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正稻蟹综合种养是天津地区主推的稻渔综合种养模式,占全市稻渔综合种养总面积的90%以上。近年来,为了缓解扣蟹苗种对本地区稻田综合种养的制约,同时增加经济效益和提高土地综合利用率,天津市尝试了"稻田-扣蟹""稻田-成蟹"综合种养模式,通过稻田蟹池工程改造、水稻种植管理、成蟹养殖管理、蟹种培育管理等综合种养技术的应用,获得本地区稻蟹综合种养的基础养殖数据,为天津市稻渔综合种养产业发展提供理论支持。  相似文献   

通过多年探索总结出适宜淮北地域不同养殖条件的稻田"稻蟹共作"综合种养模式.该模式利用水养动物和水体中微生物进行有机结合形成多物种共存循环转化种养模式来实现经济效益、生态效益、社会效益的统一,并确定适宜稻田种养的主要水产养殖经济种类的养殖模式和技术要点.推广应用综合种养模式,可以增加养殖户经济效益,提高单位面积土地的产出,推进水产养殖业向节约、生态、高效、健康、安全的方向发展,全面地提升水产养殖业的水平.  相似文献   

稻田养殖工程是利用稻鱼(蟹、虾、鳖等)互利共生原理而进行的一项养殖工程。我市南闸乡1993年开始进行了这项研究,经4一5年试验与推广,探索出精鱼、稻角星、稻鱼虾、精鱼鳖四种类型,六个养殖模式,现已发展到17000亩,被列入省级示范区。现将养殖技术总结如下:一、养殖技  相似文献   

稻田生态种养技术是指利用生态学原理,将水稻种植和水产品养殖有机地结合在一起,实现稻鱼、稻蟹、稻虾、稻鳖共生,种植、养殖相互促进,综合效益大幅提升的一种新技术模式。2011年湖北省水产技术推广中心在京山县的2块稻田中进行了稻田生态种养试验,取得了良好的经济效益。现将试验情况介绍如下:  相似文献   

稻渔综合种养技术规范(第1部分:通则)解析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正稻田水产养殖在我国具有悠久历史,如稻田养鱼形成的稻鱼共生系统,在我国早在2000多年前的陕西汉中、四川成都等地区就有记载,浙江南部的稻田养鱼具有1200年的历史。近10年来,在传统稻田养鱼的基础上,稻田水产养殖出现许多新的模式,稻-鱼、稻-蟹、稻-虾、稻-蛙、稻-鳅等共作或轮作模式。这些模式吸收新的种养技术和管理技术,形成了具有规模化、产业化、品牌化、机械化和信息化特征的稻渔综合种养产业体  相似文献   

稻蟹综合种养技术既不是简单的"稻田养蟹",也不是"蟹池种稻",而是建立起水稻种植与河蟹养殖有机结合的多元生态系统.内蒙古自治区兴安盟在推广稻蟹综合种养技术时,不仅注重"一水两用、一地双收",更从稻蟹共生理论出发,不断探索高质量水稻和高品质商品蟹的生产,在我国北方高寒地区逐渐摸索出一条产出高效、产品安全、资源节约、环境友...  相似文献   

<正>天津自2020年起连续3年开展了稻渔综合种养示范基地建设,2022年天津市稻渔综合种养总面积达到54.58万亩,以稻蟹综合种养模式为主。近年来,由于河蟹“牛奶病”病害,导致引入的扣蟹质量和数量都无法保证,且单一的稻蟹综合种养模式无法支撑起天津地区稻渔产业的发展。本试验以天津市旺鑫水稻种植专业合作社为例,基于稻蟹综合种养模式,构建了稻-蟹-鱼、稻-蟹-虾两种多元化养殖模式,并通过种养产量和经济效益来探讨稻田多元化养殖模式的可行性。现将试验情况介绍如下。  相似文献   

<正>稻田河蟹养殖的扣蟹主要来源于上海崇明岛附近,路程较远,成本较高,并且影响了成活率。为解决这一问题,项目单位山东省济宁市利民渔业合作社进行了引进豆蟹在稻田进行培育扣蟹的模式,取得了成功,推动了本地区发展稻渔(蟹)综合种养模式发展。  相似文献   

