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中间偃麦草(Thinopyrum intermedium, (Host) Barkworth and Dewey)是普通小麦 (Triticum aestivum L.) 遗传改良的重要基因源,已有许多重要基因导入普通小麦。本研究从中间偃麦草基因组克隆到一个类反转录转座子片段,命名为pTi28。该序列高丰度存在于中间偃麦草基因组,低丰度(寡拷贝)存在于普通小麦及其近缘种属硬粒小  相似文献   

H. Ghiasi  K. A. Lucken 《Euphytica》1982,31(1):253-259
Summary Many conventional hard red spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. em Thell) lines, including several North Dakota cultivars, carry a gene (or genes) which restore partial male fertility to male sterile plants with Triticum timopheevi Zhuk. cytoplasm. Since this gene has no fertility restoration function in T. aestivum cytoplasm, the postulation can be made that it is being retained in conventional lines because of pleiotropic effects, favorable linkages or chance. The research reported in this paper examined these possibilities. Forty F6 lines, derived from a single F2 plant which was heterozygous for a gene (or genes) for partial fertility restoration, were evaluated for two years in a yield trial planted at Fargo, North Dakota. The 40 lines were testcrossed to a male sterile line having T. timopheevi cytoplasm, and the mean seed set of testcrosses was used as a measure of a line's fertility restoration potential. Twenty-seven lines had the gene for partial fertility, and 13 lines apparently lacked this gene. The 40 lines differed for heading date, anther extrusion, plant height, grain yield, 200-kernel weight, test weight, and grain protein percentage. However, comparisons of lines having the restorer gene with those lacking the gene did not provide any obvious explanation for the retention of the partial fertility restorer gene in the breeding stocks of the North Dakota conventional hard red spring wheat breeding program. The possibility that the restorer gene was linked with genes for resistance to stem rust or leaf rust also was evaluated by testing lines for their reaction to several races of rust. No conclusive association was found.Contribution from the Agric. Exp. Sta., North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND 58105, Journal Article no.  相似文献   

Summary Metaphase I chromosome association of the monosomic F1 and the backcross progenies made to develop a monosomic line in the Spanish common wheat Pané-247 was analyzed using a Giemsa C-banding technique. This permits the unequivocal identification of nine meiotic chromosomes (4A, 7A and the seven chromosomes of the B genome). The average frequencies of pairing per arm and of univalents for these nine pairs per arm and of univalents for these nine pairs indicate a difference between arms. The F1 showed asynapsis with univalents in 18.5 per cent of PMC's in intervarietal hybrids. This mainly involved chromosomes 4A, 1B and 6B which also have the largest amount of constitutive heterochromatin. The possible causes of reduced metaphase I association and its rapid decrease during backcrossing are discussed in relation to polymorphism between heterozygous homologous chromosomes.  相似文献   

Liu Shubing  Wang Honggang 《Euphytica》2005,143(1-2):229-233
Among the progenies of a hybrid between common wheat Triticum aestivum L. cv. Yannong 15 and Thinopyron intermedium, plant E99018 was identified with the chromosome number 2n = 42 and stable agronomic traits. An analysis of the metaphase chromosome pairing indicated that it formed 21 bivalents but that 2 univalents were present in the F1 hybrid of this plant with common wheat. Resistance verification by race 15 and with mixed races of Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici at the seedling and adult stages showed that at both stages, the plant was immune to powdery mildew. In situ hybridization with the genomic Th. intermedium and the St genome DNAs as probes and wheat DNA as a block has shown that it contained a pair of Th. intermedium chromosomes. On the basis of the hybridization pattern of the St genome probe to the critical chromosome, a conclusion was reached that this pair of chromosomes belonged to the E genome. Therefore, plant E99018 was a spontaneously formed substitution line. An analysis by 116 SSR markers indicated that the substituted wheat chromosome was 2D and the most likely substitution in E99018 is 2E(2D).  相似文献   

Z. S. Lin    D. H. Huang    L. P. Du    X. G. Ye    Z. Y. Xin 《Plant Breeding》2006,125(2):114-119
Among the regenerated plants derived from immature hybrid embryos of wheat–Thinopyrum intermedium disomic addition line Z6 × common wheat variety ‘Zhong8601’, a plant with a telocentric chromosome and barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) resistance was obtained. The telocentric chromosome paired with an entire Thinopyrum chromosome to form a heteromorphic bivalent at meiotic metaphase I. Genomic in situ hybridization showed that the telosome originated from Th. intermedium. Two ditelosomic additions and one disomic substitution were identified among the offspring of the plant. Two random amplified polymorphic DNA molecular markers were identified among 150 random primers used to detect the different arms of the alien chromosome. These might be useful for developing translocation lines with BYDV resistance.  相似文献   

