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Summary The exposure of wood treated with a commercial fire retardant chemical to fire conditions resulted in different patterns of char and fissure development than are seen in untreated whole wood. In addition microstructural observations demonstrated the existence of particulate fire retardant residues in char from treated wood. The source and mode of growth of these particles is considered as well as effects of fire retardants on crack growth, char development and overall appearance of chars from treated wood.The authors wish to acknowledge the general support of the University of California Berkeley Fire Research Group (NSF-RANN-S-22053, NFPCa-S-22584), University of California Berkeley Electron Microscopy Lab. (NSF-GB-38359) and the University of California, Davis Department of Botany (NSF-GB-29653). In addition we would also like to thank Dr. Arno P. Schniewind, University of California Forest Products Laboratory and Dr. R. Falk, University of California, Davis, Department of Botany  相似文献   

The paper describes for the first time the analysis of the structure of compressed wood using computed tomography. The anatomical structures of Douglas-fir and hybrid poplar before and after densification with the viscoelastic thermal compression (VTC) process were described by pore size distributions and mean pore sizes and compared. The compression of Douglas-fir mainly affected earlywood, while the compression of hybrid poplar mainly occurred in the vessels. In both wood species, the densification resulted in a significant decrease in the pore volumes. The porosity decreased to less than half of the original value for Douglas-fir earlywood and to approximately one-quarter for the vessels in hybrid poplar. The relevant mean pore sizes also decreased dramatically to about one-quarter compared to the original values. In contrast, latewood in Douglas-fir and libriform fibers in hybrid poplar are quite stable under compression. Douglas-fir latewood retained its original structure after compression and did not show any reduction in pore size. The results confirmed that the anatomical structure of VTC densified wood can be described by pore size distributions and mean pore sizes. However, in the case of broad or bimodal distributions, the mean pore sizes are of less significance.  相似文献   


Heat treatment of wood is an effective method by which to improve the dimensional stability and biological durability, but the mechanical strength is decreased at the same time. Besides chemical modification of cell-wall constituents, physical weakening of the microstructure owing to heat-induced defects may also contribute to strength loss. Therefore, anatomical properties of heat-treated beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and spruce (Picea abies Karst.), studied by light microscopic and scanning electron microscopic analysis, and their interrelation with strength properties and structural integrity were investigated. For determination of structural integrity, the high-energy–multiple-impact (HEMI) test was applied. Microscopic analyses showed frequent formation of radial cracks in heat-treated beech close to the rays as well as tangential cracks in the latewood of spruce. In addition, the modulus of rupture was more affected by the heat treatments than the resistance to impact milling (RIM) determined by the HEMI test, because RIM is based on multiple fractures on the microlevel that are not affected by the formation of intercellular cracks or other defects due to the heat treatment. It was concluded that heat-induced defects in the wood microstructure contribute to the substantial strength loss of thermally modified timber.  相似文献   

Summary Thermal movement of wood and wood composites was studied and compared with that of random and oriented phenolic foams. Cell orientation was a dominate factor determining the thermal response of these structures. In dried wood, thermal movement in the direction parallel to the cells (longitudinal) decreased in dimension during heating while the radial and tangential directions expanded under similar heating condition. Oriented foams showed more restraint in thermal movement in the parallel to orientation direction. These findings indicate constraining forces act on the direction parallel to the cells while more flexibility exists in perpendicular directions. Wood element size and orientation and the manufacturing process also influence the thermal response in wood composites. The experimental results also revealed the potential fire hazard of waferboard type of composites.  相似文献   

Summary The prolysis of cellulose, hemicelluloses, lignin preparations, and wood was studied by differential calorimetric analysis (DCA) for the range of 25° to 800° C. The test samples included powdered and filter paper celluloses; hardwood xylan; softwood galactoglucomannans, compression wood galactan, and arabinogalactan; a synthetic (DHP), sulfuric acid, Björkman, Brownell, and cellulase lignins; and unextracted and extracted hardwoods and softwoods. Heats of reaction were determined from the DCA thermal transition areas. Distinct differences were found between the thermograms of each hemicellulose and lignin sample. Although wood species could not be separated thermally, hardwood and softwood thermograms differed because of the hemicellulose degradation pattern.Trade names and company names are included for the benefit of the reader and do not imply any endorsement or preferential treatment of the product by the U.S. Department of Agriculture.Formerly Research Technologist, Forest Products Laboratory, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Laboratory is maintained at Madison, Wis. 53705, in cooperation with the University of Wisconsin. Present address: The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania 16802.  相似文献   