稻田养蟹是根据稻养蟹、蟹养稻、稻蟹共生的理论,充分利用稻田生态环境,利用稻田的空间、天然饵料,达到蟹稻互利,提高农田产出的生态种植养殖技术。稻田养蟹属于资源节约型产业,产出的商品蟹和稻米均属有机产品,是近年迅速发展起来的新兴水产养殖业。稻田养蟹的优点是经济效益高,技术容易掌握,管理方便。为了提高稻田河蟹的养成规格和质量,促进稻田养蟹持续、健康、稳定发展,主要技术要求是提高蟹田工程标准、严格选种、合理放养、科学投饵、调节水质、防病除害等,为河蟹的生存和生长提供一个适宜的生态环境,以达到稻蟹双收、稳产高效的目的。  相似文献   

稻田养殖鱼、鳝、虾、蟹、鳖,为鱼、鳝、虾、蟹、鳖等提供了水蚯蚓、部分害虫等各种饵料生物和良好生态环境,养殖对象对水稻的生长起到了松土、追肥作用,从而达到了稻渔共生相得益彰,降低养殖成本,提高稻田生产综合效益的目的.它具有投资少、见效快等优点,为农民增收提供新的途径.现将鱼、虾、鳝、蟹、鳖养殖技术综述如下:  相似文献   

Normally Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis were cultured for 2 years, 1 year is cultured from crab larvae to seeds or button sized crab in ponds, tanks or rice fields, the another year is cultured from seeds to market size in ponds, reservoirs or other waters. The present study was conducted to determine the effect of stocking density (0, 3.75, 15, 30 and 60 inds. per m2, respectively) of Chinese mitten crab larvae on rice and crab seed yields in rice-crab culture systems using land-based enclosures (4 m × 7 m, with three replicates for each stocking density) at the Panjin Guanghe Fisheries Co. Ltd, in the Liaohe Delta, China. Zoobenthos biomass, production of crab and rice paddy, and economical profit among the treatments were determined. The experiment showed that zoobenthos biomass in rice-crab culture systems was relatively variant and not significantly correlated to these stocking density. The biomass of aquatic plant declined significantly with increasing stocking density. Specific growth rates (SGR) and survival rates of the crab were significantly higher at the lower stocking density (< 0.05); in addition, the ratio of precocious crab and total crab significantly increased with the stocking density increasing (< 0.05); There were not significant effect of presence of crab on yields of rice straw and rice paddy (> 0.05). Net crab yield and net profit were the highest at the 15 treatment (< 0.05), however, the net profits among 3.75, 15 and 30 treatments did not show significant difference (> 0.05) economically. Based on the observations above, a stocking density of 3.75 to 30 inds. per m2 was considered reasonable in rice-crab culture system.  相似文献   

不同稻田综合种养模式的成本效益分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
为获知和分析稻田综合种养模式在中国的发展现况及存在问题,根据2013年中国4个省份两种主要稻田种养模式的调查数据,采用Kruskal—Wallis非参数检验等方法分析了不同稻田种养模式在生产投入、经济效益上的差异以及在化肥、农药减量等方面的效应。结果显示,稻田综合种养具有较好的经济和生态效益,稻蟹、稻鱼两种种养模式的平均利润为水稻单作的2.43~3.92倍,化肥成本减少2.8%~49.2%,农药成本减少3.2%~83.6%,但技术成熟度及产业化程度的差异使种养户在最终经济收益及生态效益上的极差较大。研究表明,中国稻田综合种养规模化程度不够、成本投入偏高、综合种养生态、社会效益提升有限是目前面临的主要问题,因此加大政府的扶持力度,加强种养关键技术的研究,因地制宜将规模化的现代农业与传统稻田种养相结合是解决这些问题的关键。  相似文献   

This study was carried out in farmers' fields for three experimental culture cycles to evaluate the performance of rice–fish–prawn culture. The treatments carried out were deepwater rice mono‐cropping (R), and rice–fish–prawn culture with cull harvesting (R–FC) and without cull harvesting (R–F). Water pH and total alkalinity were significantly higher (P<0.05) in R–FC than in R–F, while the concentrations of total suspended solids, plankton and chlorophyll a were higher in R–F. Cull harvesting in R–FC had no marked influence on the concentrations of dissolved oxygen, NH4+, nitrite, nitrate and phosphate compared with the R–F treatment. The significantly higher fish and prawn yields (P<0.05) and species‐wise faster individual growth performance in R–FC than in R–F were probably due to periodic cull harvesting, which minimized the competition for food and space as well as physiological stress at reduced density. The paddy yield and percentage increase in paddy yield over rice mono‐crop was significantly higher (P<0.05) in R–FC (25%), followed by R–F (16.9%), probably due to lower chlorophyll a (36.7 mg m?3) and plankton density (1.4 × 104 L?1), which minimized the competition for nutrients with rice plants. The highest rice equivalent yield (38.5), output value–cultivation cost ratio (1.56) and enhanced net return (28%) in deepwater rice–fish culture were recorded when cull harvesting was practiced.  相似文献   