Two new partial amphiploids SN20 and SN122, derived from crosses between Elytrigia elongata and common wheat Yannong15 and Shannongfu63, were found resistant to powdery mildew, a serious fungal wheat disease. Cytogenetic observations showed that each SN20 and SN122 plant had 56 chromosomes. The chromosomes in most pollen mother cells formed approximately 28 bivalents, thereby showing a high degree of cytogenetic stability. Genomic in situ hybridization using St‐genomic DNA from Pseudoroegneria strigosa as a probe and ABD‐genomic DNA from Chinese Spring wheat as a blocker demonstrated that the genomic formulas for the alien chromosomes in SN20 and SN122 were 2 St + 10 JS + 2 J and 2 St + 8 JS + 4 J, respectively. These wheat E. elongata partial amphiploids represent a potential novel source of resistance to powdery mildew for wheat breeding.  相似文献   

Summary The meiotic pairing behaviour at metaphase I of a Triticum aestivum×Triticum monococcum hybrid has been studied by means of the C-banding technique to ascertain the homology between the chromosomes in the A genome of the two species. The technique allowed the A and B genome chromosomes and the 2D, 3D and 5D chromosomes to be identified. Differences in the level of chromosome pairing in the A genome were noted. The T. monococcum 4A chromosome did not pair with any of the T. aestivum chromosomes in any of the metaphase I cells analysed. Two reciprocal translocations between the 2B and 2D chromosomes on one side and the 2A and 3D on the other side have been identified. The usefulness of the C-banding technique in the study of chromosome homology among species related to wheat is discussed.  相似文献   

We developed some wheat-Th. intermedium translocation lines,Yw642, Yw443 and Yw243, etc., showing good BYDV resistance from L1by induced homoeologous pairing using CS ph mutant. Characterization ofthese wheat lines was carried out by GISH and RFLP analysis. The resultsof GISH showed that the lines, YWw42, Yw443 and Yw243, etc., arehomozygous wheat-Th. intermedium translocation lines, in which thechromosome segments of Th. intermedium were transferred to thedistal end of a pair of wheat chromosomes. RFLP analysis indicated that thetranslocation chromosome of the wheat lines is T7DS · 7DL-7XL. Thebreakpoint of the translocation is located on the distal end of 7DL, betweenXpsr965 and Xpsr680 about 90–99 cm from the centromere. The BYDVgene is located on the distal end of 7XL around Xpsr680, Xpsr687 andXwg380. The RFLP markers of psr680, psr687 and wg380 werecosegregated with the BYDV resistance respectively and could be used formolecular assisted selection (MAS) in wheat breeding program for BYDVresistance.  相似文献   

The wheat progenitors and other wild relatives continue to be important sources of genes for agronomically desirable traits, which can be transferred into durum wheat (Triticum turgidum; 2n = 4x = 28; AABB genomes) cultivars via hybridization. Chromosome pairing in durum × alien species hybrids provides an understanding of genomic relationships, which is useful in planning alien gene introgression strategies. Two durum cultivars, ‘Lloyd’ and ‘Langdon’, were crossed with diploid wheatgrass, Thinopyrum bessarabicum (2n = 2x = 14; JJ), to synthesize F1 hybrids (2n = 3x = 21; ABJ) with Ph1. ‘Langdon’ disomic substitution 5D(5B) was used as a female parent to produce F1 hybrids without Ph1, which resulted in elevation of pairing between durum and grass chromosomes – an important feature from the breeding standpoint. The F1 hybrids were backcrossed to respective parental cultivars and BC1 progenies were raised. ‘Langdon’ 5D(5B) substitution × Th. bessarabicum F1 hybrids were crossed with normal ‘Langdon’ to obtain BC1 progeny. Chromosome pairing relationships were studied in F1 hybrids and BC1 progenies using both conventional staining and fluorescent genomic in situ hybridization (fl‐GISH) techniques. Multicolour fl‐GISH was standardized for characterizing the nature and specificity of chromosome pairing: A–B, A–J and B–J pairing. The A–J and B–J pairing will facilitate gene introgression in durum wheat. Multicolour fl‐GISH will help in characterizing alien chromosome segments captured in the durum complement and in their location in the A and/or B genome, thereby accelerating chromosome engineering research.  相似文献   