本探讨了传统木材生产和效益木材生产的区别,并从生产方式和经营模式上具体论述了传统木材生产和效益木材生产。  相似文献   

Swelling of wood   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The rate and maximum swelling of several North American wood species in water have been obtained with a computer interfaced linear variable displacement transformer. Since wood swells extremely fast in water even at room temperature, this apparatus made it possible for the first time, to obtain accurate rate data on the swelling of wood in water. The strict linear dependence of swelling on the temperature suggests a chemical mechanism. The activation energies obtained from Arrhenius plots ranged from 32.2 KJ/mole for sitka spruce to 47.6 KJ/mole for sugar maple. Although the two hardwoods exhibited greater maximum tangential swelling compared with the two softwoods, the maximum swelling appears to be correlated with the wood density. Generally both the rate and maximum swelling of the woods were increased by removal of extractives and the activation energies were reduced.  相似文献   

通过适当的化学改性反应如酯化、醚化等,可以使木材转化为热塑性高分子材料。这些热塑性材料可单独或与合成高聚物按比例混合热压加工成型为各种板材或其他成型产品,这对扩大木材的加工利用途径、充分利用木材加工剩余物、提高木材利用率等都具有十分重要的意义。本文介绍了酯化、醚化木材的主要方法,产品的特点,以及今后木材及纤维素酯化、醚化的发展方向。  相似文献   

Wetting of wood     
Summary Thermodynamic work of adhesion, contact angle, wettability and acid-base contributions of the wetting of four North American wood species were determined using the Wilhelmy technique. The wetting angles with water varied from 60° for Sitka spruce to 74° for Douglas-fir. The wood surfaces had a strong acidic character since the greatest interactions for all the wood species occurred with formamide (basic probe) while lesser interactions were obtained with ethylene glycol (acidic probe). In addition, dispersive and polar surface free energies of wood, d s and p s respectively, were determined using Wu's simultaneous equations. In general, 75 to 80% of the total surface free energy of wood was due to dispersion forces. Specific wettabilities of wood and advancing contact angles in thirty various organic liquids were also evaluated.  相似文献   

Translucent wood     
Summary Wet cross-sections up to several centimetres thick of young trees show marked translucency. Various research applications are suggested by the observation of this phenomenon.  相似文献   

微波处理松材线虫病疫木技术研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
该文对利用微波处理松材线虫病疫木技术进行了研究,结果表明:不论木材厚薄大小、含水量多少、在微波处理炉腔内怎样堆放,以及环境温度、微波功率等因素的如何变化,只要SWB-Ⅱ型隧道式微波除害处理设备显示的木材表面温度大于68℃,持续30min,就能有效地杀死松木中的松褐天牛和松材线虫。  相似文献   

松材线虫病疫木安全利用新途径   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
该文在实地调查的基础上研究了利用松材线虫病疫木种植茯芩并杀死其中的松材线虫、松褐天牛达到安全利用的方法。研究表明:疫木种植茯苓第63天,样木中的松材线虫可全部死亡;第77天松褐天牛可全部死亡,种植240 d后,茯苓可采收,每立方米疫木可收益约1 100元。对利用疫木种植茯苓在种植技术、时间及安全性方面进行了可行性分析,并对经济效益和对生态环境的影响进行了评估。  相似文献   

