土壤表层重金属含量升高,而磁化率可以很好地表征这种表聚的特点。  相似文献   

土壤性质对钢铁电极电位的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
吴汮 《土壤学报》1991,28(2):117-123
本文研究了土壤的某些物理、化学性质对钢铁在土壤中的电极电位的影响。试验结果表明,土壤水分、土壤松紧度、土壤盐分、土壤pH对钢铁电极电位影响十分明显。在水分非饱和的条件下,电极电位随着土壤含水量的增加而下降。在同一含水量的情况下,电位与土壤容重呈明显的线性反相关。土壤盐分浓度的增高引起电位的正偏。从土壤pH的影响可区分出三个pH范围,在土壤pH为4.5-8.0的范围内,影响不明显。在土壤pH为2.0-4.5及8.0-9.7的两个范围内,钢铁电极电位与土壤pH呈明显反相关,相关系数分别为-0.953及-0.982。  相似文献   

For a model at high water fluxes, the inclusion of first-order adsorption-desorption rate constants leads to slower leaching of pesticide and increased spread than predicted using instantaneous equilibrium. The initial condition of the substance near the soil surface is also found to be important. A model with simultaneous fast and slow adsorption-desorption equilibria describes and explains published experimental data comparatively well. Under a pattern of intermittent rainfall, the effect of adsorption-desorption kinetics on pesticide movement is comparatively small.  相似文献   

东北几种耕作土壤中有机无机复合体的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高子勤 《土壤学报》1987,24(1):8-13
本文采用超声分散法研究东北主要耕作土壤复合体的组成及其性质.不同有机质含量的土壤中,<10微米的复合体变异较大,其在有机质含量高的黑土中较棕壤及苏打盐土高出一倍.各粒级复合体中C,N和P储量随粒级增大而降低.黑土、白浆土以游离态和紧结态腐殖质为主,棕壤和苏打盐土以联结态和紧结态为主.粘粒复合体与土壤中三、二氧化物的比值有肥地较大的趋势.试验结果表明土壤中有机无机的复合主要是在具有活性较高的粘粒级附近,与有机质紧密地结合.  相似文献   

土壤理化性质对铝电极电位的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
王开军  吴汮 《土壤学报》1994,31(3):269-266
本文系统研究了土壤的某些主要理化性质对铝电极电位的影响。结果表明,土壤水分,土壤松紧度,土壤盐分及土壤pH对铝电极电位都有明显影响。在土壤饱和水后和饱和水前的一定含水量范围内,则出现一个很大的电位突降。在同一含水量情况下,电位与土壤容重呈明显的线性反相关。土壤盐分浓度的增高能导致电位的负偏。同时在不同土壤中,盐分的作用也各相同。可变电荷土壤盐分的加入对电位的影响比较明显,从土壤pH的影响可以区分出  相似文献   

我国辽西几种褐土的微形态研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文应用偏光显微镜观察了土壤细土物质的二维空间微垒结和其光学性质,应用扫描电镜观察了亚微结构和土壤形成特征,讨论了细土物质的物理、化学性状在土壤的稳定性和某些抗蚀性能方面的作用。  相似文献   

The paper reviews the recently published literature (mainly since 1970) on the effects of pesticides on the major biogeochemical cycles in soils, including transformations of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus sulphur, trace elements and soil enzymes. The main conclusion is that pesticides, with the exception of fumigants and some broad spectrum fungicides, have little deleterious influence on soil processes when applied at field rates. Obvious gaps in our knowledge of pesticide-soil interactions are pointed out and suggestions are made where future research is needed. In the absence of effective biological control methods, the extensive use of pesticides in agriculture will continue. It is essential that the effects of these compounds on biochemical transformations in soils be determined, so that we can arrive at a balanced view of their effects on soil fertility.  相似文献   

在木薯生长后期,施乙烯利能抑制生长,促进成熟。对新生叶的生长有前控后促的作用。对植株上的叶片能加速黄落和降低呼吸消耗,同时能使叶片的蔗糖酶活性增强,还原糖量增加,光合效率提高,叶片内物质输出量和茎皮层泌乳量增多,并提高块根的淀粉含量。  相似文献   

Field capacity was measured directly, and soil moisture characteristics were determined on undisturbed cores, for a wide textural range of ferrallitic soils in Uganda. The initial moisture conditions of the soils were shown to affect results and thus standardized procedures were adopted for field and laboratory determinations. Laboratory estimates of field capacity for undisturbed and disturbed samples were shown to be unreliable, but a correction factor was found which improved them. There was no single moisture tension for undisturbed core samples that corresponded to field capacity. Particle-size composition could be related to field capacity, permanent wilting-point, and available water capacity by multiple regression equations having correlation coefficients of 0.96, 0.98, and 0.88 respectively. The relationships predicting available water capacity were different from those found for soils in England, but those for field capacity and permanent wilting-point were similar. Particle-size analyses were carried out using three methods of dispersion of different efficiencies. Particle-size composition following gentle dispersion by shaking soil with distilled water was poorly correlated with moisture-holding properties. There was little advantage in using vigorous ultrasonic dispersion compared with overnight shaking with sodium hexametaphosphate. Two soils formed on alluvial deposits with kaolinite the only clay mineral, and one soil with montmorillonite the dominant clay mineral, showed markedly different relationships between moisture-holding properties and particle-size composition.  相似文献   

