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牛异食癖是由环境、营养、内分泌和遗传等多种因素所引起,以舔食和啃咬通常被认为是无营养价值而不应该采食的异物为特征的一种复杂的多种疾病的综合征,病牛抢食塑料、破布、纸片、泥土、石头,喝污水,食欲不振,毛焦体疲,生长发育迟缓,时而便秘,时而腹泻.牛异食癖多发生在冬季和早春、饲草青黄不接时的舍饲牛.一般认为,牛异食癖是由于机体代谢机能紊乱、味觉异常和饲养管理不当等引起.一旦发现,要及时消除发病原因,改善饲养环境,加强饲养管理,对症治疗.一般多以在日粮中添加矿物质元素和复合维生素,驱虫健胃等为主要治疗方式,能够缓和病情.  相似文献   

羊异食癖是由于羊机体代谢机能紊乱,引起味觉异常而导致的一种复杂疾病,一般多发生于舍饲的育肥羊。病羊主要表现为异食症状,即采食无营养价值且不应该采食的沙土、煤渣、砖石、粪尿、毛发、塑料等。综述了羊异食癖的发生原因、临床症状及防治措施,以期为预防和控制该病在养羊场的发生提供理论依据。  相似文献   

异食癖是由新陈代谢紊乱而使家畜表现为食欲病理性异常的一种慢性病(患畜摄取正常饲料以外的物质)。本病不是一种单独的疾病,而是多种疾病的一种综合症状。本病可发生于各种家畜,牛、羊多发于青绿饲料缺乏的冬季和早春舍饲期间。该病的发生严重阻碍了牛羊的生长,因此养殖户应清楚牛羊异食癖的成因并采取有效的综合防治措施进行治疗。  相似文献   

正一、牛异食癖现状牛异食癖是指由于环境、营养、内分泌等因素引起的舔食通常不采食的异物为特征的一种顽固性味觉错乱的新陈代谢障碍性疾病。目前,牛发生异食癖的现象比较普遍,通常都是对其相关症状进行分析,但还没有找出原因,而且检测技术也没有完善,导致牛异食癖问题没有很好地解决。二、牛异食癖分析1.肉牛异食癖分析。肉牛异食癖发生的原因比较复杂,不同区域发生异食癖的原因是不同的。在对  相似文献   

正牛喜欢采食正常状态下所不食的物质(非饲料成分)称为异嗜癖,也称采食恶癖。牛若经常食毛,舔食啃吃煤渣、墙土、砖块、破布等物,是发生异食癖的表现。1原因分析异嗜癖的发生,主要是牛体内某些营养物质缺乏,机体代谢功能紊乱,味觉异常所导致的比较复杂的综合性疾病。所缺乏的物质可以是矿物质(特别是微量元素),如钠、钴、铁、硒、钙、铜、硫、  相似文献   

1病因 牛瘤胃臌气是因牛采食了大量容易发酵的饲料,产生了大量气体,气体在瘤胃和网胃内迅速积聚,膈与胸腔脏器受到压迫,引起呼吸和血液循环障碍,甚至窒息死亡的疾病。原发性瘤胃臌气最为常见。主要是牛采食了大量易发酵的青绿饲料,舍饲转为放牧的牛最容易发生急性瘤胃臌气。牛采食堆积发热的青草,或经霜、露、雨、雪冻结的牧草,霉败的干草以及多汁易发酵的青贮料,突然给舍饲的牛饲喂这类饲料,常引起本病。牛过多采食开花前的幼嫩多汁的豆科植物,如苜蓿、紫云英等产生大量气体而引起。长期给舍饲的耕牛饲喂干草,突然改为青草或放牧而采食过多,或误食毒芹、乌头等有毒植物均可导致急性瘤胃臌气的发生。奶牛和肉牛饲喂的饲料配合或调整不当,谷物饲料过多,粗饲料不足,给予的豆饼、酒糟等未经浸泡和处理,饲喂胡萝卜、甘薯等块根饲料过多,因矿物质不足,钙、磷比例失调等,都可成为本病发生的原因。  相似文献   

<正>羊异食癖是由于代谢机能紊乱,味觉异常的一种非常复杂的多种疾病的综合征。临床症状为羊到处舔食、啃咬无营养价值、不该采食的东西,如墙壁、土块、地面、被粪便污染的草料等。对羊健康影响最大的是啃骨症和食塑料薄膜症,常引起羊死亡。此病多发生于舍饲羊和过度放牧地区,一般羊都有发生,冬季和早春季节多发。"异食癖"和偶然发生的"异食"现象有本质的差别,在临床诊断中需要加以区别。  相似文献   

牛瘤胃积食又称为瘤胃阻塞、急性瘤胃扩张,是由于牛大量采食了粗纤维饲料或者容易引起瘤胃膨胀的饲料而导致的牛瘤胃扩张,引起整个前胃机能出现功能性障碍的消化道疾病。该种疾病在牛养殖中十分常见,特别是舍饲养殖牛最容易发生。笔者主要结合实际情况,就牛瘤胃积食的诊断和防治进行了分析。  相似文献   

