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The 'sand tampan', Ornithodoros savignyi, is susceptible to oral infection with African swine fever (ASF) virus in the laboratory. Infected ticks can transmit the virus transstadially and are able to maintain it for at least 106 days. Transmission of ASF virus by infected ticks to healthy pigs was achieved on five separate occasions between 50 and 106 days after infection. Pigs infected in this way developed typical acute African swine fever. The distribution of O savignyi in Africa suggests that this tick could be a natural field vector of ASF.  相似文献   

Sera from African swine fever-resistant pigs with infection-inhibitory activity decreased virus replication in infected porcine buffy coat cultures. This same effect was observed even after virus was adsorbed. The infection-inhibition was not reversed by removing the immune serum from the assay cultures. Reduction of African swine fever virus replication by immune sera was demonstrated by fluorescent focus assay on MS cell line cultures. Virus-neutralization tests showed a persistent fraction of non-neutralized virus, which was not demonstrable by infection-inhibition tests. One hypothesis for explaining this difference is proposed.  相似文献   

Diversity of African swine fever virus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An African swine fever virus is an heterogeneous population, consisting of clones having different biological characteristics in respect to hemadsorption, virulence, infectivity, plaque size, and antigenic determinants. The following observations were made: Nonhemadsorbing virus (NHV) have been segregated from field isolates from Haiti (HT-1) and a bone marrow- and buffy coat-passaged Portuguese isolate (L'60BM89BC1) and appear as a major, minor, or equal mixture with hemadsorbing viruses in the virus population. Biological characteristics of the virus inoculated into pigs often differed from viruses isolated later from the same pigs. Virulence and nonhemadsorbing characteristics of isolated clones were genetically stable. The lethal effect of 2 NHV clones of L'60BM89BC1 virus was dose-dependent; small doses of virus induced immunologic deaths or recoveries from the clinical disease in pigs, and large doses induced acute deaths. The NHV of Lisbon isolate of 1960 (L'60) and HT-1 isolate share the same antigenic determinants for inducing protection. Tengani isolate contained clones of distinctly different antigenic determinants, not shared by L'60 or HT-1 isolate that enabled it to overcome the protection induced by the other clones. Passaging of an African swine fever virus isolate in pigs or cell cultures may readily alter the proportions of the different clones in the population and thereby change its overall characteristics. A new virus population with atypical hemadsorption was found in HT-1 field isolate and L'60BM89BC1 virus.  相似文献   

非洲猪瘟(African Swine Fever,ASF)是一种急性、烈性、病毒性传染病,主要感染家猪和野猪,其发病率和死亡率极高,接近100%,被世界动物卫生组织(OIE)列为必须报告的动物疫病,被我国列为一类动物疫病。当前该病缺乏有效的防控用疫苗及药物,主要通过捕杀发病动物及严格的生物安全措施来控制。该病病原是非洲猪瘟病毒(African Swine Fever Virus,ASFV),属于非洲猪瘟病毒科(Asfarviridae)非洲猪瘟病毒属(Asfivirus)唯一成员,其基因组长约170 kb^193 kb,为双链DNA,编码151~167个病毒蛋白。  相似文献   

Three groups of animals were infected with three different African swine fever virus isolates. Antibody responses were measured, using immuno electro-osmophoresis, reverse single radial immunodiffusion and radioimmunoassay (RIA). The RIA detected antibody at 3–4 days whereas the diffusion tests did not detect it until 10 days post inoculation. Virus survival in different transport media was compared, using haemadsorption assays and RIA. Glycerinated medium reduced infectivity titres, although it had no effect on the ability of the RIA to detect antigen.  相似文献   

Quantitative aspects of the transmission of African swine fever   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The contagiousness of pigs during different stages of infection with African swine fever virus was assessed by measuring the amount of virus excreted and the amounts of virus in the blood and other tissues, as well as determining the infectious dose of the virus by various routes. The virus was present in substantial amounts in secretions and excretions of acutely infected pigs for only 7 to 10 days after the onset of fever and was present in the greatest amount in the feces. Virus persisted in the blood of some recovered and clinically normal pigs for 8 weeks and in the lymphoid tissues for at least 12 weeks. The intranasal/oral ID50, and the IV/IM ID50 of a moderately virulent isolate of African swine fever virus were determined to be 18,500 and 0.13, 50% headsorbing units, respectively. A highly virulent isolate required approximately 10-fold more virus to cause infection by the intranasal/oral route.  相似文献   