几种土壤对氟的吸附和解吸   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
中南地区6种土壤8个层次的氟吸附和解吸试验结果表明:供试土壤的氟吸附与Langmuir、Freundilich和Temkin方程均有较好的拟合性;花岗岩发育土壤的氟吸附量明显大于红砂岩和紫红色砂页岩发育的土壤。赤红壤、砖红壤、紫色土和黄棕壤性土吸附的氟可为0.1mol/LKOH完全解吸,而红壤和黄棕壤的氟解吸部分滞后,滞后的原因与14nm过渡性矿物较多有关。上还土壤吸附氟均不能被水完全解吸,解吸率因土壤不同而不同。花岗岩发育土壤的氟解吸率(26.9%~40.0%)比其他母质土壤(4.8%~94.2%)低。供试土壤对氟吸附和解吸的差异与土壤矿物特性,尤其是氧化物数量有关。  相似文献   

泥炭和堆肥对几种污染土壤中铜化学活性的影响   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
陈世俭 《土壤学报》2000,37(2):280-283
由于重金属在土壤中的难移动性和污染危害的长期性,有关重金属在土壤中化学行为的研究受到重视[1]。重金属铜在土壤环境中既有植物营养问题,又有土壤污染问题[1,2]。研究土壤铜的形态区分与转化、作物吸收积累与反应规律,有利于确定土壤铜的环境容量和铜污染土壤的改良方法[1,3]。由于铜与土壤有机质之间存在着特殊的亲和力,研究添加外源有机物质对土壤铜形态与活性的影响作用[1,4],有利于揭示有机物质对污染土壤铜作用的规律,为指导铜污染土壤的改良提供依据。本文主要介绍在盆栽条件下泥炭和堆肥两种有机物质对几个不同污染水平土壤铜化学活性的影响。  相似文献   

几种类型土壤中砷环境基准的比较研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
本研究依据我国四种类型土壤中存在过量砷所产生的生态效应与环境效应,确定了砷的的环境基准。分布在东南部的红壤和黄棕壤的基准为45-51mg/kg,分布在华北的褐土和西北的灰钙土为21-25mg/kg。  相似文献   

Analysis of displaced soil solutions, at half available moisture percentage, indicated that Mg to Ca (Mg/Ca) ratios and Ca to total cation (Ca/TC) ratios ranged from 0.35 to 3.64 and 0.74 to 0.04, respectively, in the A and B horizons of the solonetzic soils under study. The growth of barley in simulated solution cultures commenced to decline when the Mg/Ca ratio in solution exceeded 1.0, or when the Ca/TC ratio was lower than 0.15, regardless of levels of salinity, concentrations of Ca or Mg, or differences in ionic strength. Reduced growth was followed by symptoms of Ca deficiency. Growth of barley in soil from various horizons of solonetzic soils supported the results found in solution culture. Calcium amendments to soils with low Ca/TC ratios or high Mg/Ca ratios in the soil solution, gave increases in growth and prevented Ca deficiency.  相似文献   

A study of the heavy mineralogy of the fine-sand and stone fractions and the particle-size distribution and CEC of samples from thirty Anglesey drift-derived soils suggests that the soil stones are an unreliable guide to the parent material of the soil as a whole. The chief lines of evidence are: the small degree of dependency of soil- and stone-heavy mineralogy, the slight translocation of most stones, and the great similarity of soils containing very different stone assemblages.  相似文献   

刘多森 《土壤》2005,37(4):463-464
讨论了测定土壤总孔隙度的有关简易方法失误渊源的辩正,论证了水稻土的地貌分类以及由此引出的一些问题。  相似文献   

关于水稻土研究中某些数据和观念的讨论   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
刘多森 《土壤学报》2000,37(1):142-144
把水稻土分为"爽水、滞水、侧渗、漏水与囊水型",即水稻土的"五水"分类,提出于1979年[1].<中国太湖地区水稻土>一书(下文简称<太>书)的出版[2],使人们进一步了解到"五水"分类的全貌.朱莲青从水稻土指示性层段的观念对"五水"分类提出了有相当根据的不同看法,指出了其中"主要的错误和混淆"[3].本文仅就水稻土分类研究中尚可商榷的某些数据和观念予以讨论.  相似文献   

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