以3株6年生浙江桂幼龄材为试材,研究了其生物量、材积、基本物理力学性能及生长轮的宽度、纤维长度、宽度、微纤丝角和结晶度的径向变异规律。结果表明,浙江桂幼龄材单株平均总生物量27.93 kg,平均材积0.0124 m3,生长轮平均宽度9.15 mm(3.12~10.57 mm),基本密度为0.414 g/ cm3,除髓心外其余各生长轮宽度和密度无明显差异,反映浙江桂生长较为稳定;顺纹抗压强度、抗弯强度和弹性模量等物理力学综合性能中上等;纤维长度为830.6μm(581~1043μm),纤维宽度为23.6μm(21~24μm),结晶度为38.46%~58.43%,微纤丝角为13.6°~24.6°;纤维长度、宽度和结晶度自髓心向外逐渐增加,微纤丝角自髓心向外逐渐减小,结晶度与纤维长度、宽度间相关性极显著。  相似文献   


Multi material mix is a promising approach to reduce weight and the carbon footprint in automotive engineering at competitive costs. As a result, automotive industry is getting more venturous, exploring and applying other materials than metals and plastics – e.g. fibre reinforced plastics (FRPs). In this context, engineered wood products (EWPs) and wood composites should be considered: Wood composites provide high stiffness, strength, excellent damping, high resistance against fatigue and a very low density at low material costs. It is hypothesized that modern wood composites are competitive to metals and artificial fibre-reinforced materials when designed and applied properly. The application of wood and wood composites in automotive engineering calls for precise and reliable material data, required for initial material selection and later in numerical simulation. In this study, a material model normally used for modelling FRPs was adopted. A material database was generated for three hardwood species, to establish the required material parameters and validate material model. Results prove that wooden components can be simulated in crash situations and the selected material model is applicable, even in full vehicle simulation.  相似文献   

缺陷对木材的加工及使用影响很大 ,本文对木材干燥产生的缺陷及产生的原因进行了探讨 ,提出干燥引起缺陷的预防措施。  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to review the published literature on improving properties of wood composites through thermal pretreatment of wood. Thermal pretreatment has been conducted in moist environments using hot water or steam at temperatures up to 180 and 230 °C, respectively, or in dry environments using inert gases at temperatures up to 240 °C. In these conditions, hemicelluloses are removed, crystallinity index of cellulose is increased, and cellulose degree of polymerization is reduced, while lignin is not considerably affected. Thermally modified wood has been used to manufacture wood–plastic composites, particleboard, oriented strand board, binderless panels, fiberboard, waferboard, and flakeboard. Thermal pretreatment considerably reduced water absorption and thickness swelling of wood composites, which has been attributed mainly to the removal of hemicelluloses. Mechanical properties have been increased or sometimes reduced, depending on the product and the conditions of the pretreatment. Thermal pretreatment has also shown to improve the resistance of composites to decay.  相似文献   

 This study examined the intrinsic differences in various wood properties between juvenile wood and mature wood in 10 major reforestation species in China. Comparisons between juvenile wood and mature wood were made in both plantation- and naturally-grown trees. Considerable differences in most wood properties were found both between plantation-grown juvenile wood and mature wood, and between naturally-grown juvenile wood and mature wood. This suggests that wood properties of plantation-grown trees, to a large extent, depends on their juvenile wood contents, and can thus be manipulated effectively through rotation age. In general, the longer the rotation age, the lower the juvenile wood content, and the stronger the mechanical properties of the plantation-grown woods. However, the differences between juvenile wood and mature wood vary with wood properties and species. In general, juvenile wood and mature wood have less difference in chemical composition than in anatomical and physico-mechanical properties. Compared to the softwoods studied, the hardwoods appear to have less difference between juvenile wood and mature wood. Received 25 June 1999  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of steam-exploded wood from the softwood Pinus radiata D. Don was examined by electron microscopy in order to determine the reasons for increased porosity and enhanced susceptibility to enzymatic hydrolysis. Ultrastructural changes were observed in the form of lignin redistribution and swelling of the cellulose framework. Lignin showed evidence of melting, having contracted into well defined agglomerates suspended in a web of cellulose. Using lanthanum and gold tracers of known particle size the pores in the microfibrillar cell wall have been examined. Cellulose regions were shown to contain numerous pores greater than 2 nm, while lignin agglomerates did not contain such pores. Treatment with NaOH resulted in lignin being smeared over the porous cell wall material — hence blocking pores and reducing digestibility.The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance of T. A. Clark and K. F. Deverell during the course of this work  相似文献   

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