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A molecular epidemiological study to determine the zoonotic importance of bovine tuberculosis was carried out in Tanzania. Specimens from human cases of tuberculosis as well as from slaughtered cattle were collected from regions with a high proportion of extrapulmonary tuberculosis. In order to determine the similarity of strains from the two sources, molecular typing techniques, namely RFLP and spoligotyping, were used to determine the genetic profile of the strains involved. The results of pTBN12 typing of M. bovis from cattle and man has shown a rather heterogeneous population of this species spread all over Tanzania, assuming that the present sample is representative. There were 13 different pTBN12 RFLP types encountered. The genetic relatedness between the pTBN12 RFLP patterns indicated a high degree of relatedness (86%) between the dominant pTBN12 genotypes existing in Tanzania. There were 13 different spoligotypes found in this study, whose genetic relatedness was also high (79%). DNA profiles were also confirmed by IS986 RFLP, which revealed that strains have 1-13 copies of IS986. Geographically, there was overlap between pTBN12 RFLP and spoligotypes amongst strains isolated from various parts of Tanzania. The diversity of the RFLP and spoligotype patterns observed in Tanzania probably reflects the extensive internal movements of cattle belonging to pastoralists. The evidence of overlap between DNA fingerprints of M. bovis from cattle and man has once more highlighted a need for synergy of veterinary and medical policies in the control of tuberculosis in Tanzania and probably in other developing countries.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium fortuitum and at least 1 unidentified species of soil mycobacteria were isolated from lymph nodes from 4 of 5 African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) that had been culled because of positive test results using the Bovigam assay. The buffalo were part of a group of 16 free-ranging buffalo captured in the far north of the Kruger National Park (South Africa) assumed to be free of bovine tuberculosis. No Mycobacterium bovis was isolated. To investigate the possible cause of the apparent false-positive diagnosis, the Mycobacterium isolates were inoculated into 4 experimental cattle and their immune responses monitored over a 13-week period, using the gamma interferon assay. The immune reactivity was predominantly directed toward avian tuberculin purified protein derivative (PPD) and lasted for approximately 8 weeks. During that period 3 of 4 cattle yielded positive test results on 1 or 2 occasions. The immune responsiveness was boosted when the inoculations were repeated after 15 weeks, which led to 2 subsequent positive reactions in the experimental animal that did not react previously. Including an additional stimulatory antigen, sensitin prepared from M. fortuitum in the gamma interferon assay, showed that it was able to elicit a detectable gamma interferon response in all 4 experimentally inoculated cattle when applied in parallel with bovine and avian tuberculin PPD for the stimulation of blood samples. The implications of occasional cross-reactive responses in natural cases of infection with environmental mycobacteria in the diagnosis of bovine tuberculosis in African buffalo and cattle in South Africa are discussed.  相似文献   


Bovine tuberculosis is one of the more important animal health problems in New Zealand. In contrast to a number of other countries, the classical test and slaughter methods in New Zealand have not led to the eradication of bovine tuberculosis. The failure to eradicate bovine tuberculosis is due to the continual spread of Mycobacterium bovis from wildlife to cattle and farmed deer. Although the Australian brushtail possum Trichosurus vulpecula is the most important wildlife reservoir of infection in New Zealand, M. bovis has also been isolated from wild deer, feral pigs, feral goats, feral cats and feral cattle. In this letter we wish to report the finding of M. bovis-infected wild ferrets (Mustela putorius furo) in seven geographically distinct areas of New Zealand (Figure 1). While there are reports from overseas of M. bovis being isolated from domesticated ferrets, there are no reports of its isolation from wild ferrets or polecats (Mustela putorius)(1).  相似文献   

Mycobacterium bovis isolates from an outbreak of bovine tuberculosis in a herd of cattle in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, were analysed by spoligotyping and variable-number tandem repeat PCR analysis of the mycobacterial interspersed repetitive unit and exact tandem repeats. Molecular typing revealed a high genetic diversity of strains in the herd. The genetic diversity could be explained by the introduction of infected animals from different sources.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium bovis infection in a goat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Tuberculosis was diagnosed in three flocks of sheep in Galicia, Spain, in 2009 and 2010. Two flocks were infected with Mycobacterium bovis and one flock was infected with Mycobacterium caprae. Infection was confirmed by the comparative intradermal tuberculin test, bacteriology, molecular analysis and histopathology. Sheep have the potential to act as a reservoir for tuberculosis.  相似文献   

AIM: To describe the clinical course of a dog infected with Mycobacterium bovis causing a granulomatous pneumonia. CLINICAL FINDINGS: The dog initially presented with a persistent cough, inappetence and weight loss. Clinical findings included a fever, dyspnoea and tachypnoea, with haematological evidence of a mild neutrophilia and hypoalbuminaemia. Radiographs of the chest demonstrated a concomitant pneumothorax, pleural effusion, and a consolidated area within the left caudal lung lobe. An exploratory thoracotomy revealed this to be a ruptured granulomatous lesion. Subsequent histopathological, microbiological and genetic studies identified M. bovis as the causal agent. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Mycobacterium bovis infections should be included in the differential diagnosis of pulmonary disease and pleural effusions in dogs living in regions of New Zealand known to have a high incidence of mycobacterial infection in wildlife and farm animals.  相似文献   

CASE: A veterinarian developed tenosynovitis and secondary carpal tunnel syndrome following accidental inoculation of Mycobacterium bovis during the necropsy of a tuberculous possum from Westland, New Zealand.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: M. bovis infection is a zoonotic disease, and occupational exposure to tuberculous animals places people at risk of contracting the disease.