为了调查冬春季节舍饲牛异食癖的情况,本实验采集患有异食癖牛的血液测定血样中的与矿物质有关的酶的活性。结果显示患有异食癖的牛的血液与正常牛的血液相比,关于铜、锌有关酶的活力差异极为显著;本实验结果能够为今后我区季节性休牧期间的不同生长、生产阶段的舍饲牛的饲养管理在进行合理调整混合饲料矿物质种类和水平,减轻或防治牛异食癖的发生上提供一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

<正>牛瘤胃积食是因牛瘤胃中食物积滞过多、胃容积扩大和胃壁过度扩张的一种疾病,也称之为瘤胃食滞症,中兽医称之为宿草不转。1病因牛易发生本病,尤其经常舍饲的牛,主要因采食多量所嗜好的饲料、粗硬饲料,或饲喂易发酵的饲料(如豆类等)引起;过度饥饿以后即过度饲喂,采食干燥或膨胀的饲  相似文献   

本文论述了酶与预防和治疗家畜疾病的关系,以及常见的一些应用。酶作为生物催化剂,几乎参与动物机体内所有的代谢反应,酶的活性异常必然导致代谢异常。酶与动物疾病的发生发展、动物疾病的预防、疾病的分析及治疗有着密切的关系,应用越来越广。  相似文献   

Fas/FasL系统调控公牛精子发生的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
牛的精子发生是一个特殊的雄性生殖细胞的分化、增殖和凋亡的过程。在这一过程中,生殖细胞总是不断地处于分化和凋亡的动态平衡之中。凋亡信号转导分子Fas和FasL组成的Fas/FasL系统不但在细胞自稳和疾病发生中具有重要作用,而且参与调控牛的精子发生。当Fas和FasL表达异常时,直接影响生殖细胞的发育和增殖。作者通过阐明Fas/FasL系统在牛精子发生过程中的调控机理,为提高种公牛的繁殖性能开创一条新的途径。  相似文献   

某鸡场鸡群中出现以神经症状、产蛋下降、畸形蛋增多和呼吸困难、腹泻等为主要特征的疾病,对发病鸡场进行实地走访并采集发病鸡病料。根据临床症状,病理剖检及实验室细菌学、血清学、病毒学检测,鉴定该鸡场发生新城疫疫情,并继发鸡群大肠杆菌感染;通过实时荧光RT-PCR检测,对该病毒进行强弱毒株的鉴别,显示该鸡场发生的新城疫是由新城疫中强毒株引起的。  相似文献   

鸡传染性支气管炎是由鸡传染性支气管炎病毒引起的一种急性、高度接触性传染性疾病。以张口呼吸、气管啰音、咳嗽、肾脏病变为主要临床症状,可引起鸡的饲料报酬率降低,蛋鸡产蛋数量和蛋的品质下降。IBV的特点是高频变异,血清型众多,导致疾病的临床和病理变化复杂多样,由于其变异株出现比较快,毒株之间交叉保护力差,给IB的诊断和防治带来了较大困难。从IBV的分型、检测技术、综合防治方面对该病的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

外泌体(exosomes)是一类由细胞分泌并且可远距离传递生物信息的纳米级胞外囊泡。它通过细胞分泌释放,在体液中传播,最后被其他细胞吞噬以达到传递生物信息的作用。脂类代谢一直是生命科学研究领域的热点,虽然影响脂质代谢的长链非编码RNA(lncRNA)很多,但外泌体中影响脂质代谢的lncRNA研究却相对较少。基于这个原因,对于外泌体源lncRNA的研究就十分必要。作为外泌体所携带的重要遗传物质之一,lncRNA是一类长度 > 200 nt的RNA分子,行使着诸如转录激活、染色质修饰等许多重要的生物功能。文章介绍了外泌体源lncRNA的生物学特点,列举了外泌体源lncRNA通过不同的分子机制来直接或间接的对脂质代谢产生影响的实例,分析了外泌体源lncRNA由于表达异常所导致的脂类代谢疾病,并且举例说明了外泌体源lncRNA作为生物标记的原理,最后对外泌体源lncRNA可作为家畜脂肪沉积生物标记功能的前景做了展望。如果在未来的研究中有更多的外泌体源lncRNA被检出,并足够对脂类代谢异常情况进行标记的话,那么对于预测和调控家畜脂肪沉积无疑会产生积极的意义。  相似文献   

