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森林认证对林业政策与管理的影响分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
森林认证作为一种市场激励手段和"软政策"工具,林业政策法规作为一种强制性的"硬政策"工具,这两方面在促进森林可持续经营和加强林业管理方面具有较强的互补性。目前,森林认证已发展成为加强林业政策管理的一种新工具,包括促进各方对林业问题和林业政策的讨论、推动国家法规政策的制定和实施、改进公有林的管理、提高森林可持续经营的意识和能力以及加强有关森林可持续经营的国际政策协商等。文章分析了森林认证与林业法规政策的关系,并对森林认证在推动包括我国在内的林业政策管理中的作用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

文中概述全球森林治理碎片化和国际森林安排的现状, 阐述国际森林安排在协调全球森林机制中的重要作用, 总结国际森林安排现有的协调方式以及取得的成果和存在的主要缺陷, 介绍联合国水机制在全球水治理领域的成功经验, 针对国际森林安排中的相关机构建设提出建议。  相似文献   

对福建省10个县的林改进行了问卷调查,就福建省集体林权制度林农林改知情度、政策了解度、林改参与度、税费减免对林农收益影响、林改过程评价、集体林地分配意愿、林改赞成率和满意度等林改绩效评价进行了定量分析。分析表明,绝大多数林农对集体林权制度改革持满意态度,但林改过程中林农参与林改的思想意识、法律意识不足,同时纠纷调处、勘界勾图等问题严重。  相似文献   

The progressive introduction of new modes of governance promoted by the international dialogue on forests during the last 20 years has resulted in a concrete change of the management of the forests, with a new style of relationship between the public authority and the local actors. The change has been considerable in some specific situations, for instance when the State plays a major role in public decisions and when the continuing economic transformation increases the importance of private estates. In both cases, small-scale forestry is especially concerned. Based on detailed examples selected in various situations where this change is significant, in western Europe (Belgium, France, Germany) and in transitioning (Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine) and developing (Marocco) countries, this special issue of the Small-scale Forestry sheds a new light on the capability of small-scale forestry to adapt to a transformation of the system of public decision-making. In most cases analysed, the barriers to adaptation, usually presented as resulting from fragmentation of the management decisions and a great number and diversity of stakeholders, also appear as drivers to change, in a global process where networks of actors are recomposed and power redistributed along a new scheme of national and regional links.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Forest monitoring and forestry policy monitoring and evaluation systems play an important role in forestry policy making and improvement. Transfer scientific expertise into forest policy making is one of the most important factors to improve Chinese forestry development. CERN (Chinese Ecosystem Research Network) and CFERN (Chinese Forest Ecosystem Research Network) are two main forest scientific monitoring systems in China. CERN is managed by CAS (Chinese Academy o…  相似文献   


Forest policies are failing in large areas of the world. In too many nations, forest area is declining, timber revenues are not capturing actual economic values, management plans—where they exist at all—are ignored, and ecologically significant areas are being degraded. In many places, public lands and even national parks cannot be protected against encroachment. Bitter local controversies over forest tenure and use rights persist. In many places, the underlying preconditions for sustainability do not exist in the face of state weakness and failure, corruption, and war. States generally recognized as failed or fragile encompass 15% of the world's forest. A cross tab of forest area (2005) against the Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index shows that nearly half of the world's forest is in nations with what TI calls “rampant” corruption. This includes several major nations with extensive forests and important biodiversity hotspots. An encouraging upsurge of willingness to face this issue has occurred in the development community. But uprooting corruption and fixing state failure is easier said than done. Considering this fact, the outlook for more than half of the world's forest area—important to indigenous and forest-dependent people, and containing critical reserves of biodiversity—is grim.  相似文献   

A new forest policy of allocating forestland to individual households for management and development, has been applied in Vietnam since the early 1990s. This study was designed to examine how local forest-related people have used forestland and forest resources under the new policy, and to determine their level of dependency on forests. An upland forest-related community in northern central Vietnam, where the policy was introduced in 2002, was chosen as a case study. It was found that local residents in the community have not complied with the forest allocation policy well, in that they violated the policy to freely lend forestland to and borrow from villagers for cropping purposes, regardless of whether they were rich or poor, had enough land or not, or were legally forest recipients. Regarding forest dependency, all households studied lived on forest resources (forestland and forest products). More than 65% of the total annual income of poorer households was derived from the forest, compared to less than 40% for the richer households. Forest-derived income accounted for more than 75% in their total income in some of the poorest households.
Nguyen Vinh QuangEmail:

天然林资源保护政策问题分析及建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
天然林资源保护政策存在的问题可概括为三大类,即天保政策实施前历史沉淀下来的问题、天保政策方案设计中存在的问题和天保政策执行中存在的问题。在深入分析的基础上,提出了促进天保政策良性运行的思路和进一步完善天保政策的具体建议。  相似文献   

小户竹农人口众多,面临的竹林经营风险多样,其发展状况关系到社会公平,有必要制定专门政策加以扶持。虽然我国开展了集体林权制度改革,但在竹产业政策中,仍缺乏对小户竹农的针对性扶持,有必要完善相关政策。建议取消小户竹农的育林基金和采伐审批、增加对小户竹农的贷款及竹林生态效益补偿额度,设置小户竹农竹林经营奖励项目,并在林地流转、科技推广、森林保险补贴制度、投诉制度等方面加以完善。  相似文献   

荷兰林产品绿色采购政策与实践   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
荷兰是较早开始探索和制定林产品绿色采购政策的国家之一。文中分析荷兰林产品绿色采购政策出台的背景、主要内容及政策实施所带来的影响, 并有针对性地提出政策借鉴, 希望能对今后我国林产品绿色采购政策的制定和完善提供参考。  相似文献   