W. Lange  G. Jochemsen 《Euphytica》1992,59(2-3):197-212
Summary Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccoides (wild emmer wheat, AABB, 2n=28) and Aegilops squarrosa (goat grass, DD, 2n=14) comprise a rich reservoir of valuable genetic material, which could be useful for the breeding of common wheat (T. aestivum, AABBDD, 2n=42). Many accessions of both wild species, most of them selected for resistance to stripe rust, were used to make amphiploids. Two strategies were applied: (1) the production of autopolyploid cytotypes of the wild species, followed by hybridisation, and (2) the production of allotriploid interspecific hybrids, followed by doubling of the number of chromosomes. The first route was unsuccessful because of failure of the crosses between the autopolyploid cytotypes, possibly due to incongruity between the two species and to reduced fertility in the autopolyploid cytotypes. The second route yielded the desired synthetic hexaploids. However, the rate of success of the crosses was low and there were great differences between years, and within years between crosses. Embryo rescue was applied to obtain the primary hybrids (2n=21), which were highly sterile and had on average 0.3 bivalents and 20.4 univalents per pollen mother cell. Various abnormalities were recorded. Doubling of the number of chromosomes sometimes occurred spontaneously or was brought about by colchicine treatment. The large scale of the interspecific hybridisation programme ensured that one-third of the female and one-sixth of the male accessions were represented in the synthetic hexaploids.  相似文献   

X. Q. Zhang    X. P. Wang    J.K. Jing    K. Ross    H. Hu    J. P. Gustafson   《Plant Breeding》1998,117(1):7-12
Five wheat-triticale doubled haploid (DH) lines— M08, V209, DH220-14-2, DH696-3-4 and M16 —derived from anther culture of F1s resulting from crosses involving hexaploid or octoploid triticale × hexaploid wheat, were characterized by cytological and biochemical markers. Cytological evidence from genomic in situ hybridization and C-banding indicated that DH lines M08 and V209 (2n= 42) each contained a pair of 1BL/1RS translocation chromosomes. DH220-14-2 (2n= 42) was also a translocated line with two pairs of chromosomes containing small fragments of rye. One of the translocation fragments carried the Sec-1R gene originating from the satellite region of 1RS; the origin of the other one remains unknown. DH696-3-4 (2n= 42) contained a 3D(3R) substitution. In M16 (2n= 44), three pairs of rye chromosomes, 3R, 4R and 6R, were present, 4R as an addition and 3D(3R) and 6D(6R) as substitutions. Biochemical, isozyme and storage protein markers confirmed the cytological conclusions. The advantages of transferring alien chromosomes or chromosome fragments into wheat and creating alien aneuploid lines by anther culture of hybrid F1s are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The morphology and meitotic behaviour of the amphiploid Hordeum chilense × Triticum turgidum conv. durum are presented.The fertility, agronomic performance, chromosome stability and grain quality of the new amphiploid give it special value for plant breeding.  相似文献   

Summary A 6×6 diallel was prepared to study the inheritance of leaf angle in T. aestivum L. Genetic analysis in terms of diallel cross parameters and graphic analysis indicated the control of additive gene effects in the expression of this character. The results of F1 analysis were supported by the analysis of F2 data.  相似文献   

Summary A leaf rust resistant wheat-rye translocation stock, ST-1, introduced from Japan, comprised distinct morphological types. One type possessed a T1BL·1RS chromosome with genes Lr26, Yr9 and Sr31. A second type carried a new gene, Lr45, located in a large segment of rye chromosome translocated to wheat chromosome 2A. Its structure was identified as T2AS-2RS·2RL. Despite the homoeology of the 2A and 2R chromosomes and the high level of compensation provided by the translocation, Lr45 was not normally inherited and is probably associated with agronomic deficiencies that will prevent its exploitation in agriculture.Contribution No. 94-509-J from the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Kansas State University, Manhattan, USA.  相似文献   

Flecking trait in the mutant C591 (M8) Triticum aestivum L. is a stable,developmentally programmed, dominant mutation under monogenic control resembling pathogenic attack and starts appearing only from boot leaf stage of the plant. Mutant plants differ significantly from normal plants in terms of total chlorphyll contents only at later stages of symptom spread when the flecks fully cover the leaf sheath and leaves. However, total grain weight per main spike of mutant did not differ significantly from the normal plants. Microscopic studies of the mutant leaves did not reveal any damaging effect of the mutation on leaf anatomy per se, even though differences were observed in chlorophyll filling in mesophyll cells. Considering the peculiar characteristics of the mutation, many of which resembling the disease lesion mimic mutations in other crops, this is suspected to be such a mutation in wheat. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Chromosomal location of resistance to two virulent Argentinean isolatesof Septoria tritici was studied in two wheat (Triticum aestivumL.) cultivars (Cappelle-Desprez & Cheyenne), a synthetic hexaploid(Synthetic 6x) and Triticum spelta in seedlings. Substitution lines of these(resistant or moderately resistant) genotypes into (susceptible) ChineseSpring were selected from a previous screening. For Synthetic 6x,resistance was clearly located in chromosome 7D. Chinese Spring with the7D chromosome substituted by Synthetic 6x showed almost completeresistance, similar to the level of Synthetic 6x. For the substitutions withCappelle-Desprez, Cheyenne, and T.spelta there were no lines with abehaviour similar to the resistant parent. However, some substitutions weremore resistant than the susceptible parent suggesting that severalchromosomes could be involved in the resistance of these genotypes toSeptoria leaf blotch.  相似文献   