非洲猪瘟自2018年冬季从国外传入,给国内的生猪产业造成毁灭性打击,已造成大量生猪死亡和众多养殖户恐慌.尽管非洲猪瘟已被世界动物卫生组织列为法定上报疾病之一,但是市面上尚无有效的治疗药物和疫苗,故国际上针对该病的防制措施仍停留于消灭传染源、切断传播途等物理防御.据文献记载,非洲猪瘟病毒可由某些吸血性节肢动物所传播,故清...  相似文献   

Coagulation changes in African swine fever virus infection   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pigs were infected with highly virulent (Tengani '62), with moderately virulent (DR '79) African swine fever (ASF) virus, or with virulent hog cholera (HC) virus. Changes in platelet counts, selected coagulation assays and concentrations of factor VIII-related antigen (VIIIR:Ag) were monitored. Permeability of aortic endothelium was studied after the injection of Evan's blue dye on various days after infection with DR '79 ASF virus. Virulent ASF virus caused prolongation of the activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT), 1-stage prothrombin time, and thrombin clotting time as early as postinoculation day (PID) 4. These changes became progressively more severe until death. Both virulent HC and DR'79 viruses induced an increase APPT and thrombin clotting time at PID 3 to 4, only occasionally did the prothrombin time increased significantly (P less than 0.01). The APPT began to decrease on PID 7 and 8, but only DR'79-infected pigs lived long enough to regain a normal APTT. Infection by ASF viruses caused acute thrombocytopenia after PID 6 and platelet counts of HC virus-infected pigs decreased progressively from the onset of fever to levels of 1 to 2 X 10(5)/mm3 at PID 6 to 7. All ASF virus-infected pigs had an increase in VIIIR:Ag beginning at PID 3, with maximum increases at PID 6 to 7. Hog cholera virus infection did not cause consistent changes in levels of VIIIR:Ag. Pigs infected with DR'79 virus did not have increased vascular permeability to Evan's blue dye during infection; however, there was markedly decreased staining of the aorta after pigs became thrombocytopenic.  相似文献   

An immunoblotting assay has been adapted to detect antibodies against African swine fever virus. The electrophoretic transfer of proteins and the immunoreaction conditions were optimized, using 4 mA/cm2 of current intensity and 10 micrograms of soluble cytoplasmic antigen of infected cells per strip. Filters of polyvinylidene difluoride showed the highest capacity for protein absorption, but nitrocellulose filters showed lower backgrounds. The specificity and the pattern of the proteins induced by African swine fever virus that react with the antisera were determined in immunoblotting assay, IP30 being the most reactive protein.  相似文献   

African swine fever virus (ASFV) is a highly virulent swine pathogen that has spread across Eastern Europe since 2007 and for which there is no effective vaccine or treatment available. The dynamics of shedding and excretion is not well known for this currently circulating ASFV strain. Therefore, susceptible pigs were exposed to pigs intramuscularly infected with the Georgia 2007/1 ASFV strain to measure those dynamics through within- and between-pen transmission scenarios. Blood, oral, nasal and rectal fluid samples were tested for the presence of ASFV by virus titration (VT) and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). Serum was tested for the presence of ASFV-specific antibodies. Both intramuscular inoculation and contact transmission resulted in development of acute disease in all pigs although the experiments indicated that the pathogenesis of the disease might be different, depending on the route of infection. Infectious ASFV was first isolated in blood among the inoculated pigs by day 3, and then chronologically among the direct and indirect contact pigs, by day 10 and 13, respectively. Close to the onset of clinical signs, higher ASFV titres were found in blood compared with nasal and rectal fluid samples among all pigs. No infectious ASFV was isolated in oral fluid samples although ASFV genome copies were detected. Only one animal developed antibodies starting after 12 days post-inoculation. The results provide quantitative data on shedding and excretion of the Georgia 2007/1 ASFV strain among domestic pigs and suggest a limited potential of this isolate to cause persistent infection.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - This study investigated the prevalence of African swine fever virus (ASFV) and classical swine fever virus (CSFV) antibodies in pigs in Benue State, Nigeria....  相似文献   