CONCLUSIONS: Adhering to safe work practices reviewed in this article is important to minimise the risk of infection to people handling tuberculous animals.  相似文献   

This review considers the possible events that can occur when cattle are exposed to Mycobacterium bovis and, where appropriate, draws on principles accepted for tuberculosis infection in humans and laboratory animal models. Consideration is given to the many complex factors which influence the outcome of challenge with tubercle bacilli. These include features inherent to the mycobacterium, the host and the environment. It is apparent that clinical disease probably occurs only in a relatively small, but undetermined, proportion of cattle that are exposed to Al. bovis. The majority of animals may clear infection or control the bacilli, possibly in a condition of latency. It is concluded that a better understanding of the dynamics of the events following M. bovis exposure and subsequent infection in cattle would be of significant benefit in developing new tools appropriate for disease control and to designing optimal approaches for their application.  相似文献   

dAim: To describe the clinical course of a dog infected with Mycobacterium bovis causing a granulomatous pneumonia.

dClinical findings: The dog initially presented with a persistent cough, inappetence and weight loss. Clinical findings included a fever, dyspnoea and tachypnoea, with haematological evidence of a mild neutrophilia and hypoalbuminaemia. Radiographs of the chest demonstrated a concomitant pneumothorax, pleural effusion, and a consolidated area within the left caudal lung lobe. An exploratory thoracotomy revealed this to be a ruptured granulomatous lesion. Subsequent histopathological, microbiological and genetic studies identified M. bovis as the causal agent.

dClinical significance: Mycobacterium bovis infections should be included in the differential diagnosis of pulmonary disease and pleural effusions in dogs living in regions of New Zealand known to have a high incidence of mycobacterial infection in wildlife and farm animals.  相似文献   

CASE: A veterinarian developed tenosynovitis and secondary carpal tunnel syndrome following accidental inoculation of Mycobacterium bovis during the necropsy of a tuberculous possum from Westland, New Zealand. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: M. bovis infection is a zoonotic disease, and occupational exposure to tuberculous animals places people at risk of contracting the disease. CONCLUSIONS: Adhering to safe work practices reviewed in this article is important to minimise the risk of infection to people handling tuberculous animals.  相似文献   

A molecular epidemiological approach was applied to establishing a possible role for the wild boar as a natural reservoir of Mycobacterium bovis in Sierra de Villuercas, Western Spain; an area free of farmed cattle and wild deer populations. Spoligo and VNTR typing were used over a three year period to study the epidemiological relationship between the occurrence of bovine tuberculosis (TB) in extensively bred Iberian pigs and indigenous wild boar. The 37 sampled wild boar showed different degree of calcified granulomatous lesions in retropharyngeal, mediastinal and pulmonary lymph nodes. The 25 sampled Iberian pigs showed calcified lesions, mainly in the respiratory tract. Lesions located in the mesenteric lymph nodes appeared secondarily. M. bovis was isolated from all affected animals. Twenty-five and 37 isolates of M. bovis were obtained from domestic pigs and wild boar, respectively. Our findings provide evidence that supports the possibility of cross infection between wild boar and domestic pig populations. This is contrary to the generally held belief that swine represent an epidemiological dead end host and play no role in the epidemiology of M. bovis.  相似文献   

Despite years of study the principle transmission route of bovine tuberculosis to cattle remains unresolved. The distribution of pathological lesions, which are concentrated in the respiratory system, and the very low dose of Mycobacterium bovis needed to initiate infection from a respiratory tract challenge suggest that the disease is spread by airborne transmission. Critical to the airborne transmission of a pathogenic microorganism is its ability to survive the stresses incurred whilst airborne. This study demonstrates that M. bovis is resistant to the stresses imposed immediately after becoming airborne, 94% surviving the first 10 min after aerosolisation. Once airborne the organism is robust, its viability decreasing with a half-life of approximately 1.5 hours. These findings support the hypothesis that airborne transmission is the principle route of infection for bovine tuberculosis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether Mycobacterium bovis can be transmitted from experimentally infected deer to uninfected in-contact deer. ANIMALS: Twenty-three 6-month-old white-tailed deer. PROCEDURE: On day 0, M bovis (2 X 10(8) colony-forming units) was administered by intratonsillar instillation to 8 deer; 3 control deer received saline (0.9% NaCl) solution. Eight in-contact deer were comingled with inoculated deer from day 21. On day 120, inoculated deer were euthanatized and necropsied. On day 180, 4 in-contact deer were euthanatized, and 4 new in-contact deer were introduced. On day 360, all in-contact deer were euthanatized. Rectal, oral, and nasal swab specimens and samples of hay, pelleted feed, water, and feces were collected for bacteriologic culture. Tissue specimens were also collected at necropsy for bacteriologic culture and histologic analysis. RESULTS: On day 90, inoculated and in-contact deer developed delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) reactions to purified protein derivative of M bovis. Similarly, new in-contact deer developed DTH reactions by 100 days of contact with original in-contact deer. Tuberculous lesions in in-contact deer were most commonly detected in lungs and tracheobronchial and medial retropharyngeal lymph nodes. Mycobacterium bovis was isolated from nasal secretions and saliva from inoculated and in-contact deer, urine and feces from in-contact deer, and hay and pelleted feed. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Mycobacterium bovis is efficiently transmitted from experimentally infected deer to uninfected in-contact deer through nasal secretions, saliva, or contaminated feed. Wildlife management practices that result in unnatural gatherings of deer may enhance both direct and indirect transmission of M bovis.  相似文献   

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