Tetraploid wheatgrass, Thinopyrum junceiforme(2n = 4x = 28; J1J1J2J2), a wild relative of wheat, is an excellent source of resistance to Fusarium head blight. Intergeneric F1 hybrids (2n = 4x = 28; ABJ1J2) between durum wheat (Triticum turgidum; 2n = 4x = 28; AABB) cultivars Lloyd or Langdon and Th. junceiforme were synthesized. Most of the pairing in F1 hybrids was between the J1- and J2-genome chromosomes. Some pairing occurred between wheat chromosomes and alien chromosomes, resulting in segmental exchange that was confirmed by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). The F1hybrids were largely male-sterile and were backcrossed, as the female parent, to the respective durum cultivar. Backcrosses from Lloyd × Th. junceiforme hybrids yielded fertile partial amphiploids (2n = 6x = 42; AABBJ1J2) as a result of functioning of unreduced female gametes of the hybrid. Lloyd proved to be a more useful durum parent than Langdon in crosses with Th. junceiforme designed to transfer scab resistance genes. Pairing in the amphiploids was characterized by preferential pairing,which resulted in bivalent formation. However, some intergeneric pairing also occurred. Several fertile hybrid derivatives were produced by further backcrossing and selfing. The introduction of alien chromatin into the durum complement was confirmed by FISH. Hybrid derivative lines had significantly lower mean infection scores (p = 0.01), the best showing 10.93% infection, whereas the parental durum cultivars had 70.34% to 89.46% infection. Hybridization with wild relatives may offer an excellent means of introducing scab resistance into durum wheat. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

M. N. Barakat 《Euphytica》1994,76(3):169-175
Summary Combining ability for six in vitro culture traits in wheat were studied in a 8×8 diallel cross (excluding reciprocals). Specific combining ability effects (sca) were significant for all six traits derived from immature embryos on two media protocols, whereas general combining ability (gca) variances were significant only for five of them. Furthermore, based on ratios obtained by comparing the ratio of K2 gca to K2 sca, sca was more important than gca for all six traits. Genetic correlations between shoot formation and other in vitro traits, except callus weight and root formation, were higher in magnitude than the corresponding phenotypic correlations estimates, indicating the importance of genetic effects.  相似文献   

Summary Calli of resistant, intermediary and susceptible wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties were selected using culture filtrates of Fusarium graminearum and F. culmorum and the regenerants were evaluated for resistance up to R3. Czapek-Dox broth medium was inoculated with mycelia of Fusarium isolates and incubated for 2–6 weeks. Filtrates were added to MS callus growing medium, then 5 weeks-old calli were transferred onto this medium (MST) for 4–5 weeks. MST containing 30% filtrate was found to be suitable for selection. Resistant calli were transferred again to fresh MST for further two selection cycles. The surviving calli produced less fertile regenerated lines (R0) than the non-selected ones. Among 18 R1 lines tested for Fusarium-resistance in the seedling stage by artificial inoculation in the greenhouse, two (11.1%) were significantly more resistant, one (5.6%) was more susceptible than the original cultivar and the rest (83.3%) behaved similarly to the donor plants. Among unselected R3 lines of three varieties, practically the same number of resistant plants were found as among the related selected ones. When the R3 selfed generations obtained through double-layer and culture filtrate selection techniques were tested for Fusarium-resistance, 35.7% of the lines were found to be more resistant than the original cultivars, none was more susceptible and 64.3% had a reaction similar to that of the source materials. Thus, inheritance of the disease reaction was not stable in all cases. Success of in vitro selection for Fusarium-resistance depended also on the genotype, and toxin analysis showed that although being effective, the selective media contained deoxynivalenol only exceptionally. In selecting wheat for Fusarium-resistance in vitro, the culture filtrate technique proved better than the double-layer procedure.  相似文献   

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