African swine fever virus (ASFV) is the only known DNA arbovirus and the sole member of the family Asfarviridae. It causes a lethal, hemorrhagic disease in domestic pigs. ASFV is enzootic in sub-Saharan Africa and is maintained in a sylvatic cycle by infecting both wild members of the Suidae (e.g. warthogs) and the argasid tick Ornithodoros porcinus porcinus. The pathogenesis of ASFV in O. porcinus porcinus ticks is characterized by a low infectious dose, lifelong infection, efficient transmission to both pigs and ticks, and low mortality until after the first oviposition. ASFV pathogenesis in warthogs is characterized by an inapparent infection with transient, low viremic titers. Thus O. porcinus porcinus ticks probably constitute the most important natural vector of ASFV, although both the mammalian and tick hosts are probably required for the maintenance of ASFV in the sylvatic cycle. The mechanism of ASFV transmission from the sylvatic cycle to domestic pigs is probably through infected ticks feeding on pigs. In addition to O. porcinus porcinus, a number of North American, Central American and Caribbean species of Ornithodoros have been shown to be potential vectors of ASFV.  相似文献   

非洲猪瘟(African swine fever,ASF)是由非洲猪瘟病毒(African swine fever virus,ASFV)引起的一种急性、热性、高度传染性疫病,感染猪以发热和全身性出血为主要特征,病程短、病死率高。非洲猪瘟主要流行于非洲国家,随后相继传入西欧、南美洲、东欧,以及亚洲国家,对全球养猪业、食品安全和猪及其产品国际贸易产生了严重危害和深远影响。现结合参考文献和我国非洲猪瘟发生、控制情况,分析了非洲猪瘟病毒传播动力学、传播方式,提出防控非洲猪瘟的主要措施。  相似文献   

Because of the clinical and pathologic similarity to common endemic diseases, introduction of CSFV or ASFV strains of moderate to low virulence represents the greatest risk to North American swine herds. Producers, veterinarians, and diagnosticians should increase their awareness of these devastating diseases and request specific diagnostic testing whenever they are suspected. Production practices that improve biosecurity will reduce the risk of introduction of CSF and ASF and limit the spread if an incursion occurs. Additional resources. The following Web sites contain excellent color photographs that will assist producers and practitioners in identifying clinical signs and gross lesions associated with CSFV and ASFV: http://www.vet.uga.edu/vpp/gray_book/FAD and http://www.pighealth.com. The latter Web site and the OIE Web site (http://www.oie.int) offer updated information on current worldwide epizootics of ASF and CSF and other swine diseases. Details of biosecurity procedures can be found at http://www.agebb.missouri.edu; see publication G2340.  相似文献   

The incubation of swine peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) with African swine fever (ASF) virus preparations strongly inhibited the proliferative response of lymphocytes to PHA and other lectins. The inhibition, which persisted after inactivation of the virus by UV radiation, was dependent upon the dose and the time that virus preparations were present in cultures. When virus preparations were fractionated by ultracentrifugation, the inhibitory activity resulted to be soluble, whereas no activity was found in the sedimented viral fraction. However, the preincubation during 4 days of this sedimented fraction with swine PBMC, before the addition of the mitogen, restored the inhibitory activity. The results obtained suggest that the inhibition is mediated by one or more soluble factors released by swine PBMC after coincubation with ASF virus in a time dependent process. These factors show a molecular weight between 40 and 80 kDa by gel filtration chromatography. The inhibitory activity described in the present paper is an indication of inhibition of lymphocyte function produced by ASF virus which can help to understand how this virus escapes from the host immune system.  相似文献   

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