Rice-fish culture, which means the simultaneous culture of rice and fish, is one of the best options to increase food production from limited land and is practiced in many countries in the world. Although many researchers and farmers believe that the rice yield is increased by fish farming in paddy fields, this hypothesis has never been fully tested. Here, we report ecological processes leading to higher rice yields in the rice-fish culture using crucian carp (Carassius complex), which have adapted to the paddy field ecosystem in Japan. We compare the rice-fish and rice-only plots in the experimental paddy field for biota, water quality, and rice yield. Coverage of duckweed and densities of zooplankton and benthic invertebrates in the rice-fish plots were lower than those in the rice-only plots, indicating that fish utilized them as food. NO3–N concentration in the rice-fish plots was higher than that in the rice-only plots, indicating that the increase in NO3–N concentration results from excretion of unutilized food nutrients by the fish. Consequently, rice yield in the rice-fish plots was 20% higher than that in the rice-only plots. The fertilizing effect of the fish excrement probably increased rice yield.  相似文献   

In an irrigated area of the Lam Pao region, Northeast Thailand, a survey was undertaken to assess the potential of and constraints to fish culture in small farm holdings. Local agriculture traditions are favourable for integration of fish with rice, growing a long-stalked variety of rice and making restricted use of pesticides. Yields of paddy averaged ±2.2 metric tons·ha−1. Concurrent fish farming yielded ±260 kg of fish·ha−1. With few extra operating costs, returns of traditional rice culture may be doubled through concurrent fish culture, without affecting the farmers' way of living.Pond fish culture generated much higher fish yields (±2.2 metric tons·ha−1) and profits than rice and/or rice-cum-fish culture. However, high initial investment costs prevent small-scale farmers from taking part in this fish culture activity. Furthermore, as fish farming is economically more risky than rice cultivation, it does not fit well into the traditional attitude of small-scale farmers regarding risk acceptance. Therefore, pond fish culture should be recommended to commercial farmers rather than to subsistence farmers.  相似文献   

养殖鳖的引入对稻田土壤细菌群落结构的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
农业—水产复合生产体系(integrated agri-aquaculture system,IAAS)因其具有良好的生态环境效应及能生产满足市场对食品安全需求的绿色稻米而成为了农业可持续发展的主要方向之一。了解这种农水复合系统中土壤细菌群落结构特征对于种养工艺的改进和生态调控的实现具有重要意义。实验采用高通量测序技术比较稻鳖共作(R-T)和稻田单作(R-M)2种模式下稻田表层和根系土壤微生物的群落结构,旨在为稻鳖种养生态学积累资料和为稻鳖综合种养的生产技术优化提供理论依据。高通量测序结果显示,两种模式下稻田表层及根系土壤中主要细菌门类为变形菌门、酸杆菌门、拟杆菌门、硝化螺旋菌门和绿弯菌门。与R-M相比,R-T表层土壤中绿弯菌门、硝化螺旋菌门和酸杆菌门的相对丰度增加,变形菌门和拟杆菌门的相对丰度减少;而其根系土壤硝化螺旋菌门、拟杆菌门和变形菌门的相对丰度增加,绿弯菌门和酸杆菌门的相对丰度减少。主要优势菌属为酸杆菌属、亚硝化单胞菌属、硝化螺旋菌属、地杆菌属、芽单胞菌属、黄单胞菌属6类。其中亚硝化单胞菌属、硝化螺旋菌属、芽单胞菌属和酸杆菌属在两种模式的表层土壤中的相对丰度存在显著差异;硝化螺旋菌属和地杆菌属在根系土壤中的相对丰度存在显著差异。引入养殖鳖(R-T)后,稻田根系和表层土壤的细菌Chao指数及Shannon指数均增加。PCA以及聚类分析结果显示,养殖鳖引入后,稻田表层土壤的细菌群落结构产生明显变化,同时也在一定程度上对水稻根系的菌群产生了影响。研究初步揭示了稻鳖共作复合生态系统优于稻田单作系统的微生物生态基础。  相似文献   

为充分利用生物间互利共生关系、减少水稻病害和杂草,发挥稻田湿地养殖效能,形成全天候、多层次、多级利用的互济共生的生态体系,于2020年8月—2021年12月在上海市崇明区开展了综合“稻虾轮作”与“稻鱼种养结合”的“一稻多渔”(水稻-瓯江彩鲤-克氏原螯虾)综合种养新模式试验。结果表明:“一稻多渔”模式的稻田平均产值为150 112.5元/hm2,与传统的“稻虾轮作”或“稻鱼种养结合”相比较,分别提高了26.84%和159.60%。试验说明,“一稻多渔”模式能够显著提高养殖效益。  相似文献   