Many dogs with chronic illness have serum biochemical abnormalities consistent with hyperadrenocorticism (HAC). Lymphoma (LSA) is a chronic disease of dogs. The purpose of this study was to evaluate adrenocortical screening test results in dogs with LSA to evaluate their specificity. Criteria for inclusion in the study included a diagnosis of LSA, an expected survival time of 16-56 weeks, no glucocorticoid treatment beyond 4 weeks after the initiation of chemotherapy, no evidence of HAC, and owner consent. Post-ACTH stimulation plasma cortisol concentrations (PACs), urine cortisol : creatinine (UC : Cr) ratios, and maximal left adrenal width measurements were performed at the time of LSA diagnosis before the initiation of chemotherapy and at 16, 24, 32, 40, and 52 weeks or until the loss of remission or the development of another disease. Ten dogs met the criteria for inclusion. Forty-two PACs were performed; 1 abnormal, 2 borderline, and 39 normal values were detected. Thirty-five maximal left adrenal width measurements were obtained; 0 abnormal, 5 borderline, and 30 normal measurements were detected. Thirty-six UC : Cr ratios were obtained, with 26 abnormal, 4 borderline, and 6 normal values detected and 9 of 10 dogs having at least 1 abnormal value. These data suggest that in dogs with LSA, the UC : Cr ratio frequently is abnormal and may not be a specific test for HAC, or it may be the most sensitive test for increases in cortisol secretion due to chronic illness. Maximal left adrenal width measurements and PACs were almost always normal and may be more specific for HAC or less sensitive for demonstrating chronic increases in cortisol secretion.  相似文献   

Although veterinary clinicians commonly rely on panels of laboratory tests with individual results flagged when abnormal, care should be taken in interpreting normal test results as well. There are several examples of this in evaluating patients with endocrine disease. The finding of a normal leukogram (absence of a stress leukogram) can be indicative of adrenal insufficiency in dogs, and this disorder can be especially elusive when there are no overt indicators of mineralocorticoid deficiency. Cats with hyperthyroidism can have normal serum thyroid hormone concentrations, normal hematocrits, and normal serum concentrations of creatinine despite the presence of disease that affects these parameters. A normal serum phosphorus concentration, in the face of azotemia, isosthenuria, and hypertension can point a clinician toward a diagnosis of primary hyperaldosteronism rather than primary renal disease. A normal serum parathyroid hormone concentration in the face of hypercalcemia is inappropriate and can indicate the presence of primary hyperparathyroidism. Similarly, hypoglycemia accompanied by a normal serum insulin concentration can be found in cases of hyperinsulinism. These normal findings in abnormal patients, and their mechanisms, are reviewed.  相似文献   

A retrospective analysis of 619 upper and lower cheek teeth from 62 horses was performed. Based on clinical findings, as well as radiographic and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging findings, the teeth were classified into five groups. There were 20 teeth with abnormal MR imaging signals as well as clinical alterations and 599 healthy teeth. Using MR imaging, the appearance of pulp in diseased and disease‐free teeth was compared, and the appearance of abnormal pulp was studied. Subsequently, the ability of MR imaging to diagnose pulpitis and pulp necrosis in teeth with normal external appearance was investigated. In horses with clinically verified dental disease, abnormal MR imaging findings were confirmed in the pulp of all affected teeth. An enlarged blurred pulp image with a lower signal intensity was observed only in clinically diseased teeth and was a reliable criterion for diagnosing dental disease on MR imaging. On the other hand, partial or complete absence of pulp in all MR imaging sequences was observed in both diseased and nondiseased teeth. These data demonstrate that pulp changes in equine cheek teeth can be evaluated using MR imaging.  相似文献   

Erythrocyte pyruvate kinase (PK) deficiency is an inherited glycolytic erythroenzymopathy caused by mutations of the PKLR gene. A causative mutation of the feline PKLR gene was originally identified in Abyssinian and Somali cats in the U.S.A. In the present study, a TaqMan probe-based real-time PCR genotyping assay was developed and evaluated for rapid genotyping and large-scale screening for this mutation. Furthermore, a genotyping survey was carried out in a population of four popular purebred cats in Japan to determine the current mutant allele frequency. The assay clearly displayed all genotypes of feline PK deficiency, indicating its suitability for large-scale survey as well as diagnosis. The survey demonstrated that the mutant allele frequency in Abyssinian and Somali cats was high enough to warrant measures to control and prevent the disease. The mutant allele frequency was relatively low in Bengal and American Shorthair cats; however, the testing should still be carried out to prevent the spread of the disease. In addition, PK deficiency should always be considered in the differential diagnosis of anemia in purebred cats in Japan as well as worldwide.  相似文献   

犬食道异物阻塞是宠物临床医疗中常见的疾病,早期往往伴随吞咽困难,采食后很快即返流等症状,但随着病程延长病犬往往食欲废绝。临床可通过X线检查而确诊,一旦确诊要及时进行治疗。以1例犬食道异物阻塞为例,对其临床诊断、治疗及术后护理过程进行了介绍,旨在对今后临床实践提供一定的借鉴指导。  相似文献   

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