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随着工业的发展,空气、水和土壤中汞的含量大幅增加,加大了食品中汞污染的隐患。奶牛摄入、饮用高汞含量的饲料和水都会代谢到乳中。因此,消费者对牛奶中汞的危害要给予高度关注。作者就牛奶中汞的存在形式、来源、危害、监管等方面进行阐述,以期增加消费者对牛奶中汞的科学认识。  相似文献   

动物铅毒性研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
铅污染是个严重的社会公共卫生问题,本文综述了动物生产领域对铅的研究结果。内容包括:①动物生产中铅的来源。②铅在动物体内的吸收、分布和代谢。③铅对动物的危害及其机理。④铅与其他养分之间的关系。⑤饲料中铅的最大允许量。  相似文献   

牛奶含有丰富的营养物质,但是有些不法分子为了降低成本掺假,掺假后会影响牛奶及其制品的品质,并危害消费者健康。因此,对牛奶掺假的准确检测尤为重要。本文介绍了牛奶中掺入水、食用碱、硫化物、铵盐、蔗糖、豆浆等几种常见的掺假物及其检测方法。  相似文献   

抗生素在牛奶中的残留不仅会影响牛奶及其制品的质量,还会对消费者的健康造成一定的危害。本文综述了牛奶中抗生素残留的现状、来源、危害及检测方法,以供参考。  相似文献   

采用盆栽试验方法,研究了薄荷、美女樱、羽扇豆3种花卉对铅污染土壤的修复能力,测定了3种花卉不同部位铅浓度对铅的转移和富集系数。结果表明,3种花卉中美女樱地上部吸收富集铅的量最大,积累铅能力最强,其次为薄荷,羽扇豆吸收积累铅能力最弱。在铅浓度为1000mg/kg时,美女樱和薄荷耐性较强,可用作铅污染土壤的稳定修复植物。  相似文献   

为了增加奶和肉的产量,应重视水牛的发展.在有河流、池塘、沼泽或其他可供浸水的条件下,水牛比牛更能忍受炎热的夏季高温.同时,水牛对多种危害牲畜的疾病有较强的抵抗力,并能较好地消化利用粗饲料.水牛奶脂肪含量比牛奶高一倍,蛋白质含量和其他有价值的营养物质也大大超过牛奶;而且水牛奶制成的酸乳制品质量更佳.  相似文献   

随着我国社会发展、人民生活水平的提高及消费观念的转变,乳制品的消费迅速增加,从而使各种原料奶需求迅速增长。由于水牛奶在营养成分上与荷斯坦牛奶、羊奶、马奶、牦牛奶相比,含量更高,如:水牛奶总干物质的含量比荷斯坦牛奶高50%,脂肪高2.5倍-3倍,蛋白和矿物质含量也都较高所以更受消费者喜爱。  相似文献   

目的:对汞矿周围环境和畜禽进行砷、铅、铬污染调查,为掌握其污染情况提供依据。方法:电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS测定。结果:环境中水源污染铅、砷严重,蔬菜、粮食受到不同程度污染;鸡、鸭组织铅污染严重;猪、牛、羊砷、铅污染严重,部分组织受铬轻度污染。结论:汞矿周围环境以及饲养的畜禽存在严重砷、铅污染,轻度铬污染。  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的日益提高 ,喝奶的人也越来越多 ,牛奶以其香甜可口、营养丰富、易于消化吸收等特点 ,其消费量不断增大。但对于大多数消费者来说 ,可能只知道牛奶是一种很好的营养品 ,却未必知道如何鉴别掺假奶 ,因此 ,给一些不法商贩造成了可乘之机。鉴于此 ,特介绍牛奶中常见的几种掺假物的鉴别方法。1 牛奶中常见的掺假物及掺假目的当前 ,牛奶中最常见的掺杂使假物有 :水、淀粉、豆浆、碳酸氢钠、双氧水、食盐等。牛奶中掺入水、淀粉、豆浆目的是为增加牛奶的重量 ,扩大牛奶的销售量 ,换取更多的利润。由于种种原因 ,有些牛奶没有及…  相似文献   

牛奶质量的好坏不仅与乳中脂肪、蛋白质、乳糖等营养成分的含量有关,而且与牛奶的卫生状况,即牛奶中细菌、体细胞以及杂质含量的多少密切相关。卫生状况差的牛奶不仅保质期短、加工特性差、加工出的乳制品质量低劣,而且危害消费者的健康。对消费者来说,他们最关心的是牛奶或牛奶制品是否是在符合卫生要求的环境下生产的。这里所说的符合卫生要求的环境和条件包括:消除牛棚中、挤奶间、牛身上污染牛奶的灰尘;使用能进行彻底清洗和消毒的干净的挤奶设备和贮奶容器;奶牛的健康等。如果在牛奶生产、贮存、运输等环节中的任何一个环节上出了问题…  相似文献   