鹤峰县退耕还林现状及后续政策思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2002年初春,鹤峰县认真贯彻国家“退耕还林、封山绿化、以粮代赈、个体承包”十六字方针,严格按照“严管林、慎用钱、质为先”的要求,苦干实干,全面启动退耕还林工程,圆满完成了自治州下达的各项建设任务。笔者通过对鹤峰县退耕还林工程的调查,分析目前存在的问题,提出一些建议供决策部门参考。  相似文献   

1999年先期实施的退耕还林工程全部进入政策兑现结束期,退耕还林工程的成果巩固工作进入到关键期。为保证工程取得成效,有必要总结工程实施的教训,制定完善工程的后续政策措施。  相似文献   

退耕还林(草)工程政策问题分析与优化建议   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
孔凡斌 《林业科学》2004,40(5):62-70
退耕还林 (草 )工程是 2 0世纪末我国政府实施的重大生态恢复工程 ,是实施可持续发展国家战略的重大举措。作为一项生态恢复工程 ,应当遵循生态优先、经济效益次要的原则 ,这是工程性质和任务所决定的。然而 ,在中西部贫困地区 ,实施退耕还林 (草 )工程面临生态环境保护和经济可持续发展的双重压力 ,如何协调生态保护与经济发展、长远生态利益和短期经济利益、全局利益与部门利益之间的关系 ,是关乎工程建设质量和系统维护的可持续发展的重大问题。本文从生态优先的原则和本质出发 ,探讨工程实施过程的政策冲突及其原因 ,并提出调和利益关系的政策管理措施和建议  相似文献   

简要介绍德国林业的发展历史、多功能林业的法律规定和实现多功能目标的近自然林业理论和技术, 分别从经营单位、区域和国家层面分析总结了德国作为林业发达国家开展多功能森林经营的具体实例和初步结果, 提出了在各个层面上多功能森林经营的工作要点和评价效果的方法、指标和标准等可学习借鉴的要点。认为多功能近自然林业的理论是中华民族一直倡导的"真、善、美"的文化理念在林业经营中的具体表达, 我国开展多功能林业有良好的历史文化基础和现实需求动力。  相似文献   

This study analyzed the influence of government policy and tenure issues on farm and village forest use practices in Ekiti State, Nigeria. Three rural communities that were still far from urban influence were selected from each of the 16 local government areas of the state. In each community, 20 household heads were selected and interviewed with the aid of a semi-structured matrix. The interviews aimed at the determination of respondents' socioeconomic status, awareness and belief in the effectiveness or otherwise of the forest laws and regulations, land use, tenure and property rights. Results obtained revealed that the awareness of forest laws and regulations cut across the socio-economic categories. Most of these laws and regulations that were considered to be necessary could also constitute disincentives to sustainable forest development. Three types of land tenure niches—private holdings, commons, and government reserves—exist in the state. These led to land fragmentations in which individuals are now left with small holdings. Individuals with small and medium landholdings found it difficult to invest in tree planting; hence, they meet their subsistence use of wood and non-wood forest products from diverse sources. Individuals with large landholdings were found cultivating cash tree crops; timber species were not cultivated though their wildlings were preserved. Also, when land is let or leased out, tenants were not allowed to invest in tree planting on such land.  相似文献   

日本是世界上林业发达国家之一, 面对林业生产衰退和地震灾害, 通过林业政策调整实现了木材供需改善和林业产业体系改造, 因此研究日本林业生产现状和政策走向对我国林业现代化建设具有重要的借鉴意义。文中介绍了日本林业产业总体发展态势, 重点分析了原木生产情况以及锯材、胶合板、人造板等木材加工企业情况, 概述了日本木材供给需求变化和木材进出口变化以及应对这些变化的最新林业政策和发展规划, 特别是林业需求促进政策的新变化和新内容, 并借鉴日本经验提出了促进中国林业现代化发展的几点政策建议。  相似文献   


In many countries of Africa and Asia, timber production is dominated by concession contracts in public forests. In the neo-tropics, however, timber production occurs on both public and private lands; a mixture that moves countries of the neo-tropics towards the complex systems of forestry sectors in the developed world. Therefore, much of the forest taxation and public forest management literature that currently exists is pertinent to new forest policy decisions in developing countries. Unfortunately, the similarities between forest policies in the neo-tropics and those of developed countries have largely been ignored. This paper begins the process of bridging that gap to show how existing literature is important to the design of timber concessions and accompanying policy instrument design. Although the principles we discuss here apply in any mixed harvest forest economy, we use Brazil as an example because it is in the process of adopting a system of timber concessions in national forests. In our discussion, we suggest that concessions are not a perfect substitute for private forestry in the neo-tropics; concession and other instrument policies must be designed jointly; and because concession policies and government revenue objectives may be linked, the expansion of concessions must be carefully monitored.  相似文献   

我国退耕还林政策存在的问题及其建议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国退耕还林政策是为了保护生态环境而提出的,但该政策本身以及在实施过程中存在着一些问题。文章主要针对退耕还林政策存在的问题,提出一些可行性的建议和对策。  相似文献   

中东欧前社会主义国家森林私有化概况与发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
概括介绍了中东欧前社会主义国家林权私有化的现状、面临的种种挑战和发展趋势。  相似文献   

In order to combat illegal logging and associated trade and promote sustainable forest management, major developed countries, including France, have implemented green procurement policy for forest products. This paper described the background of why France implements green procurement policy for forest products, analyzed the basic content of the policy, and made a comprehensive assessment of the impact of green procurement policy on suppliers, processors, eco-environment and competitiveness of forest produc...  相似文献   

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