Adoption of rice-fish culture by farmers in the rainfed areas of northeast Thailand is examined with reference to recent field research and extension in the region. The practice is placed in perspective with the development of aquaculture per se and the human and agricultural ecology of this heterogeneous region. Rice-fish culture is a recent activity in the region and has been promoted by government and non-government agencies with variable success among small-scale farmers. The widespread availability of private hatchery-produced fish seed and perceived decline in wild fish have been important stimuli. Rainfed rice fields are marginal agricultural environments and lack of water constrains both rice and fish production. Wild swamp fish are tolerant of these conditions and traditional systems for their management and capture have expanded greatly in recent years. In much of the region ‘trap’ ponds are used more for catching wild fish than as refuge sumps or ponds for fish culture per se; wild fish typically constitute between 20 and 80% of the total yields in stocked systems. Widespread availability of fish seed allows more farmers to try rice-fish culture but the small size of seed at purchase is still a problem particularly where carnivorous, wild fish are prevalent. Appropriate on-farm nursery techniques may improve success and adoption of hapa nursing has been high in some parts of the region. Species ratio and density of fish stocked depends mainly on their availability from fry traders; the major species stocked in rice fields are the silver barb (Puntius gonionotus), common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus).

Farmers adapt rice fields for fish culture as part of their whole farm strategy; benefits to rice, vegetable and fruit and livestock may be considered more important than fish yields. The high value attached to even small quantities of fresh fish is a major incentive for rice-fish culture, but women who are decision makers in terms of changes to rice fields and household consumption have often not been fully considered during promotion of rice-fish.

The relatively small areas of riceland that farmers can stock and harvest fish, low yields per unit area and high consumption of fish reduces the importance of rice-fish culture in many rural households. The analysis suggests that stocking fish in rice fields in areas with poor access to wild fish supplies from community water bodies would have most impact.

Although rice-fish culture can contribute to subsistence requirements, the high labour demand often means that intensified capture of wild fish or pond-based culture of fish are more attractive for poorer and better off farmers, respectively.  相似文献   

研究微塑料(microplastics,MPs)对稻田土壤―水界面中重金属空间分布特征和迁移规律的影响机制,可为微界面环境中MPs和重金属交互作用及生态风险评估提供理论支撑和科学依据。2021年7月对采自东北地区稻田的土壤添加不同浓度不同粒径的MPs,借助薄膜梯度扩散技术(DGT)在毫米尺度上获取稻田土壤―水微界面生物有效态重金属元素的原位高分辨信息,并根据Fick第一扩散定律评估不同MPs添加处理下重金属元素的迁移特征和释放通量。结果表明:(1)稻田土壤―水微界面生物有效态Mn、Co、Fe、Ni、Zn、Pb、Cu和Cd浓度在剖面上具有显著的空间分布差异;(2)MPs的添加显著降低了有效态Cu(-50.7%~8%,P<0.001)、Zn(-17.1%~-4.1%,P<0.001)和Cd(-16.7%~-2.2%,P<0.001)的浓度;(3)土壤MPs添加改变了有效态Cu的迁移方向,使土壤由Cu源转化成Cu汇,说明MPs对Cu存在明显的吸附效应;(4)不同粒径MPs的添加对生物有效态Ni的影响差异较大,大粒径(80 μm)MPs增加了其浓度,小粒径(10 μm)则相反。  相似文献   

林志华  何琳  董迎辉 《水产学报》2023,47(1):019608-019608
我国拥有1 512 300 hm2沿海滩涂,而滩涂贝类是潮间带滩涂的优势种类,具有生长快、适应性强、环境友好等诸多优点,因此发展滩涂贝类养殖空间广阔、条件优越、潜力巨大。浙江滩涂贝类养殖历史悠久,在养殖技术与模式、人工采苗与育苗、大规格苗种培育、新品种培育等方面具有明显特色和优势,同时在种业科技创新与发展方面面临巨大挑战。本文综述了浙江滩涂贝类养殖产业、苗种生产技术、种质创新与良种创制的历史与现状,围绕经济性状精准测评、育种技术创新、优质抗逆新品种培育、高效扩繁关键技术和装备研发、种业体系建设等方面,提出了未来特别是“十四五”期间滩涂养殖贝类良种创制与种业发展的重点任务。  相似文献   

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