Ochratoxin A (OTA) is an important mycotoxin with potential to reach the human food chain through carry-over of contaminated, mostly cereal-based, feed into animal-derived products. Certain population groups, such as infants and children, are intensive and relatively restricted consumers of some animal-derived products, particularly milk and other dairy products, which may become contaminated with OTA. This review examines the literature on the occurrence of OTA in animal-derived products and discusses the public health and food safety implications of consumption of these products. The risk of OTA contamination of meat, milk, blood and derived products is discussed.  相似文献   

霉菌在自然环境中普遍存在,而且以孢子形态随空气、水等媒介进行扩散。对食品原辅料及生产环境均可造成污染,是造成发酵乳变质的主要原因。发酵乳作为保质期较短且需冷链储运、销售的产品,零星的霉菌污染不会引起食品安全问题,但由于部分销售终端及三四线市场冷链运输缺失,造成霉菌生长,发酵乳呈现明显霉斑,导致消费者体验差,给企业品牌造成极坏影响,也影响了食品安全。本文概述了发酵乳中来自原辅料、环境、水中霉菌零星污染来源、验证方法以及相应控制措施,以期为发酵乳中霉菌控制提供参考。  相似文献   

The modern industrial and agricultural production provides many contact points for the food animals with several toxic substances. After their ingestion by the way of feed or water they may endanger the human health as residues or environmental contaminants in food of animal origin. Currently meat, milk and eggs produced on farms in the new federal states of Germany are considered to be dangerous with respect to their xenobiotic burden by numerous consumers. The own trials have been made to give first information about lead, cadmium and arsenic concentrations in feedstuffs, meat and milk from different dairy farms in Saxonia. No serious problems could be detected referring to the metal contents in roughage, grain and crops. Only a few feed samples reached eg. exceeded the permissible upper limits for arsenic and cadmium. But none of the examined feedstuffs contained inadmissible lead concentration. Milk and muscle produced in a metal polluted and not polluted areas were very low in cadmium, lead and arsenic. Total different is the situation in the cases of liver and kidney. Both organs of cows held on farms near a smelter were rich in cadmium and lead. The cadmium concentration in liver and kidney often and the lead concentration sometimes exceeded the permissible upper limits for food. In this context cadmium in kidney of older cows seems to be a problem in general. The results of the own examinations give no information about differences in the mean metal burden of feed and food between new and old federal states of Germany.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A quantitative risk assessment (RA) was developed to estimate haemolytic‐uremic syndrome (HUS) cases in paediatric population associated with the consumption of raw milk sold in vending machines in Italy. The historical national evolution of raw milk consumption phenomenon since 2008, when consumer interest started to grow, and after 7 years of marketing adjustment, is outlined. Exposure assessment was based on the official Shiga toxin‐producing Escherichia coli O157:H7 (STEC) microbiological records of raw milk samples from vending machines monitored by the regional Veterinary Authorities from 2008 to 2014, microbial growth during storage, consumption frequency of raw milk, serving size, consumption preference and age of consumers. The differential risk considered milk handled under regulation conditions (4°C throughout all phases) and the worst time–temperature field handling conditions detected. In case of boiling milk before consumption, we assumed that the risk of HUS is fixed at zero. The model estimates clearly show that the public health significance of HUS cases due to raw milk STEC contamination depends on the current variability surrounding the risk profile of the food and the consumer behaviour has more impact than milk storage scenario. The estimated HUS cases predicted by our model are roughly in line with the effective STEC O157‐associated HUS cases notified in Italy only when the proportion of consumers not boiling milk before consumption is assumed to be 1%. Raw milk consumption remains a source of E. coli O157:H7 for humans, but its overall relevance is likely to have subsided and significant caution should be exerted for temporal, geographical and consumers behaviour analysis. Health education programmes and regulatory actions are required to educate people, primarily children, on other STEC sources.  相似文献   

对市售乳扇和乳饼样品中8 种有害元素污染情况进行调查分析。对某市部分区县具有代表性的农贸市场及超市的乳扇和乳饼进行采样,并将样品通过石墨湿法消解,采用电感耦合等离子体质谱法检测,内标法定量,同时测定分析样品中砷(As)、铅(Pb)、汞(Hg)、镉(Cd)、铬(Cr)、硼(B)、铝(Al)、钡(Ba)8 种有害元素。结果表明:市售乳扇和乳饼样品未受金属元素Hg和Cd的污染,受元素B、As、Ba及Pb污染程度相对较轻,但乳扇样品被元素Al和Cr污染较严重,乳饼中Ba元素污染程度相对较高;乳扇和乳饼样品中普遍含有Cr、Ba和Pb元素,乳扇中元素污染程度大于乳饼,相关部门应加强对乳扇和乳饼作坊的监管,规范生产工艺,严格把关污染环节,加强生产环节污染监管力度,确保此类乳制品的质量安全。  相似文献   

Dioxins represent a group of undesired substances that may contaminate feedstuffs. Due to their persistency in the environment it can be expected that feed contamination by dioxins will occur in the future, too. Therefore efforts in agriculture and in the feed industry have to be focussed on measures that minimize the dioxin contamination of feedstuffs, especially under the aspects of food safety. Several dioxin scandals in the past have contributed to a higher awareness in feed production as well as on the side of food consumers and administration resulting in changes of feed legislation (implementation of maximum levels of dioxins in feed and food). Some of the dioxin scandals enlarged the knowledge concerning the potential ways dioxins entering the food chain (for example dioxin contamination during the drying process of grass meal, recycling of contaminated oils, use of contaminated kaolinit a.s.o.). In difference to those accidents in feed producing agriculture there is a main influence of potential soil contamination on the dioxin contents in feedstuffs (like roughage). Producing roughage (green fodder, silage, hay) on areas with grass land by grazing animals can result in corresponding consumption of soil that contaminates the green fodder. Intending a lowest feed contamination by dioxins implies that the soil contamination is known. Depending on the rate of soil contamination farmers should decide on the kind of feed production and on the techniques of harvesting the fodder. For example it is possible to produce maize (whole plant in high cut technique) without higher dioxin contents in maize silage, on the other hand it can not be recommended to use contaminated fields for growing beets or by grazing ruminants, pigs or poultry (outdoor systems). In general during the harvesting process technical measures have to be chosen that reduce/minimize the soil contamination because the dioxin concentration in the soil of exposed areas is much more higher than the dioxin concentration within the feedstuffs. The high costs of dioxin analyses limit an implementation of a monitoring program including samples of soil and feedstuffs of each feed producing unit or individual farms. Therefore it is necessary to focus the monitoring efforts on areas and samples that let expect a higher risk of dioxin contamination. New screening tests should be developed and implemented that allow a higher frequency and density of control measures concerning dioxin. In the case of suspicious findings only those samples could be analysed by the classic chemical procedure (time consuming, high costs). Especially in cases of food contamination (for example detected in monitoring programs of the food industry) it is necessary to find out the way and cause, not neglecting the potential role of the contaminated soil. Last but not least it is recommended to inform the public continuously about levels of dioxins that are actually found in food as well as in feed (and soils), especially on behalf of the consumers confidence in food and feed control and its related administration. Continuous information will increase the consumers understanding that there is (and will be for further years) a background contamination of feed and food in general (that decreased markedly in the last decades), and that cases of detected higher dioxin levels are exceptional findings that result immediately in efforts of the food and feed industry to obstruct the way that enabled an entering to the food chain.  相似文献   

Introduction Milk favored by consumers because milk contain a large number of nutrients,such as protein,amino acids,fat,lactose,a variety of vitamins,immune activity factors,essential minerals and trace elements and so on,and the proportion of these nutrients is very reasonable and easy to digest and absorb,so milk is nearly a perfect food.  相似文献   

目的:研究营养和安全因素对牛奶产品选购种类的影响.方法:以自填式问卷调查北京市713名消费者牛奶产品的选购行为,采用SPSS 18.0进行数据分析.结果:购买牛奶的消费者看重其中的营养益处,乳糖不耐和不喜欢牛奶味道是最大的障碍.对健康相关障碍因素的认知虽然抑制了全脂奶的选购意图,但是有利于各类营养成分调整牛奶产品或有机产品的选购.结论:对营养和安全因素的关注促进消费者对多样化健康宣称产品的接受度.  相似文献   

Introduction Milk favored by consumers because milk contain a large number of nutrients,such as protein,amino acids,fat,lactose,a variety of vitamins,immune activity factors,essential minerals and so on,and the proportion of the nutrients is very reasonable and those nutrients are easy to digest and absorb.So,milk is nearly a perfect food.  相